African Peace Magazine

African Peace Magazine


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<strong>ISSUE</strong> 02 2014<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

N1,000 / $ 6 / 4<br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

A F R I C A N P E A C E MA G A Z I N E<br />

Bringing<br />

Peace Back To<br />

Guinea Bissau<br />

Fernando Jorge Almada<br />

Africa’s Energy Needs<br />

Alternative Power To<br />

The Rescue<br />

Maternity Tourism<br />

And The Dilemma<br />

Of Anchor Babies<br />

Rising Tide:<br />

Incidents Of Child<br />

Rape In Africa<br />

Tribute:<br />

Robert Mugabe<br />

At 90

19th June, 2014<br />


Atlanta Georgia,USA<br />



SUMMIT<br />

Twelve Centennial Park Hotel<br />

For Sponsorship & Enquiries<br />

Contact : +234705 923 9969 . +14126261342 . +353 8995 58858<br />

email: events@africanpeacemag.org www.africanpeacemag.org





For Sponsorship & Enquiries<br />

Contact : +234705 923 9969 . +353 899558858<br />

email: event@africanpeacemag.org<br />

www.africanpeacemag.org<br />

24th - 26th July 2014<br />

Holding at the Peech Hotel<br />

Johannesburg South Africa<br />

Registration has commenced with limited spaces.


NOTE<br />

Chief Alfred Solomon ( UK)<br />

Joy Umekwe (UK)<br />

Prof. Dr. Lloyd C. Williams ( USA)<br />

www.africanpeacemag.org<br />

www.africanpeacemag.org<br />

info@africanpeacemag.org<br />

Some of the largest nations in Africa<br />

including some whose past elections<br />

have proven to be tumultuous will hold<br />

important elections this year and in the<br />

coming year, with outcomes that could<br />

affect the continents political landscape<br />

profoundly.<br />

These countries include Nigeria with her<br />

th<br />

general elections coming up on the 14<br />

February 2015, South African general<br />

th<br />

elections coming up on 7 May 2014,<br />

th<br />

Guinea Bissau general election 16<br />

March 2014, Libyan constituent<br />

assembly election and a host of others<br />

coming up afterwards.<br />

Nigeria and South Africa have entered<br />

the election fever season, with all the<br />

sound and fury that it brings.<br />

In this exclusive interview Mr Jorge<br />

Almada Fernando, Guinea Bissau's<br />

th<br />

Presidential candidate for the 16 March general elections, bares his mind on<br />

how to achieve peace in Guinea Bissau and the continent in general.<br />

In a continent battling with the reality of self determination, in a world now<br />

dotted with democracies, and the attendant revolutions. National votes in<br />

Nigeria, South Africa and Guinea Bissau should command significant attention<br />

as all have the ability to improve or set back the growth and overall stability of the<br />

continent.<br />

In these two huge African democracies of Nigeria and South Africa, corruption<br />

and lowered growth expectations will dominate political debate. The opposition<br />

parties seem weak so far, but voters in the two giants states look likely to spark a<br />

power change after more than a decade of consistent rule by one party.<br />

Also in Egypt, an interim regime promises parliamentary polls in the spring and a<br />

presidential ballot in summer all against a backdrop of questionable legitimacy<br />

and violent protests by the Islamists ousted after winning the last national<br />

elections.<br />

It should be noted that African economies easily rank among the most resilient in<br />

the world. In the middle of the 2009 global economic recession, Africa was the<br />

only region apart from Asia that grew positively, at about 2%. The continent's<br />

growth has been on an upward trajectory ever since then- 4.5% in 2010 and 5.0%<br />

in 2011 and we expect a better statistic for 2014 And it will get even better in<br />

nd<br />

2014. Africa is favorably positioned to become the 2 fastest growing region in<br />

the world.<br />

Africa is becoming an increasingly attractive hub for foreign investors in light of<br />

various economic, political and social reforms that are sweeping through the<br />

continent, resulting in a much improved business environment conducive for<br />

foreign direct investment. Apart from that, there is widespread development of<br />

critical social and physical infrastructure, and there is an increasing pool of welleducated,<br />

English-speaking, enterprising workers in most countries across the<br />

continent.<br />

There is also a significant boost in the spending power of Africans. According to<br />

the African Development Bank, ' Africas fast-emerging middle class is now<br />

comprised of over 300 million people, and analysts from the McKinsey Global<br />

Institute estimate that general consumer spending across the continent will hover<br />

past the $1 trillion mark next year.<br />

If you're a foreign investor who has yet to make a foray into Africa, now is the<br />

time to step in and capture a share of Africa's $1 trillion opportunity. These are 5<br />

lucrative sectors you should consider investing in agriculture, tourism, mining of<br />

solid minerals, infrastructure and fast moving consumer goods.<br />

To enjoy this wonderful opportunity we need a peaceful African continent. And<br />

this is the more reason why all hands must be on deck. With ongoing armed<br />

conflicts taking place around the continent and which continue to result in<br />

violent deaths. It would obviously negatively affect development in the African<br />

sub region. Areas affected include; Nigeria, Sudan, Central African Republic,<br />

Egypt, Libya and Mali just to mention but a few and many other pocket of<br />

insurgencies in most African nations, now is obviously the time to act.<br />

Welcome on board the Africans peace magazine's effort in providing a friendly<br />

platform towards achieving peace in Africa.<br />

Noah Ajare

C<br />

O<br />

N T E N T<br />

3 . Editorial / Publishers Note<br />

5 . Contents<br />

6 . Politics/Policy - Good Governance is<br />

the Best Vaccine Against Malaria<br />

7. Economy -Civil Unrest In Africa<br />

8 .Peace FootPrint - Irena Sendler<br />

10 .Article -The Right Of a Child to Access to<br />

Both parents in Matrimonial Causes In Africa<br />

12 . Cover Story - Bringing Peace Back To<br />

Guinea Bissau -Fernando Jorge Almada<br />

19. Energy- Africa’s Energy needs<br />

Alternative Power to the Rescue<br />

22 . Culture -Weird Culture In Africa<br />

24. Independence Page<br />

25 . Rising Tide - Incidents Of Child Rape<br />

26 . Places - Zimbabwe<br />

27. Peace Makers - UNESCO<br />

28 . Noble Nobel<br />

31 . Health - Hepatitis B Infection<br />

Silent Killer Disease<br />

33 .Issues -Maternity Tourism and the Dilemma<br />

Of Anchor Babies<br />

35. Opinion - The Leadership Question<br />

36 . Fashion - Luscious Lips<br />

38 . Fashion - Mascara On Lashes<br />

39. Entertainment - African Richest musicians<br />

46. Tribute - Robert Mugabe Longest Serving<br />

African President

POLICY<br />

Good Governance<br />

Is The Best Vaccine<br />

Against Malaria<br />

By Elvis Iyorngurum<br />

The World Health Organizations' Malaria Report 2013, released in December 2013 indicates that the world<br />

has made remarkable gains in the fight against the disease, worldwide, including in Africa.<br />

According to the report, between 2000 and 2012, the scale-up of interventions led to a global drop in malaria<br />

infection rate, by 29% and 31% in the WHO African region. This, the report says, led to a reduction in the<br />

global malaria mortality rate by 45% and 49% in the WHO African region, within the same period. An<br />

estimated 3.3 million lives were saved, 90%, or 3 million, of these lives saved were in the under-five age<br />

group, in sub-Saharan Africa.<br />

In spite of these gains however, malaria still remains a big threat to the lives of millions across the world and<br />

particularly in Africa. An estimated 3.4 billion people are at risk of malaria infection, 1.2 billion of which are at<br />

high risk. In high-risk areas, more than one malaria case occurs per every 1000 population.<br />

In 20012, malaria claimed an estimated 627 000 lives. 90% of all malaria deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa,<br />

and 77% occur in children under five.<br />

The World Health Assembly's global target is to reduce by 75%, deaths caused by malaria before the end of<br />

December 2015. With 22 months to the deadline, African governments and their development partners must<br />

double their current efforts. This is more so because of increasing concerns that the progress against malaria is<br />

at risk of slowing down. This concern has arisen out of the emerging resistance to drugs by the malaria<br />

parasite. In Africa, there is evidence also of an alarming increase against insecticides by mosquitoes.<br />

The implication is that governments must shift the concentration from treatment and focus more on<br />

prevention. In this regard, the current intensive distribution of mosquito treated nets must be sustained.<br />

New approaches to fighting malaria must include screening and treatment for individuals infected with the<br />

parasite, including those who do not show symptoms yet remain a source of transmission. Exciting scientific<br />

advances – including the development of better drugs and prevention tools - are making it increasingly more<br />

feasible and cost-effective to implement this approach and help eliminate the risk of malaria across the globe.<br />

The state of the environment is a very vital factor in the war against malaria. How much African governments<br />

have done in this regard remains a source of worry. Malaria occurs mostly among people within the low<br />

income bracket in society. This class is vulnerable because they often live in slums and environments that are a<br />

good breeding ground for mosquitoes and other vectors. People live next to mountains of refuse dump and<br />

drainages that are blocked and filled with waste and stagnant water. It is near-impossible for people to escape<br />

malaria infection in such places. The low economic strength of this segment of society also makes it difficult<br />

for them to access quality and efficient healthcare and many die of malaria because they cannot afford a dose<br />

of anti-malaria when they are infected by the parasite.<br />

Governments must therefore, design and implement policies that will ensure a quality and healthy<br />

environment for all their citizens, regardless of their social and economic status.<br />

Millions of lives have been saved in the efforts to combat malaria, yet the disease remains one of the world's<br />

deadliest killers. African leaders must sustain the current efforts, most of which have been made possible by<br />

the goodwill of foreign governments and international donor agencies. They must realize that there is a limit to<br />

which their efforts will help the fight and the larger responsibility falls on the quality of governance they<br />

render to the people. Poverty, for example, remains intricately tied to disease prevalence. African<br />

governments must therefore, increase the quality of governance they render their people, with specific efforts<br />

towards the creation of job opportunities, development of the needed infrastructure that will support smallscale<br />

investment and the guarantee of lives and property. These are the hallmarks of good governance, which<br />

remains the most potent weapon in the push for a malaria-free Africa.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 6


Causing Investors Cold Feet<br />

Investment is a key driver of<br />

growth in any economy. It forms<br />

one of the fundamental bedrock<br />

to economic growth and<br />

sustainability. The African<br />

continent is blessed with abundant<br />

natural resources thereby<br />

attracting potential investors from<br />

developed and developing<br />

nations. Blessed as the region is, it<br />

is faced with so many difficulties:<br />

corruption, poverty bad<br />

governance, low economic<br />

growth, civil unrest, health<br />

problems, and the likes.<br />

Despite these challenges, the<br />

region has made visible<br />

appreciable achievements on a<br />

number of fronts. Today, there is<br />

increased market liberalization<br />

and privatization, improved<br />

access to education, greater<br />

infrastructural development, and<br />

so on. The continent in most parts<br />

is taking giant strides towards<br />

achieving sustainable growth and<br />

development. This effort is<br />

however constantly being<br />

sabotaged by the incessant civil<br />

unrests that keep springing up<br />

here and there. Although by no<br />

means isolated to one continent,<br />

Africa is especially blighted by<br />

such issues – from the Boko<br />

Haram in Nigeria to the M23 in the<br />

Democratic Republic of Congo. In<br />

Nigeria, the Boko Haram terrorist<br />

attacks have greatly shaken the<br />

nation's economic foundations.<br />

The stories are no different from<br />

t h o s e i n r e c e n t l y w a r‐ t o r n<br />

countries like South Sudan, Libya,<br />

Uganda and Democratic Republic<br />

of Congo. Foreign investors are<br />

getting unnerved and there is a<br />

sharp decline of Foreign Direct<br />

I n v e s t m e n t ( F D I ) . T h e y a r e<br />

gradually divesting their interest<br />

from the region and this loss of<br />

confidence is reflecting negatively<br />

on African economies. Even though<br />

African states know they can draw<br />

upon their rife natural resources to<br />

deal with challenges militating<br />

a g a i n s t t h e i r g r o w t h a n d<br />

development they are certainly not<br />

deluded in believing that their<br />

resources along are sufficient.<br />

This realization raises a need to<br />

create conducive and favorable<br />

environments that will attract and<br />

utilize foreign resources especially<br />

in the area of foreign direct<br />

investment. African governments<br />

must tackle the challenge of civil<br />

u n r e s t i n o r d e r t o a c h i e v e<br />

meaningful development. If an<br />

investor cannot adequately price<br />

risk, such an investment, cannot<br />

increase growth and employment.<br />

Adequate security measures must<br />

to be taken to safeguard investors.<br />

Companies need to be able to price<br />

risk – that is, plan reasonably<br />

successfully – in order to operate<br />

profitably. African states must find<br />

a way of ending these unrests and<br />

begin wooing new investors.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 7

