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February 2010 (PDF) - University Library

February 2010 (PDF) - University Library


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<strong>University</strong> of Illinois <strong>Library</strong><br />

Africana Collections and Services, Room 425<br />

African Studies<br />


012.9663 Ar255r Diagne, Aïssatou Kébé. Répertoire des chronos du Cabinet Militaire du<br />

Gouverneur Général de la AOF, 1904-1959. Dakar: Primature, Secrétariat Général du<br />

Gouvernement, Direction des Archives du Sénégal, 2000.<br />

015.966305 Ar255r Ndiaye, Mamadou. Répertoire complémentaire du fonds de la Fédération<br />

du Mali. Dakar: Direction des Archives du Sénégal, 1999.<br />

020.6226 M289 Making library associations functional: Theory and practice with particular<br />

reference to Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Tanzania<br />

<strong>Library</strong> and Information Association, 2007.<br />

025.014 Am136v Amaral, Wanda Do, and Luísa Duarte. Vocabulário básico de<br />

documentação. Colecção ferramentas de trabalho. Maputo: Maguezo Editores, 2003.<br />

026.09663 Ar255r Doumbia, Atoumane Ndiaye. Répertoire sous série 1G: Enseignement<br />

dans la colonie du Sénégal 1864-1957. Dakar: Direction des Archives du Sénégal, 1999.<br />

027.70943 B471 Targiel, Ralf-Rüdiger. Die bibliothek der alma mater Viadrina: Zur<br />

geschichte der einstigen Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt und ihrer nachfolger in wrocław<br />

und Frankfurt (oder). Historische schriftenreihe des stadtarchivs Frankfurt (oder). Vol.<br />

Heft 4. Frankfurt Oder: Stadtarchiv Frankfurt Oder, 2001.<br />

068.96 M896t Mukute, Mutizwa. Tracing PELUM's developmental journey: Experiences and<br />

lessons from an African regional NGO network. Lusaka, Zambia: PELUM Association,<br />

2004.<br />

069.09663025 R314 Répertoire des musées du Sénégal. Dakar: UNESCO-BREDA, Bureau<br />

Régional de Dakar, 2008.<br />

070.43330966 Af84 Bop, Codou, and Tidiane Kassé. Afrique de l'ouest: Réguler l'information<br />

en situation de conflit: Actes du séminaire sur la régulation de l'information en situation<br />

de conflit en Afrique de l'ouest. Dakar Sénégal: Institut Panos Afrique de l'Ouest, 2004.<br />

070.92096651 H991a Alota, Aloa Ahmed, Demba Ali Jawo, and Deyda Hydara. A living<br />

mirror: The life of Deyda Hydara. Banjul: Point Press, 2007.<br />

079.6762 M468 Muli, Koki, and Peter Aling'o. Media and democratic governance in Kenya.<br />

Nairobi: Institute for Education in Democracy; Kenya Parliamentary Journalists<br />

Association, 2007.<br />

079.689 M468 Feltoe, G., Ndlela Nkosi, and Tawanda Hondora. Media law and practice in<br />

Zimbabwe. Harare: Konrad Adenauer Foundation: MISA Zimbabwe, 2003.<br />

201.5 L545r Lemu, B. Aisha. Revelation and the scriptures: An Islamic perspective. Niger<br />

State, Nigeria: IET Publications, 2001.<br />


207.5096894 So521 Henze, John. Some basics of religious education in Zambia. Ndola,<br />

Zambia: Mission Press, 2007.<br />

253.09689 N98c Nyathi, Jerome Rono. Challenges to fatherhood: Fatherlessness in Africa<br />

with special reference to Zimbabwe. Plumtree, Zimbabwe: Ilizwi Centre, 2004.<br />

261.096894 D631 Discipleship and citizenship: A pastoral letter on the current political<br />

climate and the 2001 general elections. Lusaka: Catholic Secretariat, 2001.<br />

