Sycamore Row - John Grisham

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What do you think?”<br />

“I’m sure the church will take it,” Jake said.<br />

“It kinda leaves us high and dry, Your Honor,” said Zack Zeitler, the attorney for<br />

Herschel’s children.<br />

“Same here,” said Joe Bradley Hunt, the attorney for Ramona’s kids.<br />

“Of course,” Judge Atlee said. “But it’s safe to assume the children will get no small<br />

benefit from such a settlement. Their parents get a windfall; surely it will trickle down.<br />

Perhaps, you could stipulate that a portion be held in trust for the kids. Just an idea.”<br />

“Perhaps,” Zeitler said, cutting his eyes around at the other attorneys as if his throat<br />

was in danger.<br />

“Interesting,” Wade Lanier mumbled. “I think my folks would consider it.”<br />

“Same here,” said Stillman Rush.<br />

His Honor chewed on his battered pipe stem and looked at Jake, who at the moment<br />

was stewing because of the ambush. He had not been forewarned of this impromptu<br />

settlement conference, and he certainly had no clue that his old pal was planning to<br />

throw some numbers on the table. Judge Atlee said, “Jake?”<br />

Jake said, “You all have copies of the letter Seth Hubbard wrote to me when he<br />

mailed along his last will and testament. His instructions to me are rather explicit. His<br />

wishes and desires regarding his two adult children could not be clearer. I suggest you<br />

all read the letter again, and the will. I represent the estate, and I have my marching<br />

orders. My job is to uphold Mr. Hubbard’s will and see to it that his children get nothing.<br />

I have no choice. I will not be a part of any compromise or settlement.”<br />

“Should you discuss this with your client?” Stillman said.<br />

“My client is the estate, which is represented by Mr. Quince Lundy, the<br />

administrator.”<br />

“I’m talking about Lettie Lang.”<br />

“And I don’t represent Lettie Lang. We have the same interests—the validation of the<br />

handwritten will—but I’m not her lawyer. I’ve made that clear to everyone, especially<br />

to her. As an interested party she has the right to hire a lawyer, which she tried once but<br />

he wound up in jail.”<br />

“I kinda miss ol’ Booker,” Wade Lanier said, and again got a few laughs.<br />

Jake pressed on. “My point is that I’m not her lawyer.”<br />

Stillman said, “Sure, Jake, technically, but right now you have more influence with<br />

her than anyone else. Hell, her daughter is your paralegal, or secretary, or whatever.”<br />

“I have quite a staff.”<br />

Wade Lanier said, “You can’t tell us, Jake, that if you went to Lettie and told her she<br />

could walk away with over three million bucks in two months, hell, two weeks, she<br />

wouldn’t grab the deal and run.”<br />

“I don’t know what she would do. She’s a proud woman who feels scorned by the<br />

community. She wants her day in court.”<br />

“Three million bucks might ease some of the scorn,” Lanier said.<br />

“Perhaps, but I will not be a part of a compromise. If the court wishes, I will resign as<br />

the attorney for the estate, but as long as I’m here I’m not authorized to settle.”

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