DAILY DEVOTIONAL TO ENCOURAGE AND EMPOWER YOU EACH DAY OF YOUR DAILY DEVOTIONAL TO ENCOURAGE AND EMPOWER YOU EACH DAY OF YOUR LIFE. You will be lifted up spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally! Don't miss a single day without reading THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ENCOURAGER!! It's all about our daily devotion and commitment to GOD and His WORD!! Stay connected to your power source... JESUS!!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL TO ENCOURAGE AND EMPOWER YOU EACH DAY OF YOUR DAILY DEVOTIONAL TO ENCOURAGE AND EMPOWER YOU EACH DAY OF YOUR LIFE. You will be lifted up spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally! Don't miss a single day without reading THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL ENCOURAGER!! It's all about our daily devotion and commitment to GOD and His WORD!! Stay connected to your power source... JESUS!!


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Dear Beloved,<br />

BE AN <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong>!!<br />

A little encouragement will go a long way! it is time to get on the<br />

encouragement band wagon. We are called to be a blessing to others,<br />

whose life are you blessing with encouragement?<br />

One of the battles that everyone faces at some time or another is the<br />

battle of discouragement. Our dreams don't always happen on our<br />

timetable. We go through disappointments and adversities. With so<br />

much coming against us, it can be easy to loose enthusiasm and zeal for<br />

life. It's good to have family and friends who encourage you. But one<br />

thing I've learned is that other people cannot keep us encouraged. They<br />

may give us a boost. They may help us from time to time. But if you're<br />

really going to live in victory, that encouragement has to come from the<br />

inside.<br />

You've got to learn to encourage yourself. In the Bible, that's what David<br />

had to do. At one point, he had suffered a major setback. It was one of the<br />

most dif cult times of his life. His city had been destroyed, his family<br />

was kidnaped, and nally his own men turned against him. It looked like<br />

an impossible situation. David could have easily just given up and faded<br />

off into the sunset, defeated and depressed. What a horrible day in the<br />

life of this anointed man of God. But the scripture says in I Samuel 3:6,<br />

"David encouraged himself in the Lord his God." See, David wasn't<br />

depending on his family, his friends, or his colleagues to get him<br />

through. He knew how to draw strength and encouragement from<br />

within.<br />

I encourage you to set aside time to really absorb this months issue of<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong> every day. Each day will inspire you to walk<br />

in the victory Christ has given you through His word and help you to live<br />

and enjoy life in Him as you build your life upon the Rock. May we like<br />

David learn how to see the light in dark days. Amen!!<br />

Peace PreciousOne

efuse to magnify<br />

Rthe devil. Refuse to<br />

magnify the present<br />

negative circumstance.<br />

Don't analyze your trouble<br />

with a magnifying glass,<br />

this exercise will lead to<br />

deeper discouragement.

<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 1<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me”<br />

Isaiah 49:16<br />

<strong>THE</strong> UNFORGETTABLE LOVE OF GOD!<br />

God has tattoos of us on the palms of His hands so that He can see them<br />

o en. It is not like when people get tattoos on their arms or places<br />

where they can't see them. God wants to see these tattoos everyday. He<br />

likes to look at reminders of us just like we may like to look at pictures of<br />

our loved ones.<br />

I have engraved you." It does not say, "your name." The name is there,<br />

but that is not all: I have engraved "YOU." Consider the depth of this! "I<br />

have engraved your person, your image, your circumstances, your sins,<br />

your temptations, your weaknesses, your wants, your works; I have<br />

engraved you, everything about you, all that concerns you; I have put all<br />

of this together here."<br />

You know why He has engraved you on His palms? Because He wants to<br />

see you everyday, every moment of your life, and because you are<br />

precious. Imagine, the creator of this world, has you on His palms. It s<br />

amazing how God sees something totally different when He gazes at<br />

YOU. I am not quite sure you realize just how crazy God is about you.<br />

Only someone who is madly in love with you would take the trouble to<br />

tattoo YOUR IMAGE on the palms of his hands!<br />

Stop doubting and believe!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

D e a r L o r d ,<br />

I a m<br />

constantly amazed at how<br />

g r e a t Yo u a r e.<br />

I t i s<br />

amazing that You not only<br />

remember me, but You<br />

have engraved me on Your<br />

hand. Thank You for that<br />

a s s u r a n c e . H e l p m e<br />

remember this truth on<br />

the days where I feel<br />

forgotten and unloved. In<br />

Jesus Name, Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 2<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”<br />

Philippians 4:13<br />


I ve learned that the rst step to success is believing you can make it.<br />

And you also must believe that God wants you to succeed. Philippians<br />

4:13 must be indelibly stamped in your spirit: I can do everything<br />

through Christ, who gives me strength<br />

When you nd yourself in a crisis and people are saying you can t do<br />

anything, respond with this verse. You can come through any<br />

circumstance, walk through any valley, and go through any trial the<br />

devil sends your way. It doesn t matter what your circumstances look<br />

like. God promises you in Psalm 34:17 & 19 that He will deliver you out of<br />

all your trials. When you believe what He has said about you, then you<br />

can do anything you set your heart to. He is for you and your success.<br />

What is it that Paul can do through Christ? He can be content no matter<br />

what the situation , whether he has plenty or he has nothing, whether<br />

he comes in rst place with a gold medal or he comes in last place.<br />

whether he people approve him or not. Whatever the circumstance,<br />

whatever he may have or not have, Paul learned to be content, to be<br />

joyful. Why? Because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens<br />

me!<br />

May today s scripture serve as an encouragement to you, not to achieve<br />

great victories in life, but to nd joy even in the midst of defeat.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I choose to bless<br />

You at all times. I declare<br />

that You are faithful! I li<br />

my eyes to You because<br />

You are the source of my<br />

help, strength and joy<br />

forevermore. Thank You<br />

for leading and guiding<br />

me for Your glory in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 3<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“..weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning”.<br />

