Whitepaper - Bitshares With Cover

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Fabian Schuh, Daniel Larimer<br />

Cryptonomex, Cryptonomex.com ∗<br />

Blacksburg (VA), USA<br />

{ fabian, dan }@cryptonomex.com<br />

Abstract—BitShares 2.0 is an industrial-grade decentralized<br />

platform built for high-performance financial smart contracts.<br />

The decentralized exchange that allows for trading<br />

of arbitrary pairs without counterparty risk facilitates only<br />

one out of many available features. Market-pegged assets,<br />

such as the bitUSD, are crypto tokens that come with all<br />

the advantages of traditional cryptocurrencies like bitcoin<br />

but trade for at least the value of their underlying asset, e.g.<br />

$1. Furthermore, BitShares represents the first decentralized<br />

autonomous company that lets its shareholders decide on<br />

its future direction and products. This paper gives a brief<br />

overview over the whole BitShares platform, recapitulates<br />

known blockchain technologies and redefines state-of-the-art.<br />

1 Introduction<br />

BitShares is a technology supported by next generation entrepreneurs,<br />

investors, and developers with a common interest in<br />

finding free market solutions by leveraging the power of globally<br />

decentralized consensus and decision making. Consensus<br />

technology has the power to do for economics what the internet<br />

did for information. It can harness the combined power of all<br />

humanity to coordinate the discovery and aggregation of realtime<br />

knowledge, previously unobtainable. This knowledge can<br />

be used to more effectively coordinate the allocation of resources<br />

toward their most productive and valuable use.<br />

Bitcoin is the first fully autonomous system to utilize distributed<br />

consensus technology to create a more efficient and<br />

reliable global payment network. The core innovation of Bitcoin<br />

is the Blockchain, a cryptographically secured public ledger of<br />

all accounts on the Bitcoin network that facilitates the transfer of<br />

value from one individual directly to another. For the first time in<br />

history, financial transactions over the internet no longer require<br />

a middle man to act as a trustworthy, confidential fiduciary.<br />

BitShares looks to extend the innovation of the blockchain<br />

to more industries that rely upon the internet to provide their<br />

services. Whether its banking, stock exchanges [1], lotteries [2],<br />

voting [3], music [4], auctions or many others, a digital public<br />

ledger allows for the creation of distributed autonomous<br />

companies (or DACs) that provide better quality services at a<br />

fraction of the cost incurred by their more traditional, centralized<br />

counterparts. The advent of DACs ushers in a new paradigm in<br />

organizational structure in which companies can run without any<br />

human management and under the control of an incorruptible set<br />

of business rules. These rules are encoded in publicly auditable<br />

open source software distributed across the computers of the<br />

companies’ shareholders, who effortlessly secure the company<br />

from arbitrary control.<br />

BitShares does for business what bitcoin did for money by<br />

utilizing distributed consensus technology to create companies<br />

that are inherently global, transparent, trustworthy, efficient and<br />

most importantly profitable. Why and how BitShares achieves a<br />

decentralized but profitable business is described in more detail<br />

in a distinct paper [?].<br />

BitShares has went through many changes and has done its<br />

best to stay on top of blockchain technology. Towards the end<br />

of 2014 some of the DACs were merged and the X was dropped<br />

from ”BitShares X” to become simply BitShares (BTS).<br />

The next step in the evolution of BitShares was named <strong>Bitshares</strong><br />

2.0, and incorporates all of the feedback and lessons<br />

learned from the BitShares stakeholders, partners, developers,<br />

marketers, and other community leaders throughout a full year<br />

of research and development.<br />

<strong>With</strong> the former BitShares 1.0, the core development team has<br />

closely controlled the development and direction of BitShares.<br />

<strong>With</strong> BitShares reaching maturity at version 2.0, the team is<br />

ready to remove the training wheels, and let the direction of all<br />

future development be decided completely by stakeholder vote.<br />

By utilizing a new worker voting system that will be included<br />

in BitShares 2.0, the development will continue in whatever<br />

direction is approved by its stakeholders. <strong>With</strong> this new structure,<br />

BitShares will be more robust, and sustainable while being agile,<br />

flexible and adaptive to overcome unforeseen hurdles of the<br />

future.<br />

This paper is intended as an introduction to BitShares 2.0<br />

and presents the basic concepts of the peer-to-peer nature, the<br />

distributed public ledger in form of a blockchain, and give a<br />

brief overview of the decentral consensus mechanism applied to<br />

reach blockchain state consensus. We further discuss the basic<br />

blockchain tokens (BTS), its distribution and usage in BitShares.<br />

We also describe the wallet and operations with the network as<br />

well as outline the functionalities of BitShares accounts.<br />

∗ This work was supported by Cryptonomex and honorable members of the<br />

bitsharestalk.org community.<br />

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2<br />

2 Base Token<br />

In the BitShares network the base token is called a BitShare and<br />

carries the abbreviation BTS. It is dividable into 10 5 = 100,000<br />

sub-units.<br />

In general, all properties of Bitcoin also apply to BTS,<br />

namely, they have value, can be transfered on the blockchain<br />

and are secured by an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm<br />

(ECDSA) on the curve secp256k1.<br />

In contrast to most crypto-currencies, BitShares does not claim<br />

to be a currency but rather an equity in a decentral autonomous<br />

company (DAC). As a result, the market valuation of BitShares<br />

is free floating and may be as volatile as any other equity (e.g. of<br />

traditional companies).<br />

Nonetheless, BTS tokens can be used as collateral in financial<br />

smart contracts [5] such as market pegged assets and thus back<br />

every existing smartcoin such as the bitUSD.<br />

The following subsection recapitulate the initial distribution<br />

and supply of BTS.<br />

2.1 Distribution of BTS<br />

BitShares has set an example of a social agreement by establishing<br />

its own sharedropping standards. The idea behind<br />

sharedropping is that any future chain will always benefit by<br />

choosing to align itself with the ones who worked hard at making<br />

the technology possible.<br />

The base tokens of BitShares 2.0 will be distributed on a<br />

1:1 basis fully honoring the BTS tokens in the BitShares 1.0<br />

network. For the sake of completeness, the following paragraphs<br />

will describe the initial distribution of BTS tokens in the aforementioned<br />

BitShares 1.0 network from PTS and AGS.<br />

2.1.1 <strong>Bitshares</strong> PTS<br />

The original grandfather prototype, formerly called proto-shares<br />

(PTS), BitShares PTS was a simple minable cryptocurrency<br />

(similar to Bitcoin) that was created to allow people to advertise<br />

their interest in receiving free token samples in future DACs.<br />

PTS functions as a high-tech mailing list for distributing free<br />

sample bitshares from many developers of decentral autonomous<br />

companies (DACs). The only people who tended to own PTS<br />

tokens were those who understand DACs, so DAC developers<br />

prefer to target them with free samples rather than air dropping<br />

their samples onto a much less interested general population.<br />

The industry recommendation was that when a DAC is<br />

launched, at least 10% of the DAC’s total tokens are given<br />

proportionally to holders of PTS. This was not a contract or<br />

a guarantee; it was a social consensus of those in the DAC<br />

community about what percentage of a new DAC’s tokens should<br />

be distributed to those who have supported the BitShares industry<br />

by owning its PTS tokens.<br />

The BitShares DAC honored this social consensus and even<br />

sharedropped 47% of its ever existing supply onto BitShares PTS<br />

holders.<br />

2.1.2 <strong>Bitshares</strong> AGS<br />

The original grandmother prototype formerly called angel-shares<br />

(AGS) in reference to the patron angels who once funded the<br />

performing arts. That’s why AGS are not liquid. (No one can<br />

trade the proof that you were the once willing to donate to this<br />

cause.)<br />

The donations have been recorded in the public blockchain<br />

of bitcoin which now acts as a book of honorable donors. The<br />

bitcoin address used as donation address was<br />

1ANGELwQwWxMmbdaSWhWLqBEtPTkWb8uDc<br />

Note, that the donation period for AGS lasting 200 days has<br />

ended already and that donations to this address never resulted<br />

nor will result in any obligations whatsoever.<br />

Since the social consensus includes AGS, the industry recommendation<br />

again is to give at least 10% to holders of AGS.<br />

Similar to BitShares PTS, the 47% of the total BTS supply<br />

have been sharedropped onto members of the AGS mailing-list<br />

proportionally.<br />

2.2 <strong>Bitshares</strong> Genesis Distribution<br />

We see that the seed allocation (initial distribution) of BitShares,<br />

which took place over a 1 year period, from November 2013<br />

to November 2014, was achieved by sharedropping 47% to<br />

BitShares PTS and another 47% to BitShares AGS. This way, the<br />

full, fairness was defined by equal opportunity and in the case of<br />

BTS we have distributed fairly by CPU mining of PTS while,<br />

alternatively, everyone had an additional equal opportunity by<br />

contribute to AGS.<br />

Having attracted two different groups of investors with a<br />

mined crypto token via PTS and a donation based book of donors<br />

via AGS, everyone had a chance to participate and be rewarded<br />

with stake in the genesis block of BitShares 1.0. This genesis<br />

block solely consisted of AGS and PTS holders on a 50%/50%<br />

ratio such that the BTS tokens initially issued by this genesis can<br />

be considered well distributed.<br />

The other 6% are set aside to secure the future of BitShares and<br />

funds its development and operational costs. In practice, they are<br />

put into the so called reserves pool that no one has control over<br />

except the BitShares protocol. In contrast to many other cryptocurrencies,<br />

every shareholder has a say as to how these funds are<br />

spend (see section 4.2).<br />

3 Business Units<br />

Let us discuss the organization structure of the BitShares network<br />

when interpreted as a company. Some of these entities are<br />

associated with a cost for the business and need to be accounted<br />

for in profit calculations.<br />

3.1 BitShares Witnesses<br />

In BitShares, the witnesses’ job is to collect transactions, bundle<br />

them into a block, sign the block and broadcast it to the network.<br />

They essentially are the block producers for the underlying<br />

consensus mechanism (see section 5.4).<br />

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For each successfully constructed block, a witness is payed in<br />

shares that are taken from the limited reserves pool at a rate that<br />

is defined by the shareholders by means of approval voting.<br />

3.2 BitShares Committee<br />

Since Bitcoin struggled to reach a consensus about the size of<br />

their blocks, the people in the cryptocurrency space realized that<br />

the governance of a DAC should not be ignored. Hence, Bit-<br />

Shares offers a tools to reach on-chain consensus about business<br />

management decisions.<br />

The BitShares blockchain has a set of parameters available<br />

that are subject of shareholder approval. Shareholders can define<br />

their preferred set of parameters and thereby create a so called<br />

committee member or alternatively vote for an existing committee<br />

member. The BitShares committee consists of C active<br />

committee members.<br />

For each business parameter the protocol will calculate the<br />

difference between up- and down-votes (v pro − v con ) for each<br />

active committee member and then take the median of the top<br />

C active members:<br />

// Derive active C committee members<br />

for i : active committee members do<br />

member weight: w[i] ← v pro − v con<br />

end for<br />

members ← SORT(w)<br />

active ← members[0 → C]<br />

// For each Parameter: derive median of active members<br />

for parameter : parameters do<br />

p ← GETPARAMETERS(active, parameter)<br />

x = { sort(p[i])<br />

˜p =<br />

x[ C+1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

(<br />

2 ] C odd<br />

x[<br />

C<br />

2 ] + x[ C 2 + 1]) C even.<br />

parameter ← ˜p<br />

end for<br />

Since, C is a parameter as any other, the shareholders decide for<br />

the size of the committee.<br />

The BitShares ecosystem has a set of parameters available that<br />

are subject of shareholder approval. Initially, BitShares has the<br />

following blockchain parameters:<br />

fee structure:<br />

fess that have to be paid by customers for individual<br />

transactions<br />

block interval:<br />

i.e. block interval, max size of block/transaction<br />

expiration parameters:<br />

i.e. maximum expiration interval<br />

witness parameters:<br />

i.e. maximum amount of witnesses (block producers)<br />

committee parameters:<br />

i.e. maximum amount of committee members<br />

witness pay:<br />

payment for each witnesses per signed block<br />

worker budget:<br />

available budget available for budget items (e.g. development)<br />

Please note that the given set of parameters serves as an example<br />

and that the network’s parameters are subject to change over<br />

time.<br />

Additionally to defining the parameters any active witness can<br />

propose a protocol or business upgrade (i.e. hard fork) which can<br />

be voted on (or against) by shareholders. When the total votes for<br />

the hard fork are greater than the median witness weight w then<br />

the hard fork takes effect.<br />

3.3 BitShares Budget Items/Workers<br />

Thanks to the funds stored in the reserve pool, BitShares can<br />

offer to not only pay for its own development and protocol<br />

improvement but also support and encourage growth of an<br />

ecosystem.<br />

In order to be get paid by BitShares, a proposal containing<br />

(a) the date of work begin, (b) the date of work end, (c) a daily<br />

pay (denoted in BTS), (d) the worker’s name, and (e) an internet<br />

address. has to be publish on the blockchain and approved by<br />

shareholders. A worker can also choose on of the following<br />

properties:<br />

• vesting: pay to the worker’s account<br />

• refund: return the pay back to the reserve pool to be used for<br />

future projects<br />

• burn: destroys the pay thus reducing share supply, equivalent<br />

to share buy-back of a company stock.<br />

A blockchain parameter (defined by shareholders through the<br />

committee) defines the daily available budget. No more than that<br />

can be paid at any time to all so called workers combined.<br />

The daily budget is distributed as illustrated in fig. 1: (1) The<br />

available budget is taken out of reserves pool. (2) The budget<br />

items are sorted according to their approval rate (v pro − v con ) in<br />

a descending order. (3) Starting at the worker with the highest<br />

approval rate, the requested daily pay is payed until the daily<br />

budget is depleted. (4) The worker with the least approval rate<br />

that was paid may receive less than the requested pay<br />

Hence, in order to be successfully funded by the BitShares<br />

ecosystem, the shareholder approval for your budget item needs<br />

to be highly ranked.<br />

Since the payments for workers from the non-liquid reserve<br />

pool result in an increased supply of BTS, these payments are<br />

vesting over a period of time defined by shareholders.<br />

3.4 Proxy Voting<br />

Proxy Voting denotes the process of handing out ones voting<br />

power to someone else. This process can be reverted to reclaim<br />

ones voting power.<br />

The motivation behind proxy voting is to reduce voting apathy<br />

and allow active shareholders to react more quickly to business<br />

and security concerns. That way, misbehaving witnesses can be<br />

fired more rapidly.<br />

That is centralizing in some respects, but it’s controlled centralization<br />

in the sense that nothing can happen too quickly and<br />

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4<br />

Approval Rate<br />

Request and Received Funds<br />

vpro − vcon<br />

Requested Funds<br />

Payed Funds<br />

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30<br />

Budget Item<br />

Figure 1: Illustration of budget item payments.<br />

In practice, a SmartCoin always has 100% or more of its value<br />

backed by means of a contract for difference (CFD) between two<br />

parties with BTS as collateral. What makes these CFDs unique<br />

is that they are free from counterparty risk. This is achievable by<br />

letting the network itself (implemented as a software protocol) be<br />

responsible for securing the collateral and performing (forced)<br />

settlements if required as is described in more detail in [5].<br />

Applications for SmartCoins are obvious: <strong>With</strong> the aforementioned<br />