In this edition of Peace Footprint, we<br />

look at the life of Irena Sendler, a<br />

Polish Nurse/social worker who<br />

saved the life of over 2,500 Jewish<br />

children during the Holocaust. The<br />

Nazis uncovered her activities,<br />

tortured her and sentenced her to<br />

death, but she managed to escape<br />

and survive the war.<br />

. In 1965, Sendler was recognized by<br />

the State of Israel as Righteous<br />

among the Nations. Later in life she<br />

was awarded Poland's highest honor<br />

for her wartime humanitarian<br />

efforts. She appears on a silver 2008<br />

Po l i s h c o m m e m o r a t i v e c o i n<br />

h o n o r i n g s o m e o f t h e Po l i s h<br />

<strong>PEACE</strong> FOOTPRINT<br />

Department, she had a special<br />

permit to enter the Warsaw<br />

Ghetto to check for signs of<br />

typhus – something the Nazis<br />

feared would spread beyond the<br />

Ghetto. During these visits, she<br />

wore a Star of David as a sign of<br />

solidarity with the Jewish people<br />

and so as not to call attention to<br />

herself.<br />

Professor Dwork, the author of<br />

“Children With a Star” (Yale<br />

University Press, 1991), said<br />

about 400 children had been<br />

directly smuggled out by Mrs.<br />

Sendler. She and her co‐workers<br />

buried lists of the hidden children<br />


Every child saved with my help is the justification of my existence on this Earth, and not a title to glory<br />

Righteous among the Nations.<br />

Irena Sendler was born as Irena<br />

Krzyżanowska on 15 February 1910<br />

i n W a r s a w t o D r. S t a n i s ł a w<br />

Krzyżanowski, a physician, and his<br />

wife, Janina. Her father died in<br />

F e b r u a r y 1 9 1 7 f r o m t y p h u s<br />

contracted while treating patients<br />

whom his colleagues refused to treat<br />

in fear of contracting the disease,<br />

among them many Jews. After his<br />

death, Jewish community leaders<br />

offered her mother help in paying for<br />

Sendler's education. Sendler studied<br />

Po l i s h l i t e r a t u r e a t W a r s a w<br />

University, and joined the Socialist<br />

party. She opposed the ghettobench<br />

system that existed at some<br />

prewar Polish universities and<br />

defaced her grade card. As a result of<br />

h e r p u b l i c p r o t e s t s h e w a s<br />

suspended from the University of<br />

Warsaw for three years. She married<br />

Mieczyslaw Sendler, but the couple<br />

divorced in 1947. In 1947, she<br />

married Stefan Zgrzembski, a<br />

Jewish friend from her university<br />

days. They had three children,<br />

Janina, Andrzej (who died in infancy)<br />

and Adam (who died of heart failure in<br />

1999). She divorced Zgrzembski in<br />

1959, and remarried her first husband,<br />

Mieczyslaw Sendler. This rematch also<br />

failed. She lived in Warsaw for the rest<br />

of her life, and is survived by daughter,<br />

Janina "Janka" Zgrzembska.<br />

During the German occupation of<br />

Poland, Sendler lived in Warsaw (prior<br />

to that, she had lived in Otwock and<br />

Tarczyn while working for urban Social<br />

Welfare departments). As early as 1939,<br />

when the Germans invaded Poland, she<br />

began aiding Jews. She and her helpers<br />

c r e a t e d m o r e t h a n 3 , 0 0 0 f a l s e<br />

documents to help Jewish families,<br />

prior to joining the organized Żegota<br />

resistance and the children's division.<br />

Helping Jews in German‐occupied<br />

Poland meant all household members<br />

risked death if they were found to be<br />

hiding Jews, a punishment far more<br />

severe than in other occupied European<br />

countries. In August 1943, Sendler<br />

(known by her nom de guerre: Jolanta)<br />

was nominated by the underground<br />

Polish Council to Aid Jews Żegota, to<br />

head its Jewish children's section. As an<br />

employee of the Social Welfare<br />

in jars in order to keep track of<br />

their original and new identities.<br />

Żegota assured the children that,<br />

when the war was over, they<br />

would be returned to Jewish<br />

relatives. In 1943, Sendler was<br />

arrested by the Gestapo, severely<br />

tortured, and sentenced to death.<br />

Żegota saved her by bribing<br />

German guards on the way to her<br />

execution. She was listed on<br />

public bulletin boards as among<br />

t h o s e e x e c u t e d . F o r t h e<br />

remainder of the war, she lived in<br />

hiding, but continued her work for<br />

the Jewish children. After the war,<br />

she and her co‐workers gathered<br />

together all of their records with<br />

the names and locations of the<br />

hidden Jewish children and gave<br />

them to their Żegota colleague<br />

Adolf Berman and his staff at the<br />

Central Committee of Polish<br />

Jews. However, almost all of their<br />

parents had been killed at the<br />

Treblinka extermination camp or<br />

gone missing.<br />

On 14 March 2007, Sendler was<br />

honored by the Polish Senate.



. Aged 97, she was unable to leave<br />

her nursing home to receive the<br />

honor, but she sent a statement<br />

through Elżbieta Ficowska,<br />

whom Sendler had helped to save<br />

as an infant. Polish President Lech<br />

Kaczyński stated she "can justly<br />

be nominated for the Nobel Peace<br />

Prize”. Also in 2007 the Polish<br />

government presented her as a<br />

candidate for the Nobel Peace<br />

Prize. This initiative was officially<br />

supported by the State of Israel<br />

Born in Warsaw, Poland on February 15, 1910.<br />

Died in Warsaw on May 12, 2008<br />

She spent her young childhood in Otwock, Poland.<br />

Her father, Stanislaw Krzyzanowki, was a doctor and<br />

passed away with typhus when she was seven years<br />

old.<br />

She was an only child.<br />

She a ended Warsaw University.<br />

Sendler is the surname of her first husband.<br />

She married Stefan Zgrzebski a er World War II; he<br />

passed away with heart disease in the early '60s. Irena<br />

and Stefan had two children: their son Adam passed<br />

away with heart disease on<br />

Irena was dismissed from Warsaw University for failing<br />

to comply with Jewish segrega on laws. She was readmi<br />

ed one year later.<br />

Irena started making false documents for Jewish<br />

friends when the war started in 1939.<br />

Irena was an administrator at the Warsaw Social Work<br />

Department during the war. She did pose as a nurse in<br />

the Ghe o from me to me.<br />

She had a network of helpers who rescued people<br />

(adults and children) from the Warsaw Ghe o, made<br />

false papers for them and found hiding.<br />

The first children they took off the streets were the<br />

orphans.<br />

The network used dozens of ways to rescue children,<br />

including using a dog on a couple of occasions. The<br />

most common route was through the old courthouse.<br />

Irena was caught by the Gestapo and put in Pawiak<br />

Prison. She was tortured and had a leg and foot<br />

fractured. She had buried some of the names of the<br />

children in jars, along with the help of a friend, to<br />

reconnect the children to their Jewish families a er<br />

the war.<br />

Zegota bribed a guard to have Irena released in the<br />

night to a member of the Underground. She was<br />

scheduled to be executed.<br />

She remained in hiding throughout the rest of the war.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 9

even be adjourned to judge's<br />

chambers where in informal<br />

hearing the children's view<br />

could be assessed along with<br />

those of the parents.”<br />

There is one consideration<br />

which I think quite properly<br />

should enter into the mind of<br />

the final arbiter in such<br />

matrimonial cause, and that<br />

i s t h e c o n s i d e r a t i o n ,<br />

expressed by the ancient<br />

proverb that “Blood is thicker<br />

than water”: See Re A. (an<br />

infant) (Supra) per Evershed,<br />

M.R.<br />


Barr. Victoria Francis<br />


In matrimonial causes, it is commonplace to<br />

observe the bitter battle of gladiator-parents<br />

in the desperate contest for custody rights<br />

over the children of the marriage. In most<br />

cases, the embittered lovers barge each other<br />

with a retinue of interlocutory applications,<br />

brandishing their arguments and eliciting<br />

facts (including otherwise privileged<br />

communication) in the attempt to prove to be<br />

the better custodian of the child (or children)<br />

of the collapsing marriage, each proffering<br />

persuasions for the grant or refusal of such<br />

applications.<br />

In most cases, these embittered parents make<br />

much ado about the welfare and best interests<br />

of the child. Oftentimes, these spouses<br />

produce volumes of material provisions made<br />

for the material care of the child (children) in<br />

the hope that they would elicit the<br />

qualification of “better custodian of the child<br />

(or children)”.<br />

In a plethora of cases, the Courts have made<br />

resounding pronouncements on which spouse<br />

will best promote the welfare of the child in a<br />

matrimonial cause. The paramountcy of the<br />

best interests of the child has now become the<br />

parameter in determining the custody of the<br />

child, in matrimonial causes.<br />

Although it is now settled presumption of law<br />

that a child of tender years whose parents are<br />

separated would be happier with the mother<br />

unless it is abundantly clear that the contrary<br />

is the situation, not much has been said about<br />

the child's right to the complementary care of<br />

both parents during the pendency of the<br />

matrimonial cause. Very little is ever said<br />

about the right(s) of the child (or children) of<br />

the marriage to access the parents.<br />

The columnist has observed matrimonial<br />

cases where one spouse surreptitiously moves<br />

the child (or children) to an undisclosed<br />

location while fighting tooth and nail to<br />

oppose any and every attempt by the other<br />

spouse to access the offspring(s).<br />

In quite a number of cases, spouses who have<br />

custody of the children prior to the<br />

proceedings go to great lengths, including:<br />

restricting visits of the other spouse to the<br />

child or children at school, thereby depriving<br />

the child of the complementary care of the<br />

other parent.<br />

Does the child in a matrimonial cause, where<br />

the arbiter determines which parent would<br />

take custody of him/her,<br />

not have a right to access both parents? Would it not<br />

better serve the best interests of the psychological<br />

development of a child to retain the practical care of<br />

both parents, even though both parents choose to<br />

part with each other?<br />

At the time of writing this column, I stumbled on<br />

the pronouncement of Hon. Justice S. M. A. Belgore,<br />

JSC in the case of ODUGWU v. ODOGWU (1992) 1<br />

NSCC 337 – 338, where the learned jurist states as<br />

follows:<br />

“Welfare of a child is not the material provisions in<br />

the house – good clothes, food, air-conditioners,<br />

television, all gadgets normally associated with<br />

middle class – it is more of the happiness of the child<br />

and his psychological development. While it is good<br />

if a child is brought up by complementary care of the<br />

two parents living happily together, it is<br />

psychologically detrimental to this welfare and<br />

u l t i m a t e h a p p i n e s s a n d p s y c h o l o g i c a l<br />

development, if material care, available is denied<br />

him. … Welfare of the child is of paramount<br />

consideration. If possible the court could consult the<br />

child's wishes in considering what order ought to be<br />

made: Re A (an infant) (1955) 2 All ER 202 (also in<br />

(1955) 1 W.L.R. 465) …. Custody proceedings could<br />

In any case, Article 27 of the<br />

United Convention on the<br />

Rights of the Child clearly<br />

enshrines the right of every<br />

child to a standard of living<br />

adequate for the child's<br />

physical, mental, spiritual<br />

and social development. Does<br />

this right not also include the<br />

r i g h t o f a c h i l d t o t h e<br />

p s y c h o l o g i c a l s t a b i l i t y<br />

c r e a t e d b y t h e<br />

complementary care of both<br />

parents?<br />

While it is permissible that a<br />

child is entitled to access<br />

his/her parents during the<br />

pendency of matrimonial<br />

causes, it is mind boggling to<br />

note that the exercise of this<br />

right may not be<br />

justiciable, in all cases. The<br />

exercise of this right can, in<br />

itself, occasion risks to the<br />

psychological and, even,<br />

physical development of the<br />

child, - e.g. where the other<br />

parent is immoral or suffers<br />

from an infectious disease,<br />

insanity or is prone to treat<br />

the child cruelly.<br />

Be that as it may, the welfare<br />

of a child and his/her best<br />

interest in matrimonial<br />

causes is paramount. His/her<br />

wishes are also important,<br />

bearing in mind that they<br />

often bear the brunt of the<br />

bitter clashes of the putative<br />

titans<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 10


<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong><br />


<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong><br />




...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong><br />

<strong>ISSUE</strong> 02 2014<br />

N1,000 / $ 6 / 4<br />

<strong>PEACE</strong><br />

<strong>ISSUE</strong> 02 2014<br />

<strong>ISSUE</strong> 02 2014<br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

N1,000 / $ 6 / 4<br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

Nelson<br />

Mandela<br />

Nelson<br />

Mandela<br />

MAN OF <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

(1918 - 2013)<br />

Nelson<br />

Mandela<br />

MAN OF <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

(1918 - 2013)<br />

Nelson<br />

Mandela<br />



MAN OF <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

(1918 - 2013)<br />

MAN OF <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

(1918 - 2013)<br />



























Africa’s Energy Needs<br />

Alternative Power To<br />

The Rescue<br />

Africa’s Energy Needs<br />

Alternative Power To<br />

The Rescue<br />

Bringing<br />

Peace Back To<br />

Guinea Bissau<br />

Bringing<br />

Peace Back To<br />

Guinea Bissau<br />

Fernando Jorge Almada<br />

Maternity Tourism<br />

And The Dilemma<br />

Of Anchor Babies<br />

Fernando Jorge Almada<br />

Maternity Tourism<br />

And The Dilemma<br />

Of Anchor Babies<br />

Rising Tide:<br />

Incidents Of Child<br />

Rape In Africa<br />

Rising Tide:<br />

Incidents Of Child<br />

Rape In Africa<br />

Technology<br />

Developed<br />

By Africans<br />

Technology<br />

Developed<br />

By Africans<br />



......................................................................................<br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

