Amber Rose Vol. 21 London Le'Blanc Magazine

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Article 1 Banju-I<br />

28<br />

Article 2 <strong>Amber</strong> <strong>Rose</strong><br />

8<br />

Article 3 9Nation Republic<br />

10<br />

Article 4 Maddi Madd<br />

6<br />

Article 5 Fleetwood<br />

3<br />

Article 6 De-Ranged Family<br />

5<br />

Article 7 Jennifer Rivera<br />

12<br />

Article 8 Cellah Cimo<br />

18<br />

Article 9 Linda Gambino<br />

15<br />


Fleetwood has done a var iatble plethor a of things thr oughout his car eer. Fr om<br />

what I?ve r ead about him he?s in love with his community and enjoys making a<br />

differ ence in people?s lives. One of the things that stood out about him was the<br />

r e-entr y pr ogr am for ex-offender s. He gr aduated with an Associate?s Ar ts degr ee<br />

in Music Engineer ing fr om Music Tech. Also an author with a National Best Seller<br />

entitled Hip Hop Tr ied To Kill Me in 2009. Fleetwood has r eleased 2 additional<br />

books since then as well. In the year 2015 he r eleased a film called ?The Cotton<br />

Picker s? and it?s the stor y of a shar ecr opper. To date he?s wor king on the second<br />

par t of the film entitled ?Gimmie-Repapr ations? and why we wer e pr omised it<br />

and why we didn?t get it. In my honest opinion Fleetwood has given back so much<br />

to the Hip Hop Community. And let me not for get to mention his<br />

www.homeboyhotline.or g which he is taken nationwide now in var ious states<br />

acr oss the USA. If we had mor e ?Fleetwood?s the wor ld would be a better. Also<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> would love to br ing him back for an exclusive<br />

inter view when his new film is r eleased.<br />

Rober t Bowden on Facebook Rober t Bowden IG: Fleetwoodsf,<br />


Zo ne 24 t v<br />

Zone 24 TV, is one of the hottest Hip Hop shows on cable on<br />

television. The show air s in the USA at 10 PM in four differ ent<br />

states, and they ar e picking up a slot in Atlanta GA as well. What I<br />

love about the show is they give indie ar tist a platfor m to showcase<br />

their videos on television giving them an oppor tunity that they<br />

nor mally would not get. They ar e taking the show to another level<br />

br anching out into inter national water s in countr ies such as<br />

England, Ghana, and Kenya. The awesome thing about this is the<br />

show is air ed online as well so people fr om all over the wor ld can<br />

still tune in and watch the festivities go down! Last but not least<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le?<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> would like to wish Mr. Buddah Ali a<br />

war m Happy Bir thday on behalf of Team Le?<strong>Blanc</strong>.

Bright Fletcher<br />

Br ight Fletcher is a native of<br />

Accr a Ghana and a gr aduate of<br />

Institute of Advanced<br />

Communication and Computer<br />

Education. At 23 year s old he is<br />

on his way to being a wor ld<br />

famous image maker. Ever y<br />

pictur e is cr isp, clean, and so<br />

clear you almost feel you ar e<br />

apar t of the moment. Although<br />

ever y pictur e I've seen was a<br />

gr eat image, Br ight Fletcher is<br />

best known for his outdoor<br />

shoots and events. After looking<br />

at these pictur es I honestly<br />

would love to have him captur e<br />

myself one day. The images<br />

displayed ar e per fect the<br />

shadow is r ight, the angles ar e<br />

wonder ful, and the sun seems to<br />

dance over the subjects.<br />

-Mar kesa Sweet Pea Young<br />

G h a n a<br />

De-Ranged Family Agency<br />

Leo Chavez

maddi madd<br />

Mar lon Gr imes is an Amer ican r apper /songwr iter fr om Akr on, Ohio. He is best known by Maddi<br />

Madd and has had wor ked with many influential ar tist in hip hop and R& B. With about 20 year s in<br />

the industr y, he fir st got discover ed in 1998. Maddi Madd was one of the main wr iter s of the Pimps<br />

Up, Ho's down soundtr ack, an HBO film that has gained popular ity ar ound the globe and is still<br />

talked about as one of the gr eats. In 1999 he r eleased his fir st EP A Million Wayz which sold<br />

100,000 copies. Thr ee year s later he r eleased his fir st inter national single Emotional/Ohio<br />

Thuggin. Later in the year he star ted his own Blimpcity r ecor ds with Chevaliee Robinson in 2002<br />

and signed a distr ibution deal to Bungalo r ecor ds/Univer sal Music Gr oup Distr ibution in 2005. As I<br />

mentioned Maddi Madd has wor ked with many other well known ar tists such as his Closer feat<br />

