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Bibliography of the Plecoptera<br />

R<br />

RA, C.H., S. BAIK, & Y. CHO (1991a): A new species of Pteronarcys (Pteronarcyidae, Plecoptera, Insecta)<br />

from Korea. Korean J. Syst. Zool., 7:117-126.<br />

RA, C.H., S. BAIK, & Y. CHO (1991b): Observation of the adults and eggs of two species of the family Perlidae<br />

(Plecoptera) new to Korea. Korean J. Syst. Zool., 7:101-110.<br />

RA, C.H., J.S. KIM, Y.W. KANG, & S.A. HAM (1994): Taxonomic study on three families (Peltoperlidae,<br />

Perlodidae, Perlidae) of stoneflies (Plecoptera). Korean Journal of Syst. Zool., 10 (1):1-15. (Korean).<br />

RABENI, C.F. & C.W. MINSHALL (1977): Factors affecting microdistribution of stream benthic insects. Oikos<br />

(Copenhagen), 29:33-43.<br />

RABENI, C.F., N. WANG, & R.J. SARVER (1999): Evaluating adequacy of the representative stream reach<br />

used in invertebrate monitoring programs. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc., 18:284-291.<br />

RADER, R.B. (1997): A functional classification of the drift: traits that influence invertebrate availability to<br />

salmonids. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 54:1211-1234.<br />

RADER, R.B. & T.A. BELISH (1999): Influence of mild to severe flow alterations on invertebrates in three<br />

mountain streams. Reg. Riv. Res. Manag., 15:353-363.<br />

RADER, R.B. & J.V. McARTHUR (1995): The relative importance of refugia in determining the drift and<br />

habitat selection of predaceous stoneflies in a sandy-bottomed stream. Oecologia (Berlin), 103:1-9.<br />

RADER, R.B. & J.V. WARD (1988): Influence of regulation on environmental conditions and the<br />

macroinvertebrate community in the upper Colorado River. Regulat. Rivers, 2:597-618.<br />

RADFORD, D.S. & R. HARTLAND-ROWE (1971a): Subsurface and surface sampling of benthic invrtebrates<br />

in two streams. Limnol. Oceanogr. (Lawrence, Kansas), 16 (1):114-120.<br />

RADFORD, D.S. & R. HARTLAND-ROWE (1971b): The life-cycles of some stream insects (Ephemeroptera,<br />

Plecoptera) in Alberta. Can. Ent. (Ottawa), 103 (4):609-617.<br />

RADFORD, D.S. & R. HARTLAND-ROWE (197lc): Emergence patterns of some Plecoptera in two mountain<br />

streams in Alberta. Can. J. Zool. (Ottawa), 49 (5):657-662.<br />

RÄHLE, W. (1970): Untersuchungen an Kopf und Prothorax von Embia ramburi Rimsky-Korsakow 1906<br />

(Embioptera, Embiidae). Zool. Jb., Abt. Anat. Ontogen. Tiere (Jena), 87:248-330.<br />

RAIT, W.L. (1937a): A study of the Eusthenia spectabilis Westw. Trans. R. Soc. S. Austr., Adelaide, 61:63-79.<br />

RAIT, W.L. (1937b): Further remarks on terminology, relative to the growth of the forewing sheath in the larvae<br />

of Eusthenia spectabilis Westw. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust., Adelaide, 61:158.<br />

RAMBUR, J.P. (1842): Tribu des Perlides. In: Histoire naturelle des insectes. Névroptères:449-462. Roret<br />

(Paris).<br />


ABADA (1997): A rapid method for estimating biomass size spectra of benthic metazoan communities. -<br />

Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 54 (8):1716-1724.<br />

RAMUSINO, M.C. (1967): see MARCHETTI, R., G.C. MELONE, & M.C. RAMUSINO<br />

RAMUSINO, M.C., B. ROSSARO, & E. BIELLI (1983): Research on the Grua River (Italy): influence of<br />

chromium on aquatic insect populations. Vie et Milieu, 33:55-62.<br />

RANDERS, H.V. (1915): Leuctra og Capnia nymferne. Flora og Fauna, Silkeborg, 1915:105.<br />