12 MONTHS - N10,000. 6 MONTHS - N5,000. 3 MONTHS - N2,500<br />

NAME :<br />


ADDRESS:<br />

PHONE NO:<br />

EMAIL:<br />


<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> LTD (NIG)<br />

No. 3 New Bussa Close Off Orlu Street<br />

Opposite Water Board Area 3<br />

Garki Abuja,nigeria<br />

Mobile : +234705 923 9969<br />

web: www.africanpeacemag.org<br />

info@africanpeacemag.org<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 11


Bringing<br />

Peace Back To<br />

Guinea Bissau<br />

Fernando Jorge Almada<br />

Humble, Accomplished, Charismatic,<br />

Calm, Passionate, Suave, and<br />

Distinguished; are a few words that<br />

can be used to describe Dr. Jorge<br />

Fernando Alves D'Almalda. The<br />

African Peace Magazine Team met<br />

with the presidential Candidate for<br />

the upcoming Guinea Bissau Election<br />

for an exclusive. He talks about the<br />

election, the policies he plans to<br />

implement should he become<br />

president and how he plans on<br />

curbing the excesses associated with<br />

violence in the country. Born in<br />

rd<br />

Guinea Bissau on 23 December 1965,<br />

this father of eight had his primary<br />

education at July 5 Primary School<br />

Bissau and his secondary education<br />

at the Kwame Nkrumah National High<br />

School Bissau. His passion for politics<br />

began at an early age when he<br />

joined the PAIGC party and a main<br />

speaker in the program Radio Blufo<br />

a i r e d b y t h e N a t i o n a l R a d i o<br />

Broadcasting Service which was<br />

aimed engaging in political activities.<br />

This former Director of Cabinet of the<br />

Minister of Social Solidarity, Family and<br />

Fight against Poverty, had his tertiary<br />

education at the University of Social<br />

Sciences, Toulouse, France, where he<br />

obtained a bachelors degree in<br />

Public International Law and another<br />

Bachelors degree in Political Science.<br />

He holds a Masters degree in Public<br />

International Law and wrote his PhD<br />

thesis on “The Principle of State<br />

S o v e r e i g n t y a n d t h e N e w<br />

International Policy Order Policy”.<br />

African Peace Magazine met with Dr.<br />

Jorge at his ECOWAS office where he<br />

currently heads the Social Affairs<br />

D i v i s i o n i n t h e D i r e c t o r a t e o f<br />

Humanitarian and Social Affairs of<br />

the ECOWAS where he spoke about<br />

his plans for his dear country, his<br />

aspirations and inspiration.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 12


You are a candidate for Presidential<br />

election in 2014. What do you think<br />

you can do if you are elected<br />

president?<br />

If elected president my first mission<br />

would be bring to lasting peace to<br />

Guinea-Bissau. It is time to end all<br />

hostilities. We need to fight to<br />

eradicate poverty more actively and<br />

change the negative image of<br />

Guinea-Bissau.<br />

“Peace, national reconciliation,<br />

economic revival and war against<br />

poverty”<br />

Taking into consideration the fact that the end of the<br />

st<br />

transition period was set on 31 December 2013, what is<br />

the feasibility of the general elections holding in 2014?<br />

There are many challenges as I have earlier said. These<br />

difficulties have led to postponements and shifting of<br />

election dates. The ECOWAS and the international<br />

st<br />

community had earlier fixed the 31 December 2013 for the<br />

elections but had it rescheduled so the challenges I had<br />

earlier mentioned would be taken into consideration and<br />

sorted. Any further delays or postponements would be a<br />

major setback to the development of Guinea-Bissau. For the<br />

sanctions placed on the country's Transition Government it is<br />

absolutely necessary that the elections hold for any<br />

meaningful development to take place .<br />

Your nation has experienced a longstanding<br />

challenge with electoral<br />

p r o c e s s e s a n d s u s t a i n a b l e<br />

democracy. What structures do you<br />

think the present government should<br />

establish to forestall such electoral<br />

hiccups in future?<br />

You know that democratic process in<br />

Guinea-Bissau started in 1994. This<br />

marked the beginning of democratic<br />

process and multiparty system. The<br />

1994 election was very successful and<br />

well organised. There have also been<br />

other elections after 1994. The 2013<br />

elections could not hold due to<br />

several challenges. The elections had<br />

to be postponed to allow the<br />

a u t h o r i t i e s t o a d d r e s s t h e s e<br />

challenges and to put in place<br />

structures that would allow for free<br />

and fair elections. One the biggest<br />

problem is the lack of a completely<br />

autonomous and independent<br />

electoral body to conduct credible<br />

elections without any influence or<br />

partiality. Other problems include<br />

poor voter education, electoral fraud,<br />

inadequate logistics, very low voter<br />

confidence, frequent postponements<br />

of election timetable and inadequate<br />

ballot materials. For example there<br />

were only thirty (30) electoral kits<br />

available for the entire country. All<br />

these issues need to be addressed for<br />

us to have credible elections in 2014. I<br />

believe the elections will hold on the<br />

th<br />

16 of March 2014 if I'm not mistaking.<br />

Recently, the UN established a UN Integrated Peace Building<br />

Office in Guinea Bissau and some other West African nations,<br />

how do you think this will further the cause of peace in your<br />

nation?<br />

The issue of peace in Guinea-Bissau is a crucial and<br />

reoccurring decimal. In the absence of peace there can be<br />

no development, foreign investments and aids. The United<br />

Nations Organisation established the United Nations<br />

Integrated Peace-Building Office in Guinea-Bissau otherwise<br />

known as U.N.I.O.G.B.I.S which was once headed by Shola<br />

Omoregie is mandated to address issues of peace,<br />

development and reintegration of Guinea-Bissau. If you pay<br />

close attention to the current events in Guinea-Bissau you<br />

would have noticed that there are tribal tensions and<br />

religious conflicts going on. I am of the view that peace must<br />

first be established before any meaningful developments<br />

can take place. If elected president, my strategy would be<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 13


president, my strategy would be<br />

t o e m b a r k o n m a s s i v e<br />

sensitisation campaigns to<br />

educate the people on the<br />

need to shun violence and<br />

embrace democratic values. I<br />

would also engage all the key<br />

actors such as the international<br />

community, civil societies,<br />

political parties and the people<br />

in addressing these issues<br />

collectively. I aim to promote<br />

unity, peaceful co-existence<br />

and development in Guinea-<br />

Bissau. As I had stated earlier “a<br />

nation cannot thrive in chaos”<br />

nobody would be willing to<br />

invest in such a country.<br />

Like many other West African nations, conflicts have been a<br />

perennial feature in Guinea Bissau since independence<br />

posing significant challenges to regional security, How<br />

would you make Guinea Bissau rise up to this challenge if<br />

you get elected?<br />

Guinea-Bissau has a history of political instability since<br />

gaining her independence. Between 1956 to 1974 during<br />

the armed struggle for her independence, a lot of arms<br />

found their way into many homes in the entire region. And<br />

the result is that there is a proliferation of arms in Guinea-<br />

Bissau which have helped fuel religious, tribal and political<br />

tensions and conflicts.<br />

There is therefore a need to educate and enlighten the<br />

citizens of Guinea-Bissau on the benefits of dialogue, the<br />

menace of armed conflicts and the importance and<br />

benefits of peaceful coexistence. There have been too<br />

many coups, attempted coups, assassinations, murders<br />

and a civil war. All these have only resulted in<br />

underdevelopment, stagnation, unproductivity and<br />

frustration for the citizens of Guinea-Bissau.<br />

These conflicts could spread to other countries like cholera if<br />

they are not addressed urgently. Even though the United<br />

Nations and the ECOWAS have put some measures on<br />

ground to address these issues, more needs to be done.<br />

One area in which more could be done is in terms of reforms.<br />

The security and defence force of Guinea-Bissau need<br />

sweeping reforms to be equip it to function in a democratic<br />

environment under elected officials.<br />

Emerging threats to peace include<br />

D r u g / H u m a n t r a f fi c k i n g a n d<br />

organised crime. To what extent<br />

would you say that illiteracy,<br />

poverty and religious extremism<br />

have contributed to these?<br />

Drug trafficking is a big problem<br />

globally. Even though some people<br />

have wrongfully labelled Guinea-<br />

Bissau as a Narcotic State, it is far<br />

from the truth. While there may be<br />

government officials or an<br />

individual who help facilitate drug<br />

and human trafficking but that<br />

doesn't make Guinea-Bissau a<br />

narcotic state. Moreover Guinea-<br />

Bissau lacks the capacity or power<br />

to tackle the menace of human<br />

and drug trafficking on her own.<br />

Combating drug or even human<br />

trafficking requires international<br />

cooperation. Due to internal<br />

conflicts and porous borders,<br />

Guinea-Bissau is not able to police<br />

her borders adequately to prevent<br />

such illicit trades by Latin American<br />

drug dealers. If elected I would<br />

promote international cooperation<br />

in dealing with trans-border crime<br />

to curb the menace drastically.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 14


Secondly the illiteracy level in<br />

Guinea-Bissau continues to remain<br />

high. My vision is to promote<br />

compulsory education for children<br />

and mass adult literacy campaign It<br />

is through mass literacy that we can<br />

enlighten our citizens, promote<br />

peace and encourage foreign<br />

direct investments. Illiteracy has the<br />

tendency to expand problems. For<br />

example an illiterate is likely to view<br />

drug trafficking as a good way to<br />

make money without being aware<br />

of its danger to the society.<br />

Thirdly poverty is very prevalent in<br />

Guinea-Bissau. Many years of<br />

conflicts have left the people poor<br />

and vulnerable. In my time with the<br />

Ministry of Social Solidarity working to<br />

reduce poverty, I had experienced<br />

first-hand the abject poverty<br />

prevalent in Guinea-Bissau. Its easy<br />

to recruit a poor person to commit an<br />

a t r o c i t y w i t h t h e p r o m i s e o f<br />

remuneration. If the people are<br />

economically empowered, their<br />

standard of living would increase<br />

and crime rates will also drop.<br />

The issues of drug trafficking, human<br />

trafficking, illiteracy and poverty are<br />

an explosive cocktail for Guinea-<br />

Bissau. No meaningful development<br />

c a n t a k e p l a c e w i t h o u t fi r s t<br />

addressing these issues.<br />

A more recent development is that<br />

of religious conflicts which as a result<br />

of the influence of extremists'<br />

movements coming in from northern<br />

Africa. This problem also has to be<br />

dealt with internally and through<br />

international cooperation.<br />

Africa as a continent is continually hailed as potentially great.<br />

What steps would you advise that this generation take to<br />

make that an actual reality as against the potentiality?<br />

It's true that Africa is potentially rich; however the reality on<br />

ground suggest otherwise. The people of Africa continue to<br />

wallow in sickness and poverty. It is said that 10 of the 15<br />

potentially great nations are African countries. Between 2000<br />

to 2014, the direct foreign investment rose from 19 to 60 billion<br />

Dollars. This show an increase in confidence towards the<br />

African market. The major problem is transforming these<br />

figures into reality for the average African as the wealth seems<br />

to be concentrated in the hands of a certain few. For<br />

development to occur an equitable distribution of resources is<br />

essential.<br />

The legality of same sex relations remains a debate in the<br />

forefront of Global discourse. What in your opinion should be<br />

Guinea Bissau's stand on the same sex relations controversy?<br />

This issue is a very controversial topic that is generating diverse sentiments and opposing views. In African<br />

cultures the concept of same sex relationship is a taboo as it is totally forbidden and unacceptable. Same<br />

sex marriages and relationships have been outlawed in many African countries constitution, carrying stiff<br />

penalties. European countries have opposed these laws against same sex relationships and view them as<br />

a violation of human rights. But in these countries where these laws exist, they exist by popular mandate of<br />

the people through their representatives in parliament as is the case with Guinea-Bissau. The issue of<br />

legalization of same sex relationship has not yet risen in Guinea-Bissau; if it does it will be deliberated upon<br />

using constitutional means opened to everyone for debate. I am heterosexual but I respect the rule of<br />

law and a person's right to pick how he or she chooses to live. But we must abide by our constitution.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 15

