RGV LIfe Magazine issue#3

Charro Days Spectacular... This issue features articles on health, business, fitness and of course Charro Days in Brownsville, Texas. Check it Out!! Charro Days Spectacular... This issue features articles on health, business, fitness and of course Charro Days in Brownsville, Texas. Check it Out!!

from rgvlifemagazine More from this publisher

Inside this issue:<br />

14<br />

Raymond Orta:<br />

“Prende La Vela”<br />

02<br />


Content List<br />

05<br />

Diabetes in the <strong>RGV</strong><br />

The Silent Killer<br />

09<br />

11<br />

14<br />

16<br />

18<br />

25<br />

29<br />

The Hooest Restaurants<br />

We hit up some of the hooest places<br />

to eat in the Brownsville Area<br />

Charro Days Special<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer<br />

adipiscing elit.<br />

Raymond Orta<br />

Exclusive <strong>RGV</strong> Comedian going wild<br />

Prende la Vela Tour<br />

The Camille Playhouse<br />

Incredible shows being performed.<br />

Have you aaended one yet?<br />

Zika.. Are you Aware?<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer<br />

adipiscing elit.<br />

Have you driven a VW<br />

Volkswagen makes a comeback with<br />

the Atlas.. Check it out.<br />

Jalapeño 100<br />

Another great cycling event by<br />

Bicycle World <strong>RGV</strong><br />

follow us 03

Meet our Staff<br />

Roger Davila/ CEO/ Editor<br />

I along with my business partner and co-founder, Alan Novelo, had a vision of what we<br />

wanted to be our main focus when we began this magazine. We wanted to showcase<br />

what truly transpires in the <strong>RGV</strong>. We are more than just more Corruppon, Immigraaon,<br />

Drug Cartels and Obesity. The people that make up the <strong>RGV</strong> are hard working individuals<br />

that are deep rooted in family, culture and love.<br />

email: rdavila@rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

Alan Novelo/CFO/HR Director<br />

With a strong work ethic and aaennon to detail, Alan Novelo, handles the day to day<br />

operaaons of coordinaang events, training and maintaining our staff. Have a quesson<br />

about our hiring process, he is the one to contact. Need to book an event? Get a hold<br />

of Alan. Co- Founder of <strong>RGV</strong> Life <strong>Magazine</strong> with the same vision and determinaaon<br />

to recognize the happenings of the <strong>RGV</strong>.<br />

email: anovelo@rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

Erica Casas/ Marketing Director<br />

Have a quesson about our ads? Would you like to adverrse in <strong>RGV</strong> Life <strong>Magazine</strong>?<br />

Then Erica is the one to speak to. She will carefully structure your Markeeng Plan to<br />

maximize your growth. If you would like to schedule an event, call Erica. Her professional<br />

work ethic combined with her markeeng experrse will help your business grown<br />

email: ecasas@rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

David Salinas/ Contributing Editor<br />

David originally came on board as our Markeeng Director but due to his aaennon to<br />

detail and perserverance he has become our Contribuung Editor. If you have an idea<br />

for a story or know of an interessng event, do not hesitate in contaccng David. He will<br />

coordinate with the rest of our staff to insure that the event gets covered in a professional<br />

manner.<br />

email: dsalinas@rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

04<br />


The <strong>RGV</strong>’s Silent Killer<br />

Diabetes<br />

One of the Rio Grande Valley’s biggest health issue is The Silent Killer known as Diabetes. With the<br />

love of flour torrllas, taquitos and the rest of the food in the <strong>RGV</strong> it makes it difficult to maintain a<br />

