Sycamore Row - John Grisham

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as a witness until two weeks ago, in clear violation of the rules. Second, what Seth did<br />

five years ago has nothing to do with his testamentary capacity last October. And,<br />

obviously, there is not one shred of proof that he was intimate with Lettie Lang. I don’t<br />

care how many women, black or white, he was screwing five years ago.”<br />

Lanier said, “We think it’s probative.”<br />

Jake said, “Bullshit, everything’s probative.”<br />

“Your language, Jake,” Judge Atlee warned.<br />

“Sorry.”<br />

Judge Atlee held up a hand and all was quiet. He lit a pipe, exhaled mightily, paced to<br />

the window and back, then said, “I like your point, Wade. Both women were his<br />

employees. I’ll allow the testimony.”<br />

Jake said, “Who needs a rule book?”<br />

“See me after court today, Jake,” Judge Atlee said sternly, then blew some more<br />

smoke. He laid down his pipe and said, “Let’s carry on.”<br />

The lawyers reassembled in the courtroom. Portia leaned forward and whispered to<br />

Jake, “What happened?”<br />

“The judge has lost his mind, that’s all.”<br />

Julina told her story to a breathless crowd. Her sudden promotion, the new passport,<br />

the trip to Mexico City with the boss, the luxury hotel with adjoining rooms, then the sex<br />

and the guilt. Back home, he fired her immediately and had her escorted out of the<br />

building. She sued, and Seth quickly settled out of court.<br />

The testimony was not relevant to the will contest. It was scandalous and certainly<br />

memorable, but as Jake listened to it he became convinced Judge Atlee had blundered<br />

badly. The trial was lost, but the appeal was looking stronger by the hour. Jake would<br />

have a grand time exposing Wade Lanier’s trickery to the Supreme Court of Mississippi.<br />

He would take great satisfaction in finally getting Reuben V. Atlee reversed.<br />

Jake admitted to himself that it was a lost cause if he was already thinking about the<br />

appeal. He quizzed Julina Kidd for a few minutes, just long enough to extract the<br />

admission that she was being paid to testify. She would not say how much—Lanier had<br />

obviously talked to her in time.<br />

“So you swapped sex for money, and now it’s testimony for money, right, Ms. Kidd?”<br />

he asked. It was a harsh question, and as soon as he uttered it he wished he could take it<br />

back. She was only telling the truth.<br />

She shrugged but didn’t respond, perhaps the classiest answer of the day.<br />

At 5:30, Judge Atlee adjourned until Thursday morning. Jake stayed in the courtroom<br />

until long after everyone had left. He chatted quietly with Portia and Lettie, and tried in<br />

vain to assure them things were not as bad as they really were. It was a hopeless<br />

exercise.<br />

He finally left as Mr. Pate was turning off the lights.<br />

He did not stop by Judge Atlee’s office, as directed. Instead he went home. He needed<br />

some quiet time with the two people he loved the most, the two who would always think<br />

of him as the greatest lawyer in the world.

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