Sycamore Row - John Grisham

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airport lounges, all of which he noticed. When the guards parked him he thanked them,<br />

then got up and staggered to the nearest bar and ordered a beer. He was cutting back,<br />

being responsible. He slept from Atlanta to Memphis, landing there at 7:10 a.m. They<br />

dragged him off the plane, called security, and security called the police.<br />

Portia took the call at the office. Jake was upstairs frantically reviewing witness<br />

statements when she buzzed through with “Jake, it’s a collect call from Lucien.”<br />

“Where is he?”<br />

“Don’t know but he sounds awful.”<br />

“Take the call and put him through.”<br />

Seconds later, Jake picked up the receiver and said, “Lucien, where are you?”<br />

With great effort, he was able to convey the message that he was in the Memphis City<br />

Jail and needed Jake to come get him. He was thick-tongued, erratic, obviously bombed.<br />

Sadly, Jake had heard it all before. He was suddenly angry and unsympathetic.<br />

“They won’t let me talk,” Lucien mumbled, barely intelligible. Then he seemed to be<br />

growling at someone in the background. Jake could visualize it perfectly. He said,<br />

“Lucien, we’re leaving in five minutes for the courtroom. I’m sorry.” But he wasn’t sorry<br />

at all. Let him rot in jail.<br />

“I gotta get there, Jake, it’s important,” he said, his words slurred so badly that he<br />

repeated himself three times.<br />

“What’s important?”<br />

“I got deposition. Ancil’s. Ancil Hubbard. Deposition. It’s important Jake.”<br />

Jake and Portia hurried across the street and entered the courthouse through the rear<br />

doors. Ozzie was in the hallway on the first floor talking to a janitor. “Got a minute?”<br />

Jake asked with a look that was dead serious. Ten minutes later, Ozzie and Marshall<br />

Prather left town in a sprint to Memphis.<br />

“Missed you yesterday,” Judge Atlee said when Jake entered his chambers. The<br />

lawyers were gathering for the morning’s pregame briefing.<br />

“Sorry Judge, but I got tied up with trial details,” Jake replied.<br />

“I’m sure you did. Gentlemen, any preliminary matters this morning?”<br />

The lawyers for the contestants smiled grimly and shook their heads. No. Jake said,<br />

“Well, yes, Your Honor, there is one matter. We have located Ancil Hubbard in Juneau,<br />

Alaska. He is alive and well and unable to rush down here for the trial. He is an<br />

interested party to these proceedings and should be included. Therefore, I move for a<br />

mistrial and suggest we start over when Ancil can be here.”<br />

“Motion denied,” Judge Atlee said without hesitation. “He would be of no assistance<br />

in determining the validity of this will. How did you find him?”<br />

“It’s quite a long story, Your Honor.”<br />

“Save it for later. Anything else?”<br />

“Not from me.”<br />

“Are your next witnesses ready, Mr. Lanier?”

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