The Ultimate Body Language Book

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normal. Three pumps is recommended and usual, but up to seven can still be acceptable. However,<br />

more than ten or fifteen is getting excessive and the pumping action should never seem out of ordinary<br />

or particularly violent.<br />

Double gripper politician 9: <strong>The</strong> double gripper where both hands are used to sandwich the other<br />

persons hand is the “politician’s handshake”. It’s an intimate handshake but in the wrong company can<br />

be taken as insincere and create negative feelings for the same reason it creates positive feelings when<br />

used by politicians – because it breaks privacy boundaries. Politicians and celebrities and other high<br />

status people are afforded greater luxuries than the rest of the population, which is why we tolerate and<br />

even encourage them to kiss our babies! However, even in politicians, touching is carefully calculated<br />

and practiced. <strong>The</strong> double handshake happens when the right hand’s join followed by the left hand<br />

placed (almost) lovingly over the right hand as if to form a glove. <strong>The</strong> higher up is the placement of the<br />

hand, the more intimate. We would only use this once a strong relationship has been formed to show<br />

affection or a deep desire to make amen’s. It might also be used to strike a particularly lucrative deal<br />

that both parties feel will greatly help each other. In everyday use, the double grip handshake has little<br />

place and instead of conveying positive emotions arouses suspicion and doubt. Other forms of touching<br />

during a handshake include the elbow, shoulder, upper arm or the wrist. <strong>The</strong>se are fairly advanced ways<br />

of shaking hands and reserved for more aggressive and experienced handshakers. <strong>The</strong> higher up the<br />

touching occurs, the more intimate it is so can appear as a personal space invasion. <strong>The</strong> shoulder grip is<br />

the most intense form of intimacy used during handshakes and should be used only with those you have<br />

a strong emotional tie.<br />

Secondary to the double gripper politician but not a category onto itself is a handshake that happens as<br />

normal except the inside of the wrist is stroked with the index finger during the hand shake pump. If<br />

this happens to you, you’re bound to feel shocked, as are most people as it was by design. This person<br />

is trying to evoke a visceral feeling in you that they have the upper hand and can do as they please.<br />

Think of the wrist tickler as a nonverbal way to assault but that is so subtle that no one else will notice<br />

except the person experiencing it. Be very weary of folks that try this handshake on you as they are<br />

definitely playing psychological mind games and may try to pull a fast one on you.<br />

<strong>The</strong> teacup 10: This handshake is conducted like any other good handshake except that the palm is<br />

cupped such that it makes no contact with the other palm. Someone that shakes hands like this is either<br />

shy or insecure, doesn’t want to fully bond or is trying to hide something. <strong>The</strong>se people might take<br />

more time to open up and fully reveal their true selves to others. Take your time with them and give<br />

them lots space to open up and instead of bantering on endlessly give them an open platform to express<br />

themselves.<br />

<strong>The</strong> undershaker 11: This handshake is so quick, it’s actually offensive. It lasts merely seconds where<br />

the hand is quickly grabbed then released or tossed aside. Sometimes it even lacks any pumping action<br />

at all. Someone who shakes hands like this is showing indifference and suspicion, perhaps they feel you<br />

are trying to sell them something they aren’t at all interested in. Other times they are trying to signal<br />

that you are intruding on their ground and that no agreement will be made. It’s probably best to respect<br />

their wishes, as their initial impression shows that you have come on far too strong. Other times the<br />

undershaker resides in an area where physical contact isn’t normal and they aren’t used to shaking<br />

hands so don’t know how to properly handle it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Oddball 12: This is the sort of handshake your teenage son or daughter comes home with in effort<br />

to confusing the heck out of you! It’s the handshake that has you saying “You do what with what, then<br />

what?!?” It often includes bumps, slaps, flicks and clicks. This is a fine handshake amongst casual<br />

friends, but please avoid this on a job interview or with other employees. It does however, display a<br />

relaxed atmosphere and has its place to form intimate friendships and bonds.

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