Mudassar-London Le'Blanc Magazine Vol.27

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PG26-27<br />



PG10-11<br />

Danielle "Danni Billions" C r aig<br />

Journalist/Editor/Ow ner<br />

P<br />







DJ SoSo, or iginally fr om Fr ance is cur r ently r esiding<br />

in Dubai UAE. However don't let his location fool you<br />

because you can catch him just about anywher e. In 2016 I<br />

can r ecall over 10 differ ent destinations alone. Also par t<br />

of the Wu Tang family and member of the Wu Wor ld Wide<br />

DJ Coalition.<br />

-Danni Billions<br />


PBMG is soon to r elease a new banger within the next<br />

month or so. The new joint titled Hip Life is nothing<br />

or dinar y in fact the Pr essur e Boss switched up the game<br />

just a little showing off his ver satility and swagger. The<br />

song itself has a blue-sey sound to it although it's<br />

authentic Hip Hop str aight out of Afr ica. The tune was<br />

pr oduced by Khalifa Beatz, and mixed down by<br />

Joe-Quaye. Cont'd<br />


Kobby Stone, the CEO of Pr essur e Bois Inc. out of Accr a<br />

Ghana is a str aight beast on all levels. I can honestly say<br />

nothing the 23 year media mogul does sur pr ises me<br />

anymor e. I've watched him gr ow fr om a small fr y to a Big<br />

Mac over the last few year s. The young boss is multi-talented<br />

and has his hands into ever ything fr om acting, modelling,<br />

film, dir ecting, social media domination, humanitar ian<br />

wor k, and of cour se music. Cur r ently he's wor king on his<br />

fir st EP scheduled to hit ITunes, Spotify, and all major media<br />

outlets befor e the close of 2017.<br />

Written By: Danni Billions

Model: Fr enchie<br />

Maysville, Kentucky<br />

age: 21<br />

It's a boy<br />

PC; IG@JZRPr oductions

You Can Call Her Book Bag Shawty<br />



I decided last year that I wanted to ship some books<br />

and school supplies to Ghana West Afr ica. Well I got my<br />

wish with the help of a few people. The end of Apr il we<br />

shipped the fir st package off for 2 schools in Kumasi. The<br />

package has ar r ived safely waiting pick up and<br />

distr ibution.<br />

Since the Lear ning Is Ear ning campaign (power ed By<br />

<strong>London</strong> le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>) has kicked off a few people have<br />

