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e stuck near the Internet, hovering like a fly waiting for a dog to take a shit. Under the guise of the<br />

Dread Pirate Roberts, Ross told his confidant, “I organize my life around being on my computer in<br />

private.” And this lifestyle was killing him.<br />

“Brb, gotta move.”<br />

In one of the more nauseating experiences, while on his travels, Ross had set off to a sleepy<br />

surfer town in the middle of the jungle in Thailand. The plan was to lap up the waves, enjoy the<br />

beach, hike through the palm trees, maybe smoke some weed, and (if all went well) meet a pretty<br />

young backpacker. Except something went catastrophically awry on the site the moment he pulled into<br />

town. Someone had started stealing Bitcoins from his account as a result of a major programming<br />

error. Ross had no choice but to fix it right there and then—and it wasn’t an easy fix.<br />

He was holed up from morning until night in the local Internet café, incessantly biting his nails<br />

while he tried desperately to stop the Bitcoin robbery, all while locals and backpackers<br />

lackadaisically wandered down the jungle town’s dirt roads, drank beers, and surfed in the warm<br />

ocean waves. (“The people there thought I was a nut,” Ross later told Variety Jones. “There I was 18<br />

hours a day on my laptop chewing my nails off. All these mellow people on vacation lookin at me<br />

like wtf is up with that guy?!”)<br />

Adding to this anxiety, Ross was terrified that someone would see the Silk Road logo or images<br />

of drugs on his screen or ask questions about the code he was writing. Worse, a local, trying to gain<br />

favor with his local cop buddies, might anonymously alert the authorities.<br />

The anxiety could be petrifying when he was at his most lucid. Given that Ross’s site was making<br />

it possible to buy drugs from anywhere with Internet access, he was technically a wanted man all<br />

around the world. That meant he could be subject to the laws of almost any country on the planet. And<br />

the last place Ross wanted to be arrested for enabling the sale of vast amounts of drugs was in<br />

Southeast Asia, where Westerners had been hanged when they were caught trafficking mere ounces of<br />

heroin.<br />

So there was only one thing to do. When it was clear that Erica’s Facebook post had gone<br />

unnoticed and that no one else suspected him of being anyone but Ross Ulbricht, he set a date to return<br />

to Texas. That alone didn’t resolve the anxiety of running the site. But Ross had a plan there too. He<br />

promised Variety Jones that he would start taking long walks, eating healthier meals to stay focused,<br />

and tripling his daily meditation quota to at least thirty minutes before he went to sleep. With VJ<br />

counseling him, Ross was going to try to handle the stresses that came with running the biggest drug<br />

Web site the world had ever seen.<br />

As for the nails? On April 10, a few days before he left Australia, he walked into a pharmacy,<br />

slid a few dollars across the counter, and walked out with a bottle of anti-nail-biting formula.<br />

He excitedly told Variety Jones about his new purchase. Ross said that he was going to apply the<br />

magic ointment to his nails at least once a day for the next week. “Time to kick the habit,” he told VJ.<br />

But he wouldn’t be able to kick it for long. Upon returning to America, Ross was going to<br />

discover that not only had the Silk Road grown immensely over the past few months, but law<br />

enforcement’s zeal to capture the Dread Pirate Roberts had too.

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