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<strong>Ethereum</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> Documentation, Release 0.1<br />

Mutan (deprecated)<br />

Mutan is a statically typed, C-like language designed and developed by Jeffrey Wilcke. It is no longer maintained.<br />

Writing a contract<br />

No language would be complete without a Hello World program. Operating within the <strong>Ethereum</strong> environment,<br />

Solidity has no obvious way of “outputting” a string. The closest we can do is to use a log event to place a string<br />

into the blockchain:<br />

contract HelloWorld {<br />

event Print(string out);<br />

function() { Print("Hello, World!"); }<br />

}<br />

This contract will create a log entry on the blockchain of type Print with a parameter “Hello, World!” each time it<br />

is executed.<br />

See also:<br />

Solidity docs has more examples and guidelines to writing Solidity code.<br />

Compiling a contract<br />

Compilation of solidity contracts can be accomplished via a number of mechanisms.<br />

• Using the solc compiler via the command line.<br />

• Using web3.eth.compile.solidity in the javascript console provided by geth or eth (This still<br />

requires the solc compiler to be installed).<br />

• The online Solidity realtime compiler.<br />

• The Meteor dapp Cosmo for building solidity contracts.<br />

• The Mix IDE.<br />

• The <strong>Ethereum</strong> Wallet.<br />

Note: More information on solc and compiling Solidity contract code can be found here.<br />

Setting up the solidity compiler in geth<br />

If you start up your geth node, you can check which compilers are available.<br />

> web3.eth.getCompilers();<br />

["lll", "solidity", "serpent"]<br />

This command returns an array of strings indicating which compilers are currently available.<br />

Note: The solc compiler is installed with cpp-ethereum. Alternatively, you can build it yourself.<br />

If your solc executable is in a non-standard location you can specify a custom path to the solc executable using<br />

th --solc flag.<br />

$ geth --solc /usr/local/bin/solc<br />

Alternatively, you can set this option at runtime via the console:<br />

80 Chapter 1. Contents

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