261.709669 On17t Onaiyekan, John O. Thy kingdom come: Democracy and politics in<br />

Nigeria today: A Catholic perspective. Faith and Life Series. Vol. 13. Abuja, Nigeria:<br />

Gaudium et Spes Institute, 2003.<br />

261.8320967 Or64f Orobator, A. E. From crisis to Kairos: The mission of the church in the<br />

time of HIV/AIDS, refugees, and poverty. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2005.<br />

264.02 B869p Bukenya, Aloysius Lwanga. Pastoral care in Ugandan schools: A sociological<br />

perspective. Kisubi, Uganda: Marianum Pub. Co., 2007.<br />

266.023 Ok7 Okudda obuggya okw'omwoyo mu East Africa. Kampala: 1997.<br />

282.675 M88s Mubangi Bet'ukany, Gilbert. Système social et stratégies d'acteurs en Afrique:<br />

Les jeunes prêtres et l'église au Congo. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005.<br />

294.335 In817 Thubten Chodron. Interfaith insights. New Delhi: Timeless Books, 2000.<br />

297.082096651 J19w Jah, Omar. Women and Islam: A case study of the Gambia. Kanifing,<br />

Gambia: Action Aid The Gambia, 2007.<br />

297.2 M892m Muḥammadī Ray’shahrī, Haruni Pingili, and M. S. Kanju. Mabaniy al maarifa =<br />

misingi ya elimu: Masomo katika misingi ya itikadi za Kiislamu. Toleo la 1 ed. Dar es<br />

Salaam, Tanzania: Alitrah Foundation, 2005.<br />

299.696751 M88r Mubesala Lanza, Baudoin. La religion traditionnelle Africaine:<br />

Permanences et mutations: Cas des ambuun de la République Démocratique du Congo.<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006.<br />

303.409679 C76 César, Miguel, and Carlos Serra. Conflito e mestiçagem. Maputo,<br />

Moçambique: Livraria Universitária, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, 2000.<br />

303.69096 D262c Date-Bah, Eugenia. Challenges of post-conflict reconstruction: Some<br />

reflections. Accra, Ghana: Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2008.<br />

303.6909634 K277i Kelemework Tafere. Indigenous institutions of conflict resolution among<br />

the Ab'ala Afar of North-Eastern Ethiopia. Social anthropology dissertation series. Vol. 11.<br />

Addis Ababa: Dept. of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa <strong>University</strong>, 2006.<br />

303.6909678 M699u2008 Uwezekano wa kuanzisha shirikisho la Afrika mashariki. Vitabu<br />

vya programu ya REDET. Vol. 16. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Mpango wa Utafiti na Elimu<br />

ya Demokrasia Tanzania, 2008.<br />

304.6096 Af833f The fifth African Population Conference: 10-14 December, 2007-11-04:<br />

Arusha International Conference Centre, Arusha Tanzania: Theme, emerging issues on<br />

population and development in Africa = la cinquième conférence Africaine sur la<br />


population: Thème, population et développement en Afrique: Questions émergentes. La<br />

Accra, Ghana: Union of African Population Studies, 2007.<br />

304.60966 So91r Sow, Hamady Bory. Recensement général de la population et et de<br />

l'habitation (RGPH): Conception-- préparation-- dénombrement. Document de travail.<br />

Vol. 6. Dakar-Ponty, Sénégal: Equipe régionale d'appui technique pour l'Afrique de l'ouest<br />

et du centre, 2003.<br />

304.6096668 C825p Assemien, Alexandre, and Philippe Delanne. Population et<br />

développement: Défis et perspectives pour la Côte d'Ivoire: Rapport national sur l'état et<br />

le devenir de la population de la Côte d'Ivoire. Abidjan: Republique de Cote d'Ivoire,<br />

