The Ultimate Body Language Book

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thereby creating the behaviour instead of uncovering it. Contrary to popular belief we discussed that eye contact can often increase during lying rather than decrease due to “duping delight” where a person receives a charge from pulling one over on someone else. We learned that lying is hard work so should expect that when someone is caught with difficult questions that they should exhibit more nonverbal leakage and might even ‘appear’ to be thinking harder. Nervousness and guilt was touched on which showed that at times liars can give themselves up through a higher pitch, faster and louder speech, speech errors or stuttering, blushing, an increase in blink rate, fidgeting, dilation of the pupils or sweating, but that these cues only reveal liars that actually feel guilt, and not all do. Liars can also tend to “freeze up” and reduce movement and we related it back to professional poker players. Next we looked at how liars remain uncommitted to their lies, and thereby use less exuberant gesturing, and can stop or reduce touching when they lie. Next we looked at the “truth bias” which shows that an average of sixty-seven percent accuracy is found when detecting the truth, whereas forty-four percent is found while detecting deception because people expect to be told the truth so have adapted to detect it. We found in this chapter that truth tellers (and liars) are sometimes less cooperative, but not always, and looked at the FACT or the facial action coding system as another way to detect lies. “Microexpressions” were defined as facial expressions that flash across the face in 1/25 to 1/5 of a second and can betray liars because they are difficult to consciously control and appear more honest. We discussed that while lying requires fabrication, telling the truth can be just as difficult since details must be recalled from memory. Police officers, we found, are fairly good at detecting lies, but this is in spite of what they are taught rather than because of it. Lying language in children was discussed and then we classified the major gestures that are usually associated with lying, but that aren’t always actually indicative of it. Our aim in doing so was to avoid doing them so we can avoid being mislabeled as untruthful by others. These commonly associated gestures include touching the face and ears, scratching the neck, pulling at the collar, touching the eyes, mouth, or nose and closed body language. We also examined eye patterns in lying, verbal and paraverbal cues and nervous body language as they relate to lying. We discovered that machines such as the fMRI, thermal scanners, eye trackers, pupillometers and stress sniffers had a much greater success rate when compared to people, but were also expensive and impractical. We finished up the chapter by examining true success which is achieved by the experts; the CIA who scores seventy-three percent, sheriffs sixty-seven percent, psychologist sixty-eight percent and the secret service who scored sixty-four percent as well as techniques for actually detecting lies by comparing the baseline of a person as they shift from comfort to discomfort based on questioning or other stimulus. Final Thoughts Final Thoughts by Chris Site Author • March 6, 2013 • 0 Comments Final? There’s no end to the constant flow of research on Body Language and how amazing our Brains are… Stay tuned for more, and visit our Articles section of the site for the newest research. This is the public content. This is the private content. You can change the level to match whatever level should have access to the

info. This is public info after the private info. Cheers, Chris References References by Chris Site Author • March 6, 2013 • 0 Comments Resources And References This website is a product of more than just my own opinion; it is the result of the synthesis of hundreds of sources. I am a nerd for primary research and hack and analyze the research into a format that is more practical and user-friendly. By reading through Body Language Project, you will gain the most useful and practical information derived from the resources listed below. I am grateful for the contributions that these scientists have made toward the study of nonverbal communication and nonverbal behaviour: body language. -A- Abe, N., M. Suzuki, E. Mori, M. Itoh, and T. Fujii. 2007. Deceiving others: distinct neural responses of the prefrontal cortex and amygdale in simple fabrication and deception with social interactions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19: 287-295. Adolphs, Ralph A. 2006. Landmark study finds that when we look at sad faces, the size of the pupil we look at influences the size of our own pupil Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 1(1): 3-4 Akehurst, L., G. Kohnken, A. Vrij, and R. Bull. 1996. Lay persons’ and police officers’ beliefs regarding deceptive behaviour. Applied Cognitive Psychology 10: 461-471. Aiello, J. 1977. A further look at equilibrium theory. Visual interaction as a function of interpersonal distance. Environmental Psychology & Nonverbal Behavior, 1: 122-140. Andrea Kleinsmith P. Ravindra De Silva Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze. 2006. Cross-cultural differences in recognizing affect from body posture. Source: Interacting with computers. 18 (6): 1371 -1389 Ashton-James, C., R. B. van Baaren, T. L. Chartrand, J. Decety, and J. Karremans. 2007. Mimicry and me: the impact of mimicry on self-construal. Social Cognition 25 (4): 518-535. Appelbaum, P.S. The new lie detectors: Neuroscience, deception, and the courts. Psychiatric Services. 2007. 58: 460-462. Argyle, M. 1988. Bodily communication (2nd ed.). London: Methuen. Argyle, Michael; Lefebvre, Luc; Cook, Mark 1974. The meaning of five patterns of gaze. European Journal of Social Psychology. 4(2): 125-136. Argyle, M., and Ingham, R. 1972. Gaze, mutual gaze, and proximity. Semiotica, 1, 32–49.