healthy lifestyle.<br />

ccording to the Naaonal Insstute of Diabetes<br />

and Digessve and Kidney Diseases<br />

(NIDDK), diabetes affects 25.8 million<br />

AAmericans.<br />

Diabetes is a chronic (long term) condiion marked<br />

by abnormally high levels of sugar (glucose) in the<br />

blood. People with diabetes either do not produce<br />

enough insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert<br />

sugar, starches, and other food into energy needed<br />

for daily life, or cannot use the insulin that their<br />

bodies produce. As a result, glucose builds up in the<br />

bloodstream. If lee untreated, diabetes can lead to<br />

blindness, kidney disease, nerve disease, heart disease,<br />

and stroke.<br />

There are 2 major types of diabetes:<br />

Type 1. Also known as juvenile or insulin dependent<br />

diabetes, type 1 diabetes occurs when the cells of<br />

the pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin<br />

are destroyed by the immune system. As a result,<br />

the pancreas permanently loses its ability to produce<br />

enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels appropriately.<br />

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in childcured.<br />

Type 2. This form of the disease makes up 90% or<br />

more of all cases of diabetes. It usually develops in<br />

adulthood. It occurs when the pancreas cannot<br />

make enough insulin to keep blood glucose levels<br />

normal and is made worse by poor food choices, a<br />

sedentary lifestyle, and being overweight. Thus the<br />

biggest problem in the <strong>RGV</strong>.<br />

<strong>RGV</strong> Life <strong>Magazine</strong> 05

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet<br />

nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo,<br />

rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenaas vitae,<br />

justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis<br />

preeum.<br />

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet<br />

nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo,<br />

rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenaas vitae,<br />

justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis<br />

preeum.<br />

06<br />

follow us on social media

27th Annual Bicycle World’s<br />

Jalapeño 100<br />

The 27th Annual Jalapeño 100 Bicycle<br />

Ride sponsored by Bicycle World <strong>RGV</strong> was<br />

as usual a huge success. Hundreds of cyclists<br />

signed up for this annual ride. It was<br />

an amazing day for a ride. The riders truly<br />

enjoyed this event and so did we. Looking<br />

forward to next years ride.<br />

www.rgvlifemagazine.com 07

08<br />

rgvlifemagazine: follow us<br />

Crisis Within Our<br />

Borders<br />

s newly elected President Trump takes office the<br />

contraversy surrounding the building of the Border<br />

Wall begins to intensify. What should we do with<br />

Athe Border between Mexico and United States.<br />

The argument remains that President Trump believes that most<br />

immigrants are pedophiles, rapists and murderers. That cannot<br />

be further from the truth. Being from the <strong>RGV</strong> myself I associate<br />

each and everyday with people that have come from Mexico. I have known many different types of people in my life and have<br />

come to the conclusion that there are bad people in all races. Case in point, a few days ago a United States Ciizen walked up to<br />

a man in his 70’s and shot him point blank for no reason at all except that he had an argument with his girlfriend. Should he be deported?<br />

What about the Caucasion, naturally born ciizen, that killed members of a church only because they were of the wrong<br />

color?<br />

Should HE be deported? Violence , hate and pure hatred does not<br />

have a color, a religion or a face, it is simply that.. PURE HATRED. President Trump believes that the best soluuon is to completely<br />

close the Border and not allow anyone in. How can that solve the problem? “They take our jobs” “ They are Criminals” As stated<br />

before, jobs are everywhere, what one chooses to do is what separates what someone wants to do from what someone WILL do<br />

in order to feed their families. As the Immigraaon Reform protests seem to grow more and more, we are faced with the decision<br />

as to what we should do to fix this situaaon. Everyone believes that the people that come to the United States Illegally will always<br />

be just that.. illegal. Many have become doctors, aaorneys, architects as well as teachers and other professionals. They want the<br />

chance that everyone else has to succeed. They have the passion and the drive that forces them to work the odd jobs, the many<br />

menial labor jobs someemes in downright degrading posiions in order to reach their goals and be able to support their families.<br />

What are we willing to do in order to succeed. Many Americans are simply lazy.. We have become a society dependent on Smartphones,<br />

computers, tablets as well as video games , GPS and backup cameras. Have we become that lazy that we are threatened<br />

by hard working individuals that want the same opportuniies that everyone else is afforded? Are we scared of what they will<br />

FORCE Americans to do? WORK!! Immigraaon Reform is happening naaonwide. Are you going to be a part of the movement?<br />