properties, a bitUSD qualifies for regular and instant<br />

payments, for example with a smartphone or a modern browser<br />

application. In contrast, a bitGOLD (with one ounce of gold as<br />

underlying asset) would fit those people’s needs that see gold as<br />

long-term store of value. As long as an asset has a unique global<br />

price, a SmartCoin could track its value. This allows for even<br />

more sophisticated applications, such as tracking a stock market<br />

index, or the price of a liter of gasoline.<br />

if shareholders don’t like which way it is going, still have the<br />

ability to switch courses. Compared to classical crypto currencies<br />

(e.g. Bitcoin), this process is somewhat similar to pooled mining<br />

with the exception that every shareholder can participate and<br />

only voting power is handed over. Furthermore, this allows for<br />

independent non-profit oriented decisions because there is no<br />

profit variance but purely political influence.<br />

4 BitShares: A profitable DAC<br />

BitShares is a decentralized autonomous company, and as such<br />

offers products to to earn their shareholders a profit. As we have<br />

seen in the previous section, it also offers a way to pay for<br />

expense, such as development and administration but earns a<br />

profit by burnning (i.e. reducing supply). Of course, the company<br />

can only be profitable if the income exceeds the expenses. Thus,<br />

we will now discuss both in detail.<br />

4.1 The Products<br />

The BitShares DAC offers their private customers several products<br />

and in this paper we would like to briefly highlight some of<br />

them. Of course, all of these come with with the properties of<br />

cryptocurrencies, namely (a) global accessibility, (b) customizable<br />

anonymity, (c) industry-grade security, (d) freedom from<br />

counterparty-risk, (e) flexible account Control, (f) low transaction<br />

delays, and (g) world-wide decentralized network.<br />

Keep in mind that, as BitShares has the technical possibilities<br />

to upgrade itself with shareholder approval, new products and<br />

properties can be added in a timely manner.<br />

4.1.1 Price-stable SmartCoins<br />

The core product of BitShares is a class of assets referred<br />

to as Market-Pegged Assets (MPA), BitAssets, or SmartCoins<br />

and represent a crypto-token that has at least the value of the<br />

underlying asset. For instance, a bitUSD can always be sold for<br />

$1, either to a merchant at face-value, or to the network (by<br />

means of settlement of a contract) in return for BitShares’ core<br />

currency (BTS) worth $1.<br />

4.1.2 Customizable Assets<br />

In addition to market-pegged assets, the BitShares network also<br />

offers to register customizable assets on the public ledger. For<br />

instance, a BitShares customer may create the asset FREE and<br />

distribute them to friends for free. Another customer may want<br />

his company shares to be traded in the BitShares network. Yet<br />

another use-case would be event tickets that can be sold at a fixed<br />

price and allow the holder to enter a concert.<br />

Since the use-cases of these User-Issued Assets (UIA) are<br />

manifold and space is limited in this paper, we discuss them in<br />

depth in [5].<br />

4.1.3 Decentralized Exchange<br />

As we have seen in the previous section, the BitShares network<br />

offers to register different types of assets. It also allows for<br />

trading between almost 1 any two pairs in an instant, trust-less<br />

and secure manner by means of the BitShares Decentralized<br />

Exchange (DEX).<br />

In traditional trading, a clearing house is necessary because<br />

trades are made much faster than the cycle time for completing<br />

the underlying transaction. Since in BitShares trades between<br />

two parties are performed on a global scale in a decentralized<br />

network and no middlemen are required, there is no need for<br />

settlement or clearing delays. If a trade in the DEX executes, the<br />

bought asset instantly (T+0 [6]) appears in the customers wallet.<br />

In combinations with SmartCoins, a startup could easily perform<br />

a dollar-denominated crowd-funding without legal or tax<br />

implications due to the velocity of cryptocurrency tokens. Furthermore,<br />

as all order-books are shared on a global scale, the<br />

markets will become more efficient because no different prices<br />

existing on different locations on earth. Of course, the DEX is<br />

open 24/7 and does not apply any limits to customers. A more<br />

detailed discussion about the DEX can be found in a distinct<br />

paper [5].<br />

4.1.4 Flexible Identity Management<br />

In BitShares, each account is separated into<br />

1 The issuer of an asset may white-/or black-list trading partners.<br />

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• Active Permission which has control over its funds and<br />

• Owner Permission which controls the account itself.<br />

Furthermore, BitShares uses authorities consisting of one or<br />

many entities that authorize an action, such as transfers, trades<br />

or account modifications. An authority consists of one or several<br />

pairs of an account name with a weight. In order to obtain a valid<br />

transaction, the sum of the weights from signing the parties has<br />

to exceed the threshold as defined in the permissions.<br />

Let’s discuss some examples to shed some light on the used<br />

terminology and the use-cases. We assume that a new account is<br />

created with it’s active permissions set as described below. Note<br />

that the same scheme also works for the owner permissions!<br />

A flat multi-signature scheme is composed of M entities of<br />

which N entities must sign in order for the transaction to be valid.<br />

Now, in BitShares, we have weights and a threshold instead of M<br />

and N. Still we can achieve the very same thing with even more<br />

flexibility as we will see now.<br />

Let’s assume, Alice, Bob, Charlie and Dennis have common<br />

funds. We want to be able to construct a valid transaction if only<br />

two of those agree. Hence a 2-of-4 (N-of-M) scheme can look<br />

as follows:<br />

Account<br />

Weight<br />

Alice 33%<br />

Bob 33%<br />

Charlie 33%<br />

Dennis 33%<br />

Threshold: 51%<br />

All four participants have a weight of 33% but the threshold<br />

is set to 51%. Hence only two out of the four need to agree<br />

to validate the transaction. Alternatively, to construct a 3-of-4<br />

scheme, we can either decrease the weights to 17 or increase the<br />

threshold to 99%.<br />

<strong>With</strong> the threshold and weights, we now have more flexibility<br />

over our funds, or more precisely, we have more control. For<br />

instance, we can have separate weights for different people. Let’s<br />

assume Alice wants to secure here funds against theft by a multisignature<br />

scheme but she does not want to hand over too much<br />

control to her friends. Hence, we create an authority similar to:<br />

Account<br />

Weight<br />

Alice 49%<br />

Bob 25%<br />

Charlie 25%<br />

Dennis 10%<br />

Threshold: 51%<br />

Now the funds can either be accessed by Alice and a single<br />

friend or by all three friends together.<br />

Let’s take a look at a simple multi-hierarchical corporate<br />

account setup. We are looking at a company that has a Chief<br />

of Financial Officer (CFO) and a some departments working for<br />

him, such as the Treasurer, Controller, Tax Manager, Accounting,<br />

etc. The company also has a CEO that wants to have spending<br />

privileges. Hence we construct an authority for the funds according<br />

to:<br />

Account<br />

Weight<br />

CEO.COMPANY 51%<br />

CFO.COMPANY 51%<br />

Threshold: 51%<br />

whereas CEO.COMPANY and CFO.COMPANY have their<br />

own authorities. For instance, the CFO.COMPANY account<br />

could look like:<br />

This scheme allows:<br />

CFO.COMPANY Weight<br />

Chief.COMPANY 51%<br />

Treasurer.COMPANY 33%<br />

Controller.COMPANY 33%<br />

Tax Manager.COMPANY 10%<br />

Accounting.COMPANY 10%<br />

Threshold: 51%<br />

• the CEO to spend funds<br />

• the Chief of Finance Officer to spend funds<br />

• Treasurer together with Controller to spend funds<br />

• Controller or Treasurer together with wither the Tax Manager<br />

or Accounting to spend funds.<br />

Hence, a try of arbitrary depth can be spanned in order to<br />

construct a flexible authority to reflect mostly any business usecase.<br />

4.1.5 Variable and Flexible Fees<br />

In the BitShares ecosystem every operation is assigned an individual<br />

fee that has to be payed in the core asset (BTS) the the<br />

end user. These fees are subject to change and are defined by the<br />

elected committee members. Thus each and every shareholder<br />

of the BitShares core asset (BTS) has a say as to what the<br />

fees should be. If shareholders can be convinced to reduce a<br />

certain fee and consensus is reached, the fee will be reduced<br />

automatically by the blockchain. This allows the ecosystem, to<br />

stay flexible and adept the price for the usage of its products over<br />

time.<br />

Since the network expects the fees to be payed on the the<br />

core asset (BTS) but many users may not want to hold any, the<br />

protocol allows to trade an arbitrary asset into BTS from the<br />

asset-specific *fee pool* at the *core exchange rate* which is<br />

defined by the issuer (or the witnesses in the case of a market<br />

pegged asset).<br />

4.2 Revenue and Expenses<br />

Revenue streams are essentially caused by fees that have to be<br />

payed when using the DACs products, such as market pegged<br />

assets, user-issued assets, or the decentralized exchange [5].<br />

These fees are variable, can be changed by shareholder approval<br />

and include (a) transfers, (b) order operations, (c) account operations,<br />

(d) asset operations, (e) witness creations (f) proposal<br />

operations (g) withdraw permission operations (h) committee<br />

member operations, (i) worker creation, and more.<br />

In contrast to bitcoin, where newly created coins in each block<br />

are distributed solely among countless miners that immensely<br />

Release: stress-test/1.0-1-g96f3268 (2017-04-04)

4.3 MEMBERSHIPS 6<br />

Figure 2: Cash flow of BitShares 2.0<br />

overpay for the network security [7], the BitShares ecosystem<br />

achieves a better security at lower costs by means of an adjustable<br />

number of approved and trusted witnesses in DPOS. Additionally,<br />

the BitShares ecosystem has the capability to pay for its<br />

own development through budget items. Both, the payment for<br />

witnesses, as well as the budget items are required to be approved<br />

by the shareholders.<br />

As an example, an entrepreneur may approach the shareholders<br />

and offer to launch a business in the BitShares space<br />

that would greatly benefit the ecosystem. If he succeeds and<br />

convinces the shareholders to vote for and not against his plan,<br />

he could get an initial funding by the DAC.<br />

Another use-case would be the improvement of the<br />

blockchain’s protocol. A developer could propose a change or<br />

extension of the existing software implementation and be payed<br />

by the DAC to do so (after shareholder approval). Hence, as<br />

long as the average shareholders acts rational, the BitShares<br />

blockchain can be seen as a self-funded but profitable business<br />

4.3 Memberships<br />

Accounts in BitShares are separated into three groups. We decided<br />

to give users the option to upgrade their accounts into a<br />

VIP-like status if they desire and profit from reduced fees and<br />

additional features.<br />

A regular account is a non-member.<br />

Lifetime Members get a percentage cashback on every transaction<br />

fee they pay and qualify to earn referral income (see below)<br />

from users they register with or refer to the network. A Lifetime<br />

membership is associated with a certain one-time fee that is<br />

defined by the committee and qualifies for reduced transaction<br />

fees.<br />

If a lifetime membership is too much you can still get the same<br />

cashback for the next year by becoming an annual subscriber for<br />

a smaller one-time fee which lasts for only one year and qualifies<br />

for reduced transactions fee during that time.<br />

4.4 Referral Program<br />

Every time an account you referred pays a transaction fee, that<br />

fee is divided among several different accounts. The network<br />

takes a cut, and the Lifetime Member who referred the account<br />

gets a cut.<br />

The registrar is the account that paid the transaction fee to<br />

register the account with the network. The registrar gets to decide<br />

how to divide the remaining fee between themselves and their<br />

own affiliate.<br />

Fees paid are only divided among the network, referrers, and<br />

registrars once every maintenance interval. The paid fees are<br />

divided among tow or three parties, depending on the parameter<br />

d that can be set by the registrar:<br />

total fee = network fee(20%)<br />

+ registrar(80% · (100% − d%)) (1)<br />

+ referrer(80% · (d%))<br />

Most fees are made available immediately, but fees over the<br />

vesting threshold (such as those paid to upgrade your membership<br />

or register a premium account name) must vest for some<br />

days as defined by the committee.<br />

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7<br />

5 Architecture of BitShares<br />

Before describing how BitShares can be used to secure financial<br />

freedom, we first discuss the technical specifications<br />

briefly. Among these is the public ledger (also referred to as the<br />

blockchain), the peer-to-peer network, the distributed consensus<br />

finding mechanism and the system parameters available to Bit-<br />

Shares.<br />

5.1 Public Ledger<br />

As in other crypto-currencies, the public ledger of BitShares<br />

is built and stored in a linked series of blocks, known as a<br />

blockchain.<br />

The ledger provides a permanent record of transactions that<br />

have taken place, and also establishes an order in which transactions<br />

have occurred. Hence, every content of the blockchain<br />

can be assigned an permanent and unique identifier in form of a<br />

scalar number.<br />

Every full node in the BitShares network stores a full copy of<br />

this blockchain and can verify its validity and the evaluate new<br />

blocks.<br />

Every block contains<br />

• a reference to the previous block,<br />

• a timestamp,<br />

• a hash of a secret,<br />

• the secret of the previous hash,<br />

• a set of transactions, and<br />

• a signature by the block producing authority<br />

As will be discussed in section 5.4, the consensus mechanism<br />

allows for synchronous block production with constant block<br />

confirmation times, e.g., one block every 5 s.<br />

Since the blocks mainly embrace customer transactions but<br />

has to perform time intensive tasks, or execute rare events from<br />

time to time, some actions such as reenumeration of blockchainbased<br />

votes and rare events such as newly registered block<br />

producers (witnesses) are carried out more rarely but still on a<br />

frequent so called maintenance interval.<br />

5.2 Irreversibility of Transactions<br />

Historically we have stated that a blockchain becomes irreversible<br />

after one round of block production with greater than<br />

51% participation. It turns out that this metric is too fuzzy<br />

because of noise in how witnesses are ordered. In an effort<br />

to provide stronger/absolute guarantees a new metric has been<br />

derived that determines the exact point at which a particular<br />

block becomes irreversible. The algorithm to define the metric<br />

goes as follows:<br />

Sort N witnesses by the last block number they signed, then<br />

take the highest block number that is lower than 66% of all other<br />

witnesses. This will indicate that said block has been confirmed<br />

by 66% of all witnesses and is clearly irreversible.<br />

This particular metric is dynamic and can respond to changes<br />

in the order of witnesses and is immune to situations where the<br />

network fragments into more than two pieces. In the event of a<br />

major disruption users are guaranteed that no block older than<br />

that number can ever be undone.<br />

If we had only 17 witnesses and 3 second block confirmation<br />

interval, then this will take an average of 34 seconds. If we had<br />

101 witnesses and 3 second blocks then this will take an average<br />

of 3.3 minutes for block to be irreversible,<br />

Having this metric is important to give everyone in the network<br />

peace of mind in the unlikely event that a software bug or<br />

network issue causes all witnesses to fall out of sync and gives a<br />

clear measure of when they are considered back in sync.<br />

Anyone accepting transactions as final prior to the most recent<br />

irreversible block is choosing to take some extra risk on their<br />

transaction.<br />

5.3 Low Latency Peer-to-Peer Network<br />

The peer-to-peer network distributes the full blockchain database<br />

across the world. It consists of public and private nodes as well as<br />

seed nodes that are used for initial connection to the peer-to-peer<br />

network. Anybody may connect to any known node and download<br />

the current global and unique state (i.e. the blockchain).<br />

Once a node is in sync with the peer-to-peer network it received<br />

and applies newly created blocks, and assists new network<br />

nodes by further distribution of the blockchain. Additionally, new<br />

blocks are broadcast to all connected nodes.<br />

Furthermore, network nodes receive transaction from participants<br />

and forward them to the rest of the network until they<br />

reach the witness that is in charge of constructing the next block.<br />

Hence, new transaction broadcasts do not necessarily need to<br />

reach all nodes.<br />

Building a low-latency network requires P2P nodes that have<br />

low-latency connections and a protocol designed to minimize<br />

latency. For the purpose of this document we will assume that<br />

two nodes are located on opposite sides of the globe with a ping<br />

round-trip time of 250 ms.<br />

In the Bitcoin network architecture, transactions and blocks<br />

were broadcast in a following manner: inventory messages notify<br />

peers of transactions and blocks, then peers fetch the transaction<br />

or block from one peer. After validating the item a node will<br />

broadcast an inventory message to its peers.<br />

Under this model it will take approximately 0.75 s for a peer to<br />

communicate a transaction or block to another peer even if their<br />

size was 0 and there was no processing overhead. This level of<br />

performance is unacceptable for a network attempting to produce<br />

one block every second.<br />

This prior protocol also sent every transaction twice: initial<br />

broadcast, and again as part of a block.<br />

To minimize latency each node needs to immediately broadcast<br />

the data it receives to its peers after validating it. Given<br />

the average transaction size is less than 100 bytes, it is almost<br />

as efficient to send the transaction as it is to send the notice<br />

(assuming a 20 byte transaction id).<br />

5.4 Distributed Consensus Mechanism<br />

Consensus is the mechanism by which a subset of people decide<br />

upon unitary rational action. The process of consensus decisionmaking<br />

allows for all participants to consent upon a resolution of<br />

action even if not the favored course of action for each individual<br />

participant. Bitcoin was the first system to integrate a fully<br />

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5.5 OPERATIONS 8<br />

decentralized consensus method with the modern technology of<br />

the internet and peer-to-peer networks in order to more efficiently<br />

facilitate the transfer of value through electronic communication.<br />

The proof-of-work structure that secures and maintains the Bitcoin<br />

network is one manner of organizing individuals who do<br />

not necessarily trust one another to act in the best interest of all<br />

participants of the network.<br />

It is of importance to distinguish a democratic voting process<br />

in which every citizen of a community has one and only one vote<br />

from a distributed consensus mechanism in crypto-currencies<br />

hand over voting power either in relation to hashing power (e.g.<br />

proof-of-work) or on a per stake basis (e.g. proof-of-stake). In<br />

both cases, those that invest in the required infrastructure to<br />

increase their voting percentage (i.e. by buying mining hardware<br />

or stake) act as shareholder in a distributed community.<br />

The BitShares community employs Delegated Proof-of-Stake<br />

(DPOS) in order to find efficient solutions to distributed consensus<br />

decision making. DPOS attempts to solve the problems of<br />

both Bitcoin’s traditional proof-of-work system, and the proofof-stake<br />

system of Peercoin and NXT by implementing a layer<br />

of technological democracy to offset the negative effects of centralization.<br />

