Whitepaper - Ethereum Classic With Cover

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<strong>Ethereum</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> Documentation, Release 0.1<br />

Installing dependencies for Fedora<br />

Fedora 20<br />

Steps:<br />

yum install git automake autoconf libtool cmake gcc gcc-c++ xkeyboard-config \<br />

leveldb-devel boost-devel gmp-devel cryptopp-devel miniupnpc-devel \<br />

qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtdeclarative-devel qt5-qtquick1-devel qt5-qtwebkit-devel \<br />

mesa-dri-drivers snappy-devel ncurses-devel readline-devel curl-devel \<br />

python-devel<br />

Fedora 21<br />

Steps:<br />

yum install git automake autoconf libtool cmake gcc gcc-c++ xkeyboard-config \<br />

leveldb-devel boost-devel gmp-devel cryptopp-devel miniupnpc-devel \<br />

qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtdeclarative-devel qt5-qtquick1-devel qt5-qtwebkit-devel \<br />

mesa-dri-drivers snappy-devel ncurses-devel readline-devel curl-devel \<br />

python-devel jsoncpp-devel argtable-devel<br />

Build json-rpc from github as per https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/issues/617:<br />

git clone https://github.com/cinemast/libjson-rpc-cpp<br />

cd libjson-rpc-cpp<br />

git checkout tags/v0.3.2<br />

mkdir -p build<br />

cd build<br />

cmake .. && make<br />

sudo make install<br />

sudo ldconfig<br />

Fedora 22<br />

Fedora 22 dependencies there may be more depends what you have already installed:<br />

dnf install git automake autoconf libtool cmake gcc gcc-c++ xkeyboard-config \<br />

leveldb-devel boost-devel gmp-devel cryptopp-devel miniupnpc-devel \<br />

mesa-dri-drivers snappy-devel ncurses-devel readline-devel curl-devel \<br />

python-devel jsoncpp-devel argtable-devel<br />

Install gcc version 4.9! Fedora 22 comes with a different compiler (CC v5.3). This one wont compile webthreeumbrella<br />

4 me so i installed gcc version 4.9 from SRC!<br />

Check that you have a working gcc4.9 install in /usr/local i installed it in /home/app/gcc49 its your choice read<br />

manual how to compile gcc in google! After that you have to compile everything you need 4 webthree-umbrella<br />

with gcc4.9 so before every cmake:<br />

export CXX=/home/app/gcc49/bin/g++<br />

export CC=/home/app/gcc49/bin/gcc<br />

<strong>With</strong> this you use gcc4.9 to compile instead of the one that comes with the distro F22. Its not recommended to<br />

uninstall the compiler that comes with your distro! You can also work with symlinking.<br />

Install from Fedora COPR REPO LLVM3.7 with:<br />

dnf copr enable alonid/llvm-3.7<br />

dnf install llvm-3.7 llvm-3.7-devel llvm-3.7-static llvm-3.7-libs<br />

I had to do this because Fedora 22 comes with llvm-3.5 from stock repos! There may be other solutions but this<br />

one worked 4 me<br />

Install CryptoPP from SRC https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp CRYPTOPP_5_6_2:<br />

git clone https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp<br />

cd cryptopp<br />

git checkout release/CRYPTOPP_5_6_2<br />

1.2. <strong>Ethereum</strong> Clients 29

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