Emerging Technologies

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.


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26<br />

I I.<br />

4 new t ec hnologic al advanc ement s and t heir fields<br />

t hat will be implement ed in t he near fut ure. [ 2 5 ]<br />


In Vitro meat is meat that is grow n in a l ab. Since meat is composed<br />

of atoms, it is possible to restructure other atoms in the exact same<br />

fashion but by different means , thus it w oul d stil l exactly be meat.<br />

It may not be possibl e to distinguish<br />

betw een In V itro and actual meat ev en<br />

by taste, texture or anything el se; states<br />

professor of Mol ecul ar Biol ogy at<br />

Stanford Univ ersity Pat Brow n.<br />

Env ironmentally, it w il l require l esser<br />

resources to grow . But, economically,<br />

high production costs are the biggest<br />

barriers between consumer and in v itro meat products today.<br />

The adv ancements in this fiel d in future w il l driv e the prices dow n.<br />

Companies l ike New Harvest and Modern Meadow are w orking<br />

strong to make I n V itro meat a real ity for tomorrow .<br />

E t hic al sense<br />

In v itro me at w ill ne v e r be alive, so it w ill ne v e r die.<br />

( RO BO T I CS )<br />

These power-armours or exo-suits are w earable mobile<br />

machines that w il l be pow ered by el ectric motors, pneumatics,<br />

l ev ers, hydraulics, and a combination of technol ogies that will<br />

al l ow for l imbs mov ement, increased strength, and endurance.<br />

Pow ered exoskeletons of a l arger, stronger kind hav e many<br />

more uses. Emergency responders can use exoskeletons to<br />

increase their strength . The US is fund ing many exoskeleton<br />

v entures meant to support sol diers to w al k further and l ift more.<br />

This rev olutionary product w il l hav e an immediate, l ife -<br />

changing impact on indiv iduals w ith spinal cord injuries . It will<br />

enabl e the paraplegics and tetraplegics to stand and walk<br />

around, al lowing for more exercise, heal thier l ifestyle, and the<br />

abil ity to see eye -to-eye w ith their peers.<br />

E t hic al sense W e aponizat ion or me dic al and eme rge nc y support .

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