Sycamore Row - John Grisham

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this?’ However, it is not your responsibility to ask that question. Seth did what he did for<br />

reasons known only to him. Again, he made the money—it all belonged to him. He<br />

could have given every penny to the Red Cross, or to some slick televangelist, or to the<br />

Communist Party. That’s his business, not yours, not mine, not this court’s.<br />

“Instead of leaving his money to his family, Seth left 5 percent to his church, 5 percent<br />

to a long-lost brother, and the remaining 90 percent was given to a woman by the name<br />

of Lettie Lang. Ms. Lang is sitting right here between me and Mr. Lundy. She worked for<br />

Seth Hubbard for three years as his housekeeper, his cook, and sometimes his nurse.<br />

Again, the obvious question is, Why? Why did Seth cut out his family and leave almost<br />

everything to a woman he’d known for such a short period of time? Believe me, ladies<br />

and gentlemen, that is the greatest question I’ve ever confronted as a lawyer. That<br />

question has been asked by me, by the other lawyers, by the Hubbard family, by Lettie<br />

Lang herself, by friends and neighbors, and by virtually everyone in this county who’s<br />

heard the story. Why?<br />

“The truth is that we’ll never know. Only Seth knew and he’s no longer with us. The<br />

truth, folks, is that it’s none of our business. We—the lawyers, the judge, you the jurors<br />

—are not supposed to concern ourselves with why Seth did what he did. Your job, as I’ve<br />

said, is to decide only one important issue, and that is simply this: At the time Seth<br />

wrote his last will, was he thinking clearly and did he know what he was doing?<br />

“He was, and he did. The evidence will be clear and convincing.”<br />

Jake paused and picked up a glass of water. He took a quick sip, and as he did so he<br />

scanned the crowded courtroom. On the second row, Harry Rex stared at him. He<br />

nodded quickly. You’re doing fine so far. You have their attention. Wrap it up.<br />

Jake returned to the podium, glanced at his notes, and continued: “Now, with this<br />

much money on the line, we can expect things to get somewhat tense over the next few<br />

days. The family of Seth Hubbard is contesting the handwritten will, and they are not to<br />

be faulted for this. They sincerely believe the money should have been given to them,<br />

and they’ve hired a bunch of good lawyers to attack the handwritten will. They claim<br />

that Seth lacked testamentary capacity. They claim his judgment was clouded. They<br />

claim he was unduly influenced by Lettie Lang. The term ‘undue influence’ is a legal<br />

term and will be crucial in this case. They will attempt to convince you that Lettie Lang<br />

used her position as a caregiver to become intimate with Seth Hubbard. Intimacy can<br />

mean many things. She cared for Seth, at times bathed him, changed his clothes, cleaned<br />

up behind him, did all the things that caregivers are supposed to do in those delicate and<br />

awful situations. Seth was a dying old man, hit with a debilitating and deadly cancer<br />

that left him weak and feeble.”<br />

Jake turned and looked at Wade Lanier and the gang of lawyers at the other table.<br />

“They will imply a lot, ladies and gentlemen, but they can prove nothing. There were no<br />

physical relations between Seth Hubbard and Lettie Lang. Only hints, and suggestions,<br />

and implications, but no proof because it never happened.”<br />

Jake tossed his legal pad on his table and wrapped it up. “This will be a short trial<br />

with a lot of witnesses. As in every trial, the issues at times might become confusing.<br />

This is often done on purpose by the lawyers, but don’t be led astray. Remember, ladies

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