The Ultimate Body Language Book

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So while we can use hand features to determine congruencies, we also must exercise some caution. Regardless, hands, their strength and character can give away some tells about a person and their habits so while we are at it, meaning shaking hands, we might as well collect these cues as they may come in “handy” in the future. Chapter 14 - Office Body Language Types Of Bad Handshakes The handshake is a very common greeting gesture performed all around the world and up until recently the style with which they were delivered was anecdotally believe to predict personality traits the people who did them. Does the “bone crusher” or “wet fish” handshaker really convey that a person is aggressive or timid? Research conducted in 2000 by Dr. William Chaplin from the University of Alabama set out to get some facts straight about what the handshake really means. He found one hundred twelve students to be a part of his study but kept the purpose of it a secrete. They were simply told there were four parts to the experiment, and they’d be dismissed and welcomed to each part with a handshake in addition to other formalities. Four of the researchers, two men and two women were trained for a month on how to perform certain handshakes. The researchers had students stand next to smaller rooms and as they entered they greeted them by shaking their hand and then proceeded into the room to fill out a questionnaire. The researchers found that a firm handshake was related to extroversion and emotional expressiveness rather than shyness and neuroticism. Women were also rated as more open to experiences when they used a firm handshake. The results show that our handshakes reveal a lot about our personalities. Women with strong handshakes can equalize themselves alongside men in the workplace and bring more favourable initial ratings from others. While an assertive attitude can be considered “pushy” especially in women, a firm handshake is an acceptable technique to show confidence without appearing too aggressive. According to Dr. Chaplin a firm handshake is a safe place for women to show their dominance in the workplace. They also happen automatically, we don’t consciously think about them and therefore we don’t often realize how good or bad our handshake really is. However, this also means we can tell a lot about people from how they shake hands because, chances are, it’s what occurs naturally to them. While men overall have firmer handshakes, the study shows us that women can level the ground simply by stepping up their firmness. Chapter 14 - Office Body Language My Little Handshake Experiment In effort to research a better handshake I shook hands with a door to door salesman (against my primary instincts), my ex-employer, my father and brother in-law, my dentist, a lawyer, my accountant, my wife’s boss, my friends wife, my new tenants and thirty other potential tenants that came for a look, a real estate agent and his brother, a doctor, a university professor, a banker, my mortgage broker, a waiter and two new guys that showed up for poker night. In that time I’ve had just about everything imaginable done to my hand. It was twisted, crushed, pulled, slapped and rotated and lovingly held. My arm was hugged, pushed, rigorously pumped and yanked practically out of its socket. From what little research exists on handshakes, the conclusion is that most people aren’t aware of what

they are doing when they shake hands and so don’t know how their handshakes appear to others. The next time you get a chance, ask others what they thought of your handshake. Perhaps you carry some of the following traits in your handshake unintentionally. Here’s a breakdown of the various bad handshakes that I have, and that you (hopefully won’t) experience: 1. The death grip 2. The cold dead wet fish 3. The limp fish 4. Short grabber/finger grabber 5. Stiff arm and trust forward 6. Wrench forward controller 7. Arm twister 8. Over pumper 9. Double gripper politician 10. The teacup 11. The undershaker 12. The oddball The death grip 1: Those that employ a macho bone crushing grip have aggressive personalities and intend to try to dominant you from the start and while this is true, the origins of this handshake and personality usually lies in insecurity that fosters a need to prove himself at every instant. It says “I have the power over you and can cause you pain if I so desire.” They have no regard for how others perceive them and use pain to put people in their place. Rings on the fingers can make matters even worse, and I think they know it! You can put these people in their place by verbalizing your pain, and drawing other people’s attention to it jokingly. Most people wont have enough confidence to be vocal about it, which is how the death gripper gets his power, but if done properly can make others laugh and set yourself apart. Instead of using bone crushing force, use moderate pressure and when in doubt match the pressure given by the other person to signify a desire for cooperation. If you wish to set the tempo in a relationship, then deliver only slightly more pressure than them. When applying for a job, a bone crushing handshake should be avoided at all costs. You do not want to send a dominant or hostile message to your potential boss. The cold dead wet fish 2: The dead wet fish is another particularly disgusting handshake and it portrays negative emotions to anyone that receives it. Nervousness causes sweat or even a cold drink that is condensing causes our hands to become damp and clammy which is a turnoff to others who receive this nasty treat. Sometimes the hands simply sweat continuously and uncontrollably from a medical condition called hyperhidrosis which affects about five percent of the population. If you are meeting a large amount of people, as in a cocktail party, holding a drink in the left hand, rather than the right, is a good practice to keep it properly aired out and dry. Storing a napkin in the pocket can also help in wiping your hands discreetly before handshakes, but even absent of a napkin, wiping them on the inside of the leg inside a pant pocket can serve the trick. Women who usually lack attire with pockets can lightly wipe their hands on their clothing discretely, use a napkin that holds food, or better yet or make a few trips to the washroom if the problem is particularly severe. Keeping the hands out of your pockets is good advice too, since the added heat and moisture will only make matters worse. Sometime moisture issues are unavoidable and rather than dwelling on them raising anxiety further, it is better to focus on aspects that are more controllable such as pressure and connectivity. The limp fish 3: The flaw in the limp fish handshake is that it has far too little pressure – the handshake

