Whitepaper - Ethereum Classic With Cover

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<strong>Ethereum</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> Documentation, Release 0.1<br />

> admin.setSolc("/usr/local/bin/solc")<br />

solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface<br />

Version: 0.2.2-02bb315d/.-Darwin/appleclang/JIT linked to libethereum-1.2.0-8007cef0/.-Darwin/appl<br />

path: /usr/local/bin/solc<br />

Compiling a simple contract<br />

Let’s compile a simple contract source:<br />

> source = "contract test { function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * 7; } }"<br />

This contract offers a single method multiply which is called with a positive integer a and returns a * 7.<br />

You are ready to compile solidity code in the geth JS console using eth.compile.solidity():<br />

> contract = eth.compile.solidity(source).test<br />

{<br />

code: '605280600c6000396000f3006000357c010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<br />

info: {<br />

language: 'Solidity',<br />

languageVersion: '0',<br />

compilerVersion: '0.9.13',<br />

abiDefinition: [{<br />

constant: false,<br />

inputs: [{<br />

name: 'a',<br />

type: 'uint256'<br />

} ],<br />

name: 'multiply',<br />

outputs: [{<br />

name: 'd',<br />

type: 'uint256'<br />

} ],<br />

type: 'function'<br />

} ],<br />

userDoc: {<br />

methods: {<br />

}<br />

},<br />

developerDoc: {<br />

methods: {<br />

}<br />

},<br />

source: 'contract test { function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * 7; } }'<br />

}<br />

}<br />

Note: The compiler is also available via RPC and therefore via web3.js to any in-browser Ðapp connecting to<br />

geth via RPC/IPC.<br />

The following example shows how you interface geth via JSON-RPC to use the compiler.<br />

$ geth --datadir ~/eth/ --loglevel 6 --logtostderr=true --rpc --rpcport 8100 --rpccorsdomain '*' -<br />

$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_compileSolidity","params":["contract test {<br />

The compiler output for one source will give you contract objects each representing a single contract. The actual<br />

return value of eth.compile.solidity is a map of contract name to contract object pairs. Since our contract’s<br />

name is test, eth.compile.solidity(source).test will give you the contract object for the<br />

test contract containing the following fields:<br />

code The compiled EVM bytecode<br />

1.7. Contracts and Transactions 81

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