stepped up to the plate. Shay Chestnut (NM) gave away<br />

br and new beauty pr oducts in exchange for books r aising<br />

56 the fir st day. Clair e James (UK) came on boar d with<br />

donating r oughly 300 books as well as shoes and clothing.<br />

In addition to that she r uns the UK division of the Lear ning<br />

Is Ear ning campaign. I'm pr etty sur e this is gonna gr ow<br />

into something beyond amazing so we ar e expanding our<br />

ser vices to or phange's as well. For additional infor mation<br />

please contact me at daniellecr aig777@gmail.com<br />

Barnekrom St udent s Phot o Credit : Senior Lionel "Osekrom i"<br />

-<br />





Amer ikkka!!! Why??? Has Sessions<br />

lost his damn mind? Ummmmm I?m<br />

positive he has after his r ecent speech<br />

about the new laws in Amer ikkka!<br />

Now I don?t condone dr ug dealer s<br />

under any cir cumstances, but come<br />

on people.<br />

So his new laws ar e as follows, the<br />

police no longer have to r ecor d the<br />

weight of the nar cotics dur ing a r aid,<br />

or r outine tr affic stops or however<br />

they ar e confiscated. Which means<br />

they can give the maximum sentence<br />

when tr ied and convicted. Like<br />

ser iously? You mean the tell me weed<br />

smoker s getting caught with a doobie<br />

could face up to 10yr s in pr ison, the<br />

same time as a king pen getting<br />

caught with 10 kilos of cocaine? I<br />

know I know they shouldn?t be<br />

smoking weed in the fir st place r ight?<br />

Right, however nobody has ever over<br />

dosed, or killed someone because he<br />

was toking up a joint IJS.<br />

The Washing Post, stated that the<br />

pr ison system was r unning behind in<br />

filling up space in the penitentiar ies<br />

ar ound the US. Hmmmmm so this was<br />

the hidden agenda, okay. So you r ob<br />

people of their fr eedom to make a<br />

dollar? White r acist, scum of the<br />

ear th type of bullshit at best. I?m not<br />

sur pr ised after all look who<br />

Amer ikkka allowed to br ainwash<br />

them and become pr esident.<br />

M o d e l : K q u i a r a M . . .<br />

P h o t o C r e d i t : JZ R P r o d u c t i o n s<br />

I G @ JZ R P r o d u c t i o n s<br />

B i r m i n g h a m , A l<br />

a g e : 18<br />

-I Am Danni Billions

Couple: Deja & Sam Boyd<br />

Photo Cr edit: JZR Pr oductions<br />

Mar r ieta GA<br />

It's A Boy

A mo t h e r ? s l o v e i s p r i c e l e s s , u n c o n d i t i o n a l , a n d o n e<br />

o f t h e mo s t p r e c i o u s g i f t s we c a n h a v e . Al t h o u g h s o me o f<br />

u s ma y n o t h a v e o u r b i r t h mo t h e r i n o u r c o r n e r , I ? m s u r e<br />

s o me o n e i n y o u r l i f e s t e p p e d u p t o t h e p l a t e . I t h i n k we<br />

o f t e n t i me s t a k e t h e i r p r e s e n c e f o r g r a n t e d , me a n i n g we<br />

d o n ? t c a l l o r c o me b y a s o f t e n a s we s h o u l d a n d l i v e<br />

wi t h r e g r e t s wh e n i t ? s t o o l a t e .<br />

Mo t h e r ? s , we l l r e a l mo t h e r ? s a r e l i k e s u p e r h e r o e s i n<br />

r e a l l i f e . T h e y c a r r y t h e we i g h t o f t h e wo r l d o n t h e i r<br />

s h o u l d e r s , f r o m s o l v i n g e v e r y o n e ? s p r o b l e ms , t o c o o k i n g ,<br />

c l e a n i n g , a n d l o v i n g t h e h e l l o u t o f u s . I t d o e s n ? t<br />

ma t t e r i f we ? r e r i g h t o r wr o n g , g o o d o r b a d o n e t h i n g we<br />

c a n c o u n t o n i s ? Ma ma ? h a v i n g o u r b a c k .<br />

I l o v e my ? Ma ma ? a n d I ? m wi s h i n g h e r , Be r l i n e Dy c u s ,<br />

my g r a n d ma Ol i v e He n d e r s o n a n d a l l t h e o t h e r mo t h e r ? s<br />

a r o u n d t h e wo r l d a v e r y Ha p p y Mo t h e r ? s Da y .<br />

Sa l u t e t o t h e o n e s wh o h a v e t a k e n i n o t h e r p e o p l e ? s<br />

c h i l d r e n , a n d l o v e d t h e m a s t h e i r o wn .<br />

- Da n n i Bi l l i o n s

Cover Model: Blue Mathis<br />

Photo Cr edit: JZR Pr oductions<br />

Car ter sville, Geor gia<br />

It's a Boy.

