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<strong>Ethereum</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> Documentation, Release 0.1<br />

--fast<br />

This flag enables fast syncing through state downloads rather than downloading the full block data. This will<br />

also reduce the size of your blockchain dramatically. NOTE: --fast can only be run if you are syncing your<br />

blockchain from scratch and only the first time you download the blockchain for security reasons. See this Reddit<br />

post for more information.<br />

--cache=1024<br />

Megabytes of memory allocated to internal caching (min 16MB / database forced). Default is 16MB, so increasing<br />

this to 256, 512, 1024 (1GB), or 2048 (2GB) depending on how much RAM your computer has should make a<br />

difference.<br />

--jitvm<br />

This flag enables the JIT VM.<br />

Full example command with console:<br />

geth --fast --cache=1024 --jitvm console<br />

For more discussion on fast syncing and blockchain download times, see this Reddit post.<br />

Exporting/Importing the blockchain<br />

If you already have a full <strong>Ethereum</strong> node synced, you can export the blockchain data from the fully synced node<br />

and import it into your new node. You can accomplish this in geth by exporting your full node with the command<br />

geth export filename and importing the blockchain into your node using geth import filename.<br />

see this link<br />

Static Nodes, Trusted Nodes, and Boot Nodes<br />

Geth supports a feature called static nodes if you have certain peers you always want to connect to. Static nodes<br />

are re-connected on disconnects. You can configure permanent static nodes by putting something like the following<br />

into /static-nodes.json (this should be the same folder that your chaindata and<br />

keystore folders are in)<br />

[<br />

]<br />

"enode://f4642fa65af50cfdea8fa7414a5def7bb7991478b768e296f5e4a54e8b995de102e0ceae2e826f293c4<br />

"enode://pubkey@ip:port"<br />

You can also add static nodes at runtime via the Javascript console using admin.addPeer()<br />

> admin.addPeer("enode://f4642fa65af50cfdea8fa7414a5def7bb7991478b768e296f5e4a54e8b995de102e0ceae2<br />

Common problems with connectivity<br />

Sometimes you just can’t get connected. The most common reasons are:<br />

• Your local time might be incorrect. An accurate clock is required to participate in the <strong>Ethereum</strong> network.<br />

Check your OS for how to resync your clock (example sudo ntpdate -s time.nist.gov) because<br />

even 12 seconds too fast can lead to 0 peers.<br />

• Some firewall configurations can prevent UDP traffic from flowing. You can use the static nodes feature or<br />

admin.addPeer() on the console to configure connections by hand.<br />

To start geth without the discovery protocol, you can use the --nodiscover parameter. You only want this if<br />

you are running a test node or an experimental test network with fixed nodes.<br />

60 Chapter 1. Contents

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