Psalm 30:5<br />


There s nothing permanent about what you are facing today. That problem<br />

will last for only a night, for only a season. In our journey of life, we go through<br />

different seasons. Everyone at some point goes through a night season and a<br />

morning season. The night season is a period of weeping. But you must be<br />

ready to pray until you see your morning season.<br />

One of the most encouraging passages in the Bible is Psalm 30:5. For his<br />

anger lasts only a moment, but his favour lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay<br />

for a night but joy comes in the morning . No matter how long a problem<br />

may have gone on for, no matter how dif cult and challenging the problem<br />

may appear to be, one thing is certain from this verse: PROBLEMS DON T<br />

LAST FOREVER. Whatever you are going through today is a temporary<br />

situation. There s nothing permanent about what you are facing today. That<br />

problem will last for only a night, for only a season.<br />

Mark 10:46-52 tells us of a man called Blind Bartimeaus. He was a beggar and<br />

he was also blind. The day he cried out to Jesus to have mercy on him so many<br />

people gathered around him and rebuked him. Blind Bartimeaus was close to<br />

his long awaited change, God was about to put a new song in his mouth, his<br />

morning of joy was about to dawn. To keep him tied to the same spot, the<br />

enemy got people to rebuke him and tell him to be quiet. But this man refused<br />

to give up just before his breakthrough. The more he was hushed down, the<br />

more he shouted out to Jesus to have mercy on him. Blind Bartimeaus didn t<br />

stop crying out until he saw his morning of joy.<br />

When the enemy sees you are at the verge of something big, a breakthrough is<br />

coming your way, he tries to discourage you in the place of prayer so you don t<br />

pray and prevail. Don t fall for his trick, don t give up when you are so close to a<br />

breakthrough, rise up and pray. Pray until your morning of joy comes.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for joy. Thank You for<br />

peace. Thank You for<br />

walking me through the<br />

dif cult times. I choose<br />

today to answer the door<br />

f o r j o y e v e r y s i n g l e<br />

morning so that I can walk<br />

in the strength You have<br />

given to me. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 4<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, "Let us cross over to the<br />

other side. Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He<br />

was. And other little boats were also with Him..”<br />

Mark 4:35–36<br />


"Life is a journey, so enjoy the ride." Have you ever heard that saying before? I<br />

think it holds a lot of truth. God has a journey that He wants each of us to go on.<br />

He has a plan and a purpose that He expects us to ful ll. He didn't put us on this<br />

earth just to sit around, eat Cheerios, and do nothing. But the deal is, we've got<br />

to stop worrying about the storms that arise on our journey and start enjoying<br />

the ride. We should not make the storms our storms.<br />

When Jesus spoke the words, "Let us cross over to the other side," I believe that<br />

both He and His disciples expected to go to the other side. Jesus went to the<br />

back of the boat and fell asleep. He wasn't worried, because He knew what He<br />

had spoken. Even when water began lling the boat, Jesus didn't wake up. He<br />

knew they were going to the other side, no matter what.<br />

Unfortunately, I think the disciples expected to go to the other side without<br />

any opposition. So when the storm arose, they became fearful. A lot of we<br />

Christians are the same way. When something unexpected comes up, we<br />

begin to worry about the situation more than we think about Jesus. We can't<br />

focus on Jesus when we're thinking about the waves and the storms around us.<br />

And that's what the devil wants.<br />

Whatever kind of storm you're facing, Jesus is still in your boat. All you've got<br />

to do is quit paddling, quit worrying and looking at the obstacles. Instead, look<br />

to Him. Lean on Him. He'll never let you down. He'll never stop helping you,<br />

no matter how many storms arise. It's time for you to sit back and enjoy the<br />

ride!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, thank you for<br />

guiding me through the<br />

journey of my life. Thank<br />

you that you have always<br />

been with me in the boat<br />

of life and have always<br />

calmed down the storms<br />

of life for me. Teach me to<br />

constantly trust in you and<br />

have faith that you are<br />

able. Take my hand each<br />

day and direct my path. In<br />

J e s u s m i g h t y n a m e .<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 5<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword,<br />

cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost<br />

thoughts and desires.”<br />

Hebrews 4:12<br />

LIVING BY <strong>THE</strong> SPOKEN WORD!<br />

We sometimes forget that Jesus lived as a man. He had emotions; He had<br />

desires. The Word of God says that He endured everything every<br />

temptation that man would ever endure. And He overcame!<br />

How did Jesus overcome? By quoting the Word of God. He told the devil, "It is<br />

written . . ." Has the enemy been attacking you? Perhaps you've been going<br />

through some things. You need to understand that your answer lies in the<br />

spoken Word of God.<br />

There is not a situation, problem, trial, or dif culty that can come along that<br />

the Word of God spoken out of your mouth will not take care of. Hebrews 4:12<br />

says, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged<br />

sword"<br />

So many times when we face dif culties and problems, we immediately speak<br />

what we see in the natural rather than speaking what the Word says. We need<br />

to be so full of the Word of God that when trouble pokes us or life puts the<br />

squeeze on us, we immediately say, "No weapon formed against me will<br />

prosper. I'm healed; I'm whole. All of my needs are met!"<br />

You see, the Word of God in you and spoken out of your mouth will set the<br />

power of God loose around you. It will bring you healing and deliverance. It<br />

will bring you a full supply and protect you in time of danger. It will revitalize,<br />

empower, and strengthen you!<br />

I worry about what you're facing in this YEAR or this month of <strong>JUNE</strong>, or what<br />

dilemma you're in. If you'll learn to live by the spoken Word of God and keep<br />

speaking it, things will change!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, today I submit my<br />

mind, will and emotions<br />

to You. I choose to align<br />

myself with Your Word.<br />

Thank You for<br />

lling me<br />

with Your Holy Spirit and<br />

empowering me to live the<br />

life of victory You have in<br />

store for me in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 6<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Have faith in God, Jesus answered. Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain,<br />

'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what<br />

they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for<br />

in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”<br />

Mark 11:22–24.<br />


IT REALLY MATTERS how we use our faith. It also matters who we're placing<br />

our faith in. Sometimes we're not putting our faith in the right person.<br />

Therefore, we're not seeing answers to our prayers. But that doesn't have to be<br />

the case. God wants to move the mountains in our lives.<br />

We can speak to our mountains and they have to move. But sometimes I think<br />

we're missing something important in these verses. I want to examine them<br />

from a different angle so we can identify whom we're placing our faith in and<br />

see mountains move in our lives. Jesus told His disciples, "Have faith in God."<br />

Notice that Jesus didn't say, "Have faith in Me." Sometimes we're placing our<br />

faith in our pastor, another minister, or ourselves. But Jesus wants us to place<br />

our trust in God, because God is always able and willing to do something.<br />

The disciples saw God's Word work through Jesus. They saw Him speak to a g<br />

tree, and the g tree died. The next day, when the disciples saw that the g tree<br />

had withered away, they asked Jesus what He did. Jesus said, "I just did what<br />

you can do. I spoke to it and commanded it to dry up." The g tree changed as a<br />

result of Jesus' words. Jesus had faith in God, and He spoke con dently to that<br />

tree. The disciples didn't see anything different right away. But things began to<br />

change, and they saw the results the next morning. We can trust God that<br />

whenever we speak in line with His Word, and we believe that what we say will<br />

happen, mountains will move.<br />

Begin to speak things that you want in your life, not things that you already<br />

have. Decide what kind of life you want to live and speak those things into<br />

existence. When we speak to our mountains, we're telling God, "This is what I<br />

need You to take care of." And He will take care of it for us, no matter how big it<br />

looks.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for giving<br />

me a measure of faith.<br />

Thank You for the gi of Your<br />

Word which is a light to my<br />

path and helps me grow in<br />

You. I choose to set my heart<br />

and mind on Your Word and<br />

listen as You speak Your<br />

truth to my heart in Jesus<br />

name. Amen!<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 7<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger,<br />

and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do<br />

whatever he promises. And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous...”<br />