Ministere d'etat, Ministere du plan et du developpement, 2007.<br />

304.6096894 Su638 Summary report for the 2000 census of population and housing.<br />

Lusaka, Zambia: Central Statistical Office, 2003.<br />

304.820961 D79 Le drame de la migration: Actes d'un colloque de concertation pastorale,<br />

espace CERAO-Maghreb-Europe. Abidjan: CERAO éditions, 2007.<br />

305.23096 Si893 La situation des enfants en Afrique de l'ouest et du centre à la fin du<br />

XXème siècle. Abidjan: Bureau régional pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre, 1999.<br />

305.23096891 N213r Report of the national conference of child-led groups in Zimbabwe:<br />

Mainstreaming child partcipation on matters that affect them. Harare: Save the Children<br />

Norway, 2007.<br />

305.23096891 Z652 Zimbabwe: A collection of life stories. Harare: Unicef, 2007.<br />

305.26096761 Ol7e Oloka-Onyango, Joseph. Equal opportunity, age-based discrimination,<br />

and the rights of elderly persons in Uganda. HURIPEC Working Paper. Vol. 21. Kampala:<br />

Human Rights and Peace Centre, Faculty of Law, Makerere <strong>University</strong>, 2008.<br />

305.4 G285d Do women war survivors matter? Kampala, Uganda: Isis-Women's International<br />

Cross-Cultural Exchange, 2006.<br />

305.4 In83w2002 Munaaba, Flavia. Women's rights and violence: Global challenges.<br />

Gendered World Series. Kampala, Uganda: Dept. of Women and Gender Studies, 2006.<br />

305.4096 W8421 Women, violence, and conflict resolution: Perspectives from Eastern and<br />

Southern Africa. AFCAST series. Harare: African Forum for Catholic Social Teaching,<br />

2007.<br />

305.4096651 C328g Ceesay, Hassoum. Gambian women: An introductory history. Gambia:<br />

Fulladu Publishers, 2007.<br />

305.4096773 K626s Kinyanjui, Mary. The second assessment of the socio-economic status<br />

of women in Somaliland. Hargeisa, Somaliland: Nagaad Umbrella Organisation, 2008.<br />

305.409678 K52 Key advocacy issues emerging from Beijing + 10 assessment. Dar es<br />

Salaam, Tanzania: E & D Ltd. for TGNP, 2006.<br />

305.40967826 D492 Development levy and rural women in Tanzania: A case of Dodoma<br />

rural. Mzumbe, Tanzania: Institute of Development Management, 1996.<br />


305.42096761 T899g Tuyizere, Alice Peace. Gender and development: The role of religion<br />

and culture. Kampala, Uganda: Makerere <strong>University</strong>: Fountain Publishers, 2007.<br />

305.42096762 K626g Kinyanjui, Mary Njeri. Governance and its implications for gender<br />

inequalities in the Jua Kali economy in Nairobi. IDS Working Paper. Vol. 543. Nairobi:<br />

Institute for Development Studies, <strong>University</strong> of Nairobi, 2006.<br />

305.4209679 M519 Arthur, Maria José. Memórias do activismo: Pelos direitos humanos das<br />

mulheres: Colectânea de textos publicados no boletim outras vozes, 2002-2006. Maputo:<br />

WLSA Moçambique, 2007.<br />

305.4209688 H 861s A summary of the married persons equality act. Windhoek, Namibia:<br />

Legal Assistance Centre, 2001.<br />

305.8 Ea771 East African scenarios project: Research compendium. Nairobi: Society for<br />

International Development, 2007.<br />

305.800963 T753w Tronvoll, Kjetil. War & the politics of identity in Ethiopia: Making<br />

enemies & allies in the Horn of Africa. Eastern Africa Series. Rochester, NY: James<br />

Currey, 2009.<br />

305.8963 N979w Nweke, Mazi Chukwudi. Where did Igbos come from?: Igboman origin: Is<br />

it a fact or a myth?: A revelation on the origin of Igbos. Enugu Nigeria: Pajac Group<br />

Prints, 2003.<br />

305.89663 M29 Ndiaye, Malick, Présence Chrétienne, and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Le mal<br />

Sénégalais: Cultures ceddo, incivisme, Jumblang, Masla, violences et autres. Dakar:<br />