ICT is being hailed as the bridge<br />

st<br />

between 1 world and the 3rd world.<br />

Has Guinea Bissau leveraged this<br />

bridge?<br />

In other countries around Africa<br />

there exists a digital space. Internet<br />

access in Guinea-Bissau is every<br />

limited, expensive and difficult to<br />

operate. There is a lot of work to be<br />

done in this area to make internet<br />

access available in Guinea –Bissau. If<br />

elected president I would invest in<br />

I C T , e n c o u r a g e t r a i n i n g a n d<br />

capacity building in ICT. I would<br />

make ICT education compulsory<br />

from the elementary to the tertiary<br />

level. I would encourage direct<br />

foreign and local investment by<br />

providing an enabling environment<br />

for ICT development through the<br />

provision and development of<br />

necessary infrastructures and<br />

policies. ICT is a veritable tool for<br />

social and economic development.<br />

T h e f o s t e r i n g o f p e a c e f u l<br />

coexistence between Nigerians and<br />

y o u r c o u n t r y m e n s h o u l d b e<br />

imperative to both Nigeria and<br />

Guinea Bissau. How well have both<br />

nations fared in terms of harmonious<br />

living?<br />


What is your counsel to Africans<br />

resident in Guinea Bissau and vice<br />

versa?<br />

All Africans including Nigerians living<br />

in Guinea-Bissau are welcome to<br />

invest, live and help develop the<br />

country by engaging in positive and<br />

lawful practices. If I am elected<br />

president, I would encourage<br />

regional integration, movement,<br />

trade and investment as tools for<br />

development.<br />

I look around your office and i notice<br />

the pictures of Barack Obama all<br />

around. Would I be right to assume<br />

he serves as an inspiration to you?<br />

Obama for me represents hope. Of<br />

course in Africa we have had great<br />

leaders who have served their<br />

people selflessly. Such great leaders<br />

inspire me. Obama for example is a<br />

young, charismatic and brilliant<br />

leader. Indeed as the first black<br />

president of America Obama<br />

represents hope that if we as Africans<br />

aspire to greatness we can achieve<br />

our goals and realize our dreams.<br />

There is hope indeed for Africa.<br />

The relationship between Guinea-<br />

Bissau and Nigeria is very cordial.<br />

Both countries belong to the same<br />

economic and political block the<br />

ECOWAS. As ECOWAS member<br />

States, there is a strong bilateral tie<br />

between the two countries. There<br />

are many Nigerians living and<br />

working in Guinea-Bissau. As<br />

ECOWAS citizens Nigerians are free<br />

and encouraged to move and go<br />

about their business legitimately.<br />

Except for the misunderstanding<br />

involving some Nigerian in October<br />

2013 which led to disputes; Nigerians<br />

in have had no cause to be alarmed.<br />

Many Nigerians are married and<br />

settled in Guinea-Bissau.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 16

Dubai UAE<br />

International Medical<br />

Informatics Course<br />

21st - 24th May 2014<br />

Registration Is Ongoing With Limited Spaces<br />

Registration Hot Lines +971529903051 +2348032284765<br />

For Sponsorship & Enquiries<br />

Contact : +234705 923 9969<br />

email: info@africanpeacemag.org<br />


2014<br />

African Climate<br />

Change Summit<br />

Nairobi Kenya<br />

13th -14th May 2014<br />

Villa Rosa Kempinski Hotel<br />

Nairobi Kenya<br />

For Sponsorship & Enquiries<br />

Contact : +234705 923 9969<br />

email: info@africanpeacemag.org<br />


ENERGY<br />

Africa's Energy Needs,<br />

Alternative Power to the Rescue<br />

By Elvis Iyorngurum<br />

Access to energy remains a key factor in Africa's quest for<br />

development. Industrialization, education, mechanized<br />

agriculture, water supply etc, all depend on sufficient and<br />

efficient supply of electricity to thrive. For much of the<br />

continent however, access to energy remains a wish that is<br />

far-fetched. Even in the urban areas where there is<br />

considerable level of development, electricity supply is<br />

often scarce and unreliable. Many businesses depend on<br />

private power plants to run their production processes. This<br />

raises the cost of production and with the increasing influx<br />

of cheap goods from Asia they find it hard to match up to the<br />

competition and are soon pushed out of the market. This is<br />

just a little picture of how lack of energy supply is being a<br />

heavy impediment to the continent's drive for economic<br />

prosperity.<br />

The inability of governments in Africa to make electricity<br />

available and affordable to their citizens has been attributed<br />

chiefly to the high cost of electricity generation and<br />

distribution. As the governments continue to explore<br />

cheaper and safer means of generating power for their<br />

citizens, a remarkable development in their efforts is their<br />

resort to alternative sources of power generation. This is not<br />

only in conformity with world's quest for green energy, but<br />

also the continent's appreciation of its vast resources that<br />

could make it the world leader in clean and safe<br />

energy generation.<br />

Africa is indeed, demonstrating that it is an ideal<br />

location for the application of renewable energy<br />

technology. At the moment, there are already<br />

small-scale solar, wind and geothermal plants set<br />

up in many countries across the continent. The<br />

plants cater for the power needs of communities in<br />

remote places where the cost of reaching them<br />

with electricity supply from the large power<br />

stations in the urban areas.<br />

Wind and wave power are viable ways to come by<br />

alternative energy, as Africa's long coastline on the<br />

east coast has plentiful wind and wave power if<br />

properly utilized. The Board of Directors of the<br />

African Development Bank approved $150<br />

million for a wind power project in Kenya's Lake<br />

Turkana region. Kenya's power generation<br />

capacity will grow by 300MW. This project will<br />

allow the Great Rift Valley region to be connected<br />

to the rest of the country with a road, fiber-optic<br />

cable and electrification.<br />

Morocco has launched one of the world's largest

and most ambitious solar energy projects. Called<br />

the Moroccan Solar Plan, it is regarded as a high<br />

point on the country's path towards a secure and<br />

sustainable energy supply. Morocco, being the<br />

largest energy importer in North Africa, is making<br />

concerted efforts to reduce its reliance on imported<br />

fossil fuels.<br />

The aim of the plan is to generate 2 GW of solar<br />

power by the year 2020 by building five large solar<br />

power projects with modern solar thermal,<br />

photovoltaic and concentrated solar power<br />

mechanisms.<br />

With a population of over 160 Million people,<br />

Nigeria is the seventh most populous country in the<br />

world and is Africa's second largest economy, after<br />

South Africa, yet over sixty percent of Nigeria's<br />

population has no access to electricity. Nigeria's<br />

federal government awarded a contract to Siemens<br />

to build three gas-turbine power plants under its<br />

National Integrated Power Project (NIPP). Nigeria<br />

has one of the largest gas reserves in the world and<br />

the country is keen on harnessing it, alongside<br />

wind and hydroelectric generation to meet the<br />

country's target of generating 10,000 megawatts<br />

before the end of 2014.<br />

The government has also initiated the 10 MW Katsina Wind<br />

Farm. The wind farm consists of 37 wind turbines with a<br />

rated power of 275 KW each, which will go a long way in<br />

realizing the government's target. The project was awarded<br />

to the French company, Vergnet S.A as the EPC contractor.<br />

In the Democrat Republic of Congo (DRC), the government<br />

is attempting to harness the potential of the Congo River by<br />

building the world's largest hydroelectric project, named<br />

Grand Inga. Its 40 GW output would move Africa into a new<br />

world of industrialization, potentially lighting up the<br />

continent from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo in Egypt.<br />

If the Grand Inga Hydropower Project is built, it would<br />

dwarf China's Three Gorges Dam, which is currently the<br />

world's largest energy generating project, with almost<br />

double its capacity.<br />

Africa has a very long way to go in its quest to light up its<br />

cities and villages but what is certain is that the continent has<br />

commenced the journey. The slow pace of progress<br />

notwithstanding, it is remarkable that the continent has<br />

appreciated the abundant opportunities in its sunshine, wind,<br />

gas reserves and huge water bodies and its efforts at<br />

harnessing these blessings of nature as a tool for the<br />

liberation of its peoples from the vicious hold of poverty and<br />

stagnation that has been occasioned by lack of<br />

industrialization.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 20



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Website :www.lfis-edu.org




Africa is undoubtedly one of the most<br />

blessed continents in the world. Filled<br />

with abundance of natural resources,<br />

beautiful landscapes you can't get<br />

enough of looking at, to the amazing<br />

people and culture. The diversity in<br />

religion, ethnicity ad tradition makes<br />

Africa what it is today. But some<br />

traditions are........ well, a bit diverse<br />

which makes a person who is not a<br />

part of the tradition to wonder which<br />

planet your ancestors migrated from.<br />

But I say it is the tradition and culture<br />

that makes us who we are no matter<br />

how unusual or strange it is.<br />

LOBOLA<br />

This tradition has to do with the<br />

institution of marriage. Families of<br />

bride and groom will be punished if<br />

they didn't agree to this tradition.<br />

Lobola involves negotiation of price<br />

that groom will pay to marry the girl.<br />

T h e L o b o l a p r o c e s s i s o f t e n<br />

complicated and has certain protocols<br />

that have to be adhered to. For<br />

example, although the two families<br />

concerned might have lived next to<br />

each other for years, all negotiation<br />

b e t w e e n t h e p a r e n t s m u s t b e<br />

conducted in writing and not by<br />

telephone or by a quick visit. The<br />

reason for this seemingly absurd rule<br />

is that although the families might<br />

have known each other for years, they<br />

do not know each other on the level of<br />

the Lobola exchange. In other words,<br />

they do not know each other at the<br />

level of the seriousness and sanctity of<br />

marriage.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 22

ANKOLE<br />

In Ugandan Ankole culture (or<br />

Banyankole as they call themselves), it<br />

is not unusual for a groom to have sex<br />

with his bride's aunt before sleeping<br />

with his wife. The aunt's wedding gi<br />

to her niece was to teach her<br />

everything she knew about being a<br />

wife, looking a er the home and<br />

pleasing a man. It is also considered<br />

her duty to confirm the sexual potency<br />

of the groom. This can be done by<br />

listening in or watching as the bride<br />

and groom have sex! Some mes the<br />

aunt's duty of teaching her niece how<br />

to be a wife will go as far as the aunt<br />

showing the bride prac cally on the<br />

wedding night how to please her<br />

husband by sharing the groom's bed.<br />

She can also prove his sexual potency<br />

this way.<br />


In Latwoka , a tribe in Sudan, If a man<br />

wants to marry a girl, he kidnaps her.<br />

A er kidnapping elderly people of his<br />

family go to girl's father and ask for her<br />

hand. If girl's father agrees he beats<br />

the guy as a symbol of acceptance and<br />

if he doesn't agree, the kidnapper<br />

marries the girl forcefully.<br />

CHEWA<br />

This is probably the most disturbing of<br />

all. The Chewa people have this burial<br />

ritual. When somebody belonging to<br />

Chewa culture dies, his rela ves take<br />

the dead body to a sacred place, take a<br />

knife, slit the throat open. They then<br />

pour water through to clean the<br />

bowels of all filth by squeezing the<br />

stomach to let it all out through the<br />

rear, stopping only when the water is<br />

clean.<br />

Now the worst part is that they use<br />

this water to cook the food for the rest<br />

of the people.<br />

SAN<br />

The San people are simple arid<br />

dwellers they live off the land by<br />

gathering and hun ng, they are more<br />

popularly known as Bushmen and can<br />

be found in far regions like South<br />

Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and<br />

Mozambique. Well known as prolific<br />

hunters who are famed at warding off<br />

lions with arrows and s cks. The major<br />

challenge for the San people is water<br />

since their land is prone to severe<br />

drought and hash desert condi ons.<br />

They have the ancient knowledge of<br />

the land and easily know where to find<br />

a water source by using basic tools like<br />

s cks. They live in small communal<br />

groups and the women help out<br />

through gathering of insects, tubers<br />

and edible shrubs, the dress code is<br />

animal skin made into leather and<br />

worn waist down leaving the top bare.<br />


Republic Of Kiriba , is an island na on<br />

in the central tropical pacific ocean.<br />

Kiriba people have a belief that<br />

different types of seafood consumed<br />

whilst pregnant will bestow different<br />

characteris cs upon the unborn child.<br />

It is deemed that on no account may a<br />

pregnant woman touch crayfish<br />

because it could cause her child to<br />

grow s ff hairs on its face. Turtle and<br />

eel should be avoided because they<br />

are deemed "crawlers". Ea ng<br />

crawlers will impart a cowardly nature<br />

on the child. Fla ish is also a big no as it<br />

has both eyes on one side of its head, a<br />

characteris c which you don't want to<br />

be passed on to the baby. Just think<br />

about how difficult it'll be for the poor<br />

kid to look both ways before crossing<br />

the road. Also consuming any slowmoving<br />

sea creature is feared to cause<br />

sluggishness and idleness in the<br />

unborn. However, shark and swordfish<br />

are celebrated as great things to eat<br />

whilst pregnant. The nature of them as<br />

figh ng creatures is thought to inspire<br />

strength and courage in the child.<br />

SHARO<br />

Sharo is one of the craziest and most<br />

inhuman tradi ons you can ever<br />

have. Some villages in Mali, Nigeria<br />

a n d C a m e ro o n p ra c c e t h i s<br />

tradi on by publicly bea ng a boy,<br />

who has come of age and wants to<br />

take a wife. He is beaten by a<br />

challenger and he has to suppress<br />

the signs of pain. If he is able to take<br />

the bea ng successfully he is<br />

declared a real man and if he fails,<br />

he simply cannot take a wife. Many<br />

people lose their lives while proving<br />


In Somalia it is forbidden to be licked<br />

by a dog! If a Muslim touches the<br />

saliva of a dog then he or she must<br />

wash their hands seven mes<br />

before praying. This is true for all of<br />

Islamic Somalia as in Islam a dog's<br />

saliva is deemed impure. Modern<br />

science has indeed proved there are<br />

numerous germs in the saliva of a<br />

dog that can be harmful to humans<br />

and pass on diseases. It is also<br />

deemed Haram (or forbidden) to<br />

keep a dog unless it is for the<br />

purposes of hun ng or protec on.<br />


In Zimbabwe, there exists the<br />

contro vers i a l c u stom w h i c h<br />

r e q u i r e s a y o u n g g i r l o f<br />

marriageable age to undergo a<br />

'virginity test'. This is performed by<br />

inser ng a finger into the girl's<br />

vagina to verify her hymen is<br />

unbroken. This may take place in<br />

churches or at home as well as at<br />

ceremonies sanc oned by rural<br />

chiefs. The prac ce may be carried<br />

out by the girl's mother, aunt,<br />

prospec ve husband or even just a<br />

neighbor!<br />

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<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong><br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