3<br />

T<br />

3 Things Dubai and Ghana have in common<br />

h i n g s<br />

D u b a i &<br />

G h a n a<br />

H a v e I n<br />

C o m m o n<br />

1. When tr aveling to either of these places keep in<br />

mind fr eedom of speech is not your r ight. We as<br />

wester ner s have been accustomed to speaking our<br />

mind and saying whatever we want the way we<br />

want however it?s not like that abr oad. Speaking<br />

against gover nment officials and swear ing in<br />

public is an absolute no no. You can?t go ar ound<br />

saying F* ck this and mother F* cker that. In fact in<br />

Dubai you?r e going str aight to jail no questions<br />

asked. Ghana is not as har sh however the use of<br />

pr ofanity in public is fr owned upon.<br />

2. Ok so this one actually came as a shock to me and<br />

is something I definitely have to get used to. You<br />

can?t go ar ound smooching in public. No kissy face<br />

muah, muah, muah. That?s r ight no public display of<br />

affection towar ds your mate mar r ied or not. That?s<br />

cr azy r ight? So like if you?r e not planning on<br />

br inging ?sand to the beach? and you meet someone<br />

don?t star t feeling him/her up in public if you<br />

happen to be out on a date. And don?t get offended if<br />

they look at you cr azy if you tr y it lol because it?s<br />

absolutely pr ohibited.<br />

3. Last but not least and I was r eally sur pr ised with<br />

this one as well and it?s what pr ompted me to wr ite<br />

this ar ticle. When tr aveling to Ghana or Dubai the<br />

use of your left hand is pr ohibited. I know you guys<br />

ar e thinking huh? That?s r ight it?s consider ed<br />

unclean, and unsanitar y. They believe the left hand<br />

is for hygiene like wiping your butt after using the<br />

toilet even though you washed your hands. So don?t<br />

open door s or give or r eceive anything, eat or<br />

anything else with your left hand. Not only is it<br />

consider ed gr oss to them it?s also disr espectful to<br />

them and their cultur e. So when in Rome? you<br />

know the r est.<br />

-Danni Billions<br />

Clim axPhot ography<br />

Clim axPhot ography<br />

Boss Lady Product ions<br />

Boss Lady Product ions<br />

Ghana<br />

Ghana<br />

Dubai<br />


G h ana<br />

G h ana<br />

Agyem an Duah Phot ography<br />

Agyem an duah Phot ography<br />

Dub ai<br />

G h ana<br />

agyem an duah Phot ography<br />

Boss Lady Product ions<br />

Dub ai<br />

DJ SoSo<br />

Dub ai<br />





Mar y Gr ace Ohr um has been cr eating ar t for as long as<br />

she can r emember. She is mostly known for her paintings<br />

and wear able ar t designs. She became involved with<br />

cr eating dr esses out of r ecycled mater ials when asked to<br />

make a dr ess out of coffee filter s for a show in Buffalo, NY.<br />

Ohr um has since cr eated dr esses fr om many differ ent<br />

mater ials such as: sheet music, bubble wr ap, found objects,<br />

and var ious other household objects. Her wor k has<br />

appear ed in sever al fashion shows including shows<br />

Br ooklyn Fashion Week. Her designs have also been wor n<br />

on stage by inter nationally known singer, Rachel Goswell of<br />

the band Slowdive. Ohr um's cr eations have appear ed on<br />

sever al sites and in publications including The Huffington<br />

Post, N.Y.Times, & Chicago Tr ibune.<br />

St unning Eco Dress<br />

"I find inspir ation ever ywher e..Gr owing up in<br />

Niagar a Falls, so close to a wonder of the wor ld has<br />

cer tainly influenced my ar t. I think this is appar ent in<br />

the or ganic look of my wor k. I look at my dr esses as<br />

sculptur al collages..I use r ecycled mater ials in par t to<br />

show ther e is beauty ever ywher e. Also, to make a<br />

statement about how much plastic is wasted and<br />

polluting our planet ever y day. I made this dr ess with the<br />

model Yollanda Musa's natur al beauty in mind. I used<br />

mostly r ecycled char ity shop mater ials, bin liner s, and<br />

paint! I feel my ar t tr uly comes to life when wor n by<br />

vibr ant, beautiful models!<br />

Phot Cr edit: David Fr eeman




Chef: Caynes Kit chen<br />

Chef: Caynes Kit chen<br />

Ladies it?s nothing wr ong with being a<br />

cheap date. Let?s keep it r eal if you?r e actively<br />

dating differ ent guys chances ar e you want to<br />

be in a r elationship with someone. The wor st<br />

thing you can do on your quest for love is take<br />