For historical reasons, the technology is still called<br />

delegated proof-of-stake even though what have been delegates<br />

in BitShares 1.0 are now so called witnesses.<br />

In DPOS set of N witnesses (formerly known as delegates)<br />

sign the blocks and are voted on by those using the network<br />

with every transaction that gets made. By using a decentralized<br />

voting process, DPOS is by design more democratic than comparable<br />

systems. Rather than eliminating the need for trust all<br />

together, DPOS has safeguards in place the ensure that those<br />

trusted with signing blocks on behalf of the network are doing<br />

so correctly and without bias. A more detailed description about<br />

the distributed consensus mechanism as well as a discussion<br />

how blockchain forking is prevented during attacks is given in<br />

a separate paper [8].<br />

Additionally, each block signed must have a verification that<br />

the block before it was signed by a trusted node. DPOS eliminates<br />

the need to wait until a certain number of untrusted nodes<br />

have verified a transaction before it can be confirmed.<br />

This reduced need for confirmation produces an increase in<br />

speed of transaction times. By intentionally placing trust with<br />

the most trustworthy of potential block signers, as decided by<br />

the network, no artificial encumbrance need be imposed to slow<br />

down the block signing process. DPOS allows for many more<br />

transactions to be included in a block than either proof of work<br />

or proof of stake systems.<br />

In a delegated proof-of-stake system, centralization still occurs,<br />

but it is controlled. Unlike other methods of securing<br />

cryptocurrency networks, every client in a DPOS system has<br />

the ability to decide who is trusted rather than trust concentrating<br />

in the hands of those with the most resources. DPOS<br />

allows the network to reap some of the major advantages of<br />

centralization, while still maintaining some calculated measure<br />

of decentralization. Furthermore, once a witness has reached<br />

approval by shareholders, surpasses the threshold of the most<br />

N active witnesses, and, hence, is elected to actively participate<br />

in the block production procedure, its power is equivalent to all<br />

other active witnesses. This system is enforced by a fair election<br />

process where anyone could potentially become a delegated<br />

representative (witness) of the majority of users.<br />

Please note that DPOS has a recommended 1 − 2 block<br />

confirmation versus bitcoin’s 6 block recommendation. DPOS is<br />

much more resistant against forks for the following reasons:<br />

• When a fork is produced it is very likely that all witnesses<br />

have seen and processed your transaction and thus no alternative<br />

transactions can be broadcast and the next witness is<br />

almost certain to include your transaction. All witnesses are<br />

much more trusted than miners.<br />

• The probability of a fork after a block has been produced<br />

is very low (¡ 0.01%) where as Bitcoin has 25 orphans in<br />

the last 22 days (about 1 per day in Dec 3,2014) which<br />

translates into 0.7% of blocks are orphaned.<br />

• On normal operations, DPOS achieves a 100% witness<br />

participation rate and when we are less than that it is more<br />

often because a witness went offline and didn’t produce a<br />

block than because they produced a fork.<br />

• In BitShares 1.0 forks have almost always been resolved<br />

within 30 seconds.<br />

Assuming a 10 second block interval, <strong>Bitshares</strong> is mathematically<br />

over 70x less likely to orphan after 1 block than Bitcoin<br />

after 1 block (10 minutes). After 3 blocks (30 seconds) any<br />

random orphan will have been resolved and the probability of<br />

alternative chains is much lower than the 0.000001% of Bitcoin.<br />

By the time Bitcoin gets to .7% orphan probability, BitShares has<br />

60 blocks which would have a probability of being orphaned of<br />

less than 10 −120 .<br />

5.5 Operations<br />

Similar to most crypto-currencies, there is a set of predefined<br />

operations that can be performed on the blockchain. In contrast<br />

to Bitcoin, which uses a technique called script to describe operations<br />

that shall be performed in a programmatic way using OP<br />

codes, the BitShares network has a predefined (but extensible)<br />

set of operations that a user may perform.<br />

All operations end up on the blockchain eventually. Once they<br />

are validated and confirmed by a witness by being included into<br />

a block, they are executed and update the state of the blockchain<br />

accordingly.<br />

The release version of BitShares 2.0 comes with (a) transfer<br />

ops, (b) trading order ops, (c) account ops, (d) asset ops, (e) witness<br />

ops, (f) committee ops, (g) worker ops, and (h) vesting ops,<br />

However, since BitShares allows for shareholder approved, live<br />

protocol upgrades, the set of operations can be extended and<br />

modified.<br />

On the blockchain level, each operation is assigned an individual<br />

id with a custom set of parameters for performance and<br />

latency reasons.<br />

5.6 Transactions<br />

Having defined operations, we can now put these into a list<br />

of operations and construct a transaction. In addition to its<br />

operations, a transaction also consists of (a) an expiration date,<br />

(b) a reference block number, (c) a reference block prefix, (d) a<br />

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set of extensions, and (e) a set of signatures to authorize each<br />

operation.<br />

Each node (including witnesses) verifies that all requires signatures<br />

to perform the given operations are present and valid<br />

prior to propagating the transactions to the rest of the network<br />

and hence to the witness node constructing the next block. If the<br />

transaction is included into a block it is considered finally valid<br />

or executed.<br />

5.7 Proposed Transactions<br />

Additionally, the Graphene technology allows users to propose a<br />

transaction which requires approval of multiple accounts in order<br />

to execute. These transactions are only partially valid and do not<br />

execute until they are completely valid.<br />

The user proposes a transaction, then signatory accounts add<br />

or remove their approvals from this operation. When a sufficient<br />

number of approvals have been granted, the operations in the<br />

proposal are used to create a virtual transaction which is subsequently<br />

evaluated. Even if the transaction fails, the proposal<br />

will be kept until the expiration time, at which point, if sufficient<br />

approval is granted, the transaction will be evaluated a final time.<br />

This allows transactions which will not execute successfully until<br />

a given time to still be executed through the proposal mechanism.<br />

The first time the proposed transaction succeeds, the proposal<br />

will be regarded as resolved, and all future updates will be<br />

invalid.<br />

The common use-case would be similar to so called multisignature<br />

transactions which must be signed by two parties.<br />

Classical crypto currencies had the issue that such proposed<br />

transaction had to be communicated on separated channels until<br />

all required signatures have been collected. <strong>With</strong> BitShares, it is<br />

no possible to propose a transaction on the blockchain and have<br />

the required signatures be added by the respective parties.<br />

The proposal system in combination with corporate accounts<br />

allows for arbitrarily complex or recursively nested authorities. If<br />

a recursive authority (i.e. an authority which requires approval of<br />

nested authorities on other accounts) is required for a proposal,<br />

then a second proposal can be used to grant the nested authority’s<br />

approval. That is, a second proposal can be created which, when<br />

sufficiently approved, adds the approval of a nested authority to<br />

the first proposal. This multiple-proposal scheme can be used to<br />

acquire approval for an arbitrarily deep authority tree.<br />

6 Discussion<br />

In general, BitShares has similarities and differences to most<br />

known crypto-currencies. As many others, BitShares is based<br />

on a blockchain that stores and propagates transactions, i.e. user<br />

operations. Since, with DPOS, computational resources are used<br />

solely for the purpose of transaction propagation and confirmation,<br />

rather than wasteful computational work, the block production<br />

interval has been reduced to a few seconds. Eventually, this<br />

improves the over-all profitability of the DAC.<br />

Additionally, we make use of named accounts that can be<br />

registered on the blockchain. Users no longer need to send money<br />

to an alphanumeric string that can be copied incorrectly. Rather,<br />

funds can be sent as easily as sending an email, and in the same<br />

fashion. Name registration allows for the identification of who<br />

transactions are are originating with with no need to manually<br />

create a contact account for a given address. Transactions may<br />

contain a memo field that allow users to describe the nature<br />

of the transaction or broadcast secure messages about the price<br />

of the current transaction fee. Since BitShares 2.0 implements<br />

confidential transaction, there is no longer a need for mixing or<br />

master nodes. Transactions can be more private iin BitShares<br />

than in Bitcoin, for example, with no additional work needed<br />

from the user.<br />

BitShares is a 100% proof-of-stake system. This means it<br />

is a lot more efficient (cost per security) than proof-of-work<br />

and therefore does not have to dilute stakeholders/coinholders<br />

(there is a 10% yearly dilution of Bitcoin-holders as per 2015<br />

with Bitcoin and lowering this dilution would mean to lower<br />

the security). Hence, the cost of securing the BitShares network<br />

is merely a fraction of all transaction fees accumulated by the<br />

network.<br />

The job of the block producers is simple: include as many valid<br />

transactions in your given block as possible and sign a single<br />

block. These Block producers compete for the most approval in<br />

order to be allowed to produce blocks. Shareholder votes are<br />

proportionate to the relative number of shares they own. The<br />

BitShares DAC is completely shareholder run. Now people can<br />

be hired by the blockchain. Where coins like Bitcoin dilute to pay<br />

for network security, BitShares takes these fees and directs them<br />

towards continual improvement of the network and community.<br />

This helps insure BitShares will stay competitive in its feature<br />

set. More details about the consensus scheme of BitShares will<br />

be made available in a separated whitepaper.<br />

Recalling the initial distribution of BTS, it seem convincing<br />

to assume that most alternative distributions are way more unfair<br />

and some disproportionately favor their respective core developers.<br />

Since BitShares is a self-funded DAC, it can pay for its future<br />

development autonomously by dilution, if shareholders reach an<br />

on-blockchain consensus by approval voting.<br />

Furthermore, it becomes clear from the descriptions that Bit-<br />

Shares is governed by its shareholders and the committee whose<br />

members have shareholder approval. This allows for flexible<br />

adjustment of blockchain parameters, such as transaction fees,<br />

block interval, and more, as well as protocol upgrades to include<br />

new features.<br />

Since the BitShares is a self-funded blockchain, that can pay<br />

its workers by protocol, a healthy competition for new improvements,<br />

upgrades and additional features can be expected.<br />

7 Conclusion<br />

The properties and features mentioned in this paper make it clear<br />

that the BitShares DAC is well-prepared for its own features.<br />

It was shown that, due to on-blockchain voting, a decentralized<br />

development and funding can be achieved. The consensus mechanism<br />

DPOS reaches a trade-off between efficiency and required<br />

trust while maintaining better decentralization than almost every<br />

other blockchain consensus scheme.<br />

Release: stress-test/1.0-1-g96f3268 (2017-04-04)


References<br />

[1] Daniel Larimer, “Creating a Fiat/Bitcoin Exchange without<br />

Fiat Deposits.” https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=<br />

223747.0.<br />

[2] “DACPlay,” http://dacPLAY.org.<br />

[3] Adam Ernest, “Follow My Vote,” http://followmyvote.com.<br />

[4] Cédric Cobban, “Follow My Vote,” http://peertracks.com.<br />

[5] “BitShares 2.0: Financial Smart Contract Platform,” Bit-<br />

Shares <strong>Whitepaper</strong>s, 2015.<br />

[6] “The trade is the settlement,” http://t0.com/.<br />

[7] Daniel Larimer, “Overpaying for Security,” http:<br />

//letstalkbitcoin.com/is-bitcoin-overpaying-for-falsesecurity/#.Ui-p9WTFT7s.<br />

[8] “BitShares 2.0: Distributed Consensus,” BitShares <strong>Whitepaper</strong>s,<br />

2015.<br />

Release: stress-test/1.0-1-g96f3268 (2017-04-04)


Fabian Schuh, Daniel Larimer<br />

Cryptonomex, Cryptonomex.com ∗<br />

Blacksburg (VA), USA<br />

{ fabian, dan }@cryptonomex.com<br />

Abstract—<br />

Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto released his whitepaper<br />

and corresponding software for bitcoin, the cryptocurrency<br />

ecosystem has continued to grow at a rapid pace. In the<br />

beginning, Bitcoin created a platform that anyone could use<br />

to transfer value across the internet without middlemen,<br />

banks or counterparty risk. However, once bitcoin’s basic<br />

blockchain consensus technology became established and stable,<br />

people began to discuss whether blockchain technology<br />

could also be applied to enable the trade of multiple assets<br />

without the need for a broker or centralized clearinghouse.<br />

BitShares has created such a technology, and has coined<br />

the term ”decentralized exchange” (DEX) to describe our<br />

Bitcoin 2.0 platform. Currently, it supports trade not only in<br />

digital assets, but also traditional financial instruments and<br />

securities on the blockchain. The two main tools we provide<br />

for the creation of these instruments, market pegged assets<br />

(MPA) and user-issued assets (UIA), are discussed in detail<br />

in this paper.<br />

1 Introduction<br />

In today’s world, crypto-currencies are unique because they<br />

are the only type of digital currency that does not represent a<br />

corresponding counterparty liability. Instead, they are fungible<br />

decentralized tokens, whose value is derived from the amount<br />

of practical utility (or potential future utility) perceived by the<br />

network of users that support and trade in them. Not surprisingly,<br />

most cryptocurrencies suffer from high levels of price volatility<br />

due to many complex factors, such as constantly shifting public<br />

perception and highly speculative and unregulated markets. Although<br />

professional traders tend to appreciate this volatility, so<br />

far it has hindered the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency as<br />

a practical payment solution.<br />

One approach to creating a price-stable asset would be for an<br />

issuer to accept deposits in return for a digital token as a claim<br />

receipt (an ”I Owe You”). <strong>With</strong> this approach, the token would<br />

trade in the market as having the same value as the underlying<br />

asset, minus any perceived credit risk associated with the issuer.<br />

While this approach may work well for settlements, it is far<br />

less secure as an instrument for long term savings. History has<br />

∗ This work was supported by Cryptonomex and honorable members of the<br />

bitsharestalk.org community.<br />

repeatedly proven that many issuers will eventually go bankrupt<br />

due to incompetence, government intervention or outright fraud.<br />

BitShares has developed an alternative approach to creating<br />

price stable digital assets by using a cryptocurrency as collateral<br />

in a contract for difference (CFD) [1]. <strong>With</strong> this approach,<br />

two parties take opposite sides of a trade, where one party is<br />

guaranteed price stability, and the other party is granted leverage.<br />

This works as long as sufficient collateral exists, and the contract<br />

can be settled by an honest 3rd party with a price feed<br />

BitShares is a counterparty-trust free platform for financial<br />

smart contracts which operates over the internet, and offers a<br />

set of financial instruments that includes CFDs. These contracts<br />

are derivative instruments, and as such they fall under the wider<br />

definition of financial instruments. Financial instruments can be<br />

defined as tradable assets of any kind, including cash, proof of<br />

ownership receipts, or a contractual right to receive or deliver<br />

an underlying instrument, commodity, option, etc. Additionally,<br />

several other digital financial instrument tools are currently<br />

available on BitShares, such as Market Pegged Assets (MPA)<br />

or “SmartCoins” which represent a derivative with fiat currency,<br />

gold, or even other cryptocurrencies as the underlying asset.<br />

These SmartCoins derive their value from contracts based on the<br />

performance of the BitShares base token (BTS). Smart coins will<br />

be presented in detail in section 2.<br />

The BitShares platform also contains an flexible feature called<br />

“user-issued assets” (UIA) which will help facilitate a wide<br />

range of profitable business models based around certain types<br />

of services. A UIA is a type of custom token registered on the<br />

platform, which users can hold and trade within certain restrictions.<br />

The creator of such an asset can publicly name, describe,<br />

and distribute its tokens, and can specify custom requirements<br />

such as an approved whitelist of accounts permitted to hold<br />

the tokens, or the associated trading and transfer fees. These<br />

tokens allow for diverse use cases such as ownership tracking,<br />

crowd fundraising, IOUs, coupons, and many more that will be<br />

discussed in section 3.<br />

In order to trade financial instruments, BitShares provides a<br />

high-performance decentralized exchange (DEX), with all the<br />

features expected of a professional trading platform (see section<br />

4). Any two assets that are registered on the blockchain<br />

(MPA or UIA) may be traded against each other at any time.<br />

Orders can be settled almost instantly at speeds of up to 100,000<br />

transactions per second. <strong>With</strong> this kind of performance on a<br />

decentralized exchange, there is no longer a need for traders to<br />

expose their funds to the risks of centralized exchanges.<br />

Release: financial-platform/1.0-rc1-4-g23fc8ea (2015-11-12)

