Sycamore Row - John Grisham

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“I just got home and you’re ready for me to leave.”<br />

“I didn’t mean it that way, Simeon. Just curious, that’s all.”<br />

He wasn’t about to answer the question so he took another sip. They were rarely<br />

alone together, and when they were they couldn’t remember how to talk. A car passed<br />

slowly on the county road and they watched it as though fascinated. Finally, she said,<br />

“I’m probably gonna lose my job tomorrow. I told you Mr. Hubbard killed himself, and<br />

his family don’t want me around past tomorrow.”<br />

Simeon had mixed feelings about this. It made him feel superior because once again<br />

he would be the principal breadwinner, the head of the house. He despised the way<br />

Lettie took on airs when she was earning more than he was. He resented her bitching<br />

and chirping when he was out of work. Even though she was only a housekeeper, she<br />

could get arrogant when acting like a white man trusted her so thoroughly. But, the<br />

family needed the money, and losing her wages would inevitably lead to trouble.<br />

He struggled to say “I’m sorry.”<br />

There was another long, silent gap. They could hear voices and noise from inside the<br />

house. “Any word from Marvis?” he asked.<br />

She dropped her head and said, “No, it’s been two weeks and no letter.”<br />

“Did you write him?”<br />

“I write him every week, Simeon, you know that. When’s the last time you wrote<br />

him?”<br />

Simeon seethed but held his fire. He was proud of himself for coming home sober, and<br />

he wouldn’t ruin it with a fight. Marvis Lang, age twenty-eight, two years in the pen<br />

with at least ten to go. Drug trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon.<br />

A car approached and slowed, then slowed some more as if the driver wasn’t sure. It<br />

moved a few feet, then turned in to their driveway. There was enough sunlight left to<br />

reveal it to be an odd make, definitely foreign, and red in color. The engine was turned<br />

off and a young white man got out, alone. He was wearing a white shirt with a loosened<br />

tie. He carried nothing, and after walking a few feet seemed uncertain of where he was.<br />

“Over here,” Simeon called out, and the young man stiffened as if scared. He had not<br />

seen them under the tree. He proceeded cautiously across the small front yard. “Looking<br />

for Ms. Lettie Lang,” he said loud enough for them to hear.<br />

“I’m over here,” she said as he came into view. He walked to within ten feet and said,<br />

“Hello, my name is Jake Brigance. I’m a lawyer in Clanton and I need to speak to Lettie<br />

Lang.”<br />

“You were at the funeral today,” she said.<br />

“I was, yes.”<br />

Simeon reluctantly climbed to his feet and the three exchanged awkward handshakes.<br />

Simeon offered him a beer, then returned to his seat. Jake declined the beer, though he<br />

would have enjoyed one. He was, after all, there on business.<br />

Lettie said, without being edgy, “I’m sure you’re not just passin’ through our little<br />

corner of the world.”<br />

“No, no I’m not.”<br />

“Brigance,” Simeon said, sipping. “Didn’t you represent Carl Lee Hailey?”

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