Romans 4:20-21<br />

FOCUS ON <strong>THE</strong> PROMISE NOT <strong>THE</strong> PROBLEM<br />

When you stay focused on your promise, not your problem, you can be happy<br />

even when life seems to be falling apart. Stop focusing on the problems and<br />

start focusing on the promise.<br />

Abraham made this decision; I m not going to use my energy to worry. I m not<br />

going to go around thinking about how it s not going to work out. I ve got a<br />

promise from God. I can hear him all through the day saying, God, You<br />

promised that I m going to have a child, that I will be the father of many<br />

nations, that my descendents would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.<br />

God, it looks impossible to me, but I know You can do the impossible. he kept<br />

focusing on the promise, reminding God what He said. that promise became<br />

bigger and bigger in his mind. he became fully persuaded, where doubt, fear,<br />

negativity, didn t have a chance. Faith rose up and sure enough, against all<br />

odds, when they were nearly 100 years old, they had that baby. If you re going<br />

to see your dreams come to pass, those promises ful lled, there will be times,<br />

like with Abraham, you have to consider not your negative circumstances.<br />

God does not look upon problems as we do. Where we see stress He sees<br />

opportunities. Where we see crisis, He sees growth and betterment. God's<br />

purpose in times of crisis and trouble is to teach His children precious lessons.<br />

They are intended to educate, and build us up. And when we learn from them<br />

and ride out these storms of life, we will see the great promise ful lled. His<br />

glorious recompense will come to us throughout eternity. We need to see the<br />

joy and opportunities through times of problems. Because we will learn that<br />

there is a sweet and wonderful joy we can have here too.<br />

If you ll learn to focus on the promises and not the problems, you will defeat<br />

your giants, accomplish your dreams, and what God promised you He will<br />

bring to pass. You will become everything He s created you to be, and you will<br />

have everything He intends for you to have.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, today I<br />

choose to bless Your<br />

name. I thank You for life.<br />

I thank You for breath. I<br />

thank You for provision,<br />

healing, strength and joy.<br />

Today I choose to focus on<br />

your promise instead of<br />

my problems. Help me to<br />

walk in your word and<br />

y o u r a s s u r a n c e o f<br />

salvation for my life. I will<br />

continue to call on your<br />

name and trust that you<br />

will always hear me and<br />

answert me. In Jesus<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 8<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner<br />

sanctuary behind the curtain..”<br />

Hebrews 6:19<br />


God is able to work it all out! He will get you through your storm and<br />

land you safely beyond it! It may look like the boat is going to sink. It<br />

may look like the storms of life are going to prevail. However, when the<br />

waves have all settled down, when the winds have ceased their blowing,<br />

when the rains have abated, when the storm clouds have moved off to<br />

the horizon; you will see that God was in control all along! I can promise<br />

you this, no storm in this life will be able to blow you off the course God<br />

has determined for your life! He will secure you during the storm and<br />

He will successfully deliver you to the safe harbor of His glory!<br />

Have you set your anchors deep in the Lord? If you have, then you can<br />

weather life's storms. If you haven't, be prepared to be blown about by<br />

the winds of adversity. I would encourage you to go before the Lord and<br />

say something like this, "Lord, I cannot x my situation. I cannot calm<br />

the raging seas of my life and I cannot still the winds that blow against<br />

me. I need help today. By faith, I cast the anchors of your presence, you<br />

promises, your providence and your performance into my stormy sea. I<br />

am resolved to trust you to walk onto my storm and speak peace when it<br />

is your will to do so. Until then, I will not fear, I will not fret, and I will not<br />

ght. I will trust you to do what is best for me."<br />

When you throw in the towel and come to a place of total trust before<br />

the Lord in your storm, it gets His attention and you can be sure that He<br />

will do something about your situation!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly father that you<br />

f o r l o v i n g m e<br />

unconditionally. Thank<br />

you for giving me the grace<br />

to always hope in you and<br />

not the world. Grant me the<br />

strength to be able to stand<br />

the dif cult days of my life.<br />

You are my anchor and in<br />

the eye of the storms your<br />

faith will always surround<br />

me. In Jesus mighty name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 9<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the<br />

Pharisee's house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood<br />

behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped<br />

them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.”<br />

Luke 7:37-38<br />


Thinking about someone who had a grateful heart, the woman with the<br />

Alabaster jar comes to mind.<br />

Someone once said that worship is the act of sacri cially giving to Jesus<br />

something that is precious to us. What would that be for you? Your money?<br />

Your time? Your job? For the woman , it was a container of perfume.<br />

This woman recognized she was a sinner and she also recognized who Jesus<br />

was, and she show her gratitude in the best and highest way possible as she<br />

knelt at His feet, praising and serving Him by cleaning His feet with her tears<br />

and anointing them with fragrant oil. It was her way of saying, I m sorry,<br />

thank you, and I love you.<br />

The womans service showed her love, because it was passionate. There was a<br />

lot of affection in her act. Why did she kiss His feet? She didn t care how it<br />

looked to others; she knew what it meant. She couldn t do anything else. Her<br />

whole soul went out in love to Him.<br />

Just as the alabaster box, you can't just be open before God, you must be<br />

broken before God! May we behold this woman, and learn an invaluable<br />

lesson from her very valuable gi to Jesus. Are you perfuming Jesus with your<br />

praise?<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, Thank You for<br />

loving me. Thank You for<br />

Your forgiveness which<br />

opens the door for Your<br />

love to<br />

ow through me.<br />

Show me Your love and<br />

help me to be a light and<br />

e x a m p l e o f l o v e<br />

everywhere I go in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June10<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“ I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”<br />

Jeremiah 32:27<br />


He cares about you, He s listening to you and He wants to take care of you<br />

Sometimes when people go through something for a long time they tend to<br />

lean to the idea that things will always be that way. They get used to being in<br />

that situation. But, God is still on the throne and He hasn't given up on you and<br />

don't you dare give up on Him. It doesn't matter how long you have a problem,<br />

the power of God is still able to turn it around. He's still the God that it's nothing<br />

to hard for Him, for with Him all things are possible.<br />

There was a woman with an issue of blood for 12 years, but when she heard<br />

about Jesus she knew the power of God could turn it around (Mark 5:25-34).<br />

There was a woman with a spirit of in rmity for 18 years, but the power of God<br />

was still able to turn it around (Luke 13:11-13). There was a man with a<br />

condition for 38 years and when Jesus saw Him, He knew that he had been in<br />

that condition for a long time. Did Jesus give up on helping him because he<br />

was in that condition for so long? No, the power of God was still able to turn it<br />

around (John 5:1-9).<br />

God can turn that thing around that you've been dealing with for so long. He is<br />

not only able, but He is also willing. God wants that problem turned around<br />

andIt is God's desire to turn your situation around. And no matter how long it's<br />

been if you don't give up on God, He will not give up on you.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