2<br />

In this paper we will discuss the financial instruments available<br />

in the BitShares network as well as the DEX. Before continuing,<br />

we recommend that you read through the basic technological<br />

components of BitShares in the other white papers [2] (more<br />

papers to be published shortly).<br />

2 Market Pegged Assets (MPA)<br />

A cryptocurrency that has the properties and advantages of Bitcoin,<br />

but is also capable of maintaining price parity with a globally<br />

adopted currency (e.g. U.S. dollar), would have incredible<br />

high utility for convenient and censorship-resistant commerce.<br />

This has been achieved by BitShares’ market pegged assets<br />

(MPA), a new type of freely traded digital asset whose function<br />

has been designed to track the value of a underlying conventional<br />

asset by means of contracts for difference (CFD).<br />

A SmartCoin (synonym for MPA) is a cryptocurrency that<br />

always has 100% or more of its value backed by the BitShares<br />

core currency (BTS), to which they can be converted at any time,<br />

as collateral in a CFD.<br />

What makes MPAs unique is that they are free from counterparty<br />

risk even though they resemble a CFD backed by collateral.<br />

This is achieved by allowing the network itself (implemented as<br />

a software protocol) to be responsible for securing the collateral<br />

and performing settlements. This will be described in greater<br />

detail below.<br />

We will present SmartCoins as a viable open source alternative<br />

to the slow, restrictive, and expensive “legacy” banking<br />

system. SmartCoins that have price parity with a commonly<br />

used currency will enable merchant adoption with ease and<br />

efficiency. Also, they will reduce the need to calculate capital<br />

gains and losses on volatile assets to determine tax liability.<br />

In short, BitShares is bringing publicly auditable open source<br />

banking to anyone with access to the internet. MPAs allow savers<br />

and spenders to choose their preferred asset type, which brings<br />

flexibility and ease of use to the open source banking experience.<br />

The subsequent paragraphs will explain how market pegged<br />

assets achieve price parity while minimizing risk to their holders.<br />

2.1 Price Stability<br />

Ever since the bitcoin blockchain initiated the age of decentralized<br />

public ledgers, economists and computer scientists have<br />

attempted to achieve a stable or price pegged cryptocurrency.<br />

The following two subsections will discuss our discoveries about<br />

the true nature of stable or pegged currency and explain how<br />

BitShares has solved this complex issue.<br />

2.1.1 Definition of Price Stability<br />

Before we discuss how BitShares achieves price stability, we first<br />

need to define what properties make a currency stable.<br />

In the U.S. for instance, the Federal Reserve (FED) has a<br />

mandate of stable prices and it is almost universally accepted by<br />

the market that this is a good mandate. The same holds true for<br />

the Euro, with its stability being achieved through the European<br />

Central Bank (ECB). Almost every country applies a similar<br />

methods to gain control over prices via monetary policies like<br />

quantitative easing and fixing of the interest rates for commercial<br />

banks that borrow money from the central bank.<br />

As a very basic example, imagine that a central bank has<br />

managed to keep prices stable through their monetary policy with<br />

0% price inflation for 20 years. Now let’s assume that during this<br />

same 20 years the advances in robotics and automation resulted<br />

in a 3x increase in efficiency and thus there are now 3x as much<br />

food, cars, phones, houses, etc. For the sake of this example<br />

we will assume the population is the same and everyone has<br />

the same amount of money in the bank. You would normally<br />

expect that everything would be 1/3 the price and that everyone<br />

would be able to afford 3x their prior lifestyle. However, this<br />

is unfortunately not the case. Because of constant intervention<br />

by the central banks, they have managed to also increase the<br />

money supply by 3x. The newly created money is then lent to<br />

the commercial banks which then lend it again to the people at a<br />

profit.<br />

Since this monetary inflation results in a sustained increase<br />

in the general level of prices, it is equivalent to a decline in<br />

the purchasing power of money. Hence, a dollar buys less and<br />

less over time. As a result, we see the dollar hast lost 99% of<br />

its purchasing power since the FED was founded in 1913 (see<br />

fig. 1).<br />

Billions of Dollars<br />

4,000<br />

3,000<br />

2,000<br />

1,000<br />

0<br />

1920<br />

1930<br />

1940<br />

1950<br />

1960<br />

Figure 1: St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base [3]<br />

Of course, the goal of this paper is not to propose a replacement<br />

for central banks or their monetary policies, but we do wish<br />

to clarify some terminology, particularly as it relates to other<br />

“stable” cryptocurrencies. Other projects in the cryptocurrency<br />

space have attempted to provide an alternative currency that will<br />

ultimately achieve a similar mandate as the central banks, leaving<br />

the profits in the hands of only few institutional entities. Bit-<br />

Shares market-pegged assets will not result in the centralization<br />

of power and control in this way.<br />

Let us discuss the example above. Since the centralized bank<br />

policies have resulted in a steady decrease in purchasing power<br />

over time, we notice that price stability does not seem very important<br />

to them. Eventually, the ideal goal would be to achieve a<br />

currency with a long term stable purchasing power. However, for<br />

now we must be content to achieve relative stability by pegging<br />

SmartCoins to the dollar or euro or gold, etc. To summarize, what<br />

we want to achieve is:<br />

Year<br />

• a predictable price with reduced volatility<br />

1970<br />

1980<br />

1990<br />

2000<br />

2010<br />

2015<br />

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2.2 PRICE FEEDS 3<br />

• a somewhat reliable ability to predict the future value of a<br />

token, and<br />

• a unit of account that doesn’t have any meaningful capital<br />

gains or losses for tax purposes.<br />

Hence for us, price “stability” means price predictability<br />

within some tolerance level. In the case of the U.S. dollar, a willingness<br />

to accept a yearly loss in purchasing power via monetary<br />

policies demonstrates that predictability is more important than<br />

stability [4].<br />

Alternatively, BitShares offers a decentralized solution to implement<br />

the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to peg to the changes in<br />

the price of a market basket of goods and services purchased by<br />

regular households. This is another way BitShares users can hold<br />

and trade a stable crypto token that will help them retain their<br />

purchasing power.<br />

2.1.2 BitAssets 1.0: Historical Lessons<br />

The first iteration of the BitShares bitAsset engine evolved for<br />

over 9 months as we observed how market participants reacted<br />

to various rules. We noticed that liquidity is critical to bring<br />

confidence in the value of the token, and that a system with<br />

unbalanced rules will tend to bias the price in one direction or<br />

the other.<br />

Early on, BitUSD (BitShares SmartCoin pegged to the U.S.<br />

dollar) was driven down to $0.85 as demand for shorting outstripped<br />

demand for BitUSD and shorts were not forced to cover.<br />

Then, after implementing a 30 day forced covering rule, the price<br />

stabilized around $0.98 to $1.00. Later, as the cryptocurrency<br />

bear market progressed, BitUSD was trading at $1.05 or more<br />

because everyone was scared to use leverage and those that had<br />

open positions looked to cover their position while those who<br />

held BitUSD were not looking to sell. Over the course of these<br />

past 9 months, we observed the dynamics of 3 different markets<br />

and thus had the opportunity to refine our understanding of the<br />

the behavior of market participants and improve the protocol<br />

accordingly.<br />

While we saw that the idea of a market pegged crypto token<br />

was generally well accepted in the marketplace, we were not<br />

yet satisfied as that the system had been perfected. For that<br />

reason, we improved the BitAssets engine for the BitShares 2.0<br />

protocol.<br />

2.1.3 BitAssets 2.0: Evolving a Stable<br />

Crypto Currency<br />

For BitUSD to be accepted as being equal to $1.00 for the<br />

purposes of setting prices, it only needs to maintain a floor of<br />

$1.00. If it can maintain a floor of $1.00, then merchants can<br />

accept it and know their margins are safe and that they are not<br />

exposed to currency risk. In order to enable a guaranteed floor,<br />

all BitUSD can be force liquidated at a trustworthy price feed 1 .<br />

Since this rule is present, those who create the BitUSD must<br />

sell it at a price that properly accounts for this risk of forced<br />

settlement. This means that at almost all times, new BitUSD<br />

1 Price feeds are published by witnesses that have shareholder approval. See section<br />

2.2.<br />

will only enter circulation when there is a buyer willing to pay a<br />

premium for a guaranteed floor.<br />

As we will see, since USD holders can initiate settlement,<br />

there is no need for artificial forced covering every 30 days. This<br />

relieves shorts of risk, helps increase short demand, and keeps<br />

the price of BitUSD near the floor.<br />

2.2 Price Feeds<br />

The blockchain needs to be aware of the external price of BTS<br />

in order for settlements to convert SmartCoins into the core asset<br />

(BTS) at a fair price.<br />

In BitShares, this is achieved by means of a set of N trusted<br />

witnesses. These witnesses have to be elected by the corresponding<br />

BitShares shareholders (e.g. holders of BTS) and can be<br />

constantly reviewed as all prices are put on the blockchain in a<br />

public manner by means of transactions of a certain type. Hence,<br />

misbehaving witnesses can be identified, “fired” and lose their<br />

reputation of shareholders.<br />

Additionally, to prevent manipulation of the price feed, N<br />

witnesses have to be elected that can all produce their prices<br />

independently. Having a set of N prices p i , 1 < i < N for an<br />

arbitrary MPA on the blockchain, the protocol obtains a single<br />

price ˜p by the use of the median according to:<br />

x = sort(p[i]) (1)<br />

{<br />

x[ N+1<br />

˜p = (<br />

2 ] N odd<br />

1<br />

2 x[<br />

N<br />

2 ] + x[ N 2 + 1]) (2)<br />

N even.<br />

Hence, the price is resistant against misbehaving witnesses in<br />

that only a majority of price publishers can manipulate the<br />

outcome of the median. In practice, any unintentional feed error<br />

is thus balanced around the true price.<br />

Obviously, the shareholders are required to constantly monitor<br />

the published prices of their witnesses and should make a public<br />

note about any discrepancies. This is similar to traditional quality<br />

management for the Smart Coin products (e.g. bitUSD) and Bit-<br />

Shares system can offer a paid position to perform this service.<br />

2.2.1 Price Manipulation<br />

There is always concern of price manipulation. Someone with<br />

a large amount of money on both sides of a trade can use their<br />

funds to manipulate the markets and thus the price feed. If the<br />

amount of money they lose manipulating the markets is less<br />

than the amount of money they can gain by manipulating the<br />

price feed, then it will be profitable to manipulate the market<br />

at the expense of either the BitUSD longs or the shorts. A low<br />

collateralized short that sees a large force or global settlement<br />

order requested can attempt to manipulate the markets and thus<br />

the feed against the BitUSD holder.<br />

The risk of price manipulation should be priced into the<br />

premium on BitUSD charged by the shorts, and thus should<br />

already be priced into the market. If price manipulation became a<br />

serious problem that caused very high premiums, then it could be<br />

addressed by the price feed producers, who can adopt a moving<br />

average over wider time windows to increase the difficulty of<br />

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short-term manipulation. A variety of algorithms could be used<br />

to estimate a fair price 2 that keeps BitUSD valued at least $1.00.<br />

In practice, a feed producer can observe the BitUSD:USD<br />

market as an indicator on which way to adjust the feed. Generally<br />

speaking, the strategy that the feed producers adopt for<br />

controlling the feed should be public knowledge, because the<br />

shorts will ultimately rely on it. For the feed producers to change<br />

strategies in unpredictable ways could cause losses to both longs<br />

and shorts. Fortunately, it is assumed that shareholders primarily<br />

approve complying feed producers and quickly fire misbehaving<br />

feed providers.<br />

2.3 Issuance and Supply of Collateralized<br />

Smartcoins<br />

A BitShares MPA can be viewed as a contract between an asset<br />

buyer seeking price stability and a short seller seeking greater<br />

exposure to BTS price movement. The open source BitShares<br />

software protocol implements a decentralized marketplace for<br />

MPA where all transactions are recorded on the shared block<br />

chain ledger and the software enforces the market rules. This<br />

block chain based marketplace is referred to as the decentralized<br />

exchange or internal market (c.f., section 4) to distinguish from<br />

external markets such as websites that facilitate the exchange of<br />

government issued currencies with cryptocurrency.<br />

SmartCoins are tokens of a particular MPA (e.g. bitUSD).<br />

They use the concept of a contract for difference, and make the<br />

long side fungible. For the purpose of this discussion, we will<br />

assume that the long side of the contract is BitUSD and that the<br />

backing collateral is BTS (the BitShares core asset).<br />

In practice, bitUSD are created on the BitShares blockchain<br />

when a BTS holder asks the network for them by handing over<br />

collateral to the network, essentially locking them in a contract<br />

for difference (c.f., 1) in fig. 2).<br />

external<br />

exchanges<br />

BTS/USD<br />

2. obtain<br />

bitUSD<br />

CFD<br />

short position<br />

1. put<br />

collateral<br />

3. sell<br />

bitUSD<br />

long position<br />

Figure 2: Illustration of external price discovery and a “short<br />

sell” to seek greater exposure for BTS price<br />

movements.<br />

The collateral is only returned to the short seller when the<br />

corresponding amount of the asset agreed in the contract is<br />

handed over to the BitShares network again. The protocol will<br />

then effectively destroy these tokens and fulfill the contract. This<br />

is referred to as covering a short. At the moment of creation,<br />

the position of the shorter has not changed at all because he can<br />

directly cover his own short position using the bitUSD to gain<br />

back his BTS used as collateral.<br />

If the short seller has sold the SmartCoins he has created, then<br />

he would be required to purchase them back from the market<br />

2 “fair” for honest market participants.<br />

before closing his short position. Meanwhile, if the value of<br />

the collateral relative to the current price of the market pegged<br />

asset falls below a certain margin of safety, the assets can be<br />

automatically (i.e. initiated by the protocol itself) repurchased<br />

from the market before the collateral becomes insufficient.<br />

These rules create systemic demand for market pegged assets<br />

while allowing them to remain fungible. To protect your contract<br />

against margin calls (automated, network initiated force<br />

settlement of your contract at the price feed), you should at least<br />

maintain the so called maintenance collateral level at all times.<br />

Hence, the collateral only needs to be high enough to cover any<br />

slippage as a result of a short squeeze.<br />

In summary, the following set of market rules apply to all<br />

market pegged assets (for the sake of simplicity, we here focus<br />

on the MPA bitUSD):<br />

• Anyone with BitUSD can settle their position within an<br />

interval 3 at the settlement price (identical to the feed price).<br />

• In this case, the least collateralized short positions would be<br />

margin called and their collateral would be used to settle the<br />

position.<br />

• The price feed is the median of many sources that are<br />

updated at least once per hour.<br />

• Short positions never expire, except by hitting the maintenance<br />

collateral limit, or being force-settled as the least<br />

collateralized at the time of forced settlement (see point 2).<br />

• In the event that the least-collateralized short position lacks<br />

enough collateral to cover at the price feed, then all BitUSD<br />

positions are automatically force settled at the price of the<br />

least collateralized short (black swan event, see section 2.5).<br />

These simple rules enable a price floor of $1.00 for 1.00<br />

BitUSD. A simple metric for testing the validity of our claim<br />

is to demonstrate that, if you can find someone willing to sell<br />

1.00 BitUSD for $1.00, that it would be the cheapest option for<br />

buying BTS. This means that 100% of the buying demand for<br />

BTS would be available to give liquidity to BitUSD holders as a<br />

priority over BTS holders.<br />

2.4 Perspectives of Participants<br />

While the rules are simple, the consequences are less obvious.<br />

Let’s analyze this from the perspective of the various players.<br />

2.4.1 The Short Position<br />

When deciding a price at which to enter a short order, a trader<br />

must consider the risk of being force settled. In this case, no<br />

trader will attempt to short at or below the price feed, because<br />

they could be forced to settle at the price feed. In fact, a smart<br />

trader would allow enough of a spread to account for the risk<br />

of being forced to settle at a feed price that was off by a small<br />

amount. Since feed errors are equally balanced between being in<br />

the favor of the short and in the favor of the long (c.f. section 2.2)<br />

this leaves only the risk of being forced out of their position at an<br />

inopportune time.<br />

3 defined by the shareholder approval<br />

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A short can minimize their exposure to the feed by providing<br />