By: Roger Davila

The Hooest Restaurants<br />

Where Do We Eat?<br />

P<br />

eople in the <strong>RGV</strong> take their dining<br />

very seriously. Let’s face it, we love<br />

to eat. We will begin our series of<br />

Where do we Eat?<br />

<strong>RGV</strong> Life <strong>Magazine</strong> will be hiing up the finer<br />

places to dine in every city in the <strong>RGV</strong>. We will<br />

begin in Brownsville, South Padre, Los Fresnos<br />

and Port Isabel. We will be looking for<br />

that one special place or even that hole in<br />

the wall that you love to eat at. We will soon<br />

begin our campaign on Social Media and will<br />

be needing your help <strong>RGV</strong>. We will be asking<br />

for your input. Where do you like to eat?<br />

Who has the best food around? What about<br />

the best drinks? Where would you take your<br />

love to enjoy a nice dinner? We will be giving<br />

you our input as well. Log into our website<br />

and click on the link. We will keep you posted.<br />

www.rgvlifemagazine.com 09

Charro Days Spectacular<br />

10<br />


To advertise contact us at: info@rgvlifemagazine.com 11

6th Annual Sombrero Fest<br />

Kayak Races<br />

12<br />

<strong>RGV</strong> life magazine

Praise on the Hill<br />

This years Praise on the HIll was simply amazing.<br />

Check out the pics from this incrdible and upliiing<br />

event.<br />

An incredilbe performance by all of these anointed<br />

arrsts that chose to Praise God instead of going the<br />

secular route. Amazing night in Harlingen, Texas<br />

<strong>Magazine</strong> Template 13

aymond Orta... Comedian of the <strong>RGV</strong> has<br />

grown in popularity over the last couple of<br />

years. The Facebook sensaaon has made<br />

Rhis mark lately with his Prende La Vela<br />

Tour in which most of his rouune is based in part to a<br />

strong Hispanic Tradiion and Heritage. Raymond is an<br />

up and coming Comedian that has become famous in regards<br />

to his anncs regarding America’s Team, The Dallas<br />

Cowboys and their quest for Six. Quarterback Tony<br />

Romo has become a staple in his show with a makeshii<br />

candle or “Vela” as referred to by Hispanics all over the<br />

country. “Prende La Vela” as his recent tour is called is<br />

the brunt of his jokes on stage. He supports his football<br />

team ooen possng videos on social media depiccng the<br />

inconsistencies of the most infamous football team in<br />

the NFL. Raymond travels all over the country with this<br />

latest show and has dates booked for the rest of the<br />

year. A Rio Grande Valley naave, Raymond has always<br />

stayed true to his roots and his upbringing ooen depicting<br />

jokes about how Hispanics live, love and laugh.<br />

OOen, Raymond has been compared to George Lopez<br />

or Carlos Mencia that have also used Hispanic upbringings<br />

as their inspiraaon for their shows, but Raymond is<br />

a true professional and will sell out a show in a heartbeat.<br />

With his show on Tour and an expanse of his merchandise<br />

on sale on his website, Raymond has become<br />

a huge success. He even has been linked to having his<br />

own show someeme in the future. We wish Raymond<br />

all the success in the world. Another <strong>RGV</strong> product that<br />

is making a difference.<br />

“Prende La Vela”<br />

Raymond Orta<br />

14<br />

RGv <strong>LIfe</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> spotlight

Having played music for more than 15 years you’d<br />

think I could easily answer the quesson, “What is a<br />

guitar?” It’s not so simple.<br />

The guitar does not have lineal ancestry. Rather, it<br />

comes from a variety of chordophones, or stringed instruments,<br />

possibly tracing its earliest roots to the<br />

Babylonian empire and its name to the kithara, an ancient<br />

Greek instrument of the lyre family. The most<br />

influennal of these chordophones was brought to<br />

Spain by the Moors in the 8th century, later to<br />

become the Spanish vihuela and viola in the 15th<br />

century, and eventually the modern Spanish guitar.<br />

Fast forwarding to the 21st century, the most versa-<br />

-le of instruments has connnued to evolve and<br />

given birth to infinite variaaons in materials, sizes,<br />

number of strings and so on. The most common<br />

types of guitar are the Spanish, the steel-string, and<br />

the electric guitar-amplifier combo.<br />

It is my favorite instrument to play and one I’ve had<br />

a lifelong relaaonship with: as an infant by listening<br />

and observing others playing; as a child by essennally<br />

playing with it as a toy. By the me I turned 12 I<br />

was forming bands with friends, and at 14 joined my<br />

parents as a professional musician on stage.<br />

Even as I sit here wriing this, I pause for a moment<br />

to clear my head and organize my ideas while I pick<br />

up the guitar that is siing by me always. It has<br />

shaped who I am as a person, it is my job and my<br />

hobby, my passme and my responsibility. When I’m<br />

happy I’m compelled to play it, and when low I play it<br />

to get high. I play it when I’m alone or in front of hundreds<br />

of people. It’s my way to interact with the<br />

world.<br />

“I’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar.” If I had<br />

a dime for every me I’ve heard someone say that. My<br />

advice: Get a guitar, learn it, get to know it, make a few<br />

bucks with it. Build a guitar. Buy one, three strings,<br />

twenty, whatever. Plassc, metal, electric, acoussc —<br />

the sky’s the limit! That’s a guitar.<br />

-Adrian Foncerrada<br />

If you would like to place an<br />

ad in <strong>RGV</strong> Life <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

