Emerging Technologies

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.


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Age of Technology<br />

The timel ine giv en bel ow is based on l egitimate archaeological<br />

discov eries and historical ev ents from 7 mil l ion B.C. al l the w ay up<br />

to the present. After that, it is partl y based on current scientific<br />

theories and partl y on the actual w riter’s ow n speculations.<br />

7 million BC to 2.6 million BC<br />

They seem to hav e emerged in Africa around 7 mil l ion BC.<br />

Used simpl e tool s and gathered food through pl ants.<br />

Had a social organisation .<br />

2.6 million BC to 600,000 BC<br />

Stone tool s w ere inv ented and fire w as discov ered.<br />

Made social organisations of cl ans of famil ies.<br />

They started scav enging for meat.<br />

600,000 BC to 10,000 BC<br />

Hunting animal s and birds for food became common.<br />

Tool s became more adv ance in form of w eapons.<br />

Trav elling started by foot and l ater on, by w ater.<br />

V iol ence emerged.

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