him up on his over the top offer such as ?we<br />

can go eat wher ever you want baby, any<br />

r estaur ant in the city you name it? and you do<br />

just that. Like r eally it?s your fir st date, and<br />

another thing you don?t even know that dude<br />

and chances ar e you can?t even affor d to take<br />

your self ther e sooooooo why even play<br />

your self like that. Yeah I know I know you got<br />

the meal r ight, you checked in on Facebook<br />

and swagged with the details to your<br />

gir lfr iend?s and then you?r e wonder ing why he<br />

ain?t feeling you now. Well dar ling you br ought<br />

that on your self tr ying to take advantage of<br />

the situation instead of tr ying to make the<br />

most out of it. Another thing most dudes just<br />

want to fuck you anyway that?s the objective<br />

and the main pur pose for dinner, exchanging<br />

number s and his over the top offer in the fir st<br />

place like duhhhhh. So you have to separ ate<br />

your self fr om the basic chic?s that he?s used to,<br />

and be cr eative enough to gr asp his FULL<br />

attention and chances ar e you will get a call<br />

back. The other thing is when he ask what you<br />

want to eat tell him you could go for some fr ied<br />

chicken and Popeye?s is ar ound the cor ner. He<br />

will be less likely to tr y to give you the ding<br />

ding for buying you a $5.00 meal I?m just<br />

saying.<br />

Phot o Credit s: Cayne Clark



Juice Youngin, was bor n and r aised in Flor ida. His passion for<br />

music and being bor n into a family affair of musically inclined<br />

individuals, he's cur r ently signed to his Uncle's label Supa T<br />

Recor ds. Juice has a single out r ight now titled Ayyyy, and it's<br />

blazing the air waves and has made it's way to the clubs. As he<br />

pur sues his passion his song has become one of the most r equested<br />

in his ar ea.The video has alr eady been r eleased with cr azy views.<br />

Ter r y<br />



Ter r y Supa T Elliot, is the<br />

owner and founder of his<br />

r ecor d label. He's into far mor e<br />

than just music, he's also a<br />

humanitar ian, business man<br />

and video dir ector. Based out<br />

of Flor ida he has 3 ar tist<br />

cur r ently signed to the label,<br />

r ecor ding and r eleasing new<br />

music. <strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong><br />

<strong>Magazine</strong> would like to<br />

inter view with him and get the<br />

inside scoop on the label and<br />

upcoming pr ojects, tour s etc.<br />

Jui ce Youngi n<br />


Miami Flor ida native Fully is totally r eady for success. Recently<br />

signed to Supa T r ecor ds he's r eleased a new jam called "Take Your<br />

Chic" featur ing female Hip Hop r ecor ding ar tist Meek Gucciano,<br />

and R& B singer J Shin. Of cour se he had to dr op a visual on us<br />

r eleasing his new video that was pr oduced and dir ected in house in<br />

his home town.<br />

Ful l y

M o d e l : Jo d r o c k<br />

P h o t C r e d i t : El e m e n t z I m a g e z<br />

U n i t e d K i n g d o m<br />

El e m e n t z O f C o u t u r e<br />

w w w . e l e m e n t z c o u t u r e . c o m

M o d e l :<br />

L e n a i<br />

U n i t e d K i n g d o m<br />

P h t o C r e d i t : El e m e n t z I m a g e z<br />

El e m e n t z O f C o u t u r e<br />

w w w . e l e m e n t z i m a g e z . c o m





Ramy Dar awish, was bor n and<br />

r aised in Jer usaelm. He star ted acting<br />

and it became his pr ofession. In fact<br />

Ramy had got so good, differ ent acting<br />

coaches fr om abr oad suggested he<br />

should come to Amer ica and pur sue his<br />

dr eams her e. Of cour se they made it<br />

seem like it was all br ight lights, loads of<br />

camer as and a whole lot of action. Ramy<br />

found out quickly, that wasn't exactly<br />

the case. However his tr ip to Amer ica<br />

wasn't all that bad in fact he met his<br />

beautiful wife and his happily mar r ied<br />

now.<br />

Ramy, does comedy as well, and<br />

he's hilar ius and totally on point with<br />

his impr essions lol. As you can see he's<br />

ver y handsome and tall, so modelling is<br />

a must. He's available for booking, and<br />

cast and calls. For additional<br />

infor mation<br />

dar awish.r amy@gmail.com<br />





Oh my goodness, meeting<br />

Ramy in per son was like a<br />

br eath of fr esh comedic air.<br />

He's so funny and down to<br />

ear th.