shoot us an email :<br />

info:rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

www.rgvlifemagazine.com 15

Camille Playhouse<br />

Chris Ikner: New Arrssc Director<br />

By David Salinas<br />

In the fall of 1963, a small group of Speech and Drama teachers, along with interested community theater buffs,<br />

joined together and formed a theatre company called The Brownsville Players. Their first season, consissng of two<br />

produccons: “Thieves’ Carnival” and “Green Grow the Lilacs” was a success. They did their best with what they had<br />

and performed in an abandoned cooon sampling warehouse which provided no ameniies for the audience or<br />

actors.<br />

The Brownsville Players’ hard work, devooon and creaave efforts was recognized by the SAMS Foundaaon and in<br />

the summer of 1964, this theater group was awarded a grant for the construccon of an actual theatre space. The<br />

City of Brownsville donated the land locaaon in Dean Porter Park and on January 31, 1965, the Camille Lightner<br />

Playhouse was born. This theater was dedicated and named in tribute for Earl Croder Sams’ (founder of SAMS<br />

Foundaaon) daughter...Camille Sams Lightner.<br />

In the 52 seasons since that crude beginning, the Camille Playhouse has connnued to grow both in audience and<br />

in reputaaon for arrssc achievement. This community theater features a year of wonderful mainstage plays and<br />

musicals. A Youth theater produccon is scheduled every spring and the Summer Workshop for Kids has become increasingly<br />

popular.<br />

It’s important to note that since the theater’s iniial endowment, The Camille Lightner Playhouse has become en-<br />

-rely self-supported and the vision of the original founders…connnues.<br />

The Camille Playhouse has started their 53rd Season. Along with an impressive, ecleccc line-up of produccons,<br />

this season also brings a fresh face and new creaave leadership with the introduccon of Camille’s new Arrssc Execuuve<br />

Director Christopher Ikner.<br />

With rehearsals for Wit (1st show of the 53rd Season) underway, Chris graciously took the me to sit and chat<br />

with <strong>RGV</strong>Life <strong>Magazine</strong>. I had the pleasure of meeeng and interviewing Chris. I was impressed with his background,<br />

his insight on Community Theater, and excited to hear the new changes awaiing the Camille.<br />

Franchise Business<br />

If you would like to read the rest of this arrcle ,please<br />

log into our website at www.rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

