Emerging Technologies

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen. HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.


31 - OPPORT U NIT IES - ◘ High demand. ◘ Resources av ail able. ◘ Gov ernment support. ◘ Increase in empl oyment. ◘ International col laboration. ◘ Natural resources av ail able. ◘ Good cl imate for innov ation. ◘ Industrial needs meet appl ication. ◘ Depl oyment of compl ex societal sol utions. - T HREAT S - ◘ Lack of funds. ◘ Risk Perception. ◘ Technol ogy monopoly. ◘ No current regul ations. ◘ Heal th and safety issues. ◘ Funding stabil ity unknown. ◘ Waste & recycle management. ◘ Establish critical mass for depl oyment. ◘ Lack of support from the priv ate sector. ◘ Safe, responsible handl ing of nanotechnology. ◘ Future products coul d be impacted by regul ations.

32 - Conclusion - Deep researches are being carried out for each major sector in nanotechnology. The medical sector is at the forefront. Most new ideas are conv erging to the heal th sector. Therefore, the biggest impact in the future of nanotechnology w ill be in bio -engineering. How ev er, before commercialisation of any product that has been made out of nanotechnology, it w il l need to hav e gone through different regul ations. Therefore, a regul atory body w il l need to be set up or established in order to ov ersee the gl obal opera tions that are taking pl ace at nanoscale. In the future, nanoscience w il l prosper as the dev elopment of new knowledge and technol ogies goes hand in hand w ith social progress. Some probl ems will be eradicated in time if this technol ogy is spread on a gl oba l scal e and not just to those that can afford it. Whereas there al so comes the potential danger that new probl ems may arise due to these nano adv ancements. Which coul d lead to a w hol e new range of diseases and v accinations. In such case, onl y w ith time w il l it be seen if there are answ ers to such probl ems. [26] “ NanoMeter F UT URE T O O LS F O R A N A LY SI S : “NANOM E T ER” ( The S e l f-Ev aluating To o l) is an internet-based screening tool for assessment of appl ications inv olv ing nanomaterials, w hich are currentl y under dev elopment. The purpose of NanoMeter is to highl ight relev ant aspects in order to enhance publ ic acceptance and support market success of nano appl ications under dev elopment . By means of NanoMeter, the assessment of future nano appl ications is queried in six different aspects: ◘ Env ironment, heal th and safety (EHS). ◘ Resource and energy requirements. ◘ User benefits. ◘ Benefits and risks for society. ◘ Product responsibil ity. ◘ Commitment to stakeholder dial ogues. ”

32<br />

- Conclusion -<br />

Deep researches are being carried out for each major sector in<br />

nanotechnology. The medical sector is at the forefront. Most new ideas are<br />

conv erging to the heal th sector. Therefore, the biggest impact in the future of<br />

nanotechnology w ill be in bio -engineering. How ev er, before commercialisation<br />

of any product that has been made out of nanotechnology, it w il l need to hav e<br />

gone through different regul ations. Therefore, a regul atory body w il l need to<br />

be set up or established in order to ov ersee the gl obal opera tions that are<br />

taking pl ace at nanoscale.<br />

In the future, nanoscience w il l prosper as the dev elopment of new knowledge<br />

and technol ogies goes hand in hand w ith social progress. Some probl ems will<br />

be eradicated in time if this technol ogy is spread on a gl oba l scal e and not just<br />

to those that can afford it. Whereas there al so comes the potential danger that<br />

new probl ems may arise due to these nano adv ancements. Which coul d lead<br />

to a w hol e new range of diseases and v accinations. In such case, onl y w ith<br />

time w il l it be seen if there are answ ers to such probl ems. [26]<br />

“<br />

NanoMeter<br />

F UT URE T O O LS F O R A N A LY SI S : “NANOM E T ER” ( The S e l f-Ev aluating To o l)<br />

is an internet-based screening tool for assessment of<br />

appl ications inv olv ing nanomaterials, w hich are currentl y under<br />

dev elopment. The purpose of NanoMeter is to highl ight relev ant<br />

aspects in order to enhance publ ic acceptance and support<br />

market success of nano appl ications under dev elopment . By<br />

means of NanoMeter, the assessment of future nano appl ications<br />

is queried in six different aspects:<br />

◘ Env ironment, heal th and safety (EHS).<br />

◘ Resource and energy requirements.<br />

◘ User benefits.<br />

◘ Benefits and risks for society.<br />

◘ Product responsibil ity.<br />

◘ Commitment to stakeholder dial ogues.<br />

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