enough collateral to keep far above the least collateralized positions,<br />

and thus stay very unlikely to be forced to settle at the feed<br />

or at an inopportune time.<br />

In practice, the only way new SmartCoins enter circulation<br />

is if there is someone willing to pay enough of a premium to<br />

convince a short to provide guaranteed liquidity at the price feed<br />

on demand, while also covering the cost of exchange rate risk.<br />

This premium will be higher for the backing cryptocurrency in a<br />

bear market, and will be lower in a bull market.<br />

Someone who is short has only one way to exit their position:<br />

by buying smartcoins off the market. This means that a short<br />

must also factor in the risk that the premium may change. If a<br />

short position is entered in a bull market with a 0.1% premium, it<br />

may be forced to exit during a bear market with a 5% premium.<br />

In this event a short position is exposed to both exchange rate of<br />

the dollar vs. BTS and the premium risk. On the other hand, a<br />

short entered during a bear market with a 5% premium may get<br />

to cover during a bull market with a 0.1% premium.<br />

For all intents and purposes, the premium is expected to move<br />

in the same direction as the price, and thus speculators who only<br />

care about relative price changes can ignore the premium.<br />

2.4.2 The Long Position<br />

The very first buyer of BitUSD will have to pay the lowest<br />

premium set by the shorters. For the sake of discussion, let’s<br />

assume the first BitUSD was created in a bear market and cost<br />

$1.05 to create. The holder of that BitUSD has two options:<br />

sell it on the market for $1.04, or request forced settlement for<br />

$1.00. Clearly, the forced settlement option would only be used<br />

in situations where there was a decrease in total demand for<br />

BitUSD and there were no offers to buy it above $1.00.<br />

As a trader only looking to trade back and forth between<br />

BitUSD and BTS, this premium doesn’t matter. Such a trader<br />

is exposed to volatility in the premium, but that risk is limited to<br />

$0.05 in this example. In practice, the premium is expected to be<br />

relatively stable and predictable.<br />

2.4.3 The Customer’s Perspective<br />

Customers use BitUSD because it provides them the convenience<br />

and freedom of a cryptocurrency, and has lower transfer fees<br />

compared to most other payment platforms besides being significantly<br />

more convenient than fiat.<br />

A customer looking to buy goods and services with BitUSD<br />

finds himself paying a premium to acquire BitUSD from the<br />

market. This means that customers will prefer merchants that<br />

offer a discount equal to the premium paid. On the other hand,<br />

the premium is a wash for a customer that earned BitUSD at a<br />

nominal value of $1.00.<br />

In fact, the only people to whom the premium matters are those<br />

who are looking to enter or exit the ecosystem. Once a customer<br />

or merchant is within the ecosystem, it is easy to simply trade<br />

BitUSD at parity, even if it is theoretically worth slightly more<br />

outside the ecosystem.<br />

Of course, merchants and customers are free to negotiate the<br />

best way to split the premium, and the free market will take care<br />

of the rest. In the meantime, all participants can rest assured that<br />

BitUSD is always worth at least $1, and can consider the premium<br />

for entering the ecosystem as a one-time fee comparable<br />

to fees required for the exchange of foreign currencies.<br />

2.4.4 The Merchant’s Perspective<br />

A merchant wants to be able to price merchandise in BitUSD,<br />

and obtain real USD in their bank account, in a reasonable time,<br />

with minimal risk. In this case, a merchant would place BitUSD<br />

on the market at $1 per BitUSD. As discussed, BTS buyers are<br />

looking for the opportunity to buy BitUSD at that price.<br />

A smart merchant might recognize that 1 BitUSD can actually<br />

fetch $1 plus a variable premium, and start preferring that<br />

customers pay them in BitUSD at face value. An even smarter<br />

merchant might offer a discount to customers that pay in BitUSD.<br />

In any case, merchants have a financial incentive to advertise<br />

BitUSD as the preferred payment mechanism, because they<br />

know that $1.00 is the lower bound on what BitUSD is worth.<br />

2.4.5 BTS Shareholders and Investors<br />

A buyer with dollars, looking to buy BTS, knows that 1 BitUSD<br />

can be used to buy $1 worth of BTS (plus the current premium).<br />

He also knows that this premium can never be negative, because<br />

of the option to force-settle at the price feed. In this situation, he<br />

can know with certainty that if he can convince someone with<br />

BitUSD to sell for $1.00, he can buy more BTS than if he simply<br />

buys BTS with his dollars directly. The higher the premium, the<br />

more incentive exists to buy BitUSD for $1.00.<br />

This means that, in a BTS bear market, the BitUSD price gives<br />

the highest premium of the BTS price, and BitUSD becomes the<br />

easiest to sell. In practice, the BitUSD:USD market will reflect<br />

the premium, and traders will usually be unable to find anyone<br />

willing to sell for exactly $1.00.<br />

If a buyer is looking to purchase a large quantity of BTS<br />

without moving the price, he can start by buying up BitUSD with<br />

dollars. This will slowly raise the BitUSD:USD price, which is a<br />

signal to other market participants. A careful buyer might be able<br />

to avoid signaling the market. Then, after acquiring the position<br />

in BitUSD, the buyer can request a global settlement and get the<br />

price feed on the entire purchase.<br />

Because all positions and trades are visible on the blockchain,<br />

all of this trading activity can be factored into the price, minimizing<br />

any potential profits to be made by attempted manipulation.<br />

2.5 Undercollateralization and Black Swans<br />

Events<br />

All guarantees of SmartCoins are subject to the caveat that a<br />

SmartCoin can never be worth more than the collateral backing<br />

the least-collateralized short position. All collateral above this<br />

maintenance collateral limit is effectively meaningless when it<br />

comes to enforcing the “peg”. In normal market conditions, the<br />

value of the collateral is always more than sufficient, but, from<br />

time to time, markets can rapidly revalue the collateral.<br />

If this revaluation happens faster than the short positions can<br />

be forced to cover, then all SmartCoins are liquidated at the<br />

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2.6 RISKS 6<br />

exchange rate of the least collateralized short position. This is<br />

called a black swan event since the least collateralized position<br />

is unable to buy enough BitUSD to cover. At this point, all positions<br />

are automatically force settled and any additional collateral<br />

maintained by the shorts is returned to them. This is similar to an<br />

insolvent bank converting its deposits to equity.<br />

2.6 Risks<br />

The current implementation of market pegged assets in the Bit-<br />

Shares system is designed to minimize risk of loss to SmartCoin<br />

holders. The collateral requirements and margin triggers were<br />

chosen conservatively to protect the holders of market pegged<br />

assets from volatility of the underlying collateral. Control over<br />

the price feed is distributed among N separately elected feed<br />

producers who compile information from multiple exchange<br />

sources.<br />

Despite such precautions, it is important to carefully explore<br />

risks of using the system. Risks can be broadly categorized as<br />

value risk, counterparty risk, or systemic risk.<br />

2.6.1 Collateral Risk<br />

Market pegged assets maintain their price parity due to being<br />

backed by collateral that has an established real world value.<br />

When the value of the collateral falls, the system is designed to<br />

react by driving the internal asset exchange to match the new real<br />

world exchange rate and trigger force settlements (also known as<br />

margin calls) if necessary.<br />

However, there exists a possibility that the underlying collateral<br />

(BTS) drops in value so quickly the market pegged assets<br />

become under-collateralized. Often termed a black swan event<br />

(c.f., section 2.5), a sudden crash of BTS value could prevent the<br />

system from adjusting in time. In this event, the full amount of<br />

collateral is no longer sufficient to purchase the market pegged<br />

asset back at the new real exchange rate. In such an event,<br />

assets may settle at the price fees and are converted back into<br />

the underlying collateral (BTS). This may expose customers at<br />

the volatility risk of BTS. Under normal conditions, short term<br />

market movements, spreads, and fees charged by exchanges may<br />

also affect the potential cost of conversion into and out of market<br />

pegged assets.<br />

2.6.2 Counterparty Risk<br />

Unlike many attempts to create a digital asset that tracks the<br />

dollar, market pegged asset are not an “I owe you” issued by any<br />

entity. For this reason, it does not rely on a specific counterparty<br />

to honor its value (unless you choose to view the software<br />

protocol itself as an independent “counterparty” entity).<br />

Although manipulation risk occurs in any market, it is minimized<br />

by the open source and auditable nature of the BitShares<br />

system and carefully considered market rules. MPAs stored on<br />

a centralized exchange become IOUs and are subject to counter<br />

party risk [5]. This risk is not a property of the MPA themselves.<br />

We recommend that users never deposit their tokens on an<br />

exchange and instead only use gateways that issue their IOUs<br />

onto the BitShares network. This way you can trade your BitUSD<br />

against gateway IOUs without exposing your BitUSD to counter<br />

party risk while in the order book (more details in section 4.3.1).<br />

2.6.3 Systemic Risk<br />

Systemic risk is a catch-all for other risks required to utilize the<br />

system. The primary risk lies with individuals being responsible<br />

for protecting the cryptographic private keys that sign transactions<br />

proving ownership of assets. These keys must be protected<br />

from theft or loss. This risk can be greatly reduced and virtually<br />

eliminated by following best practices.<br />

Systemic risk also includes the possibility of an overlooked<br />

fatal flaw in the open source software or the possibility of<br />

large scale failure of global network infrastructure. While some<br />

risk components should drastically reduce over time, such as<br />

implementation bugs and computational bottlenecks, others are<br />

constant and difficult to predict, such as politics (i.e. legislation,<br />

regulations, etc.) or natural catastrophes that may result in partial<br />

or global internet outages.<br />

2.7 Privatized SmartCoins<br />

Alternatively to regular MPA like the bitUSD, BitShares also offers<br />

entrepreneurs an opportunity to create their own SmartCoins<br />

with custom parameters and a distinct set of price feed producers.<br />

Privatized SmartCoin managers can experiment with different<br />

parameters such as collateral requirements, price feeds, force<br />

settlement delays and forced settlement fees (see section 3.2.7).<br />

They also earn the trading fees from transactions the issued<br />

asset is involved in, and therefore have a financial incentive to<br />

market and promote it on the network. The entrepreneur who<br />

can discover and market the best set of parameters can earn a<br />

significant profit. The set of parameters that can be tweaked by<br />

entrepreneurs is broad enough that SmartCoins can be used to<br />

implement a fully functional prediction market with a guaranteed<br />

global settlement at a fair price, and no forced settlement before<br />

the resolution date.<br />

Some entrepreneurs may want to experiment with SmartCoins<br />

that always trade at exactly $1.00 rather than strictly more than<br />

$1.00. They can do this by manipulating the forced settlement fee<br />

continuously such that the average trading price stays at about<br />

$1.00. By default, BitShares prefers fees set by the market, and<br />

thus opts to let the price float above $1.00, rather than fixing the<br />

price by directly manipulating the forced settlement fee.<br />

3 User-Issued Assets (UIA)<br />

In addition to the aforementioned market pegged assets, Bit-<br />

Shares allows individuals and companies to create and issue their<br />

own tokens for anything they can imagine. The potential use<br />

cases for so called user-issued assets (UIA) are innumerable. One<br />

example would be for UIAs to be used as simple event tickets<br />

deposited on the customer’s mobile phone to pass the entrance of<br />

a concert. On the other hand, they can be used for crowd funding,<br />

ownership tracking or even to sell equity of a company in form<br />

of stock.<br />

Obviously, the regulations that apply to each kind of token<br />

vary widely and are often different in every jurisdiction. Hence,<br />

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BitShares comes with tools that allow issuers to remain compliant<br />

with all applicable regulations when issuing assets, assuming<br />

regulators allow such assets in the first place. We will discuss the<br />

tools and optional administrative rights given to the issuers of a<br />

given UIA and provide a subset of possible use-cases in more<br />

detail.<br />

3.1 Deposit Receipts<br />

In principle, traditional banks are simply companies that maintain<br />

a database of customer account balances and facilitate the<br />

transfer of these assets among their depositors. Companies like<br />

Dwolla and Paypal essentially issue deposit receipts, and then<br />

offer cheaper transfers among their users compared to banks. The<br />

deposit receipt example is probably one of the most important,<br />

and yet most heavily regulated, use cases of UIAs. For that reason<br />

we will describe the tools available in BitShares that allow for<br />

compliant deposit receipts on the blockchain.<br />

<strong>With</strong> BitShares, it is now possible to move a company’s internal<br />

databases onto the blockchain where deposits can make use<br />

of all the features that BitShares offers, such as smart contracts,<br />

internal markets, escrow, or (later) bonds.<br />

In order to make traditional banking more profitable (through<br />

a decentralized account balance database), and enable services<br />

like Paypal and Dwolla while offering more freedom to the<br />

customers, we have identified (with extensive help from many<br />

different banks and exchanges) the relevant laws required to<br />

comply with when issuing deposit receipts. The following shall<br />

briefly discuss how BitShares can assist to comply with those<br />

rules 4 .<br />

3.1.1 Know Your Customer<br />

To comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) laws the issuer<br />

must know every single customer’s real world identity. BitShares<br />

supports this by enabling both whitelists and blacklists on the<br />

block chain.<br />

When an asset enables whitelists, no account may send, receive<br />

or trade that asset without being on an authorized whitelist.<br />

Rather than requiring every issuer to whitelist every customer<br />

separately, an issuer may specify a set of identity verifiers that<br />

they trust to do this job. This allows issuers to benefit from the<br />

network effect of validated users without having to do any direct<br />

identity verification themselves.<br />

<strong>With</strong> this feature, account funds can effectively be frozen by<br />

removing them from the whitelist. Of course this only affects<br />

those tokens of that particular UIA. Additionally, the issuer may<br />

take back his assets from any account, if required.<br />

Note that these kind of administrative powers are available<br />

only for UIAs and not for MPAs. Additionally an issuer may<br />

choose to indefinitely give up partial of full control over each<br />

specific administrative power.<br />

3.1.2 Asset Seizing<br />

From time to time, an issuer may be required to seize funds<br />

as a result of a court order. While this may be unappealing to<br />

4 This paper should not replace consultation of a lawyer<br />

cryptocurrency enthusiasts, it is an unavoidable reality of trustbased<br />

assets. An issuer can determine whether or not they wish<br />

to revoke this privilege, but it may be a requirement in some<br />

jurisdictions. Once again, this privilege only affects tokens of a<br />

particular UIA and does not apply to MPAs like the bitUSD.<br />

3.1.3 Market Restriction<br />

An issuer who offers USD, EUR and other fiat deposits may<br />

need to restrict direct trading between their fiat assets to avoid<br />

being subject to foreign currency exchange regulations. Some<br />

cryptocurrency exchanges allow trading between fiat and cryptocurrencies,<br />

but not between two fiat currencies. <strong>With</strong>out this<br />

feature, many exchanges would be unable to issue their assets on<br />

the BitShares blockchain. Hence, an issuer may choose to also<br />

white or blacklist trading partners for their user issued assets<br />

(i.e. IOUs). This way, the issuer can prevent customers from<br />

trading USD-IOUs for EUR-IOUs without restricting other pairs.<br />

Fortunately, MPAs, such as the bitUSD are not fiat and hence<br />

need not be blacklisted.<br />

3.1.4 Transfer Restrictions<br />

A transfer-restricted asset allows the holders of the asset to trade<br />

it in the markets but not transfer it from person to person. Only<br />

a few cryptocurrency exchanges allow user-to-user transfer of<br />

funds outside the market, because this particular activity is often<br />

subject to a different set of money transmission regulations. For<br />

that reason, known exchanges make use of so called coupon<br />

codes if there is a customer demand for user-to-user transfers.<br />

3.2 Use-Cases<br />

Having discussed the administrative possibilities of UIAs, we<br />

will now list and briefly describe a few use cases. These serve<br />

as examples and only represent a subset of the possibilities.<br />

3.2.1 Rewards Points<br />

A use-case that can be easily implemented and with only minor<br />

regulatory hurdles are reward points, which Merchants already<br />

today offer to their loyal customers. These points are accumulated<br />

to earn discounts on future purchases.<br />

Rewards systems are a prime opportunity to add value by<br />

making them available to BitShares smart contracts. <strong>With</strong> an<br />