Chris is doing amazing things at the Camille. Check<br />

out one of their shows.<br />

16<br />

follow us on facebook

A Liile Bit of Mexico<br />

We had a great me at this event. Incarnate Word<br />

Academy put on an incredible performance for this<br />

special me of the year here in Brownsville. Check<br />

out the pics. The costumes were amazing. The people<br />

that aaended were in awe at the performers. Such a<br />

great site to see people enjoying our culture.<br />

www.rgvlifemagazine.com 17


OF ZIKA<br />

Prevent Zika by avoiding mosquito bites.<br />

Mosquitoes that spread Zika virus bite<br />

during the day and night. Mosquitoes<br />

that spread Zika virus also spread dengue<br />

and chikungunya viruses.<br />

Other Methods of Prevennon:<br />

Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants<br />

Treat items, such as boots, pants, socks,<br />

and tents, with permethrin* or buy permethrin-treated<br />

clothing and gear.<br />

Permethrin-treated clothing will protect<br />

you aaer mullple washings. See product<br />

informaaon to find out how long the proteccon<br />

will last.<br />

If treaang items yourself, follow the product<br />

instruccons.<br />

Do not use permethrin products directly<br />

on skin.<br />

Control Those<br />

Mosquitoes<br />

Use screens on windows and doors. Repair<br />

holes in screens to keep mosquitoes outside.<br />

Use air condiioning when available.<br />

Sleep under a mosquito bed net if air condi-<br />

-oned or screened rooms are not available<br />

or if sleeping outdoors.<br />

Once a week, empty and scrub, turn over,<br />

cover, or throw out items that hold water,<br />

such as res, buckets, planters, toys, pools,<br />

birdbaths, flowerpots, or trash containers.<br />

Check inside and outside your home. Mosquitoes<br />

lay<br />

eggs near water. Change water in wading<br />

pools and bird baths several mes a week.<br />

Maintain backyard pools or hot tubs.<br />

Cover trash containers.<br />

Water lawns and gardens carefully so water<br />

does not stand for several days.<br />

Zika: Are you<br />

Prepared<br />

T<br />

he risk for birth defects posed by Zika virus infeccon are related<br />

to neuro abnormaliies and/or microcephaly. Recent<br />

updated research shows that exposure to Zika during the<br />

first trimester are highest.<br />

With spring here and the summer approaching, the mosquito populaaon<br />

has become an increase threat, women of childbearing age should be<br />

aware of the threat posed by Zika virus. While the focus has been targeted<br />

to women, men are also at risk for transmiing the virus. Studies are<br />

underway to find out how long Zika stays in the semen and vaginal fluids<br />

of people who have Zika, and how long it can be passed to sex partners.<br />

Current research shows that Zika can remain in semen longer than in<br />

other body fluids, including vaginal fluids, urine, and blood.<br />

On December 14, 2016, CDC issued guidance related to Zika for people<br />

living in or traveling to Brownsville, Cameron County, TX. On November<br />

28, the Texas Department of State Health Services reported the state’s<br />

first case of local mosquito-borne Zika virus infeccon in Brownsville.<br />

Since then addiional cases of mosquito-borne Zika have been idennfied<br />

in the area, suggessng that there is a risk of connnued spread of Zika<br />

virus in Brownsville. As a result, CDC has designated Brownsville as a<br />

Zika cauuonary area in yellow areas is unknown, there is ssll a risk to<br />

pregnant women. Brownsville, TX, is currently designated as a yellow<br />

area. Protect yourself. If you need more informaaon keyword ZIKA.<br />

18<br />


2017 Ocelot Run<br />

Every year the Ocelot Run becomes more and more poplular. Runners come<br />

from all over the <strong>RGV</strong> in order to run in this Historic Event.<br />

Run Crew LLC has its annual running event<br />

at the Gladys Porter Zoo. Runners come<br />

from miles around in order to run for this<br />

2crazy but entertaining race.<br />

The Ocelot Run features a 5K and 1 Mile division that<br />

runs Gladys Porter Zoo and kicks off the Ocelot Conservaaon<br />

Fessval organized by the Friends of Laguna<br />

Atascosa. The Ocelot Run has become among the Valley's<br />

most popular yearly running events and sold out in<br />

13 hours in 2016! This year proved to be no different.<br />

The run Sold Out in historic fashion. Sheralee Six, everyone’s<br />

favorite running coach loves showcasing the<br />

ocelots and also bringing people into the zoo to enhance<br />

the natural beauty of the zoo and its residents.<br />

rgvlifemagazine.com 19

5 Tips Every Business Needs to Know<br />

With companies like Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly helping people create their<br />

own e-commerce stores, taking a business online has never been so easy. And yet,<br />

