The Ultimate Body Language Book

from shadowsfall1982 More from this publisher

The ‘nose crinkle’ can mean a negative thought as in getting a bad card in a game of poker. I’ve, however, seen this gesture feigned (and yes I lost the hand over this well executed bluff). Let’s look at arm crossing or even touching the nose. Everyone thinks that arm crossing means that someone is closed and unreceptive. This might be true for some people some of the time, but to others, it means that they are comfortable. If I were to cross my arms, just now, would it mean I was closed? No, it wouldn’t, it simply means that my arms are crossed. The same goes for nose touching as an indication of lying or deception. Some people touch their nose at the end of every sentence – it’s their

idiosyncrasy. Does this mean that every word that comes from their mouth is a lie? It could be, but it is not likely. Once we’ve caught someone in a lie we can backtrack and look at the clues that preceded the lie and those that followed the lie to pick up on cues that might have given him away. Poker players do just this, although for them it’s simpler since there really are only two possible scenarios, he is bluffing, or he really has a strong hand. Video even provides professional poker players with one hundred percent of the information at hand, there are no secrets and so baselining can happen very quickly. In real life, things are not as obvious and there is a lot of gray in between the truth and a lie so it takes a lot more effort do develop baselines, however with practice even novel situations with unknown people will begin to appear similar to other past experiences and people. So baselining provides us with information that we can use in the future when lying or any other emotional behaviour is suspected, where we can draw from our database of “tells” and make educated guesses about the truthfulness, or emotional state of our subject or subjects.

<strong>The</strong> ‘nose crinkle’ can mean a negative thought as in getting a bad card in a game of poker. I’ve,<br />

however, seen this gesture feigned (and yes I lost the hand over this well executed bluff).<br />

Let’s look at arm crossing or even touching the nose. Everyone thinks that arm crossing means that<br />

someone is closed and unreceptive. This might be true for some people some of the time, but to others,<br />

it means that they are comfortable. If I were to cross my arms, just now, would it mean I was closed?<br />

No, it wouldn’t, it simply means that my arms are crossed. <strong>The</strong> same goes for nose touching as an<br />

indication of lying or deception. Some people touch their nose at the end of every sentence – it’s their

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