UIA, a merchant no longer needs to maintain a database of<br />

customers and their rewards. Instead, he simply transfers a crypto<br />

token to the customer (e.g. via a mobile phone application) and<br />

the public ledger of BitShares takes over the maintenance leaving<br />

all administrative power to the merchant (i.e. the issuer of the<br />

UIA).<br />

Furthermore, because the issuer may set a trading fee for their<br />

UIA, merchants can have an additional revenue stream from<br />

people trading or transferring their rewards points.<br />

3.2.2 Event Tickets<br />

Event tickets are a largely unregulated use case for UIAs. Tickets<br />

to an event could be issued as digital tokens that are auctioned off<br />

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3.3 FEE POOLS 8<br />

to the highest bidder, who would then resell them. This ensures<br />

that the ticket issuer raises as much money as possible up front,<br />

while transferring the risk of ticket sales on to speculators. On<br />

the day of the event, the issuer can freeze all trading of the asset<br />

and then allow users to cryptographically check in (e.g. with their<br />

smart phones).<br />

Furthermore, the blockchain maintains the database of tickets<br />

which drastically reduces the organizational overhead.<br />

3.2.3 Digital Property<br />

Software and music licenses can be made transferable by issuing<br />

them as a digital asset. Every copy of a program can check to<br />

make sure that the user has control of a token before running.<br />

Software implementing such a licensing scheme can remain<br />

functional even if the company that produced the license goes<br />

out of business.<br />

Trading cards can be simulated by creating many limited issue<br />

assets. Online games can use these assets to represent game<br />

items.<br />

Further related possibilities include, but are not limited to:<br />

ownership tracking, authorization, membership identifications,<br />

etc.<br />

3.2.4 Crowdfunding<br />

<strong>With</strong> BitShares, decentralized crowdfunding becomes an easy<br />

task. Technically the process breaks down to as few as two steps:<br />

(a) Create and issue a new token that should represent your<br />

project, and (b) sell your shares on an exchange. The issuer is<br />

now free to choose to sell them for bitUSD, bitEUR, or any other<br />

token and is free to define the price for each share. Not only can<br />

these shares be traded on traditional (centralized) exchanges but<br />

they can also be traded in the decentralized exchange that will be<br />

discussed in section 4.<br />

Whether the UIAs are used as a transferable coupon for a presale,<br />

or for holding an initial public offering (IPO) for a small<br />

company, issuing an asset is one of the most effective means of<br />

raising money for a cause.<br />

3.2.5 Information/Prediction Markets<br />

<strong>With</strong> BitShares and the decentralized exchange described in<br />

section 4, prediction markets [6] can be quickly implemented.<br />

A binary prediction market has a “price” between 0 and 1<br />

representing the two possible outcomes of an event. All that is<br />

needed is a proper prediction criteria in the description of a newly<br />

created asset that anybody can issue by putting up collateral.<br />

Hence, a prediction market is a specialization of SmartCoins<br />

where there is no need for margin calls or forced settlement<br />

because all positions are fully collateralized at any price.<br />

While the event has not occurred, the price of this asset reflects<br />

the probability of an event to occur. After the event has occurred<br />

the issuer can settle all positions at final “price” depending on<br />

the actual outcome. Participants that have voted correctly will be<br />

able to settle their shares back to the network at a higher price<br />

and make a profit.<br />

These prediction markets can be very secure if the issuer is a<br />

multi-signature account with many independent and trustworthy<br />

parties involved.<br />

This feature, in combination with the bitUSD, allows anyone<br />

to implement most binary prediction and information markets<br />

currently established in a decentralized and trustless manner.<br />

3.2.6 Company Shares<br />

In most countries Corporate shares are heavily regulated by their<br />

corresponding exchange authority, such as the Securities and<br />

Exchange Commission (SEC) in the U.S. However, most of those<br />

regulations do not prevent them from being issued or traded<br />

on an alternative trading system [7]. The regulations in many<br />

jurisdictions require all shares to be registered (a.k.a. held by<br />

known identities).<br />

Since the BitShares network offers whitelisting for customers<br />

of UIA according to section 3.1, corporate shares can certainly<br />

be issued and traded in the BitShares ecosystem (see section 4).<br />

When issuing a corporate share in BitShares, the company<br />

can decide who is able to hold, share, or transfer its shares and<br />

can restrict trading markets freely (e.g. only allow the market<br />

STOCK:bitUSD but not STOCK:bitGOLD).<br />

3.2.7 Privatized SmartCoins<br />

Wit BitShares 2.0, users can create their own derivatives (i.e.<br />

price-stable assets) with custom parameters designed to track<br />

the value of any asset they can imagine by means of CFDs.<br />

The benefit of price-stable crypto-currencies is that they are fully<br />

collateralized, and the issuer only needs to be trusted to appoint<br />

an honest set of independent (non-collusive) feed producers.<br />

Unlike deposit receipts, the value of a privatized SmartCoin is<br />

secured even if the issuer disappears (in this case, however, the<br />

asset may be declared non-complying by regulators since white<br />

and blacklists cannot be updated any longer).<br />

To create a privatized SmartCoin, <strong>Bitshares</strong> provides several<br />

different parameters that an issuer may fine tune. In addition to<br />

account whitelists, market restrictions, and transfer restrictions,<br />

the issuer of a private SmartCoin has control over (a) Collateral<br />

Type, (b) Initial Collateral Rate, (c) Maintenance Collateral Rate,<br />

(d) Forced Settlement Fee, (e) Price Feed Update Rate, (f) Settlement<br />

Delay, (g) Global Forced Settlement, and (h) Trading and<br />

<strong>With</strong>drawal Fees.<br />

<strong>With</strong> these tools it is possible to emulate a pure contract for<br />

difference with periodic global forced settlement (i.e., monthly,<br />

yearly, etc), or to emulate BitAssets 1.0 by having a 30 day delay<br />

on forced settlement (c.f. section 2.1.2).<br />

Hence, any arbitrary financial indexes can be used for the price<br />

feed to mimic all manner of exotic assets. Also, because accounts<br />

are publicly auditable, even mixed asset funds can be modeled<br />

with the advantage of verifiable ownership claims by the fund<br />

manager.<br />

3.3 Fee Pools<br />

Issuers may optionally maintain a so called fee pool. The fee pool<br />

is a pool of BTS and an exchange rate at which the issued asset<br />

may be converted into BTS. This allows users to pay transaction<br />

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fees in the form of an asset even though the network requires fees<br />

to be paid in BTS.<br />

When a user wishes to pay a network fee with the asset, the<br />

fee pool will step in to convert the asset into BTS at the rate that<br />

the issuer has specified. This means that issuers may charge a<br />

premium every time users opt to use their asset to pay network<br />

fees rather than paying them directly with BTS.<br />

The purpose of the fee pool is to provide a convenience to users<br />

that would like to use an asset without concerning themselves<br />

with the details of acquiring BTS. Anyone may fund the fee<br />

pool, but only the issuer may specify the exchange rate. This<br />

exchange rate is automatically set to the settlement price if the<br />

asset is collateralized by BTS.<br />

3.4 Profiting from UIAs<br />

There are many ways to profit from issuing an asset. As the<br />

issuer you have complete control over market fees and can tune<br />

parameters such as the percent of each trade that is collected as a<br />

fee. This percentage can be bound by a minimum and maximum<br />

fee. The combination of these parameters give issuers flexibility<br />

in pricing.<br />

For example, you could easily implement a centralized payment<br />

solution on top of the decentralized BitShares network and<br />

mimic the business model of Dwolla and Paypal. In BitShares,<br />

you simply issue your own IOUs for U.S. dollars or Euro<br />

and send them to the wallets of your customers. Whenever a<br />

customers buys a market items from another customer, they may<br />

choose to pay with your IOU and require a percentage or fixed<br />

amount as fee for your service. The major advantage for your<br />

business is that you are not required to maintain your own highly<br />

reliable database servers that contain your customers’ balances<br />

since your customers maintain their wallets on their own and<br />

the public ledger securely stores the balances. This outsourcing<br />

increases security and profits, and improves competitiveness at<br />

no extra cost.<br />

4 Decentralized Exchange<br />

Throughout recent history, centralized exchanges have repeatedly<br />

proven unreliable and untrustworthy. Whether it is<br />

MF Global, Mt. Gox, BitStamp, or Bitfinex [8, 5, 9, 10], many<br />

people have been cheated because they allowed a 3rd party to<br />

hold their funds. It doesn’t matter how big they are, or how<br />

many auditors, regulators or insurers are involved, every kind<br />

of fraud, abuse, and theft can and has occurred. In the modern<br />

financial system, these transgressions happen all too frequently<br />

within centralized banks and exchanges all around the world.<br />

Hence, in the following paragraphs, we will outline the concept<br />

of the decentralized exchange (DEX) that powers the Bit-<br />

Shares network and discuss the many benefits of using it has over<br />

traditional centralized exchanges.<br />

4.1 Core Features of the DEX<br />

A decentralized exchange has a very particular set of advantages<br />

over traditional centralized exchanges, and we would like to<br />

address some of them briefly below. Although the BitShares<br />

DEX comes with all of them, it is up to the reader and customer<br />

to leverage those features for their particular needs.<br />

4.1.1 Separation of Powers<br />

There is no reason why the same entity needs to be responsible<br />

for issuing IOUs and for processing the order book. In fact, this<br />

is is actually a disadvantage from a security standpoint. It is<br />

only because these two roles have been combined that there is<br />

a tendency toward centralization in the Bitcoin exchange space.<br />

Since both sides of any order book consist of amount/price pairs,<br />

it makes more sense to store this data on a public ledger such as<br />

a blockchain. Therefore, to create a decentralized exchange, the<br />

first step is to move the order book onto the blockchain so that<br />

anyone can see and audit it.<br />

After this is done, gateway services can still be used to enter<br />

and leave exchange order book through IOUs, just like a traditional<br />

exchange uses. The blockchain can allow users to trade,<br />

for example, BitstampUSD against BitfinexUSD, and in order<br />

to easily move funds from one gateway to another. Users could<br />

even trade BitstampUSD against BitstampBTC or BitstampUSD<br />

vs BitfinexBTC.<br />

<strong>With</strong> this model, traditional exchanges merely act as gateways<br />

that receive fiat and issue GatewayFiat as an UIA on the<br />

blockchain (In reverse, they would receive their own Gateway-<br />

Fiat token, execute a wire transfer and then burn the token).<br />

These gateways would make their money entirely on transaction<br />

fees and from a percentage of the trading fees similar to their<br />

current model.<br />

But simply moving the order book to the blockchain is not<br />

enough, because the market would naturally centralize around a<br />

few gateway IOUs and the markets for them. Also, BitstampUSD<br />

is not fungible with BitfinexUSD because they have different<br />

trust profiles and regulatory considerations. Plus, any IOU carries<br />

the risk default similar to the the IOUs that currently exist on the<br />

exchanges’ internal databases. If we only had gateway IOUs, it<br />

would prevent the possibility of having a single, unified order<br />

book for USD pairs (or any fiat pair).<br />

Fortunately, BitShares has solved this issue with marketpegged<br />

assets. We have bitUSD which is backed by collateral and<br />

is independent of governments or centralized entities, and trades<br />

for $1 independent of any gateway. It is also universal because<br />

users don’t need to register their identity with anyone to use bitUSD<br />

or any other market pegged asset. So bitUSD pairs can now<br />

act as the universal order book, where users are safe to keep their<br />

funds on the books without risking counterparty exposure. This<br />

core features sets BitShare apart from Ripple, because BitShares<br />

has this unique “software protocol-based counterparty” that can<br />

never cheat a user out of their funds.<br />

4.1.2 Global Unified Order Book<br />

Because BitShares can be accessed through an internet connection<br />

and there exists only one source of truth, namely the<br />

blockchain, there can only exist one global order book for one<br />

particular market. The impact of such a global unified order book<br />

would be to improve market efficiencies (reduce all arbitrage op-<br />

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portunities), minimize spreads, maximize liquidity and provide<br />

accountability and auditability.<br />

By having the trades executed on the BitShares network, it<br />

would eliminate all high-frequency trading and front running<br />

because everyone has the same chance of filling an order. High<br />

frequency trading and front running depend upon centralized<br />

exchanges with high volume and deep markets. When the vast<br />

majority of trading activity moves to a decentralized, trustfree<br />

exchange with open order books, the remaining centralized<br />

exchanges will become much less appealing to honest traders.<br />

Furthermore, BitShares does not have restricted open hours,<br />

and is available for trading 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.<br />

4.1.3 Trade Almost Anything<br />

BitShares offers the tools to trade in Gold, Silver, Gas, and Oil<br />

in addition to several national currencies and cryptocurrencies.<br />

There are few limits on what can be traded on the BitShares<br />

exchange, if there are enough people interested to form a market.<br />

The DEX allows any two pairs to be traded directly. There is<br />

no need to ask the exchange to open up an additional market. If<br />

customers prefer to trade Silver:Gold directly, they can simply<br />

do it. The BitShares exchange can support assets that can track<br />

stocks, bonds, indexes, or inflation. Companies can issue their<br />

own stock on the BitShares network and allow easy, low-cost<br />

trading with complete protection against naked shorting.<br />

4.1.4 No Limits<br />

Of course, you can trade any amount, at any time, from anywhere,<br />

without withdrawal limits 5 . All other legally compliant<br />

exchanges have daily withdrawal limits. Those who wish to<br />

exceed standard limits must provide increasingly invasive levels<br />

of documentation. Some exchanges, such as Coinbase [11], even<br />

limit what you can do with your money after you have withdrawn<br />

it [12]. Other exchanges demand documentation of how you<br />

earned your cryptocurrency.<br />

<strong>With</strong> BitShares, no one must approve your account, so you<br />

have complete financial freedom.<br />

4.1.5 Decentralized<br />

Decentralization gives BitShares robustness against failure.<br />

When a centralized exchange is compromised, millions of dollars<br />

and thousands of users are impacted all at once. In a decentralized<br />

system, any attack or failure would impacts only a single<br />

user and their funds. Users are in control of their own security,<br />

which is generally preferable to trusting a centralized entity.<br />

Furthermore, since KYC/AML verification can be outsourced<br />

via whitelists, a gateway that holds customers funds for fiat<br />

backed IOU’s would not necessarily need direct access to the<br />

customers’ identities. This was an issue with Mt.Gox [5], where<br />

thousands of customers’ identities were stolen.<br />

Since there is a fixed cost associated with attempting to hack<br />

an exchange or an individual user, the difference between a<br />

centralized exchange and the DEX is the size of the reward.<br />

5 Restricted access may only apply to user issued assets (e.g. IOUs of gateways),<br />

but not to market pegged assets, such as bitUSD, bitEUR, etc.<br />

If someone places a multi-million dollar bounty on attacking a<br />

specific exchange, then you can expect a lot more effort to be<br />

put into compromising that exchange than would be put into<br />

attacking your individual account.<br />

Furthermore, within any centralized company multiple people<br />

usually have access to customer funds. Likewise, most centralized<br />

exchanges end up depending upon multiple people who<br />

share the responsibility of guarding the secret key that controls<br />

the funds. If any one of them is compromised, everyone’s funds<br />

are put at risk. Because of this, being individually responsible for<br />

maintaining your own secrets is a much safer option.<br />

Access to funds in BitShares can be further secured by means<br />

of corporate accounts that implement threshold signatures [2, 13]<br />

and validate only those transactions which signature weights<br />

(e.g. the CEO has more say than a worker) surpass a pre-defined<br />

threshold.<br />

4.1.6 Secure<br />

The traditional banking system has long practiced what is called<br />

fractional reserve banking, but in many cases the more appropriate<br />

term is “fictional” reserve banking. In the BitShares<br />

ecosystem, however, we demand at least 100% reserves. Every<br />

Dollar, Euro, bitcoin and ounce of gold held as a SmartCoin on<br />

the BitShares DEX is backed by at least, but often greater than<br />

100% reserves. In a centralized exchange, a single hack, mistake,<br />

or theft can quickly turn a 100% reserve system into a fractional<br />

reserve system, or worse, a ”fictional” reserve system. <strong>With</strong>out<br />

