The Ultimate Body Language Book

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correlate it back to their fertility. <strong>The</strong>y found noticeable differences in terms of overt self-grooming and<br />

ornamentation especially in terms of choice of dress as women approached their most fertile. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

chose tops laced with trim and wore skirts rather than pants. <strong>The</strong> overall trend was to show more skin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> study also found that men rated women as more attractive when they were in their ovulation cycle.<br />

Other studies show that women are more apt to find dominant men with square jaws and facial hair<br />

more attractive during ovulation and even find male body odor less pungent and more tolerable. During<br />

their high fertility days, women tend to flirt more often and solicit male attention, or in other words,<br />

tend to be more in tune with overall ‘maleness.’ Women are also found to go out more to parties or<br />

clubs, and other target rich environments, where they might meet men. No doubt there are many factors<br />

that play into how a woman dresses, but when it comes to being seductive, she turns it on when she’s<br />

ready to procreate despite what thoughts come into consciousness. While dress alone isn’t a full on<br />

invitation to pursue, it does tell us a little bit about what frame of mind a woman is in.<br />

Advertising fertility with overt dress makes sense because women, unlike most animals, fail to<br />

advertise their ovulation. This is what scientists call “hidden ovulation” or “concealed ovulation” of<br />

which dozens of competing theories try to explain, but of which all fail to do conclusively. One of them<br />

says that women hide ovulation to keep men around so they will continue to provide her with resources<br />

while she offers sex in exchange. Hidden ovulation is a fascinating topic for discussion, because it is<br />

very complex and will likely never be solved. In other animals ovulation or “heat” is prominently<br />

advertised. Two such examples include swelling and redness of the genitalia in baboons and the release<br />

of pheromones in many animals including cats. However, in humans, even women themselves fail to<br />

consciously realize when they are fertile. To be accurate this last point has been disputed by various<br />

studies, even by this very section, but the point remains that aside from really trying to tune in, it would<br />

go unnoticed by many. <strong>The</strong> point is that women are rare in the animal kingdom by not prominently<br />

signaling fertility as do many other animals. However, this study and this chapter at large, shows us that<br />

they have other ways to convey this to men, even if in a more discrete manner.<br />

While women might not be aware of the reason for dressing provocatively, most women are aware of<br />

the signals they give off to men, and therefore shouldn’t be surprise to receive additional attention<br />

when they show more skin. From a prowling male perspective therefore, it would pay back in<br />

dividends to make note of which women dress provocatively and deviate from their baseline and which<br />

women wear more frills and glitz. Tight jeans, elaborate decoration and short skirts, not only signal<br />

sexuality, but also interest in sex.

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