Présence Chrétienne ; Fondation Konrad Adenauer, 2003.<br />

306.0967 M459l:E Mboya, Paul, and Jane Achieng. Paul Mboya's Luo kitgi gi timbegi.<br />

Nairobi: Atai Joint Ltd., 2001.<br />

306.096894 C3348 Guhrs, Tamara, Mulenga Kapwepwe, and François d' Elbée. Ceremony!:<br />

celebrating Zambia’s cultural heritage. Lusaka: Celtel Zambia PLC and Seka, 2007.<br />

306.36209165 R311 Alpers, Edward A., Gwyn Campbell, and Michael Salman. Resisting<br />

bondage in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia. Routledge studies in slave and post-slave<br />

societies and cultures. Vol. 2. London ; New York: Routledge, 2007.<br />

306.36209667 Op51w Opoku-Agyemang, Naana Jane. Where there is no silence:<br />

Articulations of resistance to enslavement. Accra: Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences,<br />

2008.<br />

306.766096 Un77 Epprecht, Marc, and Lindsay Clowes. Unspoken facts: A history of<br />

homosexualities in Africa. Harare, Zimbabwe: Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe GALZ,<br />

2008.<br />

307.1412 C498 Cities-- engines of rural development: World habibat day award winning<br />

essays from Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Setttlements Programme,<br />

2004.<br />

316 Ex741 Bah, Sulaiman M. Exploiting alternative and scarcely tapped sources of vital<br />

statistics in Africa. Accra, Ghana: UAPS/UEPA, 2007.<br />


320.096668 T572d Toha, Faustin. Devoir de mensonges: Crise à l'Ivoirienne. Abidjan, Côte<br />

d'Ivoire: Nei-Ceda, 2008.<br />

320.531096 L98p Ly, Abdoulaye. Pour une politique novatrice de gauche en Afrique:<br />

Réflexion d'un vieux militant sur les conditions de cohérence et de tolérance. Dakar,<br />

Senegal: Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal, 2008.<br />

320.54096 Ou1q Ouattara, Saïdou Pierre. Quel chemin vers une patrie en Afrique? Abidjan:<br />

Ucao, 2006.<br />

320.96 D3962 Mushi, Samuel S., Rwekaza Sympho Mukandala, and Saida Yahya-Othman.<br />

Democracy and social transformation in East Africa. Dar es Salaam: Research and<br />

Education for Democracy in Tanzania, 2004.<br />

320.96 K83p Kolala, Zacharie Kyungu. Psychotherapy for contemporary African political<br />

leadership. Nairobi: CUEA Publications, 2007.<br />

320.96 M455p Mayuya, Joseph Sambwa. The politics and crimes of Zambia. Livingstone,<br />

Zambia: Rare Books, 2004.<br />

320.96 W112c Wachira, George Mukundi. Call to action: Agenda for conflict prevention and<br />

peacebuilding in Africa. Nairobi: NPI-Africa, 2005.<br />

320.9663 P258s Sénégal: La charte du parti de l'union pour la république. Dakar: UPR,<br />

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320.96668 K849p Koulibaly, Mamadou, and Zéphirin Zah. Paroles de résistant: Recueil de<br />

textes. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Vallesse Éditions, 2008.<br />

320.9667 G3413 Ghana: Democracy and political participation. Dakar, Senegal: Open<br />

Society Initiative for West Africa, 2007.<br />

320.9678 C355c The Civic United Front (CUF - chama cha wananchi). Dar es Salaam: Chama<br />

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320.967809046 Se673 Serikali ya awamu ya tatu: Tathmini ya utendaji wake. Vitabu vya<br />

programu ya REDET. Vol. na. 13. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Redet, 2006.<br />

320.96891 W13t Wakatama, Pius. Fungisisai. Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe: Weaver Press,<br />

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320.9689704 C443b Baker, Colin. Chipembere: The missing years. Kachere books. Vol. 25.<br />