THE <strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> WISHES TO CELEBRATE<br />


MOROCCO 2ND <strong>MARCH</strong> 1956 GHANA 6TH <strong>MARCH</strong> 1957<br />

MAURITIUS 12TH <strong>MARCH</strong> 1968 TUNISIA 20TH <strong>MARCH</strong> 1956<br />

NAMIBIA 21ST <strong>MARCH</strong> 1990


In Africa today, rape is a monster on rampage. Barely a day passes by without stories of women or children being<br />

raped. The statistics are staggering. No doubt, rape, no matter the form it takes is unequivocally detestable.<br />

There is however, a sickening variant dangerously gaining ground in African countries – the rape of minors. Last<br />

year in South Africa, two toddlers were kidnapped, raped and killed in Dietsloop Township and their bodies<br />

dumped in a public toilet. In Ituridistrict of eastern Congo, 59 children aged between 1‐3 years old were raped,<br />

while those between ages 5‐15 were 182 in number. Two thirds of raped victims in Liberia in 2013 were children.<br />

While 60% of women raped in South Africa, 15% are children below 11 years. Just recently in Akwa Ibom state,<br />

Nigeria, an eight year old girl was serially raped to death by some men. The stories are endless. The statistics are<br />

rising.<br />

Sadly, most of these cases often go unreported or unpunished. Most times, the perpetuators of these heinous<br />

crimes are friends or close relatives. Parents or guardians of victims in these circumstances usually choose to<br />

stay mute, for fear of stigmatization or choose to “settle the matter within the family”. Where reported, law<br />

enforcement agents handle the matters unimpressively, or prosecution of the cases are carried out without<br />

diligence, thereby robbing the victims of the justice they deserve.<br />

One is impelled to ask, could this surging wave of sexual assault on minors be attributable to decline of moral<br />

standards and cultural values in Africa? Could it be lack of existing laws or poor enforcement measures? Where<br />

we stand today though, the reasons do not matter as much as what measures ought to be taken in dealing with<br />

this endemic.<br />

The rape of minors has terrible ramifications not only for the victims, but society at larger. This has necessitated<br />

the adoption of various methods of tackling this menace. Countries like Denmark, Russia, Poland and more<br />

recently, Macedonia, have adopted chemical castrating as penalty for persons who sexually assault children.<br />

Some countries prescribe imprisonment for a term of years. In some quarters, there have been calls for the<br />

prescription of death sentence for child rapists.<br />

Whatever approved punishment African countries choose to adopt or modify, they must put into consideration<br />

the workability and enforceability of same, the possibility of such punishment serving as positive deterrent, and<br />

the need to tackle this problem with a heightened sense of urgency.<br />

For the individual to the government, from religions organization and non‐government organization, loud<br />

voices must be raised, Action must be taken. This monster must be contained.<br />

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From Victoria Falls to the Zambezi River, to Photographic<br />

Safaris and Bungee jumping, Zimbabwe stands as one of<br />

the most beau ful countries in Africa. Its richness in<br />

culture and colour is a beauty to behold. If you plan to visit<br />

Zimbabwe you can join a tour group, or pay and plan your<br />

own trip, then a country of charm, poli cal intrigue and<br />

magnificent wilderness awaits. No ma er who you are<br />

and where you come from, Zimbabwe has something for<br />

you.<br />

English is the official language of Zimbabwe, though only<br />

2% consider it their na ve language, mainly the white and<br />

coloured (mixed race) minori es. The rest of the<br />

popula on speak Bantu languages like Shona and<br />

Ndebele. English is spoken primarily in the ci es, but less<br />

so in rural areas. Zimbabwe is blessed with exquisite<br />

nature and breath taking sceneries that will remain stuck<br />

in your memory for the rest of me.<br />

PLACES<br />







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<strong>PEACE</strong> MAKERS<br />

Peace Makers, exists to recognise<br />

organisational/institutional efforts in<br />

peace building and elimination of all<br />

elements of violence. This edition, we<br />

look at the United Nations Educational,<br />

Scientific and Cultural Organisation<br />

(UNESCO). UNESCO, was established<br />

after WWII to create and maintain peace<br />

through economic, social or political<br />

agreements. But this is no longer enough<br />

today. The foundations of peace still<br />

need to be laid, with the help of the<br />

specialized agencies which make up the<br />

United Nations system such as<br />

UNESCO. Made up of 196 member<br />

states and 9 associate members,<br />

UNESCO has national and regional<br />

offices scattered around the globe with<br />

its headquarters in Paris, France.<br />

UNESCO pursues its objectives through<br />

five major programs: education, natural<br />

sciences, social and human sciences,<br />

culture, and communication and<br />

UNESCO<br />

Founded on November 4, 1946,<br />

UNESCO, being referred to as the<br />

"intellectual" agency of the United<br />

Nations, exists to bring this creative<br />

intelligence to life; for it is in the minds<br />

of men and women that the defences of<br />

peace and the conditions for sustainable<br />

development must be built. At a time<br />

when the world is looking for new ways<br />

to build peace and sustainable<br />

development, people must rely on the<br />

power of intelligence to innovate,<br />

expand their horizons and sustain the<br />

hope of a new humanism. UNESCO<br />

promotes, among other things a culture<br />

of Peace and Non-Violence which is a<br />

commitment to peace-building,<br />

mediation, conflict prevention and<br />

resolution, peace education, education<br />

for non-violence, tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect, intercultural and<br />

interfaith dialogue and reconciliation. In UNESCO's view, since wars begin in<br />

the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be<br />

constructed.<br />

ON <strong>PEACE</strong> AND NON-VIOLENCE.<br />

UNESCO's Director-General, “Peace is more than the absence of war, it is living<br />

together with our differences – of sex, race, language, religion or culture – while<br />

furthering universal respect for justice and human rights on which such<br />

coexistence depends”. Therefore, peace is a choice to be made on each situation,<br />

an everyday life decision. With a view to foster conditions where such every day<br />

peace is a tangible reality for all, UNESCO has established a new Programme to<br />

enhance a culture of peace and non-violence at global, regional, national and<br />

local levels, which will aim at the following results:<br />

*Fundamental principles of peace universally shared to be appropriated by<br />

different cultures, thanks to a genuine dialogue and mainstreamed into public<br />

policies;<br />

*Tension between universality and particularism, cultural identities and<br />

citizenship in a globalized world analyzed and better understood;<br />

*Everyday Peace to be conceived as an everyday living experience, not only in<br />

periods of conflict, but also in ordinary times.<br />

The culture of peace and non-violence is a commitment to peace-building,<br />

mediation, conflict prevention and resolution, peace education, education for<br />

non-violence, tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect, intercultural and interfaith<br />

dialogue and reconciliation. It is a conceptual as well as a normative framework<br />

envisaged to inspire thoughts and actions of everyone. Therefore, it requires<br />

cognitive as well as the emotional abilities to grapple with our own situation in a<br />

rapidly changing world as well as with the emerging world society. Sustainable<br />

Peace and Development cannot be achieved by one person or organisation alone.<br />

It takes the collective effort and decision of each person to decide to be on the<br />

side of peace.<br />

To learn more about UNESCO, visit: www.unesco.org<br />

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NOBEL <strong>PEACE</strong> PRIZE WINNERS.<br />

Since its inception, the Nobel Peace Prize has endlessly recognised individual and<br />

organisational efforts in promoting peace. These immeasurable efforts have undergone severe<br />

scrutiny and are being subjected to both approval and disapproval of concerned people.<br />

Different calibres of people have received the Noble Peace Prize ranging from peace and<br />

political activists to writers and even scientists. Although its aim is to acknowledge great<br />

strides in peace, and advancement and unity of mankind, the Nobel Peace Prize has been<br />

awarded to some people whose lifestyle, attitude and behaviour has been questions. These<br />

are people with violent pasts or have been exposed for lying in the so-called factual work that<br />

earned them the award. Here are the top 6 African Peace Magazine's most controversial<br />

Nobel Peace Prize winners.<br />

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Wangari Maathai was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.<br />

She received the award for her efforts in empowering rural women in Kenya to<br />

reverse deforestation. She was a human rights advocate, politician, feminist,<br />

and an environmentalist. The one time Kenyan Deputy Minister of<br />

Environment won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 but her sweet victory was<br />

superceeded by an 'alleged' comment she made. The day before she was due to<br />

collect the peace prize in Stockholm, a story appeared in an African newspaper<br />

that claimed she had likened Aids to a "biological weapon" and told participants<br />

in an Aids workshop that the disease was "a tool" to control Africans "designed<br />

by some evil-minded scientists." Maathai confronted the storm of controversy by<br />

insisting her comments had been taken out of context. "I neither say nor believe<br />

that the virus was developed by white people or white powers in order to destroy<br />

the African people," she said in a statement released by the Nobel committee.<br />

"Such views are wicked and destructive." She was described by TIME as<br />

someone who "inspired women to stand up for themselves against a corrupt and<br />

th<br />

patriarchal government. She died on September 24 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya.<br />

BARRACK OBAMA 2009<br />

As America's first Black president, Barrack Obama was chosen for his<br />

"extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation<br />

between peoples," which raised more than a few eyebrows, considering the<br />

nomination came just 12 days after he took office. At the time he accepted the<br />

award, he said it was an award he didn't deserve, four years down the line,<br />

people seem to agree with him. Lots of people. One is Kirsten Powers who said<br />

it's time for Obama to give his Nobel Peace prize back. She cites his<br />

determination to attack Syria, with or without a UN Security Council<br />

resolution, as one reason; the escalation of a "pointless and failing" war in<br />

Afghanistan is another. But the main reason Obama should turn in his prize is<br />

his "five-year Middle East drone war" which has killed an estimated "500 to 800<br />

innocents", writes Powers.<br />

The Nobel Committee was accused of having political motivations. For their<br />

part, the committee acknowledged the award honored Obama's "efforts" to<br />

advance global harmony rather than his concrete achievements to date.<br />


RigobertaMenchú won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 for I, RigobertaMenchú,<br />

her autobiographical account of her life as a Mayan and, more specifically, the<br />

genocide of the indigenous Guatemalan people in the late '70s and early '80s.<br />

Menchú's book was first published in 1982 and would eventually be translated<br />

into 12 different languages, making it one of the first cohesive accounts of the<br />

atrocities against the Mayans and garnering international interest that would<br />

lead to her Nobel Peace Prize win. But did everything in Menchú's book really<br />

happen the way she described? Thanks to the work of American anthropologist<br />

David Stoll, Menchú's book — and her Nobel Peace Prize — became the topic of<br />

great debate after he discovered that she had stretched the truth to make her<br />

story more emotionally persuasive. Menchú was not, as she had written,<br />

entirely uneducated, and she did not witness the torture and murder of her<br />

brother (although her mother did.) While Stoll supported Menchú's win<br />

regardless of these discrepancies, he also pointed out that Menchú's account<br />

was not a realistic portrayal of what actually caused the genocide to take place.<br />

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Easily one of the most controversial Nobel Peace Prize winners of all time is<br />

Henry Kissinger, who was a joint winner in 1973 with North Vietnamese leader<br />

Le DucTho. Le DucTho rejected the award, given for the pair's peace work in<br />

South Vietnam, because he felt that peace had not yet been achieved in the area<br />

— and doubly, didn't want to share the award with Kissinger. Kissinger,<br />

President Nixon's Secretary of State, accepted the award “with humility,” but<br />

many felt that it should never have been offered to him in the first place. There<br />

were two reasons for this controversy: Kissinger was accused of war crimes for his<br />

assistance in America's secret bombing of Cambodia from 1969-1975, as well as<br />

for helping to contribute arms to South American dictators who would slaughter<br />

thousands of people during the terror campaign Operation Condor. His win was<br />

also called premature since North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam two years<br />

after the prize was awarded, voiding his work. Two Norwegian Nobel Committee<br />

members resigned to protest Kissinger's win.<br />

YASSER ARAFAT 1994<br />

Irrespective of what your views may be on Yasser Arafat, he is in fact a Nobel<br />