I had to wr ite an ar ticle about<br />

this. Like r eally is their a such<br />

thing as bad vagina? Now I?ll admit<br />

not all vagina?s wer e cr eated equal,<br />

but they all get the job done r ight?<br />

Right!!! Like some ar e big some<br />

ar e small, some ar e nice and fat<br />

and some ar e sweet and petite.<br />

Some have muscle contr ol and<br />

other s haven?t quite lear ned how<br />

to use those muscles just yet. But<br />

it?s still good vagina at the end of<br />

the day.<br />

I know I know some men ar e<br />

r eading this and saying dr y vagina<br />

is consider ed bad vagina lol. Well<br />

that?s going to be your fault<br />

homeboy for par king that Cadillac<br />

in ever y open gar age. You see if<br />

she?s just laying ther e dr y and<br />

motion less that means she ain?t<br />

feeling that shit, bottom line<br />

homie. And you didn?t get it r ight<br />

in the beginning dude. You have to<br />

get her hot and all juiced up for<br />

that r ide. If not you will have a bad<br />

exper ience with the vagina, not<br />

bad vagina. Now that you have<br />

lear ned the differ ence the choice<br />

is your s fellas.<br />

_Danni Billions

I ndia<br />

www.jzrproduction.com<br />

The magic of good photography<br />

starts with good preparation.