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321.8096761 M459d Mbazira, Christopher. Dream deferred?: Democracy and good<br />

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under the African peer review mechanism. HURIPEC Working Paper. Vol. 19. Kampala:<br />

Human Rights and Peace Centre, 2008.<br />

322.109678 J984 Mukandala, Rwekaza Sympho. Justice, rights and worship: Religion and<br />

politics in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam: E & D Ltd., 2006.<br />


323.082 W18d2007 Democracy, peace & conflict in the commonwealth countries: At the 8th<br />

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Uganda. Kampala, Uganda: ISIS-Women's International Cross-Cultural Exchange, 2007.<br />

323.09669 M725i Mohammed, Jubril Bala. Introduction to human rights journalism. Nigeria:<br />

Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 1997.<br />

323.09676 H88 Human rights in Kenya: The post Moi era (2003-2007). Nairobi: Claripress,<br />

2007.<br />

323.096762 Ev23 An evening with Tom Mboya: Speeches, lectures, and remarks from<br />

prominent personalities: An advocacy and lobbying strategy by the Kenya National<br />

Commission on Human Rights. Nairobi: Kenya National Commission on Human Rights,<br />

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323.09678 H88 Human rights training for district heads of investigation, 2002. Dar es<br />

Salaam, Tanzania: LHRC, 2003.<br />

323.0968 H8805 Jacques, Gloria, Gwen N. Lesetedi, and Kwaku Osei-Hwedie. Human rights<br />

and social development in Southern Africa. Gaborone, Botswana: Bay Publishing, 2007.<br />

323.096891 P759 Political violence report: September 2003. Harare: The Forum, 2003.<br />

323.3409624 W842 Women's experiences during armed conflict in Southern Sudan, 1983-<br />

2005: The case of Juba County, central equatorial state. Kampala: Isis-Wicce, 2007.<br />

323.4709678 N879f Nshala, Rugemeleza. The freedom of association in Tanzania:<br />

Implications for civil society and sustainable development. Policy brief. Vol. 1. Dar es<br />

Salaam, Tanzania: Lawyers' Environmental Action Team, 1997.<br />

324.092 Sa73t Tavares, Pierre Franklin, and Nicolas Sarkozy. Nicolas Sarkozy: Relire le<br />

discours de Dakar. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: CEDA/NEI, 2008.<br />

324.096762 Et381 Lafargue, Jérôme. Les élections générales de 2007 au Kenya. Les cahiers<br />

d'Afrique de l'est. Vol. 37. Nairobi: Institut Francais de recherche en Afrique, 2008.<br />

324.0968 T572 Together now: IFP national manifesto: 2004 election. Durban, South Africa:<br />

Inkatha Freedom Party, 2004.<br />

324.2092 H815a Alliali, Camille. Disciple d'Houphouët-Boigny. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Juris-<br />

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324.2092 Ig2o Onigbinde, Akinyemi, and Bola Ige. The essential Ige: Tribute to Uncle Bola<br />

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324.2092 M896m Mkandawire, Austin C. Albert Muwalo Nqumayo: His life and times, his<br />

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324.2678 C355k1998 Katiba ya the Civic United Front (CUF- chama cha wananchi): Katiba<br />

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324.2678 H831t Howard, Shannon, Harold Sungusia, and Rodrick Maro. Tanzania political<br />

parties: Survey report 2003/04. Dar es Salaam: Legal and Human Rights Centre, 2004.<br />

324.34 K124g Kalabamu, Faustin. Gender and generational perceptions on renegotiated<br />

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planning, housing and everyday life IV research report. Vol. 8. Roma, Lesotho: Institute<br />

of Southern African Studies, National <strong>University</strong> of Lesotho, 2006.<br />

324.44 T87e Tusasirwe, Benson. Enforcing civil and political rights in a decentralized system<br />

of governance. HURIPEC Working Paper. Vol. 14. Kampala, Uganda: Human Rights and<br />

