Emerging Technologies

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.


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42<br />

Advantages.<br />

V irtual real ity has been extensiv ely used to treat phobias (such as<br />

a fear of heights, fl ying and spiders) and PSTDs (post-traumatic<br />

stress disorders). This type of therapy has been show n to be<br />

effectiv e in the academic setting, and sev eral commercial enti ties<br />

now offer it to patients. It w as found that the computer-based<br />

simul ations afforded a number of adv antages ov er the l iv e training.<br />

Their objectiv e w as to increase exposure to l ife -l ike emergency<br />

situations to improv e decision -making and performance and<br />

reduce psychological distress in a real heal th emergency.<br />

Disadvantages.<br />

Some psychologists are concerned that immersion in v irtual<br />

env ironments coul d psychologically affect a user. They suggest<br />

that V E systems that pl ace a user in v iol ent situations, p articularly<br />

as the perpetuator of v iol ence, coul d resul t in the user becoming<br />

desensitized. In effect, there’s a fear that V E entertainment systems<br />

coul d breed a generation of sociopaths. Engaging v irtual<br />

env ironments coul d potentially be more addictiv e.<br />

Another emerging concern inv olves criminal acts. In the v irtual<br />

w orld, defining acts such as murder or sex crimes has been<br />

probl ematic. At w hat point, can authorities charge a person w ith a<br />

real crime for actions w ithin a v irtual env ironment? Studies indic ate<br />

that people can hav e real physical and emotional reactions to<br />

stimul i w ithin a v irtual env ironment, and so it’s quite possible that a<br />

v ictim of a v irtual attack coul d feel real emotional trauma.<br />

Challenges.<br />

The big chal lenges are dev eloping better tracking systems, finding<br />

more natural w ays to al low users to interact w ithin v irtual<br />

env ironment s and decreasing the time it takes to buil d v irtual<br />

spaces. Whil e there are a few tracking system companies that hav e<br />

been around since the earl iest days of v irtual reality. Likew ise, there<br />

aren’t many companies that are w orking on input dev ices<br />

specifical ly for V R applications. Most V R dev elopers hav e to rel y on<br />

and adapt technol ogy original l y meant for another discipl in e.<br />

Without w ell-designed hardware, a user coul d hav e trouble w ith his<br />

sense of bal ance or inertia and coul d experience cybersickness.

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