Peace Prize winner. Palestinian leader Arafat won in 1994 along with then Israeli<br />

Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and then Foreign Minister Shimon Peres for their<br />

work on the Oslo Peace accords, which created "opportunities for a new<br />

development toward fraternity in the Middle East" and mutual recognition<br />

between the Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation. While his critics<br />

condemned the award, calling Arafat an "unrepentant terrorist with a long legacy<br />

of promoting violence," his supporters offered praise and compared the<br />

Palestinian leader to Nelson Mandela. As for his efforts toward fraternity in the Middle East: an uneasy<br />

relationship with Hamas, allegations of corruption and an aversion to compromise mean the ambitions of<br />

the Oslo accords were never fully realized. “One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter,” says<br />

TIME of the heated debate surrounding Yasser Arafat's controversial Nobel Peace Prize win. Although<br />

Arafat publicly spoke out against terrorism, he's been called “ The worst man to ever win the Nobel Peace<br />

Prize” by critics who also stated he was an “unrepentant terrorist with a long legacy of promoting violence”<br />

for terrorist campaigns against Israel. Actions under scrutiny include his hand in overseeing military<br />

groups responsible for bombings, hijackings, assassinations, and even the murder of 11 Israeli Olympic<br />

athletes under his “direct or indirect command.” Norwegian Nobel Committee member Kaare Kristiansen<br />

resigned to protest Arafat's Nobel Peace Prize win. The long laundry 'list detailing Arafats numerous crimes<br />

has spurned many to call the Palestinian leader a “monster” and “ the father of modern terrorism.”<br />

Cordell Hull although nominated several times in the 1930s, received the<br />

Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 for his prominent role in establishing the UNO<br />

While his efforts to start the UNO were admirable, his actions six years earlier<br />

caused widespread consternation and many felt he was undeserving of the<br />

award. Hull was President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Secretary of State during<br />

the S.S. St. Louis crisis when 950 Jewish refugees, seeking asylum from Nazi<br />

persecution, set sail for the U.S. from Hamburg. Despite President's Franklin<br />

showing willingness to help, Hull, together with Southern Democrats, voiced<br />

strong opposition and threatened to withdraw support for FDR in the<br />

forthcoming election if he didn't follow suit. On June 4, 1939, the President<br />

denied the ship entry, forcing it to return to Europe, where more than a quarter<br />

of its passengers subsequently died in the Holocaust.<br />

CORDELL HULL 1945<br />

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Beware!-It spreads faster than AIDS and has no Definite Cure<br />

HEALTH<br />

What is hepa s B?<br />

It is a systemic disease caused by Hepa s B virus; it is primarily<br />

associated with the viruses incriminated in viral Hepa s<br />

(inflamma on or swelling of the liver due to viral infec on).<br />

The liver is the biggest organ in the human body; it serves as a<br />

workshop where the metabolic func ons of the body are carried out<br />

and that includes the manufacturing of protein and other chemicals<br />

that are essen al for the healthy growth and defense mechanism of<br />

the body, removal of poisonous substances from the body through<br />

the process of detoxifica on and a lot more. The liver is a very tough<br />

and resilient organ and is able to withstand all the assaults to be able<br />

to carry out its ac vi es but it can be overwhelmed when its<br />

integrity is compromised as a result of the infec on with such as the<br />

HBV.<br />

Hepa s B infec on is a great threat to humanity, unfortunately<br />

because of the current sensa onal nature of the HIV/AIDS pandemic<br />

people in the general popula on especially in developing countries<br />

in Africa are hardly aware of the life threatening danger this illness<br />

presents. The capacity of Hepa s B to progress to chronic infec on,<br />

cirrhosis and ul mately liver cancer is frightening and everybody<br />

should take possible steps to curtail the disease and fortunately most<br />

efforts made to prevent HIV transmission will also prevent Hepa s<br />

B infec on to a large extent.<br />

How does it spread?<br />

Hepa s B is about 300 mes more infec ous than AIDS, that<br />

sounds incredible but it is true; the preponderance of the viral<br />

replica on is that high and the HBV can survive rela ve adverse<br />

condi ons for a long me of which such as HIV cannot. The chief<br />

source of the infec on is human blood and other body fluids such as<br />

semen, vaginal discharges and secre on from wound--You can get<br />

Hepa s B in four ways<br />

1. Through transfusion of blood and blood products or through<br />

infected syringes during ta ooing, acupuncture and drug abuse.<br />

2. Contact with blood or other body fluid.<br />

3. From an infected mother to a newborn.<br />

4. From an infected sexual partner.<br />

Who can be infected?<br />

Almost anyone, nobody is safe from this silent killer disease; Doctors, Nurses, Construc on workers, whichever works<br />

of life with children being the worst affected, their exposure to HBV can prove to be serious especially for those less<br />

than seven (7) years of age.<br />

How do you know you have hepa s B?<br />

In spite of being infected with the virus, you may not show any signs of the disease un l very late, different people will<br />

show different symptoms and one in three falls seriously ill which is why it is called silent killer disease. Ini al<br />

symptoms of weakness, redness, body ache, fever, nausea and vomi ng, diarrhea, mild abdominal pains, loss of<br />

appe te that may progress to jaundice, yellowing of skin and eyes, pale feaces and dark urine.<br />

While many pa ents recover without major problem, some suffer a severe a ack of fulminate Hepa s which can be<br />

fatal. You also become a silent carrier if the virus is not completely eliminated. In the absence of any specific symptom<br />

Hepa s B o en goes undiagnosed and the only way to be absolutely sure is a blood test called Hepa s B surface<br />

an gen (HBsAg) test<br />

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Is there any cure for Hepa s B?<br />

It is a bad news, there is no definite cure for Hepa s B but there<br />

is the good news; it can be prevented though vaccina on for<br />

those that tested Nega ve. Vaccina on alone can help you fight<br />

Hepa s B; the course includes three injec ons at definite<br />

intervals over a period of three months. A er the course your<br />

body produces an bodies that can help you fight against this<br />

silent killer disease.<br />

Vaccina on for children; if the mother is a carrier of HBV, the first<br />

dose of the injec on should be given at birth followed by two<br />

other doses at an interval of one month each. If the mother is not<br />

a carrier of HBV the child can be vaccinated along with childhood<br />

vaccina on in accordance with WHO-guidelines.<br />


Over five hundred thousand people die yearly of cases directly<br />

related to Hepa s B.<br />

Over two billion people have been infected cumula vely.<br />

Over three hundred and fi y million people worldwide are living<br />

with the disease.<br />

About one person has died from Hepa s B in the me it takes<br />

you to read one to three above.<br />

Hepa s B is about three hundred mes more infec ous than<br />

HIV.<br />

Unlike HIV, Hepa s B can survive outside the body for a long<br />

me.<br />


1. One out of every five has the virus.<br />

2. One percent death of all adult is due to Hepa s B.<br />

3. 68% of chronic liver disease and 80% of all liver cancer is due to<br />

Hepa s B.<br />


Your Organiza on/Agency can also be a beneficiary by ge ng<br />

your staff screened and immuniza on provided for those that<br />

tested nega ve.<br />

Help stop Hepa s B, get screened and get immunized-Also<br />

available are rapid screening test kits for HCV, HAV, VDRL, HIV 1 &<br />

2, TB Serology, PSA and lipid profile.<br />

Courtesy:<br />

Adonai Laboratories Ltd.<br />

priadonai2000@yahoo.com<br />

+2347032190500<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong><br />

<strong>ISSUE</strong> 02 2014<br />

N1,000 / $ 6 / 4<br />

<strong>PEACE</strong><br />

<strong>ISSUE</strong> 02 2014<br />

Africa’s Energy Needs<br />

Alternative Power To<br />

The Rescue<br />

...Providing a friendly platform towards achieving peace in Africa<br />

Bringing<br />

Peace Back To<br />

Guinea Bissau<br />

Fernando Jorge Almada<br />

Maternity Tourism<br />

And The Dilemma<br />

Of Anchor Babies<br />

Rising Tide:<br />

Incidents Of Child<br />

Rape In Africa<br />

Technology<br />

Developed<br />

By Africans<br />

All material is copyright and all rights are<br />

reserved. No part of this publica on may be<br />

reproduced without wri en permission of the<br />

copyright holder. While every effort is made<br />

to ensure all prices and data are correct at the<br />

me of publica on African Peace Magazine is<br />

not responsible for editorial errors.<br />

Opinions expressed in African Peace<br />

Magazine are not necessarily those of African<br />

Peace Magazine and African Peace Magazine<br />

does not accept responsibility for adver sing<br />

content. Any images or transparencies<br />

supplied are at the owner's risk.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 32

<strong>ISSUE</strong>S<br />

In the search for “greener pastures”<br />

and the “American dream”, the rise of<br />

anchor babies have called for great<br />

concern. Anchor baby is the term used<br />

to refer to children born in the United<br />

States of America to illegal alien<br />

mothers. Under current practice, these<br />

children are U.S. citizens at birth, simply<br />

because they were born on US soil. They<br />

are called anchor babies because, as US<br />

citizens, they become eligible to<br />

sponsor for legal immigration most of<br />

their relatives, including their illegal<br />

alien mothers, when they turn 21 years<br />

of age, thus becoming the US "anchor"<br />

for an extended immigrant family. "Jus<br />

soli" (right of soil) is the right of anyone<br />

born in the territory of a state to claim<br />

the nationality or citizenship of that<br />

state while jus sanguinis (right of blood)<br />

is a right to claim the citizenship of the<br />

country of one's parents.<br />

F r o m 20 0 4 , a l l E u r o p e a n<br />

countries refused to grant birthright<br />

citizenship, it is based solely on jus<br />

sanguinis. This law shifted all the<br />

burden of anchor babies on the United<br />

States and Canada. You find majority of<br />

immigrants (both legal and illegal)<br />

making deliberate plans to make sure<br />

the are in the US before their Expected<br />

Delivery Date. Africans are not an<br />

exception to this trend. It has now<br />

become 'fashionable' to give birth to an<br />

offspring in the US and has somewhat<br />

become something to be envious about<br />

when your child has the citizenship of<br />

the United States boldly transcribed on<br />

his/her passport. Thus, the US‐born<br />

children of illegal aliens not only<br />

represent additional US population<br />

g r o w t h , b u t a c t a s ' a n c h o r s ' t o<br />

eventually pull a large number of<br />

extended family members into the<br />

country legally. In fact, an entire<br />

industry has built up around the US<br />

system of birthright citizenship.<br />

Thousands of pregnant women who are<br />

about to deliver come to the United<br />

States each year from countries as far<br />

away as South Korea and as near as<br />

Mexico so that they can give birth on US<br />

soil. Some come legally as temporary<br />

visitors; others enter illegally. Once the<br />




they get a US birth certificate and passport for the child, and their future<br />

link to the country is established and irreversible. While there is no formal<br />

policy that forbids deporting the illegal alien parents of children born in the<br />

US, they rarely are actually deported. In some cases, immigration judges<br />

make exceptions for the parents on the basis of their US‐born children and<br />

grant the parents legal status. In many cases, though, immigration officials<br />

choose not to initiate removal proceedings against illegal aliens with USborn<br />

children, so they simply remain in the country illegally.<br />

This poses a great problem for the United States and all other developed<br />

countries who practice jus soli. In 2010, lawmakers in several states urged<br />

an amendment to the Constitution to turn the United States into a jus<br />

sanguinis country, or right of blood; you are American if your parents were<br />

Americans. Bill and American citizen, is of the view that; Maternity<br />

tourism is just the beginning of the silliness of birthright citizenship that<br />

goes to the babies of foreign students, temporary foreign workers,<br />

international travellers and the millions who break the law to criminally<br />

enter this country. Each of these babies becomes an anchor who retards<br />

deportation of unlawfully present parents and who eventually will be an<br />

anchor for entire families and villages as chain migration leads to the<br />

immigration of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Birthright<br />

citizenship is an antiquated practice that has been abandoned by nearly all<br />

wealthy nations and emerging nations (recently India and Indonesia) and<br />

by the majority of poor nations. This poses the question of whether the<br />

th<br />

right of jus soli should be abandoned for right of blood? Should the 14<br />

Amendment which reads in part that,<br />

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the<br />

jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein<br />

they reside."<br />

Be amended to address the current trend of Anchor babies and maternity<br />

tourism?. Africans like earlier said are not exempted from this trend.<br />

Should we continue to flee from our heritage and culture in the name of<br />

giving our children the possibility of a bright future which may or may not<br />

be in existence?<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 33


<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 34

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Kaduna-Abuja Express Rd, Sabon Wuse, Tafa LGA, Niger State<br />

Email: asbinvltd@yahoo.com<br />

Mobile: 0803 312 0435<br />

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18 Ikorodu Road,Jibowu Lagos State,<br />

Email: mustybans@yahoo.com<br />

Mobile: 0803 077 1842<br />

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C/O Total Nig Plc, NNPC Depot, Warri Delta State.<br />