any reserves, it is unlikely that an exchange would ever be able<br />

to pay back the funds it owes to its customers.<br />

Because the BitShares DEX always maintains a minimum<br />

of 100% reserves, users can rest assured that BitShares will<br />

be solvent in almost any market. Since all of the reserves are<br />

kept as BTS held in collateral on the blockchain, they cannot<br />

be compromised because there are no private keys that can be<br />

stolen.<br />

4.1.7 Fast, but not too fast<br />

On Wall Street, traders go to great lengths to get as physically<br />

close to the core computers as possible, because their automated<br />

trading robots make decisions so quickly that the speed of light is<br />

a formidable factor. This gives them an unfair advantage against<br />

other traders, and allows them to engage borderline unethical<br />

practices such as order frontrunning. They have even spent<br />

billions of dollars to lay transatlantic fiber optic cables between<br />

London and New York to shave milliseconds off of their trading<br />

times.<br />

On the BitShares DEX, all trades execute in seconds, just like<br />

with any other centralized website interface. Unlike centralized<br />

exchanges however, there is no prioritized trading, front running,<br />

or hidden orders. This puts all traders on a level playing field.<br />

4.1.8 Decentralization of Privacy<br />

Crypto-currencies depend upon a public ledger or blockchain,<br />

which makes privacy challenging, because everyone can see<br />

every transaction. Bitcoin gives every user one or more account<br />

numbers, and that gives many people a false sense of security.<br />

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4.2 ORDER MATCHING 11<br />

People assume that as long as no one knows their account number<br />

and they use a new account number with every transaction, it is<br />

impossible to tie their bitcoins to their real life identify.<br />

This is where the large centralized exchanges become a problem.<br />

In order to comply with government regulations, exchanges<br />

must know everyone they do business with. Since many bitcoin<br />

transactions flow through an exchange, the exchange learns who<br />

everyone is and can start to track who is doing business with<br />

whom. Coinbase is already closing accounts [14] based upon<br />

who you do business with after withdrawing your bitcoins.<br />

In order to have even the slightest bit of privacy, the exchange<br />

functionality needs to be divided among hundreds of parties<br />

who are unlikely to collude to compromise identity. This is not<br />

economically practical today, because the exchange order book<br />

creates market incentives that naturally tend toward centralization<br />

in just a few exchanges with the vast majority of market<br />

share.<br />

In BitShares, your identity need only be verified by issuers of<br />

IOUs (e.g. GateUSD) in order to comply with fiat regulations.<br />

Once traded for bitUSD your link to the gateway or exchange<br />

Gate can be removed quickly by means of blinded transactions<br />

that enables users to publicly move funds without revealing the<br />

exact amount [2, 15]. If issuers approve, blinded transactions<br />

may even be performed for UIAs directly.<br />

4.2 Order Matching<br />

The old BitShares 1.0 protocol went to great effort to avoid<br />

market manipulation and eliminate the supposed evil of front<br />

running. To stop front running, all orders were matched at the<br />

exact price specified in the order. Any overlap in the market<br />

was captured as fees. This means that to get the best price, a<br />

client would have been forced to submit many orders manually<br />

matching each order. This had the side effect of slowing down<br />

how quickly someone could walk the book. This slow down<br />

effect was pitched as protection against market manipulation<br />

attacks on SmartCoins.<br />

Experience has taught us that the lack of standard limit orders<br />

has harmed market liquidity and adoption. BitShares 2.0 matches<br />

orders on a first-come, first-serve basis and gives the buyer the<br />

best price possible up to the limit. Rather than charging unpredictable<br />

fees from market overlap, the network charges a defined<br />

fee based upon the size of the order matched and the assets<br />

involved. Each asset issuer gets an opportunity to configure their<br />

fees as described in section 3.3.<br />

In contrast to BitShares 1.0, there will also be limit-orders that<br />

allow to buy on the market up to a predefined price. This allows<br />

to instantly fill any order below or above your price at the cost of<br />

a single fee (c.f., section 6).<br />

4.3 Collateralized Smartcoins<br />

The heart of BitShares is the SmartCoin system which enables<br />

the creation of collateralized bitUSD from the BitShares network.<br />

A BitUSD has all of the properties of traditional cryptocurrencies<br />

like Bitcoin, with the additional features from BitShares<br />

combined with the price stability of the US dollar. At any point in<br />

time you can sell a BitUSD for at least 1 dollar worth of BTS. If<br />

at any time the value of the collateral falls below a certain point,<br />

the blockchain will automatically buy back the BitUSD with a<br />

dollars worth of BTS (forced settlement, see section 2).<br />

When you hold BitUSD the value of your holdings will<br />

remain pegged to the dollar so long as BitShares have a value<br />

greater than 0. This means that BitUSD is secure against just<br />

about everything but an unfixable software bug in the BitShares<br />

protocol itself. By the time BitShares matures to the level Bitcoin<br />

is at today, we expect the probability of that kind of bug to be<br />

similar to that of Bitcoin having such an event.<br />

4.3.1 Fiat Gateways<br />

The roles that traditional exchanges perform today are:<br />

1. Receiving cryptocurrency and issuing IOUs.<br />

2. Receiving fiat and issuing IOUs.<br />

3. Redeeming IOUs.<br />

4. Processing an order book.<br />

Each of these stages requires a high degree of trust and<br />

direct counterparty risk, because they involve an IOU from the<br />

exchange. To get the best liquidity and lowest spreads requires<br />

a large and active order book, and this means that most people<br />

gravitate toward a few core exchanges, leaving everyone exposed<br />

to the same counterparty risk.<br />

Moving money into or out of an exchange often incurs a<br />

significant time delay, which means that active traders must keep<br />

their funds on the exchange. This magnifies the amount of risk<br />

to users of the exchange. It also magnifies the risk to all users in<br />

the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Each large security breach results<br />

in significant sell pressure, from both the thief looking to cash in<br />

their loot, and from regular users hoping to sell before the thief<br />

does.<br />

<strong>With</strong> the separation of powers, we only need gateways that<br />

perform the tasks 1, 2 and 3 of the list above while order book<br />

processing and storage of account balances are managed by the<br />

BitShares protocol/network. An entity issuing and redeeming<br />

IOUs for another asset in BitShares is called a gateway. In<br />

contrast to central exchanges, the IOUs are sent to the wallet of<br />

the customer and are under his full control (see section 3.1).<br />

Many gateways prefer the low-risk approach of one-for-one<br />

redemption and will simply allow the GatewayUSD to float<br />

against BitUSD with a small but variable spread in the market.<br />

Users then pay a small variable conversion cost as they exit from<br />

BitUSD to fiat USD through GatewayUSD.<br />

On the other hand, many users will want a direct conversion<br />

from BitUSD to fiat USD. In this mode of operation, the gateway<br />

takes care of providing all of the liquidity within a fixed percentage<br />

transaction fee. The gateways then compete on offering the<br />

lowest possible spread.<br />

Once this happens, BitUSD is effectively as good as USD with<br />

a small fixed conversion fee. This fee will likely be no more than<br />

the withdraw and deposit fees that current exchanges charge. At<br />

that point, BitShares will be a fully operational exchange with<br />

many banking partners and no limits. At no point in time will<br />

user deposits ever be subject to default or confiscation by an<br />

exchange or gateway. A truly decentralized exchange will have<br />

been realized, and the original vision of BitShares completed.<br />

Release: financial-platform/1.0-rc1-4-g23fc8ea (2015-11-12)

12<br />

5 Platform for Further Smart Contracts<br />

In contrast Bitcoin that offers Script — a stack-based scripting<br />

language with a reduced set of instructions (called OP codes) —<br />

to allow for limited smart contracting capabilities, the BitShares<br />

network allows for arbitrary transactions types, in general.<br />

However, in contrast to so called Turing-complete blockchain<br />

projects, such as Ethereum, adding new features or transaction<br />

types to the protocol requires shareholder consensus.<br />

Hence, new features must be proposed to the shareholders who<br />

must reach consensus to approve them. Only after this happens<br />

is the protocol then upgraded to the next version which includes<br />

the new feature set.<br />

6 Fees<br />

In the BitShares ecosystem every operation is assigned an individual<br />

fee. These fees are subject to change. However, they<br />

are defined solely by shareholder approval, thus each and every<br />

shareholder of the BitShares core asset (BTS) has a say as to what<br />

the fees should be. If shareholders can be convinced to reduce<br />

a certain fee and consensus is reached, the fee will be reduced<br />

automatically by the blockchain 6 .<br />

7 Conclusion<br />

In this paper, we have described the foundations of the BitShares<br />

network, which we hope will soon begin to inspire a paradigm<br />

shift from classical banking towards peer-to-peer financing. We<br />

have laid out the many features and benefits of the BitShares<br />

Decentralized Exchange, which offers financial instruments for<br />

anyone to utilize with low barriers to entry.<br />

<strong>With</strong> SmartCoins, the BitShares ecosystem offers a powerful<br />

tool for everyone from speculators and savers, to traders and<br />

entrepreneurs.<br />

The order-matching algorithm is similar to most central exchanges,<br />

and allows a user to directly fill an existing order or<br />

walk-the-books up to a given price by means of a limit order. It<br />

also allows for trade of any arbitrary pair of assets issued on the<br />

BitShares blockchain.<br />

The BitShares platform provides a toolkit with which innovators<br />

can experiment to discover optimal currency solutions using<br />

free market trading.<br />

We also discussed how a price floor of $1.00 USD per bitUSD<br />

is the most reasonable approach to achieving price predictability.<br />

Additionally, we have shown that user issued assets (UIA)<br />

offer countless opportunities to reduce costs. They can be used<br />

to distribute a token on a decentralized database (the blockchain),<br />

and can be programmed to comply with government regulations.<br />

Since the BitShares protocol handles order processing and storage<br />

of user balances, any implementation of business models<br />

around UIAs comes at very low cost to the issuer and will make<br />

expensive central server infrastructure a thing of the past.<br />

References<br />

[1] Investopedia, “Contract for Difference,” http://www.<br />

investopedia.com/terms/c/contractfordifferences.asp.<br />

[2] “BitShares 2.0: General Documentation,” BitShares<br />

<strong>Whitepaper</strong>s, 2015.<br />

[3] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, “Dataset:<br />

St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base (AMBSL),”<br />

https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/AMBSL/<br />

downloaddata?cid=124, Aug. 2015.<br />

[4] D. Larimer, “Stable currencies are impractical and<br />

undesirable,” http://bytemaster.github.io/article/2014/12/<br />

31/Stable-Crypto-Currencies-are-Impossible/.<br />

[5] “Mt. Gox,” http://www.wired.com/2014/03/bitcoinexchange/.<br />

[6] Wikipedia, “Prediction Market,” http://en.wikipedia.org/<br />

wiki/Prediction market.<br />

[7] ——, “Alternative Trading System,” http://en.wikipedia.<br />

org/wiki/Alternative trading system.<br />

[8] “MF Global,” http://www.forbes.com/sites/<br />

francinemckenna/2012/07/16/auditors-all-fall-downpfgbest-and-mf-global-frauds-reveal-weak-watchdogs/.<br />

[9] “Bitstamp,” http://www.coindesk.com/bitstamp-claimsroughly-19000-btc-lost-hot-wallet-hack/.<br />

[10] “Bitcoin Exchange BitFinex’ Hot Wallet Hacked,”<br />

https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/breaking-bitcoinexchange-bitfinex-hot-wallet-hacked/.<br />

[11] “Coinbase,” http://coinbase.com.<br />

[12] “Coinbase case demonstrates the pitfalls of regulatory compliance,”<br />

http://cointelegraph.com/news/112319/coinbasecase-demonstrate-the-pitfalls-of-regulatory-compliance.<br />

[13] Ripple Labs, “Multisig / Transaction Proposal,” https://<br />

wiki.ripple.com/Multisign#Transaction Proposal.<br />

[14] “Is Coinbase Bringing ”Big Brother” to Bitcoin Accounts?”<br />

https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/coinbase-bringing-bigbrother-bitcoin-accounts/.<br />

[15] Oleg Andreev, “Blind signatures for Bitcoin transactions<br />

(second draft),” http://oleganza.com/blind-ecdsa-draft-v2.<br />

pdf.<br />

6 Changes of blockchain parameters are proposed by members of the committee.<br />

These members are voted by shareholders and improve the flexibility and<br />

reaction rate.<br />

Release: financial-platform/1.0-rc1-4-g23fc8ea (2015-11-12)


Fabian Schuh BitShares Europe, bitshares.eu ∗<br />

Erlangen (Bavaria), Germany<br />

fabian@bitshares.eu<br />

Abstract—BitShares 2.0 is an industrial-grade decentralized<br />

platform built for high-performance financial smart contracts.<br />

In order to show its capabilities in the field, we have<br />

conducted a stress test on the public testnet. The testnet<br />

has been deployed with the same code base that is used<br />

for the BitShares network and has nodes around the globe.<br />

Only margin changes have been made to distinguish the<br />

testnet from the productive network, properly. A multi-phase<br />

stress-test has been proposed and accepted that modifies the<br />

maximum transaction size, maximum block size and block<br />

confirmation times in the live network during the stress test.<br />

Validators have been kept up to date by means of stakeweighted<br />

voting [1].<br />

1 Introduction<br />

The Graphene Platform has been developed by Cryptonomex<br />

specifically for BitShares. It has undergone many changes and<br />

has been enhanced to stay on top of blockchain technology. One<br />

of its public forks, BitShares, has been publicly traded for over<br />

2 years and has yet to show its maximum potential with respect<br />

to throughput. For this reasons, we have deployed a testnet, that<br />

uses the very same technology that BitShares is built on, with the<br />

specific purpose of testing algorithms, implementations, and also<br />

scalability.<br />

Here, the term scalability refers to the amount of transactions<br />

that can be applied to the blockchain at scale. Several factors<br />

need to be taken into account to correctly interpret any results<br />

obtained through testing. Among these are the specification<br />

of the deployed servers (CPU/RAM) that produce the blocks<br />

(validators), the interconnectivity of the nodes in the Peer-2-Peer<br />

network, the round-trip times and latency between nodes, as well<br />

as the geographical distance between nodes.<br />

The number of validators, furthermore, does not affect the<br />

throughput as long as all active validators can keep up with the<br />

requirements of the network. All active validators are treated<br />

equally and are given a slot to produce their blocks in each<br />

round [1]. Increasing the number of validators (a.k.a. witnesses)<br />

comes with an increased robustness against server failures yet<br />

also results in a longer duration to reach transaction finality [1]<br />

which describes the absolute irreversibility of transactions after<br />

∗ This work was supported by ChainSquad GmbH, BitShares-Munich IVS and<br />

honorable members of the bitsharestalk.org community.<br />

2/3 of all validators have approved a given block and its transactions.<br />

The goal of the public stress-test performed on the graphenebased<br />

testnet was to identify the limiting factors and bottlenecks<br />

at scale with multiple parties involved. We furthermore wanted<br />

to demonstrate scalability of current state of the art blockchain<br />

technologies.<br />

2 Testnet Setup<br />

We have deployed a separated blockchain for the public testnet<br />

that has been launched in January 2016. That blockchain was<br />

open to the public and every new account has been donated some<br />

of the core assets called TEST. By the time of the stress-test,<br />

the blockchain had over 6,800,000 blocks, and over 25,000,000<br />

operations processed.<br />

2.1 Software<br />

The software for the testnet backend has been maintained by<br />

BitShares Europe and is available for review on github.com.<br />

It is an almost identical fork of the Graphene code base that<br />

BitShares is built on with only marginal changes to accommodate<br />

the separated blockchain.<br />

The tools that have been developed for the stress-test and the<br />

analysis are mostly available in separate repositories as well.<br />

2.2 Validators<br />

The validators’ job is to collect unconfirmed and pending transactions<br />

as received through a Peer-2-Peer network, verify and<br />

validate them and publish your approval over those transactions<br />

in form of a signed block that carries those transactions.<br />

Given that the Graphene testnet also uses Delegated Proof of<br />

Stake (DPOS) as its consensus mechanism, the validators (a.k.a.<br />

block producers) can be voted in and out by means of the stakebased<br />

governance system [1]. This allowed us to 1. modify the<br />

number of validators 2. replace failing validators by standby<br />

validators 3. pick validators that are closer geographically (if<br />

location is known) every maintenance interval. This interval is<br />

used to tally all votes made since the previous maintenance block<br />

and is set to 5 min on the test-network.<br />

At the beginning of the stress-test, we will have these validators<br />

active:<br />

blckchnd-x Intel Xeon E3, 32GB RAM, bare bone, Germany<br />

Release: stress-test/1.0-1-g96f3268 (2017-04-04)


