Waking Energy 7 Timeless Practices Designed to Reboot Your Body and Unleash Your Potential


colors that glow inside you as well as each of the emotional resonances associated with the chakras, creating a kind of internal rainbow of harmony that radiates out into the world, acting as an auric shield of strength, protection, and blessings. 1. Find a comfortable seat, letting your “sit bones” sink deeply into your meditation cushion. Then lift and lengthen the spine, gently deepening your abdominals in and back, to provide a strong central support for your torso. Relax your arms down by your sides, bringing your palms to rest on top of your knees, and close your eyes. 2. Feel your strong legs release completely into the floor, which is rising up to meet them. They are completely balanced and at ease, meeting in perfect harmony and effortlessness. 3. Bring your hands together in front of your heart, uniting head and heart, and call in your spirit. Think of what you wish to manifest in this moment, not just here in your practice, but in your life. Breathe into your intention. Inhale and exhale for several rounds until you intuitively know that you have come to own your intention, and then to seal it, bow your head to your heart. 4. Inhale deeply, and send your intention out into the universe, acknowledging your place and your power as a part of the world and all things, by chanting “A-U-M, Ommmmm.” Once you’ve finished the sound, bathe in its healing current and let the vibration of the sound reverberate inside your every cell, infusing your cells with the enlivening frequency of the earth’s power itself. 5. Bring your hands into gyan mudra, and with eyes closed start to connect to your breath and where it lives inside your body. Wake your inner senses with anapanasati. Take a tour of your body, starting with the crown and working your way down to your feet, and then returning up the back of your body to the crown. Seek out the areas of greatest sensation and send your breath into them. Inhale new life into your every cell, and as you exhale let go of what you no longer need. 6. Summon images of your seven chakras: muladhara, your Root Chakra, a brilliant ruby; svadhishthana, your Sacral Chakra, a bright orange; manipura, your Solar Plexus Chakra, sunshine yellow; anahata, your Heart Chakra, a deep emerald; vishuddha, your Throat Chakra, a rich turquoise; ajna, your Third-Eye Chakra, a deep indigo purple; and sahasrara, your Crown Chakra, a pure, crystalline white. See them all spinning inside you, and with your breath start to breathe into all seven, letting them know you are now present and want to speak with them. 7. Start with the first chakra. As you inhale, send your breath down into your Root Chakra and see it take on the color of your root, a brilliant, rich ruby red. At the same time, feel the higher emotional resonance of the Root Chakra merging with its inherent color. For the root, feel security, safety, and grounding. Feel your own strength and rootedness as you direct your breath into the epicenter of the chakra. As you exhale, watch your breath misting like the sea spray when an ocean wave crashes against rocks on the shore, gently expelling stagnant prana out of the chakra. As the prana exits out of the back of your spine and flows down into the earth, it resets the chakra’s harmonious, natural way of being, leaving it spinning like a windmill in the wind. 8. As you inhale again, see the ruby red energy of your Root Chakra rising. Consciously draw it up your spine through the sushumna nadi, your central channel, like a red ribbon of cleansing energy traveling through all seven chakras until it reaches the crown and explodes with your exhalation —your very own fireworks display, releasing shimmering red light down and around your body. It becomes an aura of protective energy that falls and flows in streams like mini-waterfalls all around your body, until it is absorbed into the earth, taking with it anything that no longer serves

your highest good. 9. Now repeat this same sequence in its entirety with the next five chakras, sending your breath into each one in turn, seeing its brilliant color, and then watching your breath as it becomes infused with the color and emotional resonance of the chakra. The orange of the Sacral Chakra and its inherent creativity, joy, and enthusiasm. The yellow of the Solar Plexus Chakra and its personal power, expansiveness, and seeds of spirituality. The green of the Heart Chakra and its devotion, passion, and unconditional love for the self and others. The blue of the Throat Chakra and its independence, fluid thought, and clear, empowered communication. The indigo purple of the Third-Eye Chakra and its intuitive visioning and cosmic consciousness. Follow the same course with each chakra, cleansing it, releasing stagnant prana from it through the spine and sending it into the earth, setting it into harmonious action, and then drawing its energy, color, and higher resonance of corresponding emotions up through the sushumna nadi and out through the crown. Continue in this manner until you have awakened and worked through the first six chakras, raising the energy of each up through the spine, so that they start to communicate with one another and work as a team to bring balance and harmony to your entire body. 10. After you have brought awareness to the six chakras, see the white light of the Crown Chakra, the culmination of all seven colors, rising from your root up through the sushumna nadi and coming to radiate through the crown, exiting in a shimmering explosion of energy and light that showers you in waves of harmonious rainbow energy that surrounds you in a glowing cocoon of light and love. 11. Rest in your radiant cocoon of light, in your own radiance. Breathe this light and love into your heart center and third eye. Relax into its soothing sea of loving energy and know that you are supported by the earth below and heaven above, divinely protected and guided at all times. 12. Bring your palms into anjali mudra (Prayer Position), the hand gesture for union and peace, in front of your heart. Surrender and Receive Surrender and Receive inspires you to open your heart to what is—life exactly as it is—and is perhaps most representative of what we are trying to achieve with meditation in the first place. Even if you’re someone who loves to clear the clutter in your home or routinely empty your closets, it’s still not easy to let go of things—especially our intangible emotions. This meditation makes the notion of letting go a friendlier one, because as you clear your inner space and cultivate the courage to let go on your meditation cushion, you can then manifest the same in your life. Just as we’re not especially good at letting go, so we also don’t really know how to receive. That means receiving everything from compliments and praise to love. Surrender and Receive will teach you to release what you no longer need and give yourself permission to receive your heart’s desire.