ather, I know that, with<br />

Yo u , a l l t h i n g s a r e<br />

possible! Nothing is too<br />

hard for You. I choose to<br />

stand in faith, I choose to<br />

trust, and I choose to walk<br />

in every blessing You have<br />

in store for me in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 11<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you<br />

apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations”<br />

Jeremiah 1:5<br />


You are not an accident. Your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life<br />

is no uke of nature. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He<br />

was not at all surprised by your birth. In fact, he expected it.<br />

God told Jeremiah He knew him before I formed you in your mother's womb.<br />

Notice that God selected him and had an assignment for him before he ever<br />

got there. God was saying in effect, Jeremiah, you didn't just start when your<br />

mother gave birth to you. Before you were in her womb, you were with Me. In<br />

other words, my past didn't start with my family; it started with my God. And I<br />

didn't come from my mother. Of course I love and respect my mother, but I<br />

didn't come from her; I came through her. I came from Almighty God. He gave<br />

me life. He gave me breath.<br />

God used our mothers to get us here, but ultimately, we came from God. That<br />

means our assignment, our destiny, and purpose cannot be changed by who<br />

we came through, because we came from Almighty God. He has the nal say.<br />

There is nothing that happens to you that God can't turn around and use for<br />

you. He already has a plan. He knows the end from the beginning.<br />

No matter how you were raised. God has chosen you and appointed you to do<br />

great things in this life. He has set you apart for a unique purpose. You can<br />

have con dence today, knowing whose you are and that you're destined for<br />

great things. In Gods eyes, there is no such thing as being illegitimate.<br />

Remember, He knew you before you were ever born! Find con dence in His<br />

love knowing that you are a person of destiny, and you are part of His mighty<br />

plan!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

choosing me before I was<br />

ever born. Thank You for<br />

knowing me and<br />

revealing Yourself to me.<br />

I trust that You are<br />

working in my life today,<br />

even when I can't see it. I<br />

stand in faith knowing<br />

that You have a mighty<br />

plan for me in Jesus'<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 12<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him; I will surely defend my ways to His face.”<br />

Job 13:15<br />


There are some things in our lives that have to be torn down, before we can be<br />

built back up on a solid more stable foundation. Some old things need to be<br />

disposed before we can walk in a new place.<br />

There's a si ing going on in your life right now, this process separates the<br />

wheat from the tare, the good from the bad. But hold on to your faith, your<br />

mess is progress! " Behold, satan hath desired to have you, that he may si<br />

you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not " Luke 22:31-32<br />

Are you able to trust God in messy places? Do you have the faith to sustain you<br />

in the middle of a mess? When all hell is breaking loose, everything's failing,<br />

glass is shattering, concrete is bursting, dust is ying, bricks knocked out of<br />

place, when you're going through a crisis are you able to stand in the middle of<br />

it all and say, LORD I Trust you! Hold on to your faith, Just Believe! No matter<br />

what mess you're going through, God is able to bring you out! "Though he slay<br />

me, yet will I trust in him.<br />

God says "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; do you not<br />

perceive it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."<br />

(Isaiah 43:19) There are messy moments on the road to Destiny, you cannot<br />

have progress without mess. When you are in the process to progress, things<br />

get a little messy on the way to getting there. But when you get through this<br />

mess, progress is waiting on you. Don't let the mess fool you, don't let the<br />

enemy distract you into thinking that the mess is all there is.<br />

Real LIFE comes out of mishaps, messes, mayhem, sorrow and tragedy. God<br />

uses people who were broken, battered, tattered and torn to heal other people.<br />

So don't give up, don't be discouraged, God is making a message and a<br />

testimony out of your mess!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, I receive<br />

new seasons of increase<br />

into my life by faith today.<br />

I choose to stand and<br />

declare Your promises<br />

because I know You have<br />

good things in store for my<br />

future. I bless You and<br />

thank You for another day<br />

to sing Your praise. In<br />

Jesus' Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 13<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her; the<br />

appointed time has come”<br />

Psalms 102:13<br />


Favour is an incredible blessing from the Lord. God's favour is one of the<br />

greatest things you can have upon you. It is the supernatural touch of God<br />

upon your life and work. Favour marks your life as special. It causes you and<br />

your entire life to be li ed up above the ordinary and stand out: Every child of<br />

God needs the favour of God upon his/her life. <strong>THE</strong> FAVOUR OF GOD TAKES A<br />



The favour of God will bring opportunities into your life which skill and hard<br />

work cannot bring. If all we have, has only come through hard work and sweat;<br />

then you are leading a very dif cult life. Some things must come minus hard<br />



When it s your time to be favoured, God organizes situation to make it happen<br />

regardless of how impossible they might have seemed. In Esther 6, when it<br />

was Mordecai s set time for favour, guess what God make happen? He made<br />

King Ahasuerus sleepless until he favoured Mordecai! In Luke 1:30: And the<br />

angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. Mary<br />

was favoured to be the chosen one to carry Jesus Christ in her womb. She is<br />

part of the plan for Jesus to come into the world to accomplish Gods plan for<br />

man. Today you and I are also in Gods plan to carry Jesus Christ in our hearts<br />

and do His will. So aren t we favoured? Yes we are.<br />

May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon you; establish the work of your<br />

hands for you; yes, establish the work of your hands. God bless you and may<br />

you enjoy the season of Gods favour.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, thank You for<br />

this day. Thank You for the<br />

good plan You have for<br />

me. I believe it is my time<br />

of set favor; it s my time to<br />

rise higher; it s my time to<br />

e x p e r i e n c e e v e r y<br />

breakthrough and every<br />

blessing You have in store<br />

for me in Jesus name!<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 14<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing<br />

I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead...”<br />

Philippians 3:13<br />


We all have a past; a past which we can neither escape nor change.<br />

A past lled with memories so powerful that their recall o en brings<br />

pain to the present. But it is very essential that as Christians we learn<br />

how to make peace with our past.<br />

Joseph had been wronged; not only by his brothers but by Potiphar's<br />

wife, too. Most of us can sympathise with that, because somewhere in<br />

our past others have wronged us, too. When that happens, like Joseph,<br />

we are faced with how to respond. Joseph could have struck instead,<br />

Joseph chose to forgive.<br />

The key to Josephs success was that he choose to forgive and he<br />

choose to Live in the Present. He choose to let go of yesterday so that he<br />

could live his today. Forgiveness is certainly not the easiest thing to do,<br />

but it is always the best. Forgiveness, while not the easiest, is always the<br />

wisest of our options. Until you forgive, the pain of your past will<br />

continue to be felt in your present.<br />

For many of us our past is holding us back from living in the present.<br />

May the Lord uphold us with His righteous right hand. May His Spirit<br />

gives us the strength and power to move on, no matter the pain and the<br />

failures of our past; so we can fully embrace and live in the present.<br />

Amen... Shalom<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, I choose<br />

