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toward the World Trade Center on September 11 and who tomorrow would have to go to the hospital<br />

for health checkups for their heroic efforts.<br />

As these thoughts all piled up atop one another, Gary had had enough. He spun around in his<br />

chair, looked directly at another detective on the Silk Road task force, and with vexation in his voice<br />

proclaimed, “I think I’m right. You know? I think it’s him.”<br />

“What are you talking about?”<br />

“It’s him. Ross Ulbricht,” Gary said.<br />

“You really think you’re going to find him from a Google search?” Gary’s coworker said.<br />

Gary had suspected that Ross Ulbricht might be in some way involved with the Silk Road and<br />

had mentioned it to his coworkers months earlier, but the lead had gone nowhere. They couldn’t<br />

pursue a case against someone based on the mere fact that they had posted about the Silk Road on the<br />

Internet. But after Gary had seen the IP address from a café in San Francisco on the wall at the FBI<br />

office, the city where this Ross Ulbricht character apparently lived, he had become convinced that he<br />

was at least involved, if not actually the Dread Pirate Roberts.<br />

“Yes!” Gary said, his hands animated, his voice growing louder. “I’m right. I’m telling you, I’m<br />

right.”<br />

After a few minutes laying out the facts again, Gary stood up and announced that he was going to<br />

go back through the case again, starting from the beginning. Just as he had read every e-mail, blog<br />

post, news article, and forum posting three times, Gary was going to go back through his investigation<br />

three times, from start to finish. Maybe, he reasoned, he had missed something.<br />

He wandered away from his cubicle and around the corner to a woman nearby who worked for<br />

the Department of Homeland Security. “I need you to run Ross Ulbricht’s name,” Gary told her as he<br />

sat down in an empty seat nearby, requesting the same background check he had done on Ross months<br />

earlier. Gary didn’t expect the woman would find anything new. He just wanted to see if some small<br />

detail had floated by unnoticed. A speck of DNA, a parking ticket, anything.<br />

After a minute the records loaded onto her screen. The woman first reviewed Ross’s travel<br />

record, noting that he had gone to Dominica, a data point that Gary knew about and that he thought<br />

was suspect, as criminals often hid money in the Caribbean. She kept going through Ross’s file and<br />

then she stopped suddenly. “You know there’s a hit on this guy?” the woman said.<br />

“What?” Gary asked, confused.<br />

“Yeah, there’s a hit on this guy from a few weeks ago.”<br />

Gary was in shock as he heard the word “hit.” He was simply trying to dot his i’s and cross his<br />

t’s three times over.<br />

“You want me to read it?” the woman asked.<br />

“Yes!”<br />

She read aloud, explaining that Customs and Border Protection had “seized counterfeit identity<br />

documents” and a Dylan Critten from DHS had visited Ross Ulbricht at his house on Fifteenth Avenue<br />

in San Francisco. The file she read from noted that Ross’s roommates had said his name was Josh, not<br />

Ross, and that Josh paid for his room in cash. She paused, looking over at Gary for a moment, and<br />

said, “You want me to keep reading? Is this helpful?”<br />

Gary’s brow furrowed. What he was hearing was surreal. “Yes!” he blurted out. “Keep reading!<br />

Keep reading!”

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