Sycamore Row - John Grisham

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already lookin’ bad, at least in the eyes of the rest of the county. This all comes down to<br />

a trial by jury, and ya’ll are pissin’ everybody off.”<br />

Simeon’s first thought was to tell him to butt out, but his brain was numb and his jaw<br />

was aching. He didn’t want to argue. Instead, he thought how cool it was, riding<br />

shotgun in the big car and being escorted home.<br />

“You hear me?” Ozzie asked. In other words, say something.<br />

“What would you do?” Simeon asked.<br />

“Get rid of those lawyers. Jake Brigance will win the case for you.”<br />

“He’s a kid.”<br />

“Go ask Carl Lee Hailey.”<br />

Simeon couldn’t think quick enough for a response, not that there was one. For blacks<br />

in Ford County, the Hailey verdict meant everything.<br />

Ozzie pressed on. “You ask what I would do. I’d clean up my act and stay out of<br />

trouble. What you mean drinkin’ and whorin’ and losin’ money at cards on a Saturday<br />

mornin’, or any other day for that matter? Your wife’s gettin’ all this attention. White<br />

folk already suspicious, and you’re lookin’ at a jury trial down the road. Last thing you<br />

need is your name in the paper for drunk drivin’ or fightin’ or whatever. What’re you<br />

thinkin’?”<br />

Drinking, whoring, and gambling, but Simeon fumed without speaking. He was fortysix<br />

years old and unaccustomed to being reprimanded by a man who was not his boss.<br />

“Clean your act up, okay?” Ozzie said.<br />

“What about the drunk drivin’ charge?”<br />

“I’ll put it off six months, see how you behave. One more screwup and I’ll have you in<br />

court. Tank’ll call the minute you walk through his door. Understand?”<br />

“I got it.”<br />

“There’s somethin’ else. That truck you been drivin’, from Memphis to Houston and El<br />

Paso, who owns it?”<br />

“Company in Memphis.”<br />

“This company got a name?”<br />

“My boss got a name, I don’t know who his boss is.”<br />

“I doubt that. What’s in the truck?”<br />

Simeon went quiet and gazed through the side window. After a heavy pause he said,<br />

“It’s a storage company. We haul a lot of stuff.”<br />

“Any of it stolen?”<br />

“Of course not.”<br />

“Then why is the FBI askin’ questions?”<br />

“I ain’t seen no FBI.”<br />

“Not yet, but they called me two days ago. They had your name. Look, Simeon, you<br />

get your ass busted by the Feds, and you and Lettie can forget about a jury trial in this<br />

county. Can’t you see this, man? Front-page news. Hell, everybody in town is talkin’<br />

’bout Lettie and Mr. Hubbard’s will anyway. You screw up, and you get no sympathy<br />

from any jury. I’m not even sure the black folk’ll stick with you. You gotta think, man.”<br />

The Feds, Simeon almost said, but he held his tongue and continued looking through

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