Emerging Technologies

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen. HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.


Characteristics of Virtual Reality. T he unique c harac t e ristic s of imme rsive VR c an be summarize d as follow ing: ◘ The v irtual w orld is presented in full scal e and rel ates properl y to the human size. ◘ Netw orked applications al low for shared v irtual env ironments. ◘ Head-referenced v iewing prov ides a natural interface for the nav igation in three-dimensional space and al l ows for l ook around, w alk -around, and fl y-through capabil ities in v irtual env ironments. ◘ Stereoscopic v iewing enhances the perception of depth and the sense of space. ◘ The conv incing il l usion of being fully immersed in an artificial w orl d can be enhanced by auditory, haptic, and other nonv isual technol ogies. ◘ Real istic interactions w ith v irtual objects v ia data gl ov e and similar dev ices al l ow for manipul ation, operation, and control of v irtual w orlds. Levels of Immersion in VR. Immersion means the extent to w hich high fidel ity physical inputs (e.g. l ight patterns, sound w av es) are prov ided to the different sensory modalities (v ision, audition, touch) in order to create strong il l usions of real ity in each. In a v irtual env ironment, the computer generates sensory impressions that are del iv ered to the human senses. The type and qual ity of these impressions determine t he l ev el of immersion and the feel ing of presence in V R. Ideally information shoul d be presented to al l of the user’s senses. Moreov er, the env ironment itsel f shoul d react real istically to the user’s actions. The actual, how ev er, is v ery different from this ideal case. Therefore, w e can group V R systems accordingl y to the ir l ev el of immersion into three categories. ◘ Non-Immersive (Desktop VR) systems ◘ Semi-Immersive (Fish Tank VR) systems ◘ Fully-Immersive (Next Gen VR) systems. 39

40 Types of Immersion in VR . Imme rsion c an be separat e d int o follow ing main c at e gories: Tactical I mmersion – Tact ical immersion is experienced when perf orming t actile operations t hat involve skill. Shoot er games give such immersion . S trategic I mmersion – St rategic immersion is more cerebral, and is associated wit h ment al challenge. Chess players experience st rategic immersion when choosing a solut ion among a broad array of possibilities. N arrativ e I mmersion – Narrative immersion occurs when players become invest ed in a st ory, and i s similar t o what is experienced while reading a book or wat ching a movie. S patial I mmersion – Spat ial immersion occurs when a player f eels t he simulat ed world perceptually convincing. The player f eels his presence in t hat simulat ed world . It looks and f eels real. P s y chological I mmersion – Psychological immersion occurs when a player conf uses t he game wit h real lif e. S ens ory I mmersion – The player experiences a unit y of t ime and space as t he player f uses wit h t he image medium, which af f ects impression and awareness.

40<br />

Types of Immersion in VR .<br />

Imme rsion c an be separat e d int o follow ing main c at e gories:<br />

Tactical I mmersion – Tact ical immersion is experienced<br />

when perf orming t actile operations t hat involve skill.<br />

Shoot er games give such immersion .<br />

S trategic I mmersion – St rategic immersion is more<br />

cerebral, and is associated wit h ment al challenge.<br />

Chess players experience st rategic immersion when<br />

choosing a solut ion among a broad array of<br />

possibilities.<br />

N arrativ e I mmersion – Narrative immersion occurs when<br />

players become invest ed in a st ory, and i s similar t o<br />

what is experienced while reading a book or<br />

wat ching a movie.<br />

S patial I mmersion – Spat ial immersion occurs when a<br />

player f eels t he simulat ed world perceptually<br />

convincing. The player f eels his presence in t hat<br />

simulat ed world . It looks and f eels real.<br />

P s y chological I mmersion – Psychological immersion<br />

occurs when a player conf uses t he game wit h real<br />

lif e.<br />

S ens ory I mmersion – The player experiences a unit y of<br />

t ime and space as t he player f uses wit h t he image<br />

medium, which af f ects impression and awareness.

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