Ginuwine in 2009. He also r ealeased his second album The Midwest Jugger naut on which he<br />

collabor ated with Dj Quick, Jodeci, and Devante Swing. And in 2012 he r eleased his second<br />

inter national single Til Ima Zombie by Bungalo Recor ds. Maddi Madd has definitely been on his<br />

gr ind the last 20 year s he most r ecently was awar ded cer tified platinum awar ds fr om his wor k on<br />

Flo-Ridas Whistle, and Wild Ones which ar e both mutiplatinum singles!! Maddi Madd has also<br />

been associated with Rah Digga, C-Bo, Bizzy Bone, Jamie Foxx, and Outsidaz. If you would like to<br />

check out his visuals ther e ar e plenty of videos by Maddi Madd on YouTube, and I also did a little<br />

Googling and I saw #Success will be the name of his for thcoming album... Maddi Madd if you'r e<br />

r eading this please let us know when it dr ops! Mar kesa Sweet Pea Young

A mber <strong>Rose</strong><br />

A mber <strong>Rose</strong><br />

N o Sl u t Sh a m i n g<br />

Phot o Credit : AP

Little Miss Slut Walk<br />

her self has been<br />

accused of slut shaming<br />

by her ex Wiz Khalifa<br />

for having a thr eesome.<br />

Ummmm she?s so single<br />

though and r eally who<br />

car es if that?s what she<br />

wanted to do. I honestly<br />

think her being so open<br />

and honest about her<br />

sexuality is pr etty dope.<br />

Not to mention she<br />

didn?t even like it. Wiz<br />

get out your feelings<br />

homeboy, and it?s not<br />

like you haven?t done<br />

befor e and you pr obably<br />

liked it. I think the issue<br />

her e is not <strong>Amber</strong><br />

having a thr eesome so<br />

much as her having one<br />

and making an<br />

announcement about it<br />

publicly. I can see the<br />

embar r sement and the<br />

?media? having a field<br />

day with one. My advice<br />

to him is dr op another<br />

single while you got<br />

ever yone?s attention<br />

r ight now. <strong>Amber</strong> is<br />

doing her thing single,<br />

sexy, and satisfied. I love<br />

that they made up and<br />

wer e able to enjoy his<br />

bir thday as family<br />

together with their<br />

baby.<br />

-Danni Billions<br />

Phot o Credit : AP

I f Onl y .........<br />

I f o n l y f o r a<br />

m o m e n t I h a v e<br />

b e e n w h e r e y o u<br />

c a n n e v e r b e . . .<br />

I h a v e u s e d m y<br />

i m a g i n a t i o n n o t<br />

o n l y t o c r e a t e<br />

w o r l d ' s t h a t d o n ' t<br />

e x i s t , a t t i m e s , I<br />

h a v e u s e d i t t o<br />

p r e s e r v e t h e l i f e<br />

t h a t d o e s . . .<br />

I h a v e f e l t a l o n e<br />

w i t h i n a r o o m f u l l<br />

o f o t h e r s ; y e t<br />

s u r r o u n d e d b y<br />

o t h e r s i n r o o m<br />

w h e r e I a m<br />

a l o n e . . .<br />

I h a v e b e e n l o v e d ,<br />

h a t e d , f e a r e d ,<br />

e n v i e d , p r a i s e d ,<br />

d o w n g r a d e d ,<br />

r e m e m b e r e d &<br />

f o r g o t t e n b u t I<br />

h a v e a l w a y s b e e n<br />

v i c t o r i o u s .<br />

J. R i v e r a G o n z ál e z

O u r K u l t u r e<br />

OurKulture, is a<br />

phenomenal brand from<br />

the USA. This designer<br />

never w ent to school or<br />

took classes. He makes his<br />

ow n patter ns and goes for<br />

w hat he know s. He star ted<br />

off w ith just T-shir ts but as<br />

you can see in the pics he?s<br />

upgraded to evening/<br />

w edding gow ns and prom<br />

dresses. He star ted his<br />

fashion line OurKulture in<br />

2015 w ith no exper ience<br />

just a dream and he w ent<br />

for it. His sty le and<br />

creativity is amazing. I<br />

know it?s hard to believe<br />

how a person can go from<br />

something as simple as a<br />

T-shir t to making<br />

something as elegant and<br />

ext ravageant as evening<br />

w ear w ithout any<br />

exper ience. This just goes to<br />

show w here there is a w ill<br />

there is a w ay so make it<br />


I t<br />

a l y

Br i g et t e Ta l b er t<br />

This lady her e Ms.<br />

Br igette Talber t is a<br />

?Jill? of many tr ades. I<br />

must fir st mention she<br />

was active duty militar y<br />

for 11 long year s tour ing<br />

the wor ld keeping<br />

Amer ica safe selflessly.<br />

So let me br ing you all up<br />

to date cur r ently<br />

Br igette also known as<br />

Lady B is a DJ on KZRB<br />

103.5 FM. She?s been in<br />

