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<strong>Ethereum</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> Documentation, Release 0.1<br />

info Additional metadata output from the compiler<br />

source The source code<br />

language<br />

languageVersion<br />

compilerVersion<br />

abiDefinition<br />

userDoc<br />

developerDoc<br />

The contract language (Solidity, Serpent, LLL)<br />

The contract language version<br />

The solidity compiler version that was used to compile this contract.<br />

The Application Binary Interface Definition<br />

The NatSpec Doc for users.<br />

The NatSpec Doc for developers.<br />

The immediate structuring of the compiler output (into code and info) reflects the two very different paths of<br />

deployment. The compiled EVM code is sent off to the blockchain with a contract creation transaction while the<br />

rest (info) will ideally live on the decentralised cloud as publicly verifiable metadata complementing the code on<br />

the blockchain.<br />

If your source contains multiple contracts, the output will contain an entry for each contact, the corresponding<br />

contract info object can be retrieved with the name of the contract as attribute name. You can try this by inspecting<br />

the most current GlobalRegistrar code:<br />

contracts = eth.compile.solidity(globalRegistrarSrc)<br />

Create and deploy a contract<br />

Before you begin this section, make sure you have both an unlocked account as well as some funds.<br />

You will now create a contract on the blockchain by sending a transaction to the empty address with the EVM<br />

code from the previous section as data.<br />

Note: This can be accomplished much easier using the online Solidity realtime compiler or the Mix IDE program.<br />

var primaryAddress = eth.accounts[0]<br />

var abi = [{ constant: false, inputs: [{ name: 'a', type: 'uint256' } ]<br />

var MyContract = eth.contract(abi)<br />

var contract = MyContract.new(arg1, arg2, ..., {from: primaryAddress, data: evmByteCodeFromPreviou<br />

All binary data is serialised in hexadecimal form. Hex strings always have a hex prefix 0x.<br />

Note: Note that arg1, arg2, ... are the arguments for the contract constructor, in case it accepts any. If<br />

the contract does not require any constructor arguments then these arguments can be omitted.<br />

It is worth pointing out that this step requires you to pay for execution. Your balance on the account (that you put<br />

as sender in the from field) will be reduced according to the gas rules of the EVM once your transaction makes<br />

it into a block. After some time, your transaction should appear included in a block confirming that the state it<br />

brought about is a consensus. Your contract now lives on the blockchain.<br />

The asynchronous way of doing the same looks like this:<br />

MyContract.new([arg1, arg2, ...,]{from: primaryAccount, data: evmCode}, function(err, contract) {<br />

if (!err && contract.address)<br />

console.log(contract.address);<br />

});<br />

82 Chapter 1. Contents

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