it’s ssll a challenge to run an online business successfully.<br />

1. Have a point of view and unique product offering<br />

The more difficult industries for Amazon and others<br />

to compete in are those with high degrees of differen-<br />

-aaon and low degrees of uniformity. “Your offering<br />

must stand out and have a point of view,” says Vidisheva.<br />

“If what you’re selling is not special, your business<br />

will never get off the ground,<br />

2. Logisscs are key<br />

Consumer expectaaons today are heavily influenced by companies<br />

such as Apple, Amazon, and Uber. Consumers want products<br />

and experiences that are intuiive, operate smoothly, and<br />

arrive virtually on-demand. Once customers take the leap and<br />

buy from your store, restaurant or even a dry cleaner, it’s important<br />

you don’t lose their trust with a bad delivery experience.<br />

3.Embrace the omnichannel<br />

Your brand is your brand, wherever customers experience<br />

it. “Cullvaang a brand idennty is criical for a small<br />

business” Technology is what will allow small business<br />

owners to operate on a global scale.<br />

4. Always be on their minds<br />

There are more ways than ever to be in touch with your<br />

customers. Social media is an essennal communicaaon<br />

tool for a company to engage with customers on a regular<br />

basis, and so is email. For brick-and-mortar stores, an<br />

online presence is also a way to cross-promote<br />

5. See what else is out there – and use it<br />

As a result of technology, services that were once only<br />

available to mullnaaonal companies with millions of dollars<br />

in revenue are now only an app away for small businesses.”<br />

Small businesses shouldn’t shy away from using<br />

these types of services to grow their digital footprint.<br />

20<br />


Rancho Viejo Red Dress Event<br />

Authennc<br />

Mexican Food<br />

•Tacos<br />

•Ensaladas<br />

•Antojitos<br />

•Carnes<br />

3065 Paredes<br />

Line Rd<br />

Brownsville,<br />

TX 78526<br />

(956) 561-4799<br />

Look for us at a location near you 21

The Taste of<br />

La Frontera<br />

22<br />


contact us at: info@rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

Sombrero Fessval<br />

Gala 2017<br />


Baile Del Sol<br />

aile Del Sol is a me honored tradiion<br />

here in the City of Brownsville. As the<br />

dancers dress up and get ready for what is<br />

Bcalled the Dance of the Sun.<br />

The parrcipants came out in hoards as the day was<br />

perfect for this event. Check out some of the pics of<br />

this event. Want to see more? Go to our Facebook<br />

page and check out the Album.. Baile Del Sol...<br />

check out our website.. www.rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

If you would like to<br />

advertise in <strong>RGV</strong> life magazine<br />

shoot us an email<br />

24<br />


Choosing a seven-seat SUV<br />

is about to get more complicated<br />

with the 2018 Volkswagen Atlas.<br />

If you’re looking for a midsize crossover or SUV, first you<br />

have to decide what size you are looking for. There are different-sized<br />

three-row crossovers. Some have room for six<br />

or seven adults, and many are made with room for kids but<br />

only in the way back.<br />

So how does the new Volkswagen Atlas size up?<br />

The new Atlas is one where adults fit in the third row of<br />

seats, puung it on the larger side for the midsize class.<br />

Think Honda Pilot or 2017 GMC Acadia to gauge the size<br />

of the Atlas.<br />

The interior is nicely laid out, with leather interior on the<br />

top-of-the-line SEL premium trim level. With this, you get<br />

heated and vennlated front seats that seem comfortable in<br />

the few short trips I took during the press launch of this vehicle.<br />

That said, the second-row seat booom seems a bit hard,<br />

while the third row had room for someone 5 feet 8 inches<br />

tall without much of an issue at all. There is some cargo<br />

space behind the third row, and both rows fold flat, offering<br />

even more space. The controls seem well laid out and<br />

easy to use, with knobs for the radio and climate controls.<br />

The styling of the Atlas looks more like a tough SUV than a<br />

crossover, with a more-muscular stance than most in this<br />

class. The wheel arches are flared, and there is a large grill<br />

with a lot of chrome trim up front. Large wheels on this<br />

close-to-$49,000 SUV help add to the look and say, “This<br />

is no minivan.”<br />

The rear doors are large, too, making it easier to get in or<br />

out of the third row, compared with some of the compee-<br />

-on. The sides and rear have some chrome accents to help<br />

break up its large size a bit.<br />

As the newest seven-seat midsize crossover about to hit<br />

the market, the 2018 Volkswagen Atlas looks like a solid<br />

compeetor at first glance. With rugged looks, a starrng<br />

price under $35,000 and a six-year/72,000 mile warranty,<br />

the all-new Atlas has VW on track again.<br />

If you are interested in test driving the new<br />

Volkswagen Atlas head on over to Payne<br />

Volkswagen in Brownsville, Texas. The Atlas is<br />

going to change the SUV Market.<br />

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Obesity in the <strong>RGV</strong><br />

