Emerging Technologies

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen. HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.


35 I I. Analyse dat a and present t he researc h findings in t he form of a researc h report /paper. BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF VIRTUAL REALITY AND ITS CHALLENGES. Abstract — V irtual reality (V R) is a technology w hich al l ows users to interact w ith computersimul ated env ironments, may they be real or imaginary. In it w e can dev elop our own w orlds from creating v ideo game s to hav ing w ander v irtually around the univ erse. This report contains the basic principl es and open probl ems of V R. With a short historical ov erv iew, basic terminol ogies, cl asses of VR systems and the chal lenges of V irtual Reality. Introduction — Today, it has become common for us to be able to interact w ith computers. They al l ow us to experience things that are not accessible in real l ife or yet created. Moreov er, the w orl d of graphics ha s neither borders nor constraints and can be created and manipul ated how ev er we desire or imagine. So, w e step into its w orld to interact w ith it instead of just w atching. Soon it becomes ov erwhelmingly popul ar and fashionable. V irtual real ity is considered to hav e begun in the 1950’s but it came to the publ ic’s attention in the l ate 1980’s and 1990’s. This can be attributed to pioneering computer scientist Jaron Lanier w ho introduced the term back in 1987. Most VR env ironments are primaril y v isual experiences, displayed either on digital fl at screens or stereoscopic displays. V irtual reality also incl udes auditory stimul ation through speakers or headphones. Users can interact w ith the v irtual env ironments through different peripheral dev ices. Evolution — The v ery first idea w as presented by Ivan Sutherland in 1965: “Make t hat (virt ual) world in t he window look real, sound real, f eel real, and respond realistically t o t he viewer’s act ions” . It has been a l ong time since then; a l ot of research has been done.

36 Highlights of Research in Virtual Reality. ◘ Sensorama – 1957 A.D. Morton Heil ig created a mul ti-sensory simul ator. It w as a pre-recorded fil m in col our w ith stereo w hich w as augmented by binaural sound, scent, w ind and v ibratory experiences. This w as one of the v ery first approaches to create a v irtual real ity system and it had al l the features of such an env ironment, but it w as not interactiv e in any w ay. ◘ The Ultimate Display – 1965 A.D. Iv an Sutherl and proposed the ul timate sol ution of v irtual real ity: an artificial w orld construction concept that incl uded interactiv e graphics, force feedback, sound, smel l and taste. ◘ The Sword of Damocles The first v irtual real ity sys tem real ized in hardw are. Iv an Sutherland construct ed a dev ice considered as the first Head Mounted Display (HMD), w ith appropriate head tracking. It supported a stereo v iew that updated correctly according to user’s head position & orientation.

36<br />

Highlights of Research in Virtual Reality.<br />

◘<br />

Sensorama – 1957 A.D.<br />

Morton Heil ig created a mul ti-sensory simul ator.<br />

It w as a pre-recorded fil m in col our w ith stereo<br />

w hich w as augmented by binaural sound, scent,<br />

w ind and v ibratory experiences. This w as one of<br />

the v ery first approaches to create a v irtual<br />

real ity system and it had al l the features of such<br />

an env ironment, but it w as not interactiv e in any<br />

w ay.<br />

◘<br />

The Ultimate Display – 1965 A.D.<br />

Iv an Sutherl and proposed the ul timate sol ution<br />

of v irtual real ity: an artificial w orld construction<br />

concept that incl uded interactiv e graphics,<br />

force feedback, sound, smel l and taste.<br />

◘<br />

The Sword of Damocles<br />

The first v irtual real ity sys tem real ized in<br />

hardw are. Iv an Sutherland construct ed a dev ice<br />

considered as the first Head Mounted Display<br />

(HMD), w ith appropriate head tracking. It<br />

supported a stereo v iew that updated correctly<br />

according to user’s head position & orientation.

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