The Ultimate Body Language Book

from shadowsfall1982 More from this publisher

Chapter 7 - Opened Mind Opened Body Closed Mind Closed Body The Spear Throwing Pointer And Other Power Gestures Pointing makes your message more poignant, but only because the receiver is being figuratively jabbed by your spear. The pointer is akin to a spear thrower. Every time they thrust their finger forward it is as if they are jabbing their ideas into the kidneys of their audience. Alternately, the finger can be used rhythmically in an up and down motion seemingly beating down upon their opponent trying to create submission. The finger pointer makes his appearance during aggressive verbal fights where the accuser is making strong personal attacks against the other. Very negative emotions are attached to such actions so it’s best to avoid this gesturing. Finger pointing puts the reflection and responsibility onto the listener, and for this reason, they attach negative connotations to the speaker. It creates defensive feelings in the listener and as it persists these defensive feelings grow into aggression. Parents will often use the pointing finger to scold children but adults will be far less tolerant of other’s authority especially those of equal status so it is unwise to exercise this gesture with abandon. Even more pronounced than the finger spear is the hammer fist where the hand is made into a ball serving to repeatedly “hammer” the speech into the listeners. The hammer fist shows conviction and determination, where neither might be present. When the fingers are curled lightly not quite making a fist, the intent is to show mild power and a desire to be taken seriously but lacking the conviction found in the hammer fist.

The “politicians gesture” comes across less threatening, and is more suited to making a point to an audience. An alternate, and abbreviated form of the pointing figure, is the thumb in hand gesture where the thumb lies against the index finger and where the remaining fingers form a ball. The hand then motions as if pointing, and in a rhythmic motion, emphasize points with conviction. The thumb in hand gestures is the “politicians gesture” since it is frequently used by various Presidents and world leaders. The thumb in hand gesture is much less offensive than the pointing finger, but can appear smug when done by

<strong>The</strong> “politicians gesture” comes across less threatening, and is more suited to making a point to an<br />

audience.<br />

An alternate, and abbreviated form of the pointing figure, is the thumb in hand gesture where the thumb<br />

lies against the index finger and where the remaining fingers form a ball. <strong>The</strong> hand then motions as if<br />

pointing, and in a rhythmic motion, emphasize points with conviction. <strong>The</strong> thumb in hand gestures is<br />

the “politicians gesture” since it is frequently used by various Presidents and world leaders. <strong>The</strong> thumb<br />

in hand gesture is much less offensive than the pointing finger, but can appear smug when done by

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