Inaccvity is the New Normal<br />

Lack of exercise is also a major culprit in the obesity<br />

epidemic. It’s been decades since most Americans<br />

worked in fields and on factory floors, a far greater<br />

majority of us are siing throughout our workday.<br />

This means less exercise each day. According to one<br />

study, only 20% of today’s jobs require at least moderate<br />

physical accvity, as opposed to 50% of jobs in<br />

1960. Other research suggests Americans burn 120<br />

to 140 fewer calories a day than they did 50 years<br />

ago. Add this to the higher amount of calories we are<br />

packing in, and we get a perfect recipe for weight<br />

gain.<br />

But inaccve goes well beyond the workplace. It is<br />

also how we get to work and what we do aaer. Americans<br />

walk less than people in any other industrialized<br />

country, preferring to sit in cars to get around.<br />

And at the end of the day, 80% of Americans don’t<br />

get enough exercise, according to the CDC.<br />

A number of other factors are thought to play a role<br />

in the obesity epidemic, such as the in utero effects<br />

of smoking and excessive weight gain in pregnant<br />

mothers. Poor sleep, stress, and lower rates of breastfeeding<br />

are also thought to contribute to a child’s<br />

long term obesity risk. Of course, these factors are<br />

not explicit or solitary causes of obesity, but they are<br />

reliable indicators of the kinds of systemic healthcare<br />

failures contribuung to this crisis.<br />

Healthy Living<br />

M<br />

ore than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are<br />

considered to be overweight or obese. More than<br />

one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to<br />

be obese. More than 1 in 20 (6.3 percent) have extreme<br />

obesity. Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are<br />

considered to be overweight or obese.<br />

Why is the obesity rate higher in the <strong>RGV</strong>?<br />

To understand the true size of the American obesity<br />

epidemic, we first need to understand what it really<br />

means to be overweight. Generally, doctors and nutriionists<br />

classify people as either underweight,<br />

healthy weight, overweight, or obese.<br />

In the end, though, we can’t lose sight of the big picture.<br />

Over the past years, diet fads have come and<br />

gone, with people rushing to blame red meat, dairy,<br />

wheat, fat, sugar, etc. for making them fat, but in reality,<br />

the problem is much simpler. Geneecs and age<br />

do strongly influence metabolism, but as the CDC<br />

points out, weight gain and loss is primarily a formula<br />

of total calories consumed versus total calories used.<br />

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to advertise in RGv Life <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

please contact us at<br />

Info@rgvlifemagazine.com<br />

956-293-1353<br />

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Rio Grande Valley<br />

Rapid Growth<br />

With countless businesses popping up all over the <strong>RGV</strong>, it is very easy to see why the <strong>RGV</strong><br />

is the fastest growing porron of the Great State of Texas. Check out this piece wriien by<br />

David Girault<br />

s of January 1, 2012, the U.S. Census<br />

Bureau essmated the populaaon of the<br />

ARio Grande Valley at 1,305,782.<br />

According to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2008, 86 percent<br />

