Kitesoul Magazine #18 English Edition

In this issue: Triple S preview, Kitefoiling Around Sardinia, Dubai, Pohnpei - Micronesia, Fortaleza - Jericoacoara, Turks e Caicos, Foilboard Racing with Steph e Olly Bridge, ITW Mikaili Sol, Girl power, ITW Ennio Castelletti, Tutorials, Product focus. In this issue: Triple S preview, Kitefoiling Around Sardinia, Dubai, Pohnpei - Micronesia, Fortaleza - Jericoacoara, Turks e Caicos, Foilboard Racing with Steph e Olly Bridge, ITW Mikaili Sol, Girl power, ITW Ennio Castelletti, Tutorials, Product focus.


154 GIRLPOWER The Essence of a Female Kitesurfer GIRL POWER T HE ESSENCE OF A FEMALE KITESURFER She is not afraid to rough it out with the guys in the harshest conditions and her cupboard is readily stocked with bikinis, board shorts, sports bras and wetsuits; ready for anything. Ready to take on the ocean! But she has also made a mental note of each of these outfits and weighed out comfort vs. style and she has that one lucky outfit which has it all. She is not afraid to let her hair blow in the wind but she also determines the days she washes her hair according to the days that there is wind. She uses her gear to the best of its ability, but also does her best to carefully match her kite and board colours. Sometimes, just like the men, she has no fear, but other times she has a struggle between taking risks and being careful. Just like the guys, she gets frustrated when other riders cut her off or get in her way, but most of the time she waves and politely smiles in her carefree way. YOu knOW WhO I am taLkInG abOut, RIGht? a fEmaLE kItEsuRfER Of cOuRsE! She may need to take more than one Selfie before and after her session, and she may take longer to get ready than some of the guys. But one thing that remains unchanged between male and female kitesurfers is that the second they hit the water, they are spellbound by the beauty of the sport and are more in the moment than they have ever been before. As kitesurfing grows, the female presence is growing rapidly too and women have already made an impactful imprint on the sport. But since kitesurfing is still a relatively “new” sport, the general public is sometimes not at all familiar with the notion of a female Kitesurfer. Personally, I get the most bizarre reactions from people when I tell them that I am a Kitesurfer. People that do not know anything about the sport cannot believe that a girl, never mind a petite girl like me, can do this sport! People often ask me if I am scared that the kite might “take me away” and not bring me back to land! People who do know a bit about kitesurfing will ask me if I can get up on the board yet.

Michelle Hayward Photo: Bas Koole

Michelle Hayward<br />

Photo: Bas Koole

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