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aTTlefronT ii<br />

<strong>Xbox</strong> One owners will be able to play the game before PS4 players, thanks to an EA Access trial starting 9th November<br />

hen the very first Star Wars hit cinemas<br />

back in 1977 viewers were treated to a<br />

swashbuckling space opera told with wideeyed<br />

excitement. Princesses were rescued,<br />

blasters were fired, and the plucky good<br />

guys triumphed over the imperial meanies.<br />

even the subtitle—a new hope—was almost<br />

childlike in its jaunty optimism. but with<br />

the release of a sequel, the empire Strikes<br />

back, Star Wars became something different.<br />

Suddenly, the universe wasn’t quite so<br />

wholesome, safe, or morally clear-cut. and<br />

now, ea is looking to pull a similar trick with<br />

its own Star Wars sequel: battlefront ii.<br />

an extensive single-player campaign<br />

is central to this ambition, and ea has<br />

assembled a massive development team to<br />

realize its expanded vision. Dice, the Swedish<br />

studio responsible for battlefront’s 2015<br />

reboot, is back at the helm for the game’s<br />

multiplayer modes, but this time it’s joined by<br />

criterion games in the UK and motive Studios<br />

in montreal, and together they plan to create<br />

a blockbuster solo experience with all the<br />

dark grandeur of the empire Strikes back.<br />

to that end, battlefront ii casts you as<br />

iden Versio, commander of the empire’s elite<br />

special operations outfit inferno Squad. at the<br />

game’s outset, Versio has it all: She comes<br />

“We wanted to take the helmet<br />

off a Stormtrooper and find out<br />

why they believed in the Empire”<br />

from a prosperous imperial planet, her father’s<br />

a respected admiral, and her job involves<br />

lots of exotic travel and Rebel-murder. life is<br />

pretty good as far as she’s concerned.<br />

What’s more, iden is beloved by her own<br />

people, as motive Studio’s game director<br />

mark thompson explains. “the Rebellion has<br />

its heroes—heroes like Skywalker, like Jyn<br />

erso—but who are the heroes of the empire?<br />

Who are the soldiers that can inspire the<br />

empire in the galactic civil war? Who were<br />

the elite pilots that kids in the galaxy grew<br />

up dreaming of being?” iden Versio isn’t just<br />

a capable soldier—she’s a role model for<br />

imperials everywhere.<br />

“that was the starting point for this story,”<br />

thompson continues. “We wanted to take off<br />

the helmet of a Stormtrooper and find out who<br />

they were; why they believed in the empire.”<br />

So, when those pesky Rebel scum destroy the<br />

second Death Star at the battle of endor, iden<br />

and her comrades aren’t about to lay down<br />

arms or negotiate peace. these are devout<br />

believers in the imperial way of life, and they<br />

aren’t about to let it crumble.<br />

“We thought about this idea: What would<br />

it be like to be a Stormtrooper on the ground,<br />

to look up to the sky and see the Death Star<br />

explode, and for that to be a moment of loss?<br />

a moment of defeat,” explains thompson.<br />

“and so when you take off the helmet in<br />

disbelief, and you look up at the sky, you<br />

immediately put that helmet back on with a<br />

new hardened resolve about how you need to<br />

take that fight back to the Rebellion, that the<br />

Rebellion needs to die.”<br />

Life begins at 30<br />

the campaign that follows explores the<br />

30-year gap between Return of the Jedi and<br />

the force awakens, following iden and her<br />

squadmates as the fusty old galactic empire<br />

041<br />

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