the enter tainment<br />

business for the last 20<br />

year s. She?s also an actor,<br />

wr iter and pr oducer.<br />

She wr ote a play called<br />

?Sinner s Have A Soul Too<br />

which gained national<br />

exposur e. Be sur e to<br />

check out the over view<br />

of the play on the<br />

following page fr om the<br />

woman her self.



A Brigette Talbert Production<br />

© 2012 Production/Play Overview<br />

You can't straddle the fence! Or can you? What happens when you step outside the<br />

church and do "worldly things?" Can you be accepted back into the church? The hit<br />

stage play "Sinners Have A Soul Too" is a production that explores worldly views and<br />

salvation; about a mother finding the true source of love by going through triumph to<br />

tragedy and faith to fear trying to keep her family safe, holy and sanctified. She has to<br />

face her past to focus on her future with the help of her two sons. This production<br />

takes her beyond the church to find another source of love....the home....a place of<br />

support and understanding. You will be shocked at what has to happen to challenge<br />

this mother's faith and causes her to do the ultimate; question the Lord. Sinners Have<br />

A Soul Too will make you laugh, cry and shout as you follow this family on the brink of<br />

despair trying to make it back to the realm of what is acceptable in the church of<br />

today's society. Will they overcome? Can you straddle the fence?<br />

Do the songs we sing in life dictate our salvation? Does singing secular music mean<br />

you are a sinner? Does singing blues/southern soul mean you don't know God? This<br />

play seemingly brings about a happy medium....or does it? You will be amazed at how<br />

similar this play is to real life.....perhaps your life.<br />

With this stage production, I hope to take the theatrical world by storm by bringing<br />

together two of the southern, most comforts; blues/southern soul music and gospel<br />

music. By society's standard, it's either one or the other, you can't straddle the fence.<br />

I have taken award winning southern soul artists and equally talented praise<br />

worshipers and gospel singers and created a dramatic, real world stage production.<br />

This play debuted April 14, 2012 at the Sullivan Performing Arts Center in Texarkana,<br />

Texas with over six hundred in attendance. This production, SINNERS HAVE A SOUL<br />

TOO, has garnered local and national attention by having articles appearing in the<br />

national, famed BRE (Black Radio Exclusive) magazine that is circulated in over 37<br />

states and locally in the Texarkana Community Journal, the Texarkana Gazette and the<br />

Citizen's Tribune.<br />

Visit the Sinners Have A Soul Too page for behind the scene footage, personal bios on<br />

each cast member, photos and comments.<br />


Happy 41st Birt hday<br />

Da n n i Bi l l i o n $<br />

Owner, Editor, & Journalist

God Damn by M iss N ana<br />

W hat can I say about M iss N ana's "God Damn"?? Fir st y ou hear her<br />

buss a f ew not es, t hen a t r ansit ion int o some har d r apping . The hook is<br />

somet hing y ou can sing in t he mir r or t o mot ivat e y our self f or any<br />

sit uat ion. I love t he beat it s har d and M iss N ana d ef iant ly d issect ed it<br />

wit h mult iple pit ch chang es. Rig ht place at t he r ig ht t ime is how I<br />

would d escr ibe t he st r uct ur e of t he song . A ll i wanna k now is can I g et<br />

on t he r emix!!!<br />


G h a n a<br />

-De-Ranged Family Agency

H a i l i n g f r o m K w a h u i n t h e E a s t e r n<br />

r e g i o n o f G h a n a , B e n j a m i n A t s i n a<br />

A f o s a h a g e d 2 0 i s a m o d e l a n d a<br />

f a s h i o n a d d i c t . H i s l o v e f o r f a s h i o n<br />

k e e p s h i m i n c h e c k w i t h h i s s t y l e o f<br />

f a s h i o n a l s o h a s h i s p h o t o g e n i c<br />

m o d e l i n g f e a t u r e t h a t l a n d s h i m a n<br />

a m b a s s a d o r s h i p s t a t u s w i t h<br />

u p c o m i n g f a s h i o n l i n e s .<br />

- L e o C h a v e z

Mind them by Dami Onir u feat Chuza<br />

OMG!!! Dami Onir u has such a beautiful voice I can feel ever y wor d in my<br />

soul. She compliments the beat with her melodies and it sounds like magic.<br />

Her voice is tr uly blessed fr om the heavens. Chuza blessed the beat with his<br />