to forget the past today. I<br />

don t want anything to<br />

hold me back from the<br />

good future You have<br />

prepared for me. I choose<br />

forgiveness and ask that<br />

You help me, by Your<br />

Spirit, to press forward in<br />

every area of my life. In<br />

Jesus Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 15<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by<br />

every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”<br />

Matthew 4:4<br />

FEED ON GOD S WORD <strong>DAILY</strong><br />

God has called us to be constantly fanning the spiritual ames inside us,<br />

and it is up to us to train ourselves to make the Spiritual Disciplines part<br />

of our routine, or lifestyle.<br />

Jesus said that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that<br />

proceeds from the mouth of God. If it is important to eat our meals<br />

every day, how much more feeding on Gods Word? Jesus wants us to<br />

know that we need Gods Word even more than our daily meals. He<br />

made us, so He knows best what our bodies need daily.<br />

So whatever you do, remember to get your daily feeding of Gods Word.<br />

Read your Bible in the comfort of your home or in the of ce during your<br />

lunch break. Play sermon CDs while driving to work or doing<br />

household chores. If you prefer something more visual, watch DVDs on<br />

the preaching of His Word. Choose whichever form you prefer and get<br />

His Word into you!<br />

Beloved, you cannot live when you stop breathing. In the same way, you<br />

cannot live without the Word because it is the very breath of God which<br />

gives you life and health! Man does not live on bread alone, and Gods<br />

Word needs to be our Daily Bread. When we do, we can expect strength<br />

and sustenance always.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for Your<br />

Word which lights my<br />

path and transforms my<br />

life. I choose today to turn<br />

my thoughts toward You. I<br />

choose today to meditate<br />

on Your Word and Your<br />

promises so that I can be<br />

empowered to live in the<br />

victory You have prepared<br />

for me in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 16<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “YES” in Christ. And so<br />

through Him the “AMEN” is spoken by us to the glory of God.<br />

2 Corinthians 1:20<br />


Many of Gods people miss out on their inheritance because they are waiting<br />

for God to give them what is already theirs by inheritance. You can say: I<br />

believe the bible is true, I believe every promise from cover to cover, but if you<br />

do not know what those promises are and you do not personalize them and<br />

stake your claim concerning them., you will never experience them.<br />

Many times we are praying and asking for things that are already ours. The<br />

devil oppresses many of Gods people and keeps them in Bondage, because<br />

they do not know who they are in Christ.<br />

The devils greatest fear is that we will discover who we are in Christ and what<br />

belongs to us and that we will take possession of our inheritance.<br />

The devil knows if the we ever nds out who we are and starts to ght, we will<br />

win because he knows he is already defeated by the nished work of Jesus.<br />

The truth is our inheritance came to us through Jesus death and He WILLED it<br />

to us, and it s for right here right now. You don t need money when you get to<br />

heaven; YOU NEED IT NOW!. You don t need healing when you get to heaven;<br />

YOU NEED IT NOW)!. You don t need power over the devil when you get to<br />

heaven ; YOU NEED IT NOW!.<br />

Whatever God has promised you is yours legally, every dream, every prophetic<br />

utterance, Now it s up to you to stand up in faith and in the power of the Holy<br />

Spirit and say It s mine.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for Your<br />

goodness and faithfulness<br />

in my life. I believe that<br />

You have a good plan to<br />

pour out Your blessing<br />

and favor on me. Give me<br />

strength to obey Your<br />

commands and honor You<br />

all the days of my life in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 17<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the<br />

LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways<br />

and my thoughts than your thoughts.”<br />

Isaiah 55:8-9<br />


Gods ways and His sense of timing are not the same as ours. Many times<br />

God does not seem to t our schedule. However, His ways and His time<br />

are best.<br />

Mary and Martha watched their brother, Lazarus, fall ill, his life force<br />

deteriorate, and die. They had sent desperate messages to Jesus to come<br />

and help but he did not. Four days a er Lazarus burial, Jesus appeared.<br />

Can you feel the pain of the sisters when they saw Jesus? Out of<br />

desperation, they cried, Lord, if you had been here, you could have<br />

helped Lazarus. But you are too late! When Jesus asked that the<br />

tombstone be rolled away, Martha protested, Lord, he s been in there<br />

for four days! Again, God was late.<br />

Abraham and Sarah thought that God had appeared too late, but<br />

because God came, Isaac was born. Moses may have entertained<br />

similar thoughts about Gods timing, but because he came the Israelites<br />

were delivered from Egypt and we are le with the story of the Exodus,<br />

the greatest tale of deliverance in human folklore.<br />

When God came to Job, a tenfold restoration ensued. All the losses that<br />

Job experienced were more than amply compensated.<br />

Mary and Martha were certain that Jesus was too late. However, he<br />

came and because he did, Lazarus was raised from the dead.<br />

God is frequently late, but he is always on time. Therefore, wait on the<br />

Lord and you shall nd strength.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, today I put my<br />

faith and trust in You. I<br />

declare that Your ways are<br />

higher, Your thoughts are<br />

better, and Your plan is<br />

w h a t w i l l r e m a i n . I<br />

surrender my will and my<br />

ideas and receive the<br />

direction You have for me<br />

in Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 18<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued my enemies under<br />

my feet”<br />

2 Samuel 22:40<br />


At the end of his life, David looked back on his life and saw that God had been<br />

faithful every step of the way.<br />

You may be in tough times, but God has equipped you and empowered you<br />

with everything you need to be victorious. God knows what you're going<br />

through. He knows the challenges you're going to face in the future. He doesn't<br />

say, Get depressed or give up on your dreams." No, He says here, "Rise up in<br />

faith, for I have armed you with strength for that battle." And deep down<br />

inside, you've got to know, "This thing is not going to defeat me. It may look<br />

dif cult, it may look impossible, but I'm never giving up. I know I've been<br />

armed with strength for the battle, and I believe when it's all said and done, I'm<br />

still going to be standing strong."<br />

In the natural when things don't go our way, we would get down and<br />

discouraged and drag through life defeated. But instead, you have that warrior<br />

mentality. You put your shoulders back. You have a smile on your face. You're<br />

doing the right thing even though the wrong thing is happening to you. When<br />

you rise up in faith like that, it not only allows God to ght your battles for you,<br />

but it totally confuses the enemy.<br />

We all have things coming against us. You may be in a storm, but the key is,<br />

don't let the storm get in you. Stay in peace, stay determined, stay aggressive.<br />

You've been armed with strength for whatever you go through. If you see<br />

yourself as being weak, defeated, and not able, that will keep you down. But<br />

you can develop a new image on the inside and start to see yourself the way<br />