thereby creating the behaviour instead of uncovering it. Contrary to popular belief we discussed that<br />

eye contact can often increase during lying rather than decrease due to “duping delight” where a person<br />

receives a charge from pulling one over on someone else. We learned that lying is hard work so should<br />

expect that when someone is caught with difficult questions that they should exhibit more nonverbal<br />

leakage and might even ‘appear’ to be thinking harder. Nervousness and guilt was touched on which<br />

showed that at times liars can give themselves up through a higher pitch, faster and louder speech,<br />

speech errors or stuttering, blushing, an increase in blink rate, fidgeting, dilation of the pupils or<br />

sweating, but that these cues only reveal liars that actually feel guilt, and not all do. Liars can also tend<br />

to “freeze up” and reduce movement and we related it back to professional poker players. Next we<br />

looked at how liars remain uncommitted to their lies, and thereby use less exuberant gesturing, and can<br />

stop or reduce touching when they lie.<br />

Next we looked at the “truth bias” which shows that an average of sixty-seven percent accuracy is<br />

found when detecting the truth, whereas forty-four percent is found while detecting deception because<br />

people expect to be told the truth so have adapted to detect it. We found in this chapter that truth tellers<br />

(and liars) are sometimes less cooperative, but not always, and looked at the FACT or the facial action<br />

coding system as another way to detect lies. “Microexpressions” were defined as facial expressions that<br />

flash across the face in 1/25 to 1/5 of a second and can betray liars because they are difficult to<br />

consciously control and appear more honest. We discussed that while lying requires fabrication, telling<br />

the truth can be just as difficult since details must be recalled from memory. Police officers, we found,<br />

are fairly good at detecting lies, but this is in spite of what they are taught rather than because of it.<br />

Lying language in children was discussed and then we classified the major gestures that are usually<br />

associated with lying, but that aren’t always actually indicative of it. Our aim in doing so was to avoid<br />

doing them so we can avoid being mislabeled as untruthful by others. <strong>The</strong>se commonly associated<br />

gestures include touching the face and ears, scratching the neck, pulling at the collar, touching the eyes,<br />

mouth, or nose and closed body language. We also examined eye patterns in lying, verbal and<br />

paraverbal cues and nervous body language as they relate to lying. We discovered that machines such<br />

as the fMRI, thermal scanners, eye trackers, pupillometers and stress sniffers had a much greater<br />

success rate when compared to people, but were also expensive and impractical.<br />

We finished up the chapter by examining true success which is achieved by the experts; the CIA who<br />

scores seventy-three percent, sheriffs sixty-seven percent, psychologist sixty-eight percent and the<br />

secret service who scored sixty-four percent as well as techniques for actually detecting lies by<br />

comparing the baseline of a person as they shift from comfort to discomfort based on questioning or<br />

other stimulus.<br />

Final Thoughts<br />

Final Thoughts<br />

by Chris Site Author • March 6, 2013 • 0 Comments<br />

Final? <strong>The</strong>re’s no end to the constant flow of research on <strong>Body</strong> <strong>Language</strong> and how amazing our Brains<br />

are… Stay tuned for more, and visit our Articles section of the site for the newest research.<br />

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