blckchnd-test Intel Xeon E3, 32GB RAM, bare bone, Germany<br />

jim.witness1 Intel Xeon R○ E5, 28-56GB RAM, Azure,<br />

South Korea<br />

smailer-5 Intel Xeon E3, 32GB RAM, Germany<br />

init0 Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM, bare bone, Germany<br />

init2 Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM, bare bone, Germany<br />

lafona2 Intel Avoton, 32GB RAM, France<br />

delegate.ihashfury Intel Atom C2750, 32GB RAM, bare<br />

bone, France<br />

f0x Intel Xeon E5, 56GB RAM, Azure, USA<br />

alpha-jpn Intel Xeon E5, 56GB RAM, Azure, Japan<br />

bravo-bra Intel Xeon E5, 56GB RAM, Azure, Brasil<br />

charlie-usa Intel Xeon E5, 56GB RAM, Azure, USA<br />

delta-gbr Intel Xeon E5, 56GB RAM, Azure, UK<br />

rngl4b Intel Xeon E5, 32GB RAM, bare bone, Luxembourg<br />

taconator-witness Intel Xeon E5, 24GB RAM, Switzerland<br />

arthur-devling Intel Xeon E5, 39GB RAM, France<br />

fr-blockpay Intel Xeon E5, 256GB RAM, Germany<br />

de-blockpay Intel Xeon E5, 128GB RAM, France<br />

2.3 Reference Full Node and Seed Node<br />

A bare bone reference node is provided by BitShares Europe<br />

that allows participants to interface with the Peer-2-Peer network<br />

without running their own full-nodes. The endpoint is available<br />

at wss://node.testnet.bitshares.eu and is powered<br />

by an Intel Core i7 with 64GB of RAM which carries two fully<br />

balanced full nodes to deal with the traffic.<br />

A frontend-wallet is provided under<br />

https://testnet.bitshares.eu.<br />

3 Limiting Factors<br />

In this section we briefly discuss the limiting factors we have<br />

identified prior to the stress-test. For the sake of proper description,<br />

we first need to look into the distinction of blocks,<br />

transactions, and operations.<br />

Transactions and Operations In contrast to other<br />

blockchains, Graphene-based blockchain explicitly allow to<br />

bundle multiple operations into a single transaction. Similar<br />

to Bitcoin allowing to bundle multiple outputs, but with the<br />

option to execute different smart contracts offered by the<br />

blockchain sequentially. The easiest application is similar<br />

to Bitcoin’s multi-send feature where a single user sends<br />

bitcoins to many addresses. In the case of Graphene/BitShares,<br />

the user would also sign a single transaction with a single<br />

signature but the transaction would carry many transfer<br />

operations. Additionally, a user may put a combination of<br />

trade/transfer/borrow operations (or any other) into a<br />

single transaction to ensure that they are executed sequentially.<br />

As can be seen, the main difference between bundling many<br />

transactions into a block and bundling many operations into a<br />

transactions is that in the latter case, the operations are guaranteed<br />

to be executed sequentially and that only a single authorization<br />

(e.g. signature) needs to be validated and verified.<br />

This distinction is important as our test results will clearly distinguish<br />

between the throughput of operations and the throughput<br />

of transactions.<br />

Signature Verification Similar to other blockchain technologies<br />

(i.e. Bitcoin), a single block may contain multiple transactions.<br />

Each transaction is signed by one or multiple entities and<br />

thus requires the validators to perform elliptic curve signature<br />

verification as well as public key recovery for authorization.<br />

From a scalability point of view, the limiting factors are the<br />

time and resources that are required to validate a signature for<br />

a given transaction and the time and resources that are required<br />

to append a transactions to the blockchain and execute its corresponding<br />

smart contract/operation.<br />

Since the Graphene technology is built such that the signature<br />

validation can be done independent of the blockchain’s current<br />

database state, the signature verification and key recovery can be<br />

trivially parallelized by means of a cluster or the use of a graphics<br />

processing unit (GPU). However, as the required software for this<br />

parallel verification was not available at the time of the stresstest,<br />

we expect the throughput to be significantly higher once we<br />

can be validated on a GPU.<br />

For this reason, and because we want to see the limiting factors<br />

when applying validated transactions to the blockchain, parts of<br />

our test scenario are focused around producing transactions that<br />

carry hundreds of transfer operations with just a single signature<br />

to be verified.<br />

Connectivity Obviously, a globally distributed network represents<br />

the worst case scenario when it comes to latency between<br />

nodes limited mostly by the speed of light and the size of the<br />

planet. A network that is hosted locally can result in better<br />

overall performance but does not offer the same robustness and<br />

redundancy as a global network.<br />

Memory Requirements In previous tests, we have identified<br />

a significantly increasing need for memory by the blockchain<br />

providing back-end software. This was mostly caused by so<br />

called plugins that take care of historic events, such as account<br />

transactions history or the trading histories. Those plugins kept<br />

their data in memory for performance reasons. Once we disabled<br />

these plugins, the validating software only required a few hundred<br />

Megabytes of memory.<br />

Transaction Production In order to stress-test a network,<br />

we need to produce actual stress which is not easy to achieve at<br />

the scale that we needed for our tests. Furthermore, we wanted<br />

to simulate a more or less realistic scenario in which multiple independent<br />

parties distributed on the globe produce transactions,<br />

each transaction trying to make it into the next block.<br />

For this reasons, we have asked the BitSharesTalk community<br />

to participate in the stress-testing not only by means of providng<br />

validation nodes across the planet, but also to produce the required<br />

stress.<br />

Peer-2-Peer Networking The original codebase of<br />

Graphene has a hard-coded limit in its Peer-2-Peer networking<br />

Release: stress-test/1.0-1-g96f3268 (2017-04-04)

3<br />

code (not part of the blockchain consensus protocol), that<br />

prevented us from reaching more than 1000 tps due to restriction<br />

in the amount of transactions being obtained through the Peer-2-<br />

Peer network. After increasing this limit way beyond what we<br />

wanted to achieve in our stress-test, we allowed the validating<br />

nodes to obtain up to thousands of transactions per second from<br />

the Peer-2-Peer network.<br />

However, the Peer-2-Peer networking code has been optimized<br />

for a block interval of about 10 s and thus leaves a lot of room<br />

for optimizations when talking about high-throughput at low<br />

latencies.<br />

4 Phases of the Stress-Test<br />

Since we use Graphene as our underlying technology, most<br />

blockchain parameters can be changed in real-time with no need<br />

for protocol upgrades or hard forks.<br />

In contrast to the public BitShares network, the majority of<br />

the stake in the public testnet is owned by BitShares Europe<br />

which allowed us to change the parameters without the need to<br />

coordinate with other stakeholders.<br />

This allowed us to setup a multiple phase stress-test that went<br />

through a set of different blockchain parameters to gradually increase<br />

the amount of processed transactions on the blockchain.<br />

4.1 Modifying Blockchain Parameters<br />

For our stress-test, we decided to focus on three blockchain<br />

parameters only:<br />

Max. block size This limit allowed us to modify the size<br />

of the blocks that are considered valid by the network. For our<br />

test, the size will be between 1 MB and 10 MB. The limiting<br />

factor is the supported data rate and connectivity of the validating<br />

nodes since blocks need to be produced and broadcasted within a<br />

certain time interval. A broadcast block needs to be received by<br />

the subsequent validator in time, otherwise the subsequent block<br />

cannot be linked to the expected previous block properly.<br />

Max. transaction size Each block can carry multiple transaction<br />

and, in contrast to many other blockchain technologies,<br />

transactions on Graphene-based blockchains can carry multiple<br />

operations. In our test, we assume that most of the operations<br />

are simple transfers of size 22 bytes. Together with the transaction<br />

header, a simple single-transfer (unsigned) transaction is<br />

36 bytes large. During the stress-test, we allowed between 50 and<br />

1000 transfer operations to be bundled into a single transaction.<br />

Block confirmation time The block confirmation time is the<br />

expected time between blocks. At the beginning we started with<br />

a 3 s block interval and reduced it down to 1 s at which point we<br />

expected the network to lose its robustness because of its global<br />

distribution, and because round-trip durations together with the<br />

need to transmit non-empty blocks might require more time.<br />

These parameters can be changed by a committee decision that<br />

is manifested through a dynamic multi-signature account. The<br />

members of the committee are voted on by the shareholders and<br />

collectively (with 50%+1), the committee can modify blockchain<br />

parameters by a single transaction. The procedure requires sufficient<br />

committee members to approve/co-sign a transaction that<br />

proposes to change parameters. After approval, the parameters<br />

are changed during the next maintenance block.<br />

4.2 Tested Parameter Sets<br />

The stress-test contained seven phases. As can be seen, the last<br />

two phases changed the block confirmation time and drastically<br />

reduce the maximum block size to ensure that blocks can at least<br />

be transferred in a timely manner. Whether blocks are propagated<br />

to the witnesses in time is is outside of direct control of the testers<br />

since we are running on a public and globally distributed Peer-2-<br />

Peer network.<br />

phase max. tx size max. block size block interval<br />

1 1 kb 1 MB 3 s<br />

2 1 kb 5 MB 3 s<br />

3 10 kb 5 MB 3 s<br />

4 100 kb 5 MB 3 s<br />

5 100 kb 1 MB 2 s<br />

6 100 kb 1 MB 10 s<br />

7 100 kb 1 MB 1 s<br />

5 Results<br />

5.1 Processed Transactions/Operations<br />

During our 4h-stress-test between 2pm and 6pm, the blockchain<br />

processed 4,011,110 transactions and 16,398,274 operations in<br />

4233 blocks. We varied three blockchain parameters including<br />

block confirmation times between 1 and 10 s.<br />

5.2 Transaction/Operation Throughput<br />

After the stress-test, when the transactions and operations had<br />

been added to the blockchain, we reviewed the blockchain offline.<br />

Given that the transactions and operations are recorded on<br />

the blockchain, we started by investigatng the overall results first.<br />

As can be seen from fig. 1 (top), there are multiple periods of<br />

activity. Clearly, most of the transactions started being broadcast<br />

from 15:00 going forward with an average of approximately<br />

1000 transactionsperblock afterwards. We also notice that the<br />

throughput was not constant during the stress-test which can be<br />

explained by the transactions requiring some time to propagate<br />

through the Peer-2-Peer network.<br />

We can further see in fig. 1 (bottom), that the participants<br />

have been constantly trying to modify their spam production<br />

method (increaseing number of transactions vs. bundling more<br />

operations per transaction) until a maximum of processed operations<br />

per block was reached at about 16:40. Afterwards,<br />

the participants were asked to increase the number of created<br />

transactions instead which is why the processed operations per<br />

block decreased later on.<br />

Most interestingly, we observed several short peaks of processed<br />

transactions and operations during the whole stress-test.<br />

As it turned out, the reasons of those peaks can be explained by<br />

a single participant who decided to use his block validating node<br />

Release: stress-test/1.0-1-g96f3268 (2017-04-04)


Figure 4: Max ops/s during the stress-test<br />

Figure 1: Overview of the throughput ops/s and txs/s during the<br />

whole stress-test<br />

to produce transactions. By this, he skipped the propagation of<br />

transactions through the Peer-2-Peer network which confirms to<br />

us that the networking code represents one of the bottlenecks.<br />

5.3 Block Confirmation Times<br />

After investigating the throughput of the blockchain, we also<br />

tested the Peer-2-Peer network and capability to deal with different<br />

block confirmation times. As a reminder, the technology<br />

tested here is capable of changing different blockchain parameters<br />

on the fly. One of these parameters is the block confirmation<br />

time which represents the time between the blocks in<br />

the synchronous consensus mechanism delegated proof-of-stake<br />

(DPOS).<br />

Figure 2: Max ops/s during the stress-test<br />

In fig. 2, we have zoomed into a period of rather high throughput<br />

(i.e. 2500 transactionsperblock). Here, we still see the peaks<br />

produced by skipping the networking.<br />

Figure 5: Max ops/s during the stress-test<br />

Figure 3: Max ops/s during the stress-test<br />

Finally, the results in fig. 3 show that the blockchain was able<br />

to process an average of over 8000 operationsperblock with<br />

quite high peaks and an irregular throughput per block.<br />

The irregularity can be resolved by deploying similar hardware<br />

that can all process the same amount of transactions/operations.<br />

We were able to confirm this behavior later on by replacing all<br />

validators except for one, which greatly reduces the variance of<br />

the throughput as can be seen in fig. 4. Here, the stress has been<br />

produce by a single node connected directly to the validating<br />

node while another single validator was only connected through<br />

the Peer-2-Peer network.<br />

In fig. 5, we can see the actual block confirmation time as<br />

tracked by the blockchain. These values have been obtained<br />

from each block header which also contains the time stamp.<br />

Little variations are to be expected due to slightly inaccurate<br />

synchronization of the local time, while large deviations indicate<br />

one or multiple validators to have missed their blocks. The graphs<br />

shown in the figure are averaged over 100 blocks to reduce the<br />

noise.<br />

We can see that, during the stress-test, multiple different block<br />

confirmation times were tested, starting with 5 s, going down<br />

to 2 s, then up to 10 s until we decided to also test 1 s block<br />

confirmation time. Unfortunately, we observed some witnesses<br />

not producing during large parts of the stress-test which is why<br />

the averages are above the target rates most of the time. For our<br />

next stress-test we plan to be more strict in replacing witnesses<br />

when they miss block production blocks.<br />

In ?? highlights the period when the block confirmation time<br />

was reduced to 1 s. We can see that most of the blocks were produced<br />

in time with only up to 3 validators not having produced<br />

in time (i.e. the black peaks going up to at most 4 s). This came<br />

Release: stress-test/1.0-1-g96f3268 (2017-04-04)

5<br />

each and everyone that has been running a machine for the stresstest<br />

and BitShares-Munich for providing the major API node on<br />

bitshares.eu.<br />

References<br />

[1] “BitShares 2.0: General Documentation,” BitShares<br />

<strong>Whitepaper</strong>s, 2015.<br />

Figure 6: Max ops/s during the stress-test<br />

as a big surprise to us as we had expected a higher block-miss<br />

rate all together.<br />

6 Conclusions<br />

<strong>With</strong> our testing, we have seen that the code base is much<br />

more robust than we had expected. The block creation and block<br />

validation is sufficiently fast so that we can run a blockchain with<br />

synchronous block confirmations times of 1 s without validators<br />

dropping out too much.<br />

The Peer-2-Peer code seems to be working nicely but results<br />

show that it could be one of the bottlenecks currently preventing<br />

us from going further. The computational resources of our validators<br />

have more than enough back-off for higher throughputs<br />

but the networking code was not able to provide sufficient data<br />

(e.g. transactions) to raise it during our stress-test.<br />

We have further identified another bottleneck with respect<br />

to transaction production. Signing transactions takes more resources<br />

and we will prepare properly for our next stress-test. This<br />

result was confirmed in a later private testnet where 36 cores have<br />

been activated during the test sequentially. The result was that<br />

the blockchain easily dealt with all of the produced transactions<br />

and the throughput increasesed accordingly, each time additional<br />

cores have been added to transaction production.<br />

To conclude, the current software stack still has a few limitations<br />

and edges that need to be optimized in order to improve<br />

scalability further, but the foundation has been designed in such<br />

a way that it allows for even higher throughput. Our current<br />

limitations are purely in the implementation and networking<br />

aspects than in the software and protocol architecture.<br />

7 Acknowledgements<br />

We would like to thank every one that has participated in the<br />

stress-test for block validation, transaction generation and setup<br />

of a robust Peer-2-Peer network. We would like to further acknowledge<br />

the assistance during the preparations of the stresstest<br />

and the feedback we have received while writing this paper.<br />

Last but not least we appreciate the financial support given by<br />

Release: stress-test/1.0-1-g96f3268 (2017-04-04)

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