r apping and the song str uctur e goes hand and hand. Shout out to the<br />

pr oducer for making such a beautiful tr ack. And shout out to Dami Or inu for<br />

blessing it.<br />


D- Ter r en c e<br />

Bor n in Camer oon and<br />

r aised in Fr ance ar tist<br />

D-Ter ence now lives in<br />

Liver pool UK. Wher e he?s<br />

built himself quite a fanbase<br />

and has r ecently signed to<br />

Big Condo Recor ds. A<br />

favor ite amongst the ar tists<br />

at festivals this year.<br />

D-Ter ence has just dr opped<br />

his debut single ?Chin Chin?<br />

featur ing label mate Colleen<br />

Lucr ezia. The two ar tist<br />

compliment each other ver y<br />

well. Label pr oducer<br />

Emocean did a gr eat job<br />

putting ever ything together.<br />

The single is about a couple<br />

in the pr ime of their<br />

r elationship. And its<br />

amazing how it conveys that<br />

feeling to the listener. I<br />

per sonally was left feeling<br />

nostalgic. Be on the lookout<br />

for D-Ter ence as he?s<br />

cur r ently wr iting for his<br />

debut E.P.<br />

-Mr.Comfy<br />

U n i t<br />

e d k i n g d o m

Banju-I<br />

Mr. Tall dar k and handsome<br />

himself? Jude Delali Kweku<br />

Bani better known to his<br />

fans as Banju-I the CEO of<br />

GSA (Ghetto Swag Alliance).<br />

A Vir go baby bor n on<br />

September 16, 1987 in Tema<br />

Ghana. A college gr aduate<br />

with a degr ee in accounting<br />

has been actively pur suing<br />

his music car eer in<br />

Reggae/Dancehall for over<br />

13 year s now. Some of his<br />

musical influences include<br />

Bob Mar ley, Lucky Dube,<br />

Buju Banton, and Shaba<br />

Ranks just to name a few.<br />

Back in 2006 he won an<br />

awar d for being the best<br />

Reggae/Dancehall ar tist<br />

held by the enter tainment<br />

committee by his school. He?s<br />

competed and won countless<br />

str eet competitions,<br />

however the most<br />

memor able one was the<br />

People?s Choice held by YFM<br />

the lar gest r adio station in<br />

Ghana. Banju-I battled<br />

against 12 other ar tist and<br />

won and was awar ded the<br />

oppor tunity to open up for<br />

the mega star Mavado.<br />

Cont'd pg 30

Banju-I is the under gr ound<br />

Dancehall King, and over the last<br />

year he's gone global fr om Ghana,<br />

to the USA all the way to U.K. His<br />

voice has been hear d on countless<br />

r adio stations such as Radio Zer o,<br />

Wind Em Up Radio, BlazeEm Up<br />

Radio, 229 The Block, and We<br />

Talk Radio her e in the states. And<br />

on 2 stations in U.K such as East<br />

Afr ican Voice with over 4 million<br />

listener s and New Style FM. He's<br />

br ought us hit after hit such as<br />

Ghetto Swagger, Tulaku (the<br />

anthem) Red Eye, Sweetness<br />

Riddim, One Step Ahead, and<br />

Ahooi. He's done so many<br />

collabo's I can't even begin to<br />

name them all but two of my<br />

favor ites ar e Mei.Ker ifi and<br />

Batkar i Dance. Last year he<br />

assisted Team Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> with the<br />

Reggae/Dancehall ver sion of the<br />

Power up Global mixtape in<br />

suppor t of the Oper ation Lights<br />

On movement. Not to mention 13<br />

differ ent ar tist submitted tr acks<br />

all featur ing the under gr ound<br />

King. Banju-I is r eleasing his fir st<br />

album September 17, 2016 titled<br />

GSA. He's thr owing a massive<br />

Bday bash along with an album<br />

r elease par ty and var ious ar tist<br />

ar e scheduled to per for m and<br />

celebr ate with the king. He's<br />

available for booking locally and<br />

abr oad and is always willing to<br />

collabor ate with new ar tist.<br />

-Danni Billions

Miss Belvy Naa<br />

from Accra Ghana is<br />

breath takingly<br />

beautiful. She?s a<br />

graduate from the<br />

I nstitute of<br />

Journalism (GI F)<br />

and also a model.<br />

Here recently she?s<br />

competing in the<br />

largest beauty pageant<br />

on television TV3. The<br />

N aa<br />

show is called<br />

?Ghana?s Most<br />

Beautiful.? I have no<br />

doubt in my mind<br />

she?s a winner.<br />

G h a n a

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