of Cameron County, 90 percent of Hidalgo County,<br />

97 percent of Starr County, and 86 percent of Willacy<br />

County are Hispanic. From having about 325,000<br />

people in 1969, to today a populaaon over 1,300,000 in<br />

2014. Some of the biggest ciies in the region are;<br />

Brownsville, McAllen, Mission, Edinburg, Pharr, Weslaco,<br />

Harlingen, Rio Grande City, and Hidalgo.The Rio<br />

Grande Valley is not a true valley, but a floodplain, containing<br />

many oxbow lakes or resacas formed from<br />

pinched-off meanders in earlier courses of the Rio<br />

Grande.[1] Early 20th-century land developers, aaempting<br />

to capitalize on unclaimed land, uulized the name<br />

"Magic Valley" to aaract seelers and appeal to<br />

investors.<br />

The greatest opportunity in the state of Texas, and in<br />

the naaon, is in the Rio Grande Valley. AAer all, that’s<br />

why I concentrated my studies on internaaonal commercial<br />

law in law school, and why my bride and I returned<br />

home (for me) over 20 years ago. It is for that reason I<br />

read with great interest the recent arrcle by noted economist<br />

Dr. Ray Perryman (read the full arrcle here) discussing<br />

his firm’s prognosis of the Texas economy over<br />

the next generaaon. The Perryman Group predicts that<br />

one-sixth of all new employment in Texas will come outside<br />

what has become known as the “Golden Triangle”,<br />

or “The Big 5”–Houston, Aussn/San Antonio and Dallas/Ft.<br />

Worth for those of you unfamiliar with these<br />

terms. Most significantly, the Rio Grande Valley, and<br />

specifically the McAllen-Edinburg-Mission segment of<br />

the region, will lead this growth, with an average 1.75%<br />

annual wage and salary growth over the next 25<br />

years–equal to that of Dallas, and second only to Aus-<br />

-n/Round Rock (projected at 2.02%). Brownsville-Harlingen-San<br />

Benito will follow closely with 1.58%<br />

growth, as will Laredo at 1.56%.<br />

“The area’s business es with Mexico,” notes Perryman,<br />

“and the future growth in manufacturing expected on<br />

both sides of the border are primary reasons for my posi-<br />

-ve outlook.” From what I see, I definitely agree with<br />

him. That is not to say, however, that our region does<br />

not face some significant headwinds. In my perview,<br />

populaaon growth, access to educaaon, and access to financial<br />

capital are the three greatest.<br />

The Rio Grande Valley is also called El Valle, the<br />

Spanish translaaon of "the valley", by those who<br />

live there.[2] The residents of the Rio Grande<br />

Valley occasionally refer to the area as "El Mágico<br />

Valle del Río Grande" ("The Magical Valley of the<br />

Rio Grande"), and also simply by the iniials R.G.V.<br />

32<br />

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hooked for life: kids gone fishin’ 2017<br />

A wonderful event in which kids are given<br />

rods and reels and go fishin’ at the resaca.<br />

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Charro Days Kids Contest<br />

34<br />

charro days kids contest

Social Media Markeeng<br />

The Best Way to Go<br />

Leveraging the power of content and social media markeeng can help elevate your audience and<br />

customer base in a dramaac way. But geeng started without any previous experience or insight<br />

could be challenging.<br />

t's vital that you understand social media<br />

markeeng fundamentals. From maximizing<br />

quality to increasing your online entry<br />

Ipoints, abiding by these 10 laws will help<br />

will help build a foundaaon that will serve your customers,<br />

your brand and -- perhaps most importantly -- your<br />

booom line.<br />

The Law of Listening<br />

Success with social media and content markeeng requires<br />

more listening and less talking. Read your target<br />

audience’s online content and join discussions to learn<br />

what’s important to them. Only then can you create content<br />

and spark conversaaons that add value rather than<br />

cluuer to their lives.<br />

The Law of Focus<br />

It’s beeer to specialize than to be a jack-of-all-trades. A<br />

highly-focused social media and content markeeng<br />

strategy intended to build a strong brand has a beeer<br />

chance for success than a broad strategy that aaempts<br />

to be all things to all people.<br />

The Law of Quality<br />

Quality trumps quannty. It’s beeer to have 1,000 online<br />

conneccons who read, share and talk about your content<br />

with their own audiences than 10,000 conneccons<br />

who disappear aaer conneccng with you the first me.<br />

The Law of Paaence<br />

Social media and content markeeng success doesn’t<br />

happen overnight. While it’s possible to catch lightning<br />

in a boole, it’s far more likely that you’ll need to commit<br />

to the long haul to achieve results.<br />

The Law of Compounding<br />

If you publish amazing, quality content and work to<br />

build your online audience of quality followers, they’ll<br />

share it with their own audiences on Twiier, Facebook,<br />

LinkedIn, their own blogs and more.<br />

The Law of Influence<br />

Spend me finding the online influencers in your market<br />

who have quality audiences and are likely to be interested<br />

in your products, services and business. Connect<br />

with those people and work to build relaaonships with<br />

them.<br />

The Law of Value<br />

If you spend all your me on the social Web directly promoong<br />

your products and services, people will stop listening.<br />

You must add value to the conversaaon. Focus<br />

less on conversions and more on creaang amazing content<br />

and developing relaaonships with online influencers.<br />

In me, those people will become a powerful catalyst<br />

for word-of-mouth markeeng for your business.<br />

The Law of Reciprocity<br />

You can’t expect others to share your content and talk<br />

about you if you don’t do the same for them. So, a por-<br />

-on of the me you spend on social media should be focused<br />

on sharing and talking about content published<br />

by others.<br />

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Selfie Awards<br />

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2017<br />

Valley Regional Pink Party<br />

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Viva Streets 2017<br />

Viva Streets Harlingen was a huge success once again. All types of vendors and patrons took<br />

to the streets of Harlingen, Texas for yet another great me.<br />

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“sugar” Vela

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