RAPP, O. (1943): Die Natur der mitteldtsch. Landschaft Thüringen: Beiträge zur Fauna Thüringens. 7. Odonata,<br />

Plecoptera, Orthoptera (1). Schr. Mus. Naturk. Stadt Erfurt, 1943:1-32.<br />

RASMUSSEN, K. (1979): The Invertebrate fauna of a helocrenous spring area in Eastern Jutland. Flora Fauna<br />

(Aarhus), 85:71-81. (Danish, English summary).<br />

RASMUSSEN, K. & C. LINDEGAARD (1988): Effects of iron compounds on macroinvertebrate communities<br />

in a Danish lowland river system. Water Res., 22 (9):1101-1108.<br />

RASMUSSEN, A.K., M.L. PESCADOR, & B.A. RICHARD (2003): A survey of the Plecoptera of Florida.<br />

pp.:391-402. In: GAINO, E. (ed.), Research update on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera; Unviversity of<br />

Perugia.<br />

RASNITSYN, A.P. (2003): On the skimming hypothesis of the origin of insect flight Acta Zoologica<br />

Cracoviensia, 46:85-88.

RAUCCI, A. (1949): see LA GRECA, M. & A. RAUCCI<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1955): Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Leuctra Steph. in Schlesien. Spisy prír. fak. Masarykovy univ.,<br />

Brno, 372:1-54.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1956a): [Zur Kenntnis der Plecopterenfauna der mittleren Moravice.] Acta Soc. zool. bohemoslov.<br />

(Prague), 20:110-142.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1956b): Zur Kenntnis der tschechoslowakischen Protonemura-Larven. Práce, Acta Acad. Sci. Csl.,<br />

Brno, 28:449-496. (German, Czech summ.).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1956c): K poznání rodu Leuctra Stephens ve Slezsku [Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Leuctra Steph. in<br />

Schlesien]. Spǐsy vydav. pří. fak. Masarykovy univ., Brno, 372:1-54. (Russian and German summ.).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1956d): Plecoptera. pp.:390-398. In: HANUŠKA, L. L., Kratochvil, I., Sládeček, V., Štĕpánek, M.,<br />

Zelinka, M. & Zmoray, I., 1956. (Biological methods of investigation and evaluation of the waters) (In<br />

Slovakian). Vyd. SAV, Bratislava, 632 pp.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1958): Plecoptera. In: Klic zvireny CSR, II [Key to the fauna of Czechoslovakia]. - šeskoslov.<br />

Akademile Všd, Praha, 2: 169-181.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1957a): [Zur Kenntnis der Steinfliegenfauna (Plecoptera) der Donau.] Zool. Listy, Brno, 20:257-<br />

282. (Russian and German summaries).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1957b): Zur Kenntnis der herbstlichen Protonemura-Arten (Plecoptera). Čas. čsl. Spol. ent.<br />

(Praha), 54:369-378.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1959): Řád Pošvatky - Plecoptera. In: Klíč zvířeny ČSR, Dil 3., NČSAV Praha, :169-181.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1962a): Plecoptera bulgarica I. Acta Faun. ent. Mus. nat. Pragae, 8:67-82. (German, Czech<br />

summ.).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1962b): [Contribution à la zoogéographie Limnique du Danube.] Geogr. Čas., Bratislava, 12:262-<br />

283. (Russian and French summ.).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1962c): [Zur Zoogeographie der nordmährischen Protonemura-Arten und Leuctra-Arten<br />

(Plecoptera).] Prírodov. Čas. Slezsky, 23:175-192. (German summ.)<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1962d): Zur Verbreitungsgeschichte einer Insektendauergruppe (Plecoptera) in Europa. Prace brn.<br />

