Emerging Technologies

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.

HND Computing & System Development, Unit-5, Research Assignment by AbdulRafay Moeen.


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7<br />

1960 A.D. to 2030 A.D.<br />

Lan, Wan, Intranet & Internet established.<br />

Use of petroleum as fuel & Nucl ear fission pow er pl ants in use.<br />

Mass production adv ances to al loys and pl astic dev elopment.<br />

Computers become common and primitiv e space trav el starts.<br />

Increase in serv ice-oriented and computer -based occupations .<br />

Apol lo11 moon l anding by Neil Armstrong & Buzz Al drin in 1969.<br />

Art of w ar created w ith chemical, biol ogical & Cyber w arfare.<br />

Mass transportation expands in the form of buses and trains .<br />

Mobil e phones became w idely av ailable in the l ate 1980s.<br />

IBM Simon w as the first phone w ith a touch screen in 1992.<br />

Long distance communication improv es w ith fibre optics.<br />

Hybrid technol ogy for v ehicles w as impl emented in 1997.<br />

First DSLR camera Nikon D1 w as made av ailable in 1999.<br />

2009 A.D.<br />

Personal computers are capable to perform a tril l ion cal culations.<br />

Cabl es starting to become obsol ete w ith new w irel ess technology.<br />

Pocket readers for the bl ind and v isually impaired are dev eloped.<br />

El ectric cars are dev eloped w hich require onl y el ectricity as fuel .<br />

Computer controlled orthotic dev ices for paraplegic indiv iduals.<br />

High resol ution displ ays are embedded in cl othes and gadgets.<br />

Speech recognition is impl emented w ith on the go transl ation.<br />

Intelligent courseware has emerged as means of l earning.<br />

Speech to text conv erters for the deaf are dev eloped.

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