God sees you: strong, determined, courageous, more than a conqueror. If you<br />

see yourself that way, you'll rise to a new level. You have the power to live in<br />

victory. You have the power to endure tough times.<br />

When times get tough, you have to remind yourself, "I have the strength to<br />

overcome. God's given me the power to endure."<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

doing a work in me. Thank<br />

you for giving me the<br />

spirit of boldness and<br />

determination. Thank you<br />

for infusing me with Your<br />

I CAN DO spirit. I hold fast<br />

to Your promises because<br />

You are faithful. Thank<br />

You for Your grace and<br />

peace as I daily keep my<br />

mind stayed on You in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 19<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Say to those with anxious heart, Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come<br />

with vengeance; The recompense of God will come, But He will save you.”<br />

Isaiah 35:4<br />


The force of faith Bible faith can change our circumstances. Study the lives<br />

of great men and women of faith in the Bible. All of them were confronted<br />

with problems that had to be overcome. But they faced their problems with a<br />

strong belief in God and triumphed over every seemingly insurmountable<br />

barrier.<br />

You see, faith is not afraid to face problems, obstacles, and dif culties. It<br />

doesn t draw back in fear. Faith presses on to God and wins the victory every<br />

single time! Faith is not afraid to face the perplexities of life either. We ve<br />

probably all heard people say in fear, Yes, but what if . . . ? But when we<br />

are in faith, we can face every problem or trial con dently. Faith looks at<br />

negative situations and declares, I am not afraid of the what ifs, because God<br />

is bigger than any problem or circumstance! I serve a great big God Who can<br />

overcome anything!<br />

True faith in God does not waver in times of trouble. Remember Esther in the<br />

Bible? The wicked Haman had devised a plot to kill all the Jews in the kingdom,<br />

which included her. She faced not only the extinction of her race, but also the<br />

loss of her own life. Yet in the midst of almost sure destruction, she stood fast,<br />

trusting in God. She demonstrated her great faith in God by her actions. She<br />

did all she could in the natural, but then she cast the care on God, saying, If I<br />

perish, I perish (Esther 4:16). That was her commitment. And in the end, she<br />

received her victory.<br />

My dear friend, faith won t keep us from experiencing problems. But just like<br />

Esther, we can do something about those problems. We do not have to fear! We<br />

can put our trust in God and obey Him, and then watch as He brings us<br />

through victoriously!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Dear Lord, thank you for<br />

teaching me one more<br />

time about the spirit of<br />

True Faith in God. Thank<br />

you for letting me know<br />

that Faith shouldn t fear. I<br />

ask that your word will<br />

dwell richly in me so I will<br />

be able to stand the test of<br />

time where problems<br />

c o m e my way. I w i l l<br />

continue to put my trust in<br />

you and obey you. In the<br />

name of Jesus. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 20<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”<br />

Psalm 34:18<br />

<strong>THE</strong> LORD IS NEAR<br />

Everything in your life could be going along quite smoothly, when all of<br />

a sudden your life is changed in an instant! It could be a phone call, an<br />

email, text, or knock at the door that changes your life forever. Perhaps<br />

a spouse announces they want a divorce, you receive a grim diagnoses,<br />

a best friend betrays you, a loved one dies or a hundred other reasons.<br />

No matter what devastating loss you are dealt, how you pick up the<br />

pieces makes a huge difference in how you live the rest of your life.<br />

Some become bitter, angry, while others sink in a deep depression, and<br />

still others, walk around numb as if they are in a soundproof bubble, not<br />

able to experience life only watch it pass them by. None of these<br />

scenarios will give you the abundant life that God wants you to have.<br />

Although it is heartbreaking to experience pain and loss please know<br />

that God can heal your broken heart and give you His gi of joy!<br />

The Bible says in Psalm 34:18, The Lord is close to the brokenhearted<br />

and saves those who are crushed in spirit. With Jesus, you can face each<br />

day with renewed hope, knowing He loves you with an everlasting love.<br />

When your life suddenly changes, don t allow the devil to separate you<br />

from Jesus! Put your trust in God, knowing you are in His plan for He<br />

will never leave you or forsake you, and He will give you strength and<br />

courage to face each day, and be a shining light for Him!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly father I thank<br />

you for being with me at<br />

every stage of my life.<br />

Thank you for your love.<br />

Thank you for giving me<br />

the assurance that you<br />

will never leave me or<br />

forsake me. I ask that you<br />

w i l l c o n t i n u e t o<br />

strengthen me in the<br />

name of Jesus. Amen!<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 21<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of<br />

difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not<br />

be burned up; the flames will not consume you.<br />

Isaiah 43:2<br />

YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH <strong>THE</strong> FIRE!<br />

As believers we are going to face trials and tribulations. We're going to<br />

come under re. Why? Because Satan is the enemy of God. And he<br />

wants to hinder anyone who's following the Lord's plan for his or her<br />

life. That's why it's so important for us to know what to do when we're in<br />

a spiritual battle.<br />

First, we must remember that we already have the victory. We're not just<br />

trying to overcome or make it through. 1 Corinthians 15:57 says,<br />

"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus<br />

Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, "Thanks be to God, who always leads us<br />

in triumphal procession in Christ." These verses tell us that God leads us<br />

from place to place in one never-ending victory parade. Hallelujah! No<br />

matter what re we're facing, our victory has already been won in<br />

Christ.<br />

Second, we must remember that God never leaves us nor forsakes us.<br />

Isaiah 43:2 says, "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.<br />

When you go through rivers of dif culty, you will not drown. When you<br />

walk through the re of oppression, you will not be burned up; the<br />

ames will not consume you." In the middle of your biggest trial when<br />

the re is burning the hottest never forget that God is with you. He will<br />

bring you through unharmed if you'll put your faith in Him.<br />

Don't be discouraged if you're in a spiritual ght right now. Dig into the<br />

Word of God and build yourself up. Get a re burning on the inside that<br />

will stop the re around you! You can make it through the re<br />

unharmed!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, today I choose to<br />

trust You and step out in<br />

faith. I know that You are<br />

with me and parting the<br />

seas of the unknown in<br />

front of me. Show me Your<br />

glory as I honor and obey<br />

You in everything I do in<br />

Jesus name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 22<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the<br />

Son..”<br />

John 14:13<br />

SPEAK <strong>THE</strong> NAME!<br />

It is the name of God that we need to call on. All things are possible through<br />

the name of Jesus. God hath highly exalted Him, and given Him the name<br />

which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow.<br />

There is power to overcome everything in the world through the name of<br />

Jesus. There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we<br />

must be saved.<br />

You see, if we don't use the authority we have in Jesus' Name, we limit God's<br />

power in our lives. And our Heavenly Father didn't send Jesus to die for us just<br />

so we could strive and struggle? No!. Jesus said we could ask anything in His<br />

Name and He would do it. He went on to say that the Father would give us<br />

whatever we asked in His Name. Plus, He said that He wanted us to always be<br />

lled with joy. That's why He gave us His Name to use in prayer!<br />

It doesn't matter what you're facing today. The Name of Jesus is the most<br />

powerful name in the universe! His Name is above all other names. It's above<br />

sin, sickness, and poverty. It's above loneliness and anything else that would<br />

try to hurt or hinder you or those you love. And when you use your authority<br />

and speak that Name, according to God's Word the atmosphere around you<br />

has to change! Don't wait. . . . Start speaking that wonderful Name right<br />

now JESUS!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Dear Lord. I just want to<br />

thank you for reminding me<br />

one more time about the<br />

power that your name<br />

possesses. I submit myself<br />

under your authority. Help<br />

me to always speak your<br />

wonderful name in Jesus<br />

mighty name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 23<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ<br />