your highest good.<br />

9. Now repeat this same sequence in its entirety with the next five chakras, sending your breath in<strong>to</strong><br />

each one in turn, seeing its brilliant color, <strong>and</strong> then watching your breath as it becomes infused<br />

with the color <strong>and</strong> emotional resonance of the chakra.<br />

The orange of the Sacral Chakra <strong>and</strong> its inherent creativity, joy, <strong>and</strong> enthusiasm.<br />

The yellow of the Solar Plexus Chakra <strong>and</strong> its personal power, expansiveness, <strong>and</strong> seeds of<br />

spirituality.<br />

The green of the Heart Chakra <strong>and</strong> its devotion, passion, <strong>and</strong> unconditional love for the self<br />

<strong>and</strong> others.<br />

The blue of the Throat Chakra <strong>and</strong> its independence, fluid thought, <strong>and</strong> clear, empowered<br />

communication.<br />

The indigo purple of the Third-Eye Chakra <strong>and</strong> its intuitive visioning <strong>and</strong> cosmic<br />

consciousness.<br />

Follow the same course with each chakra, cleansing it, releasing stagnant prana from it<br />

through the spine <strong>and</strong> sending it in<strong>to</strong> the earth, setting it in<strong>to</strong> harmonious action, <strong>and</strong> then<br />

drawing its energy, color, <strong>and</strong> higher resonance of corresponding emotions up through the<br />

sushumna nadi <strong>and</strong> out through the crown.<br />

Continue in this manner until you have awakened <strong>and</strong> worked through the first six chakras,<br />

raising the energy of each up through the spine, so that they start <strong>to</strong> communicate with one<br />

another <strong>and</strong> work as a team <strong>to</strong> bring balance <strong>and</strong> harmony <strong>to</strong> your entire body.<br />

10. After you have brought awareness <strong>to</strong> the six chakras, see the white light of the Crown Chakra, the<br />

culmination of all seven colors, rising from your root up through the sushumna nadi <strong>and</strong> coming<br />

<strong>to</strong> radiate through the crown, exiting in a shimmering explosion of energy <strong>and</strong> light that showers<br />

you in waves of harmonious rainbow energy that surrounds you in a glowing cocoon of light <strong>and</strong><br />

love.<br />

11. Rest in your radiant cocoon of light, in your own radiance. Breathe this light <strong>and</strong> love in<strong>to</strong> your<br />

heart center <strong>and</strong> third eye. Relax in<strong>to</strong> its soothing sea of loving energy <strong>and</strong> know that you are<br />

supported by the earth below <strong>and</strong> heaven above, divinely protected <strong>and</strong> guided at all times.<br />

12. Bring your palms in<strong>to</strong> anjali mudra (Prayer Position), the h<strong>and</strong> gesture for union <strong>and</strong> peace, in<br />

front of your heart.<br />

Surrender <strong>and</strong> Receive<br />

Surrender <strong>and</strong> Receive inspires you <strong>to</strong> open your heart <strong>to</strong> what is—life exactly as it is—<strong>and</strong> is<br />

perhaps most representative of what we are trying <strong>to</strong> achieve with meditation in the first place. Even<br />

if you’re someone who loves <strong>to</strong> clear the clutter in your home or routinely empty your closets, it’s<br />

still not easy <strong>to</strong> let go of things—especially our intangible emotions. This meditation makes the notion<br />

of letting go a friendlier one, because as you clear your inner space <strong>and</strong> cultivate the courage <strong>to</strong> let go<br />

on your meditation cushion, you can then manifest the same in your life.<br />

Just as we’re not especially good at letting go, so we also don’t really know how <strong>to</strong> receive. That<br />

means receiving everything from compliments <strong>and</strong> praise <strong>to</strong> love. Surrender <strong>and</strong> Receive will teach<br />

you <strong>to</strong> release what you no longer need <strong>and</strong> give yourself permission <strong>to</strong> receive your heart’s desire.

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