Zakl. čsl. Akad. Véd, Brno, 34 (8):281-383. (German).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1963a): Contribution à la connaissance des larves de genre Amphinemura de la Tchécoslovaquie<br />

(Plecoptera). Čas. čsl. Spol. ent. (Praha), 60:32-54.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1963b): Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 11.<br />

Beitrag. Plecoptera. Beitr. Ent. (Berlin), 13:797-814.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1964): Verbreitungsgeschiehte der tschechoslowakischen Plecopterenassoziationen. Gew. Abwäss.<br />

(Düsseldorf), 34/35:115-129.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1965a): Plécoptères nouveaux de la Tchécoslovaquie. Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. (Lausanne),<br />

37:157-163. (French).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1965b): Zur Frage der Entwicklung der plecopterologischen Gesellschaften Schlesiens. Publ.<br />

Slezského muz. Opava, (Ref. ent. Symposia 22-24. září 1964) 14:188-216.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1965c): Plecoptera bulgarica - II. Acta faun. ent. Mus. nat. Pragae, 10 (92):125-138. (German,<br />

Czech summ.).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1965d): Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 44.<br />

Beitrag Plecoptera (Nachtrag zum 11. Beitrag). Beitr. Ent. (Berlin), 15 (5/6):759-760. (German, English,<br />

Russian summ.).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1966): Bulgaroperla mirabilis gen. nov., sp. n.: eine neue Steinfliegen-gattung von der<br />

Balkanhalbinsel. Beitr. Ent. (Berlin), 10 (1/2):151-159. (German, English, Russian summ.).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1968): 67. Plecoptera. Results of zoological investigations by Dr. Z. KASZAB in Mongolia<br />

[Plecoptera. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei]. Ent. Abh.<br />

Mus. Tierk. (Dresden), 34 (5):329-398. (English, German and Russian summ.).<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1969): Plecoptera - Pošvatky. Pp.:69-73. In: SKUHRAVÝ, V. et al.: Metody chovu hmyzu<br />

[Collecting and rearing methods of insects]. Českoslov. Akademia Ved, Prague.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1971). A contribution to the question of the distribution and evolution of plecopterological<br />

communities in Europe. Acta faun. ent. Mus. nat. Pragae, 14 (158):33-63.<br />

RAUŠER, J. (1980): Řád Pošvatky - Plecoptera, pp.:86-132. In: Rozkošny, R. (ed.) Klíč vodních larev hmyzu.<br />

Česk. Akad. Ved. (Prague) 1980, 521 pp. (Czechoslovakian).<br />

RAVEN, P.H. & D.L AXELROD (1972): Plate tectonics and Australasian paleobiogeography. Science (London)

176:1379-1386.<br />

RAVEN, P.H. & D.L AXELROD (1974): Angiosperm biogeography and past continental movements. Ann.<br />

Missouri Bot. Garden (St. Louis), 61:539-673.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1974a): Su alcuni reperti di Insetti Plecotteri attivi come immagine nella stagione invernale<br />

(Plecoptera). Atti Accad. Sci. (Torino), 108 (1973-1974):211-217. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1974b): Ricerche ecologico-faunistiche sui Plecotteri della Val Staffora (Appennino Lombardo).<br />

Boll. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Verona, 1:195-248. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1975a): Note faunistiche e tassonomiche sui Plecotteri primaverili della Sardegna. [Faunistic and<br />

taxonomic notes on vernal Plecoptera in Sardinia]. Boll. Soc. Sarda. Sci. Nat. (Sassari), 15:3-13. (Italian,<br />

English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1975b): Faunistica, ecologia e fenologia immaginale dei Plecotteri reofili nella Val Brembana<br />

(Lombardia). Con descrizione di una specie nuova (Plecoptera). Redia (Firenze), 56:271-373. (Italian,<br />

