Sycamore Row - John Grisham

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Memphis, a big city, and my mother pays her housekeeper four and a half an hour.”<br />

Lettie just nodded because she had no response. She could have added that Mr. Seth<br />

paid her in cash, and often added a little extra, and had loaned her $5,000 when her son<br />

got in trouble and went to prison. That loan had been forgiven only four days earlier.<br />

There was nothing in writing.<br />

Herschel sipped his coffee in disapproval. Lettie stared at the floor. Out in the<br />

driveway, two car doors slammed.<br />

Ramona Hubbard Dafoe was crying before she cleared the front door. She embraced<br />

her older brother on the porch, and he, to his credit, managed to seem sufficiently<br />

moved: eyes tightly closed, lips pooched, forehead furrowed. A man in real misery.<br />

Ramona wailed in what seemed to be authentic pain, though Herschel had his doubts.<br />

Ramona moved on and was soon hugging Lettie, as if the two were the natural-born<br />

children of the same kind and loving father. Herschel, meanwhile, was still on the porch<br />

and greeting Ramona’s husband, a man he loathed and the loathing was mutual. Ian<br />

Dafoe was a preppy from a family of bankers down in Jackson, the capital, the largest<br />

city, home to at least half the assholes in Mississippi. The banks were long gone (bellyup)<br />

but Ian would forever cling to the airs of a privileged boy, even though he had<br />

married lower, and even though he was now hustling to make a buck like everyone else.<br />

As they shook hands politely, Herschel glanced over his shoulder to check out their<br />

vehicle. No surprise. A shiny, seemingly new white Mercedes sedan, the latest in a line<br />

of same. Thanks to Ramona’s drinking and loose tongue, Herschel knew that dear Ian<br />

leased his cars for thirty-six months and turned them in early. The payments caused a<br />

bind on their finances, but that didn’t matter. It was far more important for Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Dafoe to be seen around north Jackson in a proper vehicle.<br />

They eventually gathered in the den and found seats. Lettie served them coffee and<br />

colas, then dutifully slipped into the shadows, into the open door of a bedroom just<br />

down the hall, a spot she often occupied when she listened to Mr. Seth on the phone in<br />

the den. From there, she could hear everything. Ramona cried some more and went on<br />

about how unbelievable everything was. The men just listened, agreeing, occasionally<br />

uttering a syllable or two. They were soon interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.<br />

Two ladies from the church arrived with a cake and a casserole, and they were not to be<br />

denied. Lettie hustled around and took the food to the kitchen, and the ladies, without<br />

the benefit of an invitation, plopped down in the den and commenced trolling for<br />

gossip. They had seen their brother Seth just yesterday at church, and he had looked so<br />

good. They knew about the lung cancer and all, but, heavens, he seemed to have<br />

conquered it.<br />

Herschel and the Dafoes offered nothing. Lettie listened from the shadows.<br />

The church ladies were about to burst with all manner of inquiries: “How’d he do it?”<br />

and “Did he leave a note?” and “Who gets the money?” and “Any chance of foul play?”<br />

But, it was painfully clear such nosiness would not be well received. After twenty

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