Sycamore Row - John Grisham

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witness that won’t take long.”<br />

If Jake had an inkling of what was coming, he would have stalled some more with<br />

Ian, burned some clock, and dodged another ambush, at least until the next day. As it<br />

turned out, however, the jury left for the night with an even lower opinion of Seth<br />

Hubbard and his proclivities.<br />

Lanier said, “We call Julina Kidd.”<br />

Jake immediately recognized the name as one of the forty-five Lanier had dumped on<br />

his desk two weeks earlier. Jake had tried twice to phone her, but got nowhere. She was<br />

fetched from a witness room and led to the stand by a bailiff. Per Wade Lanier’s rather<br />

clear and firm instructions, she wore a cheap, blue dress that was similar to what Lettie<br />

had on. Nothing tight, nothing sexy, nothing to show off a figure that usually<br />

commanded a second look. No jewelry, nothing fancy. She tried her best to look plain,<br />

though that would have been impossible.<br />

The message was subtle: if Seth would chase this attractive black woman, then he<br />

would also chase Lettie.<br />

She took the stand and smiled nervously at the jury. Lanier walked her through some<br />

preliminaries, then got right to the point. He handed her some paperwork and asked,<br />

“Can you please identify this?”<br />

She took a quick look and said, “Yes, this is a claim for sexual harassment I filed<br />

against Seth Hubbard about five years ago.”<br />

Jake was on his feet, practically yelling, “Objection, Your Honor. Unless counsel can<br />

explain to us why this is relevant, it should not be admitted.” Lanier was standing too,<br />

ready to rumble. “Oh, it’s very relevant, Your Honor,” he said loudly.<br />

Judge Atlee raised both hands and said, “Silence.” He glanced at his watch, looked at<br />

the jurors, paused for a second, and said, “Let’s keep everyone right here and take a<br />

five-minute break. Counsel, meet me in chambers.” They hurriedly marched back into<br />

his chambers. Jake was bitter enough to throw a punch and Lanier seemed willing to<br />

mix it up. When Lester Chilcott closed the door, Judge Atlee said, “What’s her<br />

testimony?”<br />

Lanier said, “She worked for one of Seth Hubbard’s companies in south Georgia. They<br />

met there, he came on strong, forced her to have sex, then fired her when she decided<br />

she didn’t want any more. They reached an out-of-court settlement on the harassment<br />

suit.”<br />

“And this was five years ago?” Jake asked.<br />

“It was.”<br />

“How is it relevant to our issues today?” Judge Atlee asked.<br />

“Oh, it’s very relevant, Your Honor,” Lanier said casually and with the benefit of<br />

months of preparation. Jake was thoroughly blindsided and almost too angry to think.<br />

Lanier continued, “It goes to the issue of undue influence. Ms. Kidd was an employee, as<br />

was Ms. Lang. Seth had a propensity to seduce women who worked for him, regardless<br />

of color. This weakness led him to make decisions that were not financially sound.”<br />

“Jake?”<br />

“Bullshit. First, Judge, she should not be allowed to testify because she was not listed

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