Waking Energy 7 Timeless Practices Designed to Reboot Your Body and Unleash Your Potential


Wings of Victory Oh, how I love Wings of Victory! This exercise will put you through your paces, but it is amazing, incredibly uplifting, and fulfilling. It instills a feeling of real power and inner confidence, restoring your belief in yourself. It stimulates your lymphatic system and strengthens your heart, specifically the venous return. (One of the reasons that musical conductors are so long-lived is that they are constantly moving their arms above their hearts, aiding in the blood flow back into the heart; this exercise simulates that very action, resulting in untold benefits.) It activates and strengthens anahata, the Heart Chakra, helping to release anger and disappointment and usher in love and forgiveness. This kriya and the next one, Taking Flight, both work with the sacred geometry of the heart. The sixty-degree angle at which we hold our arms is a direct conduit for moving heart energy, for opening the heart up to receive nurturing, healing universal love, and to then give back to the world—again, love in abundance. Whenever I do this exercise, I think of one of my favorite birds, my beloved albatross, which spends most of its life “on the wing” using a technique called “dynamic soaring.” As they fly, albatrosses angle their wings into the wind in order to gain height and move into the “boundary field,” a smoother current that exists above the frictional layer of headwind that would ordinarily slow them down. This current enables them to stay in the air, sometimes traveling as far as ten thousand miles without flapping their wings, before landing to refuel. They move like true tai chi adepts, flying with the flow, literally extracting energy from that field to buoy them and carry them aloft, a true real-life model of effortless effort. And you thought kundalini was hard! 1. Sitting in Easy Pose, raise your arms up overhead into a large V shape, a forty-five-degree angle, and fold the tips of the fingers, just the first knuckles, in toward the palms with your thumbs pointing straight up to the ceiling. 2. Focus your gaze on a point in front of you. I suggest using creative visualization here, perhaps a cherished goal you want to pursue in your life or a person important to you. When the going gets tough, you’ll want to have this image readily available to help vanquish negative thoughts and the desire to quit. (Trust me, you may want to quit—but you won’t!) 3. With your arms outstretched, separate your thumbs from your other fingers and feel as though your thumbs are conduits for heavenly energy to beam down into your body, not only through your Crown Chakra, but literally through your thumbs. 4. Start the Breath of Fire, inhaling Sat and exhaling Nam. Now that you are becoming more practiced with the Breath of Fire, see if you can actually jump right in and establish a more vigorous pace from the onset of the exercise. 5. As you pump your diaphragm in and out, stoking your inner fire, stretch your arms out even more expansively, spreading those big, beautiful wings, the biggest wings you’ve ever seen, out into space. As you think of rooting even deeper into the earth, rise! Like the albatross, feel your boundlessness, feel your infinite power, feel your radiance rising up through your body! 6. Continue inhaling and exhaling powerfully for up to three minutes, feeling your heart opening and kundalini shakti rising inside you to do her nurturing, energizing work. 7. After completing your three minutes (you can work up to as much as seven or eight minutes in this

exercise), sweep your arms overhead, linking your thumbs together and stretching your other fingers straight up to the ceiling as you apply maha bandha, the three locks done simultaneously, holding your breath as long as you can. 8. When you are ready to exhale, release the locks and let your arms float down with your fingertips extended, the backs of the hands coming down to touch the floor where we will not pause, but go directly into Taking Flight. Taking Flight The sacred geometry of the Heart Chakra comes alive in Taking Flight, a graceful and demanding kriya that connects the upper chakras to the lower three, strengthening the will and summoning your deepest commitment, as it tones and strengthens the arms and shoulders, muscles of the back, and sides of the waist. 1. In keeping with our aviary theme, we will now take flight. Coming directly from Wings of Victory, with your arms outstretched down to your sides and fingertips grazing the floor, as you inhale, raise your arms up and around you, bringing your fingertips to touch overhead, and immediately exhale and bring the arms back down to barely touch the floor. 2. Inhale and raise the arms strong and straight up overhead as you speak Sat and exhale as you sweep them back down with Nam. Start rather slowly and deliberately, fully feeling into the power of your long wings, working your way gradually, over the course of ten or so repetitions, up to a very vigorous pace, inhaling up, exhaling down, like a bird who is ready for takeoff, flapping its wings to make real speed for the ascent. 3. When your arms start to get tired, which they most assuredly will, think of how strong you are, how limitless, how your mind wants you to believe otherwise, but fly past it and ask it to come along with you—take flight into your greatness! 4. Continue strongly lifting the arms up and down for three full minutes (or fifty-two times), saying Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sat Nam. Know that when the going gets tough in your life, this very exercise and what you are cultivating here and now will help you to call up the vitality and grace you need to meet adversity and rise above it. 5. Now, end on a high note. On your final upswing, just as we did with Wings of Victory, link your thumbs together and stretch your other fingers straight up to the ceiling as you apply maha bandha, holding your breath as long as you can. 6. When you’re ready, exhale, bringing your hands into Prayer Position overhead and then draw your prayer down, pressing the flat of your thumbs in front of your third eye, where you’ll rest for a few breaths meditating on your accomplishment, your dedication to yourself, your power, your infinite nature, and your great flight. Kundalini Rising: Standing Practice