By Danni Billions<br />

Dir ections:<br />

Chop Veggies and set aside and make<br />

sur e to save some gr een onions for<br />

gar nishing your yummy meal.<br />

Rice<br />

Yummy Asian Recipe<br />

Have you ever been in the mood for Asian food but<br />

your budget says other wise? Well I have the<br />

ultimate r ecipe guar anteed to give you a yum fest in<br />

your mouth hands down. It?s sweet and spicy and<br />

quick and easy to make. And if you have childr en<br />

you can omit the hot pepper s. Now don?t laugh at<br />

me, but I cook my r ice in the oven and it tur ns out<br />

per fectly.<br />

Ingr edients:<br />

1 pound of xtr a lar ge shr imp peeled and cleaned<br />

1 cup of honey (small bottle is r oughly a cup)<br />

¼ cup of soy sauce<br />

1 Gr een bell pepper<br />

5 Gr een onions w/bulb on<br />

A hand full of chili pepper s<br />

Sugar to your taste buds liking<br />

3 whole gar lic cloves minced/chopped<br />

Veggie oil<br />

Pinch of r ed pepper<br />

Pinch of black pepper<br />

Seasoning salt for the shr imp<br />

2 cups of r ice<br />

Bamboo shoots in a can<br />

Add the 2 cups of r ice and 4 cups of<br />

water to a baking pan lined in foil.<br />

Make sur e it?s even, cover it and bake it<br />

on 400 for about 20 minutes or so. You<br />

can smell it when it?s r eady. (Or<br />

pr epar e it your nor mal way)<br />

Sauce<br />

Heat up a little bit of vegetable oil and<br />

cook half of your pepper s and onions<br />

and gar lic together slowly so they can<br />

r elease their flavor s easily into the<br />

sauce. Combine your cayenne pepper,<br />

honey and soy sauce together and add<br />

it to the pepper s. Then add the sugar,<br />

make sur e you taste it to make sur e it?s<br />

not too sweet. Br ing it to a slight boil<br />

but not quite and then tur n it down<br />

and let it simmer on low.<br />

Shr imp<br />

Season your shr imp w/season salt, or<br />

salt, and black pepper s and cook them<br />

with the pepper s and onions that was<br />

left over on top of the stove on medium<br />

heat until pink. Add the sauce and<br />

bamboo shoots and let it cook<br />

uncover ed on low for about 10 minutes<br />

until the sauce thickens up.<br />

Ser ve on a bed of r ice and spr inkle<br />

some gr een onions on the top to make<br />

it look pr etty and wa-la bon appetit.<br />

You can add br occoli, and car r ots to<br />

this r ecipe, or bean spr outs, and you<br />

can even ser ve it with fr esh gr een<br />

beans on the

M o d e l : Z i a s i a<br />

U n i t e d K i n g d o m<br />

P h o t o C r e d i t : El e m e n t z I m a g e z<br />

El e m e n t z O f C o u t u r e<br />

w w w . e l e m e n t z c o u t u r e . c o m



Danni-Heeeeey Getta what?s up girl?<br />

Getta- Hey girl just working<br />

Danni- I know you?re bi-coastal, but where<br />

is your primary and secondary locations?<br />

Getta- Atlanta and Los Angeles<br />

Danni- How did you get started in<br />

entertainment management?<br />

Getta- It really all started back in LA when I<br />

was like 18 I started club promoting<br />

Danni- I?ve known you personally for years<br />

and you?ve always rubbed elbows with<br />

celebrities. Tell me how has that helped<br />

your career?<br />

Getta- It help me out a lot because people<br />

always see me around celebrities. So I<br />

start getting calls about booking people<br />

for different things. That's why I decided to<br />

do my booking and managing company.<br />

Danni- So you?re making major moves in<br />

the beauty industry as well. Tell us about<br />

it.<br />

Getta- That all started from me going back<br />

and forth to Cali and I'll be out there trying<br />

to get my hair done and I could never find<br />

good quality hair. So I decided to start<br />

selling hair. I found me a great hair<br />

connect and been on every since.<br />

Danni- How can we link up with you on<br />

social media?<br />

Getta- My IG is Gettas_Pretty_Hair and I'm<br />

working on my website lol<br />

Danni- Thx a million for your time, but<br />

before I let you go who would you like to<br />

give a shout out to?<br />

Getta- I just want to give thanks and all<br />

praises to God for allowing me to do so<br />

many different things and work with so<br />

many great people in so many different<br />

fields. And thank you for taking time to<br />

talk to me.<br />

- Danni Billions

G et t a<br />

Young M a

Danni - How are you?<br />

<strong>Mudassar</strong>- I am great!! I feeling blessed and on the<br />

Top of the World feeling amazing!!<br />

Danni - How long have you been singing and<br />

dancing?<br />

<strong>Mudassar</strong>- I have been singing and dancing for<br />

over 15 years.<br />

Danni - Obviously you?re a huge Michael Jackson<br />

fan, but at what point did you decide that you<br />

wanted to become a tribute artist?<br />

<strong>Mudassar</strong>- After the MJ Album Dangerous, around<br />

1992, I started placing my focus mostly on MJ.<br />

Danni - How long did it take for you to get your<br />

moves, and vocals to the MJ level?<br />

<strong>Mudassar</strong>- It took me from 7 to 10 years, over and<br />

over, practicing in the Car, Washroom, anywhere I<br />

had a moment. I had a lot of embarrassing<br />

moments I feel I am better but still working too<br />