English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1976a): Una nuova specie di Nemouridae dell'Appennino settentrionale (Plecoptera). [A new<br />

species of Nemouridae of the Northern Apennines] Fragm. Ent. (Roma), 12 (5):127-132. (Italian, English<br />

summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1976b): Ricerche ecologico-faunistiche sui Plecotteri del torrente Erro (Appennino Ligure). Boll.<br />

mus. civ. St. nat. Verona, 3:331-361. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1977): Note su Protonemura elisabethae Rav., con descrizione della ninfa (Plecoptera). [Notes<br />

on Protonemura elisabethae Rav., with description of the full-grown nymph (Plecoptera, Nernouridae)].<br />

Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital. (Genova), 109:75-77. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1978): Una specie nuova di Plecottero dei monti del Biellese: Leuctra brevipennis n. sp.<br />

(Plecoptera Leuctridae). [Leuctra brevipennies new species of stonefly from the Blellese Mountains,<br />

Italy]. Redia (Firenze), 61:251-257. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1980): Le Leuctra italiane del gruppo "boreoni-schmldi" (Plecoptera: Leuctridae). Boll. Soc.<br />

Entomol. Ital. (Genova), 112 (7-9):140-146. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1981): (book rewiew) Consiglio C. 1980: Plecotteri (Plecoptera). Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital.<br />

(Genova), 113 (4-7):116. (Italian).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1985): Una specie nuova di Leuctridae della regione italica: Leuctra elisabethae n. sp. [A new<br />

species of Leuctridae of the Italian Region: Leuctra elisabethae sp.n.] (Plecoptera). Atti Soc. Ital. Sci.<br />

Nat. (Milano), 126 (1-2):63-69. (Italian, English abstract).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1988): Leuctra apennínicola, a new species of stonefly (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) from the<br />

Apennines (ltaly). Aquatic Insects (Lisse), 10:69-72.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (1998): Plecoptera Capniidae of the Italian Region. Insecta. Atti Soc. it. Sci. nat. Mus. civ. Stor.<br />

nat. Milano, 139 (1):73-95.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (2002a): Atlas of the Italian Leuctridae (Insecta, Plecoptera) with an appendix including Central<br />

European species. Lauterbornia, 45:1-42.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (2002b): Leuctra marani Rauser, new for the Greek stonefly-fauna (Insecta, Plecoptera). Atti Soc.<br />

it. Sci. nat. Museu civ. Stor. nat. Milano, 143:191-193.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. (2005): Leuctra gardinii, an apterous new species of Leuctridae (Plecoptera) from the western<br />

Italian Alps. Aquatic Insects, 27 (2):95-97.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & R. FOCHETTI, (1998): Taeniopterygidae of the Italian region. (Plecoptera). Mem. Soc.<br />

Entomol. Ital., 77:123-159. [published July, 1999].<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & R. GERECKE (1991): A review of the distribution of Plecoptera on Sicily. Mem. Soc. Ent.<br />

Ital. (Genova), 70:9-31.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & P. NICOLAI (1983): I Plecotteri minacciati di estinzione nella regione italica [The endangered<br />

species of stoneflies in the Italian Region] (Plecoptera). Boll. Soc. Entomol. ital. (Genova), 115 (4-7):70-<br />

78. (Italian, English Summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1976a): Dictyogenus ventralis (Pict.), nuovo per I'Italia,<br />

nell'Appennino settentrionale (Plecoptera; Perlodidae). [Dictyogenus ventralis (Pict.), new for Italy, in the<br />

Northern Apennines]. Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat. (Milano), 117 (3-4):109-116. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1976b): La plecotterofauna dell'alta valle del Tanaro (Alpi<br />

Liguri) (Plecoptera). [High Tanaro Valley (Ligurian Alps) stonefly fauna]. Mem. Soc. Entomol. Ital.<br />

(Genova), 55:183-215. (Italian English summary).

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1977): The full-grown nymph of Protonemura ausonia (Cons.)<br />

and P. robusta Berth. Att. Soc. ital. Sci. nat. Museo. Civ. Stor. nat. (Milano), 118:353