Wings of Vic<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

Oh, how I love Wings of Vic<strong>to</strong>ry! This exercise will put you through your paces, but it is amazing,<br />

incredibly uplifting, <strong>and</strong> fulfilling. It instills a feeling of real power <strong>and</strong> inner confidence, res<strong>to</strong>ring<br />

your belief in yourself. It stimulates your lymphatic system <strong>and</strong> strengthens your heart, specifically the<br />

venous return. (One of the reasons that musical conduc<strong>to</strong>rs are so long-lived is that they are constantly<br />

moving their arms above their hearts, aiding in the blood flow back in<strong>to</strong> the heart; this exercise<br />

simulates that very action, resulting in un<strong>to</strong>ld benefits.)<br />

It activates <strong>and</strong> strengthens anahata, the Heart Chakra, helping <strong>to</strong> release anger <strong>and</strong><br />

disappointment <strong>and</strong> usher in love <strong>and</strong> forgiveness. This kriya <strong>and</strong> the next one, Taking Flight, both<br />

work with the sacred geometry of the heart. The sixty-degree angle at which we hold our arms is a<br />

direct conduit for moving heart energy, for opening the heart up <strong>to</strong> receive nurturing, healing universal<br />

love, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> then give back <strong>to</strong> the world—again, love in abundance.<br />

Whenever I do this exercise, I think of one of my favorite birds, my beloved albatross, which<br />

spends most of its life “on the wing” using a technique called “dynamic soaring.” As they fly,<br />

albatrosses angle their wings in<strong>to</strong> the wind in order <strong>to</strong> gain height <strong>and</strong> move in<strong>to</strong> the “boundary field,”<br />

a smoother current that exists above the frictional layer of headwind that would ordinarily slow them<br />

down. This current enables them <strong>to</strong> stay in the air, sometimes traveling as far as ten thous<strong>and</strong> miles<br />

without flapping their wings, before l<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>to</strong> refuel. They move like true tai chi adepts, flying with<br />

the flow, literally extracting energy from that field <strong>to</strong> buoy them <strong>and</strong> carry them aloft, a true real-life<br />

model of effortless effort. And you thought kundalini was hard!<br />

1. Sitting in Easy Pose, raise your arms up overhead in<strong>to</strong> a large V shape, a forty-five-degree angle,<br />

<strong>and</strong> fold the tips of the fingers, just the first knuckles, in <strong>to</strong>ward the palms with your thumbs<br />

pointing straight up <strong>to</strong> the ceiling.<br />

2. Focus your gaze on a point in front of you. I suggest using creative visualization here, perhaps a<br />

cherished goal you want <strong>to</strong> pursue in your life or a person important <strong>to</strong> you. When the going gets<br />

<strong>to</strong>ugh, you’ll want <strong>to</strong> have this image readily available <strong>to</strong> help vanquish negative thoughts <strong>and</strong> the<br />

desire <strong>to</strong> quit. (Trust me, you may want <strong>to</strong> quit—but you won’t!)<br />

3. With your arms outstretched, separate your thumbs from your other fingers <strong>and</strong> feel as though your<br />

thumbs are conduits for heavenly energy <strong>to</strong> beam down in<strong>to</strong> your body, not only through your<br />

Crown Chakra, but literally through your thumbs.<br />

4. Start the Breath of Fire, inhaling Sat <strong>and</strong> exhaling Nam. Now that you are becoming more<br />

practiced with the Breath of Fire, see if you can actually jump right in <strong>and</strong> establish a more<br />

vigorous pace from the onset of the exercise.<br />

5. As you pump your diaphragm in <strong>and</strong> out, s<strong>to</strong>king your inner fire, stretch your arms out even more<br />

expansively, spreading those big, beautiful wings, the biggest wings you’ve ever seen, out in<strong>to</strong><br />

space. As you think of rooting even deeper in<strong>to</strong> the earth, rise! Like the albatross, feel your<br />

boundlessness, feel your infinite power, feel your radiance rising up through your body!<br />

6. Continue inhaling <strong>and</strong> exhaling powerfully for up <strong>to</strong> three minutes, feeling your heart opening <strong>and</strong><br />

kundalini shakti rising inside you <strong>to</strong> do her nurturing, energizing work.<br />

7. After completing your three minutes (you can work up <strong>to</strong> as much as seven or eight minutes in this

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