Waking Energy 7 Timeless Practices Designed to Reboot Your Body and Unleash Your Potential


Are you ready to experience a deepening intimacy with yourself, at times becoming so at one with your body that you taste euphoria and experience an almost trancelike state in which you can merge with the energy universe that surrounds you and transcend your physical body? Are you ready to feel your true power, and then go beyond—into a new world of physical vitality, boundless energy, and rising joy? Are you ready to embark on your journey to the fountain of youth, to the center of you? Are you ready to awaken your life force and the powerful, healing energy inside you to shine with the radiance of a thousand stars? Join me now. One of the most revolutionary, exciting, enlivening, energizing adventures of your life awaits you! Welcome to Waking Energy!

part one

part one

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