perfect even more. Even now in my office, | I just<br />

feel like I am possessed, still in my body but<br />

possessed.<br />

My VISION is as MJ?s was. My message is one<br />

common message ?Heal the World? and ultimately<br />

ignite his presence.<br />

Danni - I have to admit I love Michael Jackson and<br />

you gave me goosebumps watching you sing Billy<br />

Jean.<br />

<strong>Mudassar</strong>- I am honored that you think so! I am<br />

blessed and grateful to be able to present you with<br />

such a feeling. That is my GRAMMY!!! I want to<br />

know that everyone that sees and enjoy my Tribute<br />

to the King of Pop. If I can make someone smile at<br />

me enjoying my show, I feel that I have made a<br />

major accomplishment and that is better than<br />

receiving a Grammy?<br />

Danni - I have one more question for you. You?ve<br />

done so many performances but I want to know<br />

what was it like performing for the royal family?<br />

<strong>Mudassar</strong> - First of all, it was totally unbelievable<br />

and second it was totally unimaginable. His<br />

Highness Daughter?s 16th Birthday!! Having her and<br />

her friends present during my performance. To<br />

actually be requested by the Royal Family. It was<br />

indeed the most ultimate performance!!! The<br />

feeling is second to none; to actually have the<br />

Dubai Royal Family to contact me for a<br />

performance??<br />

<strong>Mudassar</strong> Jackson (UAE)<br />

C o v e r F e a t u r e<br />

I felt pretty Royal myself. There is no better feeling<br />

and I am honored.<br />

Manager, Paula Hall, CEO of Boss Lady Productions<br />

UAE?<br />

Interviewed By Danni Billions of<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

M o d e l : El i z a b e t h M e d l e y . . .<br />

P C : JZ R P r o d u c t i o n s<br />

R o s e w e l l , G e o r g i a<br />

A g e : 2 2

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Interviews The Awesome Fashion<br />

Designer Andre Of MIA<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>-Hello, and<br />

how are you? MIA-Very good thanks<br />

and you?<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>-Please t ell<br />

m y readers a lit t le bit about yourself?<br />

MIA-I go by the name of Andre the<br />

Designer and I'm the founder of the<br />

brand MIA <strong>London</strong>. I collaborate with a<br />

number of African tailors to create<br />

formalwear. I do a bit of styling too and<br />

would like to do a bit more. Im a trainee<br />

lawyer by day - MIA is my creative outlet.<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> m agazine- How did<br />

you get int o t he fashion indust ry?<br />

MIA- I've been fashion conscious for a<br />

few years but started taking things more<br />

seriously after I met our co-founding<br />

tailor, GallanT. A few months after<br />

buying a suit from him, I pitched the<br />

idea to him and the ball has been rolling<br />

since.<br />

Our head stylist and creative director,<br />

Jade Rolene Aspeling, had been making<br />

waves in the South African fashion<br />

industry for a while and has taught me a<br />

lot.<br />

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>- What<br />

drives your creat ivit y for your brand?<br />

MIA-A genuine interest in changing<br />

people's perceptions of Africa and what<br />

it is capable of and my belief in my<br />

ability to lead that change.

<strong>London</strong> Le'<strong>Blanc</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>-Are you t he<br />

designer, and seam st ress as w ell? MIA-I'm<br />

the designer and director of the business.<br />

However, there are two sides to MIA. The<br />

retail side and the full tailoring side. On the<br />

retail side, I designed the original template<br />

trouser and measurements, aimed at tackling<br />

the trade off between waist fit and thigh<br />

room that many men experience. Our<br />

trousers are high waisted, and take<br />

cognisance of contemporary trends to give a<br />

slightly cropped fit on taller individuals. We<br />

don't believe that our customers should have<br />

to wear a belt with their trousers - by<br />

definition, if you're wearing a belt,the<br />

conclusion generally is that your trousers do<br />

not fit you entirely correctly. We're here to fix<br />

that. MIA collaborate with our tailors, giving<br />

them creative input to select the prints and<br />

incorporate the styles that they feel best<br />

represent them and their respective fashion<br />

industries whilst still ensuring that we offer<br />

clothing items that fulfil the needs of our<br />

target markets.<br />

For example, for his SS17 range, our South<br />

African tailor has shifted the buttons of the<br />

trousers to the right hip and extended the<br />

waist band of the trousers to fasten onto<br />

these buttons. We have also jointly designed<br />

a pair of tweed trousers that are suitable<br />

both for warmer termperatures and climates<br />

and durable enough for cooler climates.<br />

On the full tailoring side, MIA acts as the<br />

facilitator for these up and coming tailors,<br />

exposing them to new markets and<br />

audiences and giving our target market(s)<br />

access to some of the best tailors that Africa<br />

has to offer.

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