Mobile: 0803 336 1905




(Professional Makeup Artist)<br />

Are you tired of having dried,<br />

unattractive and chapped lips?<br />

Do you need attractive and<br />

luscious lips? Then why don't you<br />

try lip gloss. Lip gloss serves as<br />

the most popular and handy<br />

cosmetic product, the lip gloss<br />

rules a women's world. If you<br />

want to give your lips a shiny and<br />

wonderful color you must try out<br />

the lip gloss. Although lipsticks<br />

are in demand but these new lip<br />

care products have created their<br />

own place in the market.<br />

Particularly, if you are the one<br />

who want simple, yet attractive<br />

and appealing look then you must<br />

try lip gloss. It's available in<br />

various colors and flavors. The<br />

moisturizing and dazzling effects<br />

acts as the added feature to these<br />

lip care products. They not only<br />

make your lips beautiful by<br />

adding color but also make it soft<br />

and smooth by giving the<br />

moisturizing effect. Some of the<br />

benefits of lip gloss are as<br />

follows:<br />

Just like lipstick, lip gloss<br />

also comes in different forms.<br />

You can find lip gloss of<br />

numerous colors and even in<br />

different fruity flavors. For<br />

smoothening and softening<br />

your lips, apply lip balm. To<br />

highlight your beautiful lips,<br />

apply moisturizing lip gloss.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Lip gloss can be used as a part of makeup, to give color to your<br />

lips, or as a moisturizer to hydrate your lips. The basic ingredients in<br />

most lip gloss are glycerin, aloe, and vitamin E. All the ingredients of<br />

lip gloss help in moisturizing the lips. There is another kind of lip<br />

gloss that is basically used to give shiny effect to the lips. Apart from<br />

the usual ingredients, this type of lip gloss also contains certain oils.<br />

Lip gloss has many more benefits, even more than petroleum jelly<br />

or any other lip products. Apart from giving a soft and smooth touch to<br />

the lips, lip gloss also make them shiny. During dry season, lip gloss<br />

can protect the lips from getting dry and chapped. Further, some of the<br />

lip glosses available today makes the lips look plump, thereby helping<br />

it to appear bold and beautiful. Although, the effect of these lip<br />

glosses are temporary and short lived, many welcome this as it doesn't<br />

have harsh affect.<br />

Lip balms also maintain the quality of the lips and keep them soft<br />

and beautiful due to the presence of vitamin and soybean extracts. In<br />

some of the lip glosses the antioxidant and moisturizing property<br />

keeps the lips hydrated for the whole day.<br />

Those who think that lip stick is too dark and thick for the lips can<br />

use lip gloss, as the colors add a mild and pleasing touch. Moreover,<br />

apart from the vibrant colors, the moisturizers and sparkles present in<br />

lip gloss makes the lips look more appealing.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 36


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PRINCESS EMIKE UMOLE (Professional Makeup Artist)<br />

Mascara is a key component to making your eyes stand out. Mascara has the ability to not only make your lashes darker; it<br />

also adds length and thickness. It does not matter how wonderful your eye shadow looks, or what great techniques you have<br />

used, without great looking lashes no one will notice. To apply mascara on your lashes to make them stand out, one must<br />

follow these five tips to achieve vibrant lashes.<br />

1. Do not pump the wand in and out of the bottle. This pushes air into the tube which will make the mascara dry out<br />

faster causing clumping and flaking. Instead, gently twist the back and forth or in circular motions to pick up the desired<br />

amount of product.<br />

2. If you decide to curl your lashes, begin at the root of the lashes being careful not to get any skin into the eyelash<br />

curler. Press the curler together and hold for about 10 seconds and move the curler out to the end of your lashes and<br />

repeat. Again, this step is optional but it does make for longer looking lashes and opens the eye.<br />

3. When you remove the wand from the bottle make sure to scrap off any excess mascara from the wand. This will help<br />

you avoid making your lashes clumpy.<br />

4. Whether you start with your top or bottom lashes is completely up to you, although beginning with the bottom<br />

lashes will prevent those tiny dots that appear on your eyelids when you look down to apply mascara to your bottom<br />

lashes. For the top lashes, look straight forward, take the wand and place it at the base of your lashes. Using a back-andforth<br />

motion while moving the wand up your lashes and sweep upward, this will help give<br />

your lashes a curled effect. Keep repeating this until you get your lashes as thick as you want,<br />

usually 2-3 coats. When it comes to the bottom lashes, tilt your head forward slightly to keep<br />

from getting mascara onto your cheek. Use the same side to side motions until you get a good<br />

coat of mascara on your lower lashes.<br />

5. To make your eyelashes look even thicker a trick is to apply a coat of black eyeliner to<br />

the upper waterline of your eyes. To do this, pull up your lashes just a bit, and run the black<br />

eyeliner on the top of the inner waterline. To give it more staying power, dip your eyeliner<br />

pencil in black waterproof gel eyeliner and line the waterline. Even though this is a subtle<br />

difference, the black base it creates automatically gives the appearance of thicker, fuller<br />

lashes.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 38


The list of musicians who rake in millions of dollars are<br />

usually reserved for international megastars like<br />

Beyonce, Kanye West, Jay Z, Madona, Jenifer Lopez and<br />

people who largely hail from the western world.<br />

However, there are artistes across Africa whose stars are<br />

rapidly rising and they are able to command larger<br />

paychecks around the world. Highly influential and each<br />

bringing their own unique sound, these artistes<br />

represent the richest African musicians, according to<br />

Answers Africa. JEMIRIYE ADENIJI brings you the list.<br />


<strong>AFRICAN</strong><br />


10. Jose Chameleone<br />

Jose (or Joe) Chameleone is a Ugandan<br />

artiste who found his niche blending<br />

traditional Ugandan folk music, a bit of<br />

rumba and a heavy reggae inuence. He<br />

sings in English, Swahili and Luganda. His<br />

mansion outside of Kampala and four cars<br />

(including a Cadillac Escalade and a Benz)<br />

are evidence of his success, particularly with<br />

his hit, ValuValu. He's been credited with<br />

changing the face of music in Uganda, as<br />

well as making local music accessible to the<br />

rest of the world.<br />

9. Banky W<br />

010<br />

Born Olubankole Wellington in the U.S,<br />

Banky W moved back to Nigeria and grew<br />

up in Lagos, where he began singing at an<br />

early age. Finding success early in singing<br />

competitions, most of his wealth has come<br />

from endorsement deals with companies<br />

such as Etisalat mobile and Samsung in<br />

Nigeria. He also started the Mr Capable<br />

Foundation, an education charity that<br />

provides tuition scholarships for<br />

disadvantaged children.<br />

008<br />

8. Hugh Masekela<br />

009<br />

Musical sensation Hugh Masekela is a South<br />

African artiste who plays variety of instruments<br />

including the trumpet, ugelhorn and cornet,<br />

along with singing and composing his own work.<br />

He has been highly praised for his work, with<br />

everything from a Grammy nomination to the<br />

Order of the Ikhamanga by President Jacob<br />

Zuma (for achievements in arts, culture, literature,<br />

music, journalism and sports in South Africa.) He<br />

has graced prestigious festivals across the world.<br />

He is perhaps best known for his acapella style<br />

singing and collaboration with Paul Simon and<br />

Ladysmith Black Mambazo on the Graceland<br />

album and 1987 Graceland tour.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 40

007<br />

7. 2 Face Idibia<br />

Nigerian singer and songwriter, 2Face Idibia,<br />

began his career as a member of the hip hop<br />

group, Plantashun Boyz, but went solo in 2004<br />

after the group split. His most popular song,<br />

African Queen, took off after being featured in<br />

the movie Phat Girlz in 2006, but all of his ve<br />

albums have been very well received around<br />

the world. His wealth comes from various real<br />

estate investments across Nigeria, as well as<br />

the $80,000 he commands per show.<br />

006<br />

6. Fally Ipupa<br />

Fally Ipupa, a former member of Quartier Latin<br />

International (along with Kof Olomidé, to be<br />

mentioned later), went solo in 2006 and has been<br />

incredibly successful, both in his home country of<br />

the Democratic Republic of the Congo as well as<br />

internationally. With MTV Africa Music and Kora<br />

awards under his belt, he's racked up clothing<br />

endorsement deals in Paris as well as high<br />

commissions for his shows across the world which<br />

are almost always sold out.<br />

5. Salif Keita<br />

005<br />

Born and raised in Mali, singer and songwriter Salif<br />

Keita has been referred to as the "Golden Voice of<br />

Africa," with his original take on Afro pop music.<br />

Despite his royal heritage (he's directly descended<br />

from Sundiata Keita, the founder of the Mali<br />

Empire), he chose a path of music, bucking the<br />

Malian caste system. But this means that he was<br />

loaded even before his music career took off,<br />

explaining his private island and properties across<br />

Europe.<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 41

4. Kof Olomidé<br />

Along with fellow Congolese star,<br />

Fally Ipupa, Kof Olomidé formed<br />

Quartier Latin as lead singer and<br />

vocalist before launching his solo<br />

career. Dubbing his style of music<br />

as tchatcho, he considers it a<br />

blend of soukous music (dance<br />

music that originated from African<br />

rumba music). He's notorious for<br />

taking on controversial subjects in<br />

his lyrics, which has led him to be<br />

widely praised and criticised<br />

worldwide. Raking in over<br />

100,000 Euros per show, Olomidé<br />

is extremely popular across Africa<br />

and the world. One of his albums<br />

is listed in Robert Dimery's book,<br />

"1001 Albums You Must Hear<br />

Before You Die."<br />

004<br />

3. D'Banj<br />

Dapo Daniel Oyebanjo, D'Banj<br />

aka the Koko Master, has been<br />

killing it in his country, Nigeria and<br />

around the world since 2007, and<br />

was the rst African artiste who<br />

signed with the music label<br />

GOODMusic, owned by Kanye<br />

West. The recipient of countless<br />

awards, D'Banj is known for his<br />

unique sound of dance music and<br />

afro beats. He is involved in a<br />

variety of investments including a<br />

nightclub in Nigeria, brands such<br />

as Koko water, and was given his<br />

own reality show, "Koko Mansion."<br />

He also rakes millions in shows<br />

and brand endorsements.<br />

003<br />

<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 42

002<br />

2. P-Square<br />

P-Square is made up of identical<br />

twins, Peter and Paul Okoye, who<br />

began singing and dancing<br />

together back in their small<br />

Catholic high school in Jos,<br />

Nigeria. After forming the group in<br />

2005, their music developed a<br />

devoted following, particularly in<br />

South Africa, and each album<br />

outsold the previous one. They<br />

were named Artistes of the Year at<br />

the 2010 Kora Awards and now<br />

bring in more than $150,000 per<br />

show. Best of all, their shared<br />

home is worth more than $3<br />

million and has been dubbed<br />

"Squareville." Talk about product<br />

placement!<br />

01<br />

1. Youssou N'dour<br />

Not surprisingly, YoussouN'dour brings it<br />

home in the No. 1 spot. This Senegalese<br />

singer is widely considered the most famous<br />

singer alive in Senegal and much of Africa.<br />

His style of music is known as mbalax, a mix<br />

of Senegalese traditional music in the Serer<br />

language and various styles from around the<br />

world including Cuban rumba, hip hop, jazz<br />

and soul. With millions around the world in<br />

his fan base, he is now the owner of the<br />

biggest media house in Senegal (complete<br />

with radio and TV stations) and was<br />

appointed tourism and culture minister in<br />

2012. More importantly, before K'naan had<br />

"Waving Flag" in 2010, N'dour was<br />

responsible for the 1998 FIFA World Cup<br />

national anthem, "La Cour des Grands,"<br />

along with Axelle Red.<br />

Having presented the list, I have a simple<br />

question for African Female Musicians as<br />

well as their promoters; Where are the<br />

African Female Musicians? are they so poor<br />

that we cannot even find one on the Top Ten<br />

list? Going by there counterparts in here in<br />

the USA we can see that the list of the<br />

richest musicians is not just the Men's<br />

game, rather its for for both genders.<br />

Moreso, being a musician myself I<br />

remember vividly how you have to double<br />

proof yourself that you are marketable,<br />

otherwise no record label will be ready to<br />

spend a dime on you. And if eventually you<br />

get a label to sign you on, then comes the<br />

issue of how to dress and look sexy, what to<br />

sing and so on. Even though the female<br />

musicians in Africa shares the same stage<br />

with the male musician, its not a guarantee that they<br />

make the same money, in other words African<br />

Female musicians like Angelique Kidjo (Republic of<br />

Benin), Asa (Nigeria), Becca (Ghana), Amani (Kenya),<br />

Siphokazi (South Africa), Juliana (Uganda) Ary<br />

(Angola) to mention a few are all not good enough to<br />

make the list.<br />

Its breaks my heart to see that our female singers are<br />

not doing so well financially in Africa. This is a<br />

challenge and I hope the next list will reflect the<br />

change, and event organizers will pay both male and<br />

female musicians equally regardless of the gender.<br />

Let Peace reign in Africa. I Love You All.<br />


<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>PEACE</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> / 43<strong>AFRICAN</strong>