Peace Centre, 2007.<br />

324.609669 Ak68p Akpotor, A. S. Psephology. Benin City: Sylva Publications, 2002.<br />

324.64096762 P912 Pre-elections observation: Registration of voters in 2007: An audit.<br />

Nairobi: Institute for Education in Democracy, 2007.<br />

324.7096762 B394 Behaving badly: Deception, chauvinism and waste during the<br />

referendum campaigns: Promoting accountability in the political process of Kenya.<br />

Nairobi: Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, Kenya Human Rights Commission,<br />

2006.<br />

324.9669 N561 Nigerian civil society input to the electoral bill 2001. Abuja, Nigeria: Electoral<br />

Reform Network, 2001.<br />

328.6705 P941 Ang'ila, Francis, and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Processes for elections to the<br />

East African Legislative Assembly. Nairobi, Kenya: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung FES, 2004.<br />

328.6762 G359c Gichohi, Patrick G. Considered speakers' rulings: First to ninth parliament of<br />

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330.096 K533e Kibala, Zebosi. Essays on the African political economy: Problems, needs and<br />

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330.909669 N633 NISER survey of business conditions, experience and expectations in the<br />

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330.916668 N879s Nshimyumuremyi, Adalbert. San Pedro: Dynamismes et synergies de<br />

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330.96 C737 Awimbo, J., Edmund G. C. Barrow, and Maina Karaba. Community based<br />

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330.96 N154p Nangale, George. The politics of partnership: A reflection of a living life in a<br />

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330.9663 C115 Cadre de Depenses a Moyen Terme (CDMT), 2007-2009. Dakar: République<br />

de Sénégal, Ministere de l'economie et des finances, 2006.<br />


330.9669 St291 The state of the nation. Nigeria: Academic Staff, Union of Universities<br />

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330.96743 K524d Keytoro Mwabanyol, Gabriel. Le dialogue social au Tchad: Étude<br />

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330.9676 St2912 State of East Africa, 2007: Searching for the soul of East Africa. Nairobi,<br />

Kenya: Society for International Development, Regional Office for Eastern Africa, 2007.<br />

330.9676 W492e Were, Maureen. An evaluation of the KIPPRA-treasury macro model and<br />

Kenya's economy using historical simulations. KIPPRA discussion paper. Vol. 59. Nairobi:<br />

Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, 2006.<br />

330.96761 N988e Nyirinkindi, Laura. Economic and social rights, service delivery and local<br />

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Rights & Peace Centre, 2007.<br />

330.96762 Oy8d Oyugi, Edward. Democratization of poverty: How PRSPs subverts<br />

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330.9678804 P258 Wangwe, S. M. Partnership for capacity building in Africa: National<br />

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330.9688 N151 Carstens, R. O. Namibia: Recent economic developments and selected<br />

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331.099679 R279 Coughlin, Peter E. Relações laborais em moçambique: Lei, prática e<br />

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331.12042 In811 Integrated labour force survey (ILFS), 2000/01-2006: Key indicators of<br />

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331.12096668 An133 Gbakou Monnet, Benoit Patrick. Analyse du bassin d'emploi de<br />

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331.21096762 M312i Manda, Damiano Kulundu, George Kosimbei, and Bernadette Wanjala.<br />

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331.259209669 Ak35l Akerele, W. O., and Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic<br />

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331.809667 B778s Britwum, Akua O. Sixty years of promoting workers' rights. Accra: Ghana<br />

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331.88 B289f Barya, John-Jean B. Freedom of association and Uganda's new labour laws: A<br />

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332.02400963 L565b Leslie, Blake Liam Paul. Benchmarking the marketing practices within<br />

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332.09665 G143i Investing in the Gambia. Banjul: The Department, 2001.<br />

332.46096751 K189a Kazadi Lubatshi, Claude, and Rosalie Epolo Yagundu. Aventures et<br />

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