Whitepaper - Ethereum Classic With Cover

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<strong>Ethereum</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> Documentation, Release 0.1<br />

Pre-requisites You will need to install the following dependencies<br />

Software<br />

Notes<br />

Git for Windows Command-line tool for retrieving source from Github.<br />

CMake<br />

Cross-platform build file generator.<br />

Visual Studio 2015 C++ compiler and dev environment.<br />

Get the source<br />

Clone the git repository containing all the source code by executing the following command:<br />

git clone --recursive https://github.com/bobsummerwill/cpp-ethereum.git<br />

cd cpp-ethereum<br />

git checkout merge_repos<br />

git submodule update --init<br />

Get the external dependencies Execute the CMake script that downloads and unpacks pre-built external libraries<br />

needed to build the project:<br />

install_deps.bat<br />

Generate Visual Studio project files<br />

Studio solution file using CMake:<br />

Then execute the following commands, which will generate a Visual<br />

mkdir build<br />

cd build<br />

cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..<br />

Which should result in the creation of cpp-ethereum.sln in that build directory.<br />

NOTE: We only support Visual Studio 2015 as of cpp-ethereum-v.1.3.0.<br />

Double-clicking on that file should result in Visual Studio firing up. We suggest building Rel<strong>With</strong>DebugInfo<br />

configuration, but all others work.<br />

Build on the command-line<br />

Alternatively, you can build the project on the command-line, like so:<br />

cmake --build . --config Rel<strong>With</strong>DebInfo<br />

Building for OS X<br />

Overview - Here be dragons! It is impossible for us to avoid OS X build breaks because Homebrew is a “rolling<br />

release” package manager which means that the ground will forever be moving underneath us unless we add all<br />

external dependencies to our Homebrew tap, or add them as git sub-modules within the umbrella projects. Enduser<br />

results vary depending on when they are build the project. Building yesterday may have worked for you, but<br />

that doesn’t guarantee that your friend will have the same result today on their machine. Needless to say, this isn’t<br />

a happy situation.<br />

If you hit build breaks for OS X please look through the Github issues to see whether the issue you are experiencing<br />

has already been reported. If so, please comment on that existing issue. If you don’t see anything which looks<br />

similar, please create a new issue, detailing your OS X version, cpp-ethereum version, hardware and any other<br />

details you think might be relevant. Please add verbose log files via gist.github.com or a similar service.<br />

The cpp-ethereum-development gitter channel is where we hang out, and try to work together to get known issues<br />

resolved.<br />

We only support the following OS X versions:<br />

• OS X Mavericks (10.9)<br />

• OS X Yosemite (10.10)<br />

34 Chapter 1. Contents

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