Jesus”.<br />

1 Thessalonians 5:18<br />


With all my heart I believe we have truly been blessed by God,<br />

regardless of how we look at life as individuals. And of all those who<br />

"give thanks to Him and praise His name" our name should be at the top<br />

of the list! A lot of people are waiting for life to improve before they<br />

change their attitude. But that's not the way it works. We change our<br />

attitude and it will change everything else.<br />

A lot of people don't read 1 Thessalonians 5:18 correctly. They think<br />

we're supposed to give thanks for the circumstance. But it's actually<br />

telling us to give thanks in the circumstance. Why? Because giving<br />

thanks enables God to change our situation. It enables Him to bring us<br />

out!<br />

You see, complaining never makes a situation better. All it does is<br />

amplify frustration, spread discontent, and invite the devil to cause<br />

havoc in our lives. When we complain instead of giving thanks, it<br />

actually lessens our ability to handle the situation. And it's also the rst<br />

step toward passively accepting whatever life hands us. But<br />

thanksgiving creates power in our lives. And it enables us to shine as<br />

great witnesses for God in a dark world.<br />

God is your maker, and you are created in His image. Therefore give<br />

Him thanks for who you are. I encourage you to try THANKSGIVING.<br />

As you give thanks in everything, you will see Gods hand move mightily<br />

on your behalf, and you ll come out of that dif culty better, stronger<br />

and wiser than before. Amen!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, today I choose<br />

to give You thanks in all<br />

things! I know that You are<br />

a good God, and You have<br />

good plans in store for my<br />

future. I bless You and<br />

thank You for another day<br />

to sing Your praise in<br />

Jesus name! Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 24<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message would<br />

be fully proclaimed, and all the Gentiles would hear it. So I was delivered from the mouth<br />

of the lion.”<br />

2 Timothy 4:17<br />


Have you ever noticed in the Word of God that some of the greatest<br />

victories came out of what looked like utter defeat? That's what God in<br />

His almighty power can do!<br />

Of all the people mentioned in the Word, the greatest man of faith of all<br />

time Who snatched victory from defeat is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.<br />

Jesus was falsely accused and sentenced to death. He was alone and<br />

forsaken, rejected of men. As He hung on the cross at Calvary, He<br />

breathed His last and said, "It is nished!<br />

When Jesus' body was taken down from that cross and put in a grave, it<br />

was a dark day. All hope seemed lost. The kingdom He had preached<br />

about establishing seemed impossible of ful llment.<br />

But on the third day, God snatched supreme victory from ultimate<br />

defeat! Jesus Christ arose and then ascended on High to sit and reign in<br />

glory at the Father's right hand. There was no defeat for Jesus! And as<br />

long as we remain in Him, there is no real defeat for us either.<br />

Oh, sometimes it might look like defeat. It might even smell like defeat!<br />

It might seem as if defeat is all around. You may be facing a situation<br />

right now that's so dark, it seems as if the enemy has ganged up on you.<br />

He may be trying to steal your joy and your triumph. But you don't have<br />

to let him get away with your victory. If you'll abide in God's Word and<br />

trust Him, He will take every test or trial that is in your life right now and<br />

turn it around. You can snatch victory from defeat!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

Your goodness. Thank You<br />

for teaching me how to<br />

s n a t c h v i c t o r y f r o m<br />

defeat. I af rm that I will<br />

abide in your word and<br />

trust in you. Help me to<br />

see my life the way You see<br />

it. Help me to see and<br />

declare the blessing and<br />

victory You have for me in<br />

Jesus name. Amen."<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 25<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God<br />

prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”<br />

Ephesians 2:10<br />

LET GOD MAKE <strong>THE</strong> MOST OF YOUR LIFE!<br />

The life God has given you is an invaluable gi . Are you making the most<br />

of it? Actually, nothing on earth is more important than making the<br />

most of your life. In fact, the greatest challenge each one of us faces is<br />

ful lling God's plan for us.<br />

Your success or failure can be answered by this question: What are you<br />

building your life on? A life that will stand up to God's glory can't be built<br />

on fame, fortune, or pleasure because those things alone are empty and<br />

shallow and will pass away.<br />

Since we cannot build our lives on fame, pleasure, money, or power,<br />

then what can we build them on? Our lives must be built on God and His<br />

Word because God's Word will stand the test when everything else<br />

passes away and fails. If we'll let the light of the Word shine on us, we<br />

will become instruments of the power of God in our world.<br />

What foundation you build your life on is up to you. If it's on the Rock,<br />

the Lord Jesus Christ, then the light and love of God will shine upon you,<br />

saturating you until it shines out of you to others.<br />

You may think your life is unimportant or insigni cant. But God can<br />

make something valuable of it, no matter what has happened to you in<br />

the past. Commit your life to God. Don't just sit still and do nothing for<br />

Him. Rise up in God and make an impact on your generation!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for setting me free<br />

f r o m c o m p e t i t i o n . I<br />

choose to rest in You<br />

knowing that I am Your<br />

workmanship. Thank You<br />

for directing and ordering<br />

my steps. I bless and<br />

praise You today. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 26<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Then the lord said to Elijah, "Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook, near where it enters the<br />

Jordan River”<br />

1 Kings 17:2-3<br />


There was a place where God commanded Elijah's needs to be supplied.<br />

God told him He had commanded the ravens to feed him there. But<br />

here's what's important, it was up to Elijah to get to that place of<br />

provision. He had to be obedient. He could have said, "God, I'm<br />

comfortable where I am. I don't want to go down there." No, the<br />

problem with that thinking is that the ravens would still have been<br />

taking his provision down to the brook. In other words, God would have<br />

been supplying his needs, but he would not be in the right place to<br />

receive them.<br />

Well, Elijah got down to the brook. He was obedient, and God blessed<br />

him and met all of his needs. But one day, the brook dried up. The water<br />

quit owing. The ravens quit coming. And so God told him, "Elijah, I<br />

want you to go to the city of Zarephath, for I have commanded a widow<br />

to take care of you." Notice once again, God had a speci c place where<br />

He commanded Elijah's needs to be met.<br />

The whole key was that Elijah had to keep following God's leading and to<br />

get to that place of blessing. This tells me that sometimes a brook will<br />

dry up. Sometimes a season in our life is going to be over and God's<br />

going to push you into a new area, a new place of provision.<br />

God will never mislead you. He will always lead you to the right place at<br />

the right time for you to get connected to the right source of our<br />

blessings. Just listen to Him and follow His direction.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, today I<br />