Fashion . Model Portfolio . Products<br />

H O T L I N E - + 2 3 4 8 1 3 2 4 6 4 0 5 9<br />





rd<br />

Sunday the 23 of February 2014 was a<br />

very joyful day for Zimbabwe as<br />

thousands gathered to wish president<br />

Robert Mugabe a happy birthday , who<br />

threw 90 balloons into the air to mark<br />

th<br />

his 90 birthday. Dressed in a black<br />

suit, red tie and white shirt, he moved<br />

around the venue on the back of a<br />

truck waving his fist to a crowd made<br />

up largely of school children bussed in<br />

for the occasion. "I feel as youthful and<br />

energetic as a boy of nine," Mugabe<br />

said, before cutting his cake.<br />

Although he had just got back from<br />

Singapore, where he had travelled for<br />

eye surgery last week, Mugabe<br />

unrepentantly remained joyful as he<br />

cut his cake amidst gleeful shouts of<br />

people wearing red scarves as it is<br />

customary on the president’s birthday.<br />

Robert Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe<br />

since the former rebel led the country<br />

to independence from Britain in 1980.<br />

Robert Mugabe is a Zimbabwean<br />

revolutionalist and politician. As one of<br />

the leaders of the rebel groups against<br />

white minority rule, he was elected as<br />

Prime Minister, head of government,<br />

in 1980, and served in that office until<br />

1987, when he became the country's<br />

first executive head of state. Having<br />

been repeatedly re‐elected, he retains<br />

this post to this day. He has led the<br />

Zimbabwe African National Union<br />

Patriotic Front (ZANU–PF) since 1975.<br />

Robert Mugabe rose to prominence in<br />

the 1960s as the Secretary General of<br />

ZANU during the conflict against the<br />

conservative white minority<br />

government of Rhodesia. Mugabe was<br />

a political prisoner in Rhodesia for<br />

more than 10 years between 1964 and<br />

.<br />

1974 Upon release Mugabe, along with<br />

Edgar Tekere, left Rhodesia in 1975 to<br />

re‐join the fight during the Rhodesian<br />

Bush War from bases in Mozambique.<br />

At the end of the war in 1979, Mugabe<br />

emerged as a hero in the minds of<br />

many Africans. He won the<br />

general elections of 1980 after<br />

calling for reconciliation between<br />

the former belligerents, including<br />

white Zimbabweans and rival<br />

political parties, and thereby<br />

became Prime Minister on<br />

Zimbabwe's independence in April<br />

1980.<br />

In August 2008, Robert Mugabe<br />

suffered a narrow defeat in the<br />

first round of a presidential<br />

election but he subsequently won<br />

the run‐off election in a landslide<br />

after opposition rival Morgan<br />

Tsvangirai withdrew from the<br />

race, and extended a hand to the<br />

opposition with the signing of a<br />

power‐sharing deal with<br />

opposition leaders Morgan<br />

Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara<br />

of the –MDC‐T and –MDC‐M<br />

opposition party.

Election Commission said Mugabe won his seventh term as President, defeating Tsvangirai with 61 percent of the vote.<br />

Born near the Kutama Jesuit Mission in the Zvimba District northwest of Salisbury in Southern Rhodesia to a Malawian<br />

father Gabriel Matibili and a Shona mother Bona, both Roman Catholic, Mugabe was the third of six children. He had two<br />

elder brothers, Michael (1919–1934) and Raphael. Both elder brothers died when he was young, leaving Robert and his<br />

younger brother, Donato (1926–2007), and two younger sisters – Sabina and Bridgette. His father, a carpenter, abandoned<br />

the Mugabe family in 1934 after Michael died, in search of work in Bulawayo.<br />

Raised as a Catholic, He qualified as a teacher, but left to study at Fort Hare in South Africa graduating in 1951,<br />

while meeting contemporaries such as Julius Nyerere, Herbert Chitepo, Robert Sobukwe and Kenneth Kaunda.<br />

Mugabe joined the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 1960. After the administration of Prime Minister Edgar<br />

Whitehead banned the NDP in September 1961, it almost immediately reformed as the Zimbabwe African<br />

Peoples Union (ZAPU), led by Joshua Nkomo. Mugabe<br />

left ZAPU in 1963 to join the breakaway Zimbabwe<br />

African National Union (ZANU), which had been<br />

formed by the Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole, Edgar<br />

Tekere, Edson Zvobgo, Enos Nkala and lawyer Herbert<br />

Chitepo.<br />

ZANU was influenced by the Africanist ideas of the<br />

Pan Africanist Congress in South Africa and influenced<br />

by Maoism while ZAPU was an ally of the African<br />

National Congress and was a supporter of a more<br />

orthodox pro‐Soviet line on national liberation. Similar<br />

divisions can also be seen in the independence<br />

movement in Angola between the MPLA and UNITA.<br />

It would have been easy for the party to split along<br />

tribal lines between the Ndebele and Mugabe's own<br />

Shona tribe, but cross‐tribal representation was<br />

maintained by his partners. ZANU leader Sithole<br />

nominated Robert Mugabe as his Secretary General.<br />

During early 1964 tension between the two rival<br />

nationalist parties boiled over into violent conflict<br />

within the black townships. "Many people were<br />

killed as rival former colleagues [within the<br />

nationalist movement] turned against each other,"<br />

write David Martin and Phyllis Johnson; "Homes and<br />

stores were burned and looted." The government<br />

reacted by arresting political agitators for criminal<br />

offences and jailing Nkomo in Gonakudzingwa Restriction Camp, a remote detention unit in the south‐east of the<br />

country. After members of ZANU murdered a farmer, Petrus Oberholzer, on 4 July 1964, ZANU and ZAPU<br />

were officially banned on 26 August 1964; their leaders, including Mugabe, were shortly arrested and<br />

imprisoned indefinitely. ZAPU figures joined Nkomo at Gonakudzingwa while the leaders of ZANU were<br />

briefly held in turn at two similar units near Gwelo (Gweru since 1982), first Wha Wha, then, from 15 June 1965,<br />

Sikombela, before being transferred permanently to Salisbury Prison on 8 November 1965.Mugabe earned<br />

numerous further degrees by correspondence courses while detained, including three from the University of<br />

London: degrees in Law and Economics respectively and a Bachelor of Administration. When his three‐year‐old<br />

son Nhamodzenyika died from malaria in Ghana in late 1966, Mugabe petitioned the prison governor to leave<br />

on parole to attend the funeral in Accra, the Ghanaian capital, but was refused permission by Prime Minister Ian<br />

Smith personally. Mugabe unilaterally assumed control of ZANU after the death of Herbert Chitepo on 18<br />

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control of ZANU after the death of<br />

Herbert Chitepo on 18 March 1975. Later<br />

that year, after squabbling with Ndabaningi<br />

Sithole, Mugabe formed a militant ZANU<br />

faction, leaving Sithole to lead the<br />

moderate ZANU (Ndonga) party. Many<br />

opposition leaders mysteriously died<br />

during this time. Under pressure from<br />

Henry Kissinger, Prime Minister of South<br />

Africa B. J. Vorster persuaded Ian Smith, the<br />

sitting prime minister at the time, to<br />

accept in principle that white minority rule<br />

could not continue indefinitely. In 1987,<br />

the position of Prime Minister was<br />

abolished and Mugabe assumed the new<br />

office of executive President of Zimbabwe<br />

gaining additional powers in the process.<br />

He was re‐elected in 1990 and 1996, and in<br />

2002 amid claims of widespread voterigging<br />

and intimidation. Mugabe's term<br />

of office expired at the end of March 2008,<br />

but he was re‐elected later in 2008 in<br />

another election marred by allegations of<br />

election fraud and intimidation.<br />

A number of people have accused Mugabe<br />

of having a racist attitude towards white<br />

people. John Sentamu, a Uganda‐born<br />

Archbishop of York in the United Kingdom,<br />

calls Mugabe "the worst kind of racist<br />

dictator," for having "targeted the whites<br />

for their apparent riches" Almost thirty<br />

years after ending white‐minority rule in<br />

Zimbabwe, Mugabe accuses the United<br />

Kingdom and the United States of<br />

p r o m o t i n g w h i t e i m p e r i a l i s m a n d<br />

regularly accuses opposition figures to his<br />

government of being allies of white<br />

imperialism.<br />

The United Kingdom once condemned<br />

Mugabe's authoritarian policies and<br />

a l l e g e d r a c i s t a t t i t u d e s a s b e i n g<br />

comparable to those of German Nazi<br />

dictator Adolf Hitler. A response came<br />

during the state funeral for a Zimbabwean<br />

Cabinet minister in March 2003. Mugabe<br />

telling journalists "I am still the Hitler of the<br />

time,This Hitler has only one objective,<br />

justice for his own people, sovereignty for<br />

h i s p e o p l e , r e c o g n i t i o n o f t h e<br />

independence of his people, and their<br />

right to their resources. If that is Hitler,<br />

If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold. Ten times, that is<br />

what we stand for." Mugabe has been uncompromising in his<br />

opposition to LGBT rights in Zimbabwe. In September 1995,<br />

Zimbabwe's parliament introduced legislation banning<br />

homosexual acts. In 1997, a court found Canaan Banana, Mugabe's<br />

predecessor and the first President of Zimbabwe, guilty of 11<br />

counts of sodomy and indecent assault. He has previously<br />

referred to lesbians and gays as being "worse than dogs and pigs".<br />

In 2005, Mugabe ordered a raid conducted on what the<br />

government termed "illegal shelters" in Harare, resulting in<br />

10,000 urban poor being left homeless from "Operation<br />

Murambatsvina (Operation Drive Out the Rubbish)." The<br />

authorities themselves had moved the poor inhabitants to the<br />

area in 1992, telling them not to build permanent homes and that<br />

their new homes were temporary, leading the inhabitants to<br />

build their own temporary shelters out of cardboard and wood.<br />

Since the inhabitants of the shantytowns overwhelmingly<br />

supported the Movement for Democratic Change opposition<br />

party in the previous election, many alleged that the mass<br />

bulldozing was politically motivated. The UN released a report<br />

stating that the actions of Mugabe resulted in the loss of home or<br />

livelihood for more than 700,000 Zimbabweans and negatively<br />

affected 2.4 million more.<br />

As of September 2006, Mugabe's family owns three farms:<br />

"Highfield Estate" in Norton, 45 km west of Harare, "Iron Mask<br />

Estate" in Mazowe, about 40 km from Harare, and "Foyle Farm" in<br />

Mazowe, formerly owned by Ian Webster and adjacent to Iron<br />

Mask Farm and renamed "Gushungo Farm" after Mugabe's own<br />

clan name. These farms were seized forcibly from their previous<br />

owners. Mugabe has continued to win elections, although<br />

frequently these have been criticised by outsiders for violating<br />

various electoral procedures.Mugabe faced Tsvangirai of the<br />

Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in presidential elections<br />

in March 2002. Mugabe defeated Tsvangirai by 56.2% to 41.9%<br />

amid violence and the prevention of large numbers of citizens in<br />

urban areas from voting. The conduct of the elections was widely<br />

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viewed internationally as having been manipulated. Many groups, such as the United Kingdom, the European<br />

Union, the United States, and Tsvangirai's party, assert that the result was rigged.<br />

Mugabe was re‐elected in 2013 with 61 percent of the vote. U.N Secretary‐General Ban Ki‐Moon, having followed<br />

the elections in Zimbabwe closely, commended the Zimbabwean people for a broadly peaceful election day<br />

and for exercising their democratic rights. He stressed, at the same time, that the concerns which have been<br />

raised about certain aspects of the electoral process should be pursued through established channels. These<br />

concerns should then be considered transparently and fairly. The most important thing was that the will of the<br />

people of Zimbabwe be respected. Independent poll monitors reported widespread irregularities, and the<br />

state‐appointed election commission reported that many voters were either turned away or received<br />

assistance from election officials. All in all SADC & the African Continent's main body African Union endorsed the<br />

Zimbabwean general elections which had an AU Observer team on the ground led by former President General<br />

Olusegun Obasanjo. Mugabe's critics accuse him of conducting a "reign of terror" and being an "extremely poor<br />

role model" for the continent, whose "transgressions are unpardonable". In solidarity with the April 2007<br />

general strike called by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), British Trades Union Congress general<br />

secretary Brendan Barber said of Mugabe's regime: "Zimbabwe's people are suffering from Mugabe's appalling<br />

economic mismanagement, corruption, and brutal repression. They are standing up for their rights, and we<br />

must stand with them." Lela Kogbara, Chair of ACTSA (Action for Southern Africa) similarly has said: "As with<br />

every oppressive regime women and workers are left bearing the brunt. Please join us as we stand in solidarity<br />

with the people of Zimbabwe in their struggle for peace, justice and freedom".<br />

Robert Mugabe is undoubtedly a great leader who stood up for his nation amidst all trials and tribulations, but<br />

his endless reign in Zimbabwe seems to be a point of concern. One thing is certain we wish Mugabe a very long<br />

th<br />

and fulfilled life on his 90 birthday.<br />

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