So while we can use hand features to determine congruencies, we also must exercise some caution.<br />

Regardless, hands, their strength and character can give away some tells about a person and their habits<br />

so while we are at it, meaning shaking hands, we might as well collect these cues as they may come in<br />

“handy” in the future.<br />

Chapter 14 - Office <strong>Body</strong> <strong>Language</strong><br />

Types Of Bad Handshakes<br />

<strong>The</strong> handshake is a very common greeting gesture performed all around the world and up until recently<br />

the style with which they were delivered was anecdotally believe to predict personality traits the people<br />

who did them. Does the “bone crusher” or “wet fish” handshaker really convey that a person is<br />

aggressive or timid? Research conducted in 2000 by Dr. William Chaplin from the University of<br />

Alabama set out to get some facts straight about what the handshake really means. He found one<br />

hundred twelve students to be a part of his study but kept the purpose of it a secrete. <strong>The</strong>y were simply<br />

told there were four parts to the experiment, and they’d be dismissed and welcomed to each part with a<br />

handshake in addition to other formalities. Four of the researchers, two men and two women were<br />

trained for a month on how to perform certain handshakes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> researchers had students stand next to smaller rooms and as they entered they greeted them by<br />

shaking their hand and then proceeded into the room to fill out a questionnaire. <strong>The</strong> researchers found<br />

that a firm handshake was related to extroversion and emotional expressiveness rather than shyness and<br />

neuroticism. Women were also rated as more open to experiences when they used a firm handshake.<br />

<strong>The</strong> results show that our handshakes reveal a lot about our personalities. Women with strong<br />

handshakes can equalize themselves alongside men in the workplace and bring more favourable initial<br />

ratings from others. While an assertive attitude can be considered “pushy” especially in women, a firm<br />

handshake is an acceptable technique to show confidence without appearing too aggressive. According<br />

to Dr. Chaplin a firm handshake is a safe place for women to show their dominance in the workplace.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y also happen automatically, we don’t consciously think about them and therefore we don’t often<br />

realize how good or bad our handshake really is. However, this also means we can tell a lot about<br />

people from how they shake hands because, chances are, it’s what occurs naturally to them. While men<br />

overall have firmer handshakes, the study shows us that women can level the ground simply by<br />

stepping up their firmness.<br />

Chapter 14 - Office <strong>Body</strong> <strong>Language</strong><br />

My Little Handshake Experiment<br />

In effort to research a better handshake I shook hands with a door to door salesman (against my<br />

primary instincts), my ex-employer, my father and brother in-law, my dentist, a lawyer, my accountant,<br />

my wife’s boss, my friends wife, my new tenants and thirty other potential tenants that came for a look,<br />

a real estate agent and his brother, a doctor, a university professor, a banker, my mortgage broker, a<br />

waiter and two new guys that showed up for poker night. In that time I’ve had just about everything<br />

imaginable done to my hand. It was twisted, crushed, pulled, slapped and rotated and lovingly held. My<br />

arm was hugged, pushed, rigorously pumped and yanked practically out of its socket.<br />

From what little research exists on handshakes, the conclusion is that most people aren’t aware of what

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