give You thanks for Your<br />

mercy and faithfulness in<br />

my life. Thank You for<br />

leading me into a place of<br />

blessing! I will continue<br />

to follow your direction<br />

and leading. I magnify<br />

You and bless Your holy<br />

name today. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 27<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even<br />

though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die<br />

in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the LORD! I will be<br />

joyful in the God of my salvation!”<br />

Habakkuk 3:17-18<br />


Our circumstances are constantly changing. As we are caught in these<br />

changes, it can be easy to get in fear rather than faith. But it doesn't<br />

matter how bad things get God is still God. He does not change. Even<br />

when things get tough, He's still on the throne. And that's why we need<br />

to rejoice in spite of what we're going through.<br />

You see, we're not rejoicing for the trouble. We're rejoicing because we<br />

know the trouble is temporary. We count on God's rule to prevail, not<br />

what someone else has ruled and not what the devil has ruled. The<br />

deliverance of God is eternal!<br />

That means we can stand on the brink of what looks like disaster and<br />

not be afraid. God is our strength. And as we stand rm on His Word,<br />

His plan will come to pass no question about it. He will take care of us<br />

and see us through. He will enable us to do what we need to do.<br />

If you're facing a dif cult situation in your life right now, begin to<br />

rejoice. God will strengthen you in the midst of the storm. He will li<br />

you up and set your feet on a higher place. You have not been given a<br />

spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7).<br />

And you will come out in victory on the other side!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I call on You in the<br />

midst of my trouble. I<br />

praise You because You<br />

are my hope. I bless You<br />

a n d m a g n i f y Y o u ,<br />

knowing You have a good<br />

plan for my future in<br />

Jesus name! Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 28<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off<br />

everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with<br />

perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and<br />

perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame,<br />

and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”<br />

Hebrews 12:1-2<br />


At one time or another, we've all dealt with baggage in our lives. It doesn't<br />

matter who we are life isn't perfect. We experience disappointments,<br />

failures, deceptions, and ugly situations. In the midst of these dif cult times,<br />

whether we realize it or not, we start accumulating baggage.<br />

Sometimes we don't see the baggage we're carrying because we've become so<br />

accustomed to it. It's just a part of our lives. But that baggage keeps us from<br />

ful lling God's plan for us. Baggage prevents us from having the joy of the Lord<br />

in our hearts. It keeps us in bondage.<br />

We've got to get rid of that baggage! Things are gearing up in the spirit realm,<br />

and we have a race to run. We have assignments from God, and the only way<br />

we're going to accomplish them is to kick the baggage out the door! In these<br />

days we must lay aside every weight, anything that loads us down. In other<br />

words, the baggage. What's keeping you from moving forward and from<br />

running your race?<br />

God's got grace for disappointments, comfort for hurts, love for fear, and<br />

peace for worry. He's got reconciliation, restoration, high self-esteem,<br />

patience, health, provision, and joy unspeakable!<br />

It's time for us to get rid of that baggage for good and let God use us! I want you<br />

to know that when Jesus died on the cross, He took all our baggage for us.<br />

We've got to accept and receive what He did! It's time for us to get rid of that<br />

baggage for good and let God use us!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, I humbly<br />

come to You giving You all<br />

that I am. I choose to keep<br />

my eyes on You and allow<br />

You to work in my heart<br />

and mind. I declare that I<br />

am free from competition<br />

today. In Jesus' Name.<br />

Amen.<br />


<strong>JUNE</strong><br />

June 29<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with<br />

understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your<br />

equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not<br />

be hindered”<br />

1 Peter 3:7<br />


Did you know that how you treat people has a direct impact on the<br />

effectiveness of your prayers? The Bible says that the prayer of the righteous<br />

person avails much (see James 5:16), but if we aren't treating others with<br />

honor, kindness, and respect, we aren't allowing God's righteousness to<br />

operate in us. It closes the door to His power in our lives and hinders our<br />

prayers. This is especially true in a marriage relationship. Marriage isn't just<br />

an agreement between two people to live life together. Marriage is a Godordained<br />

institution that helps us understand love and unity. When two<br />

people are married, they become one physically, spiritually, and<br />

emotionally.<br />

This passage is directed to husbands but applies to all believers. We should<br />

treat others "with understanding" which means considering others' needs<br />

above our own. We have to study the people in our lives and make adjustments<br />

in order to have peaceful, healthy relationships. We should always aim to treat<br />

others with kindness, dignity, and respect and quickly choose forgiveness.<br />

When we keep healthy connections in our relationships with others, we are<br />

keeping healthy connections in our relationship with God. Honor others and<br />

treat them with respect so that your prayers will be powerful and effective the<br />

way God intends!<br />

The Bible says that the way we treat others is the way we treat God. So choose<br />

love and treat others with respect so that your prayers will not be hindered!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I want to live in<br />

Your ways. I want Your<br />

power to ow though me.<br />

Show me how to treat<br />

others with the highest<br />

level of love and respect.<br />

Let my words and actions<br />

always honor You so that<br />

m y p r a y e r s w i l l b e<br />

powerful and effective in<br />

Jesus' name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

June 30<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need,<br />

and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds<br />

anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in<br />

Christ Jesus.”<br />

Philippians 4:6-7<br />

ALWAYS APPRECIATE <strong>THE</strong> LORD<br />

In Philippians 4:6-7 we nd one of the most dif cult verses in the entire Bible<br />

to obey: Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God<br />

what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will<br />

experience God's peace<br />

It s not easy to stop worrying about the o en-scary, everyday parts of our lives,<br />

but God tells us how in the next part of the verse: Pray about everything<br />

and thank him for all he has done. Grateful prayer brings peace. God says,<br />

when you start to worry, pray.<br />

Parents understand the power of grateful prayers. Most parents wouldn t<br />

appreciate their children always making requests without saying thank you<br />

for what they ve already received. God sees it the same way. He wants us to ask<br />

him for what we need and want. More than 20 times in the New Testament,<br />

we re told to ask him. But he wants us to ask with gratefulness.<br />

Thanking God in advance is a big step of faith. When we have the faith to thank<br />

God ahead of time, miracles happen. The more thankful we are, the more God<br />

works in our lives. The Bible says that God inhabits the praise of his people. He<br />

uses our thanksgiving as an instrument of power in our lives.<br />

With God, there is no reason to worry. Without God, there is every reason in<br />

the world to worry.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for Your<br />

goodness and faithfulness<br />

in my life. I choose to trust<br />

you today and always and<br />

will no longer lean on my<br />

own understanding. I cast<br />

all my worries on You.<br />

Take away every spirit of<br />

doubt and worry from my<br />

heart. I choose to believe<br />

that You have a good plan<br />

and will bring me to a<br />

ourishing<br />

nish in the<br />

mighty name of Jesus.<br />

Amen!<br />



Please visit<br />

www.peacepreciousone.com<br />

or email me at<br />

thedailyencourager@gmail.com<br />

you can also Whatsapp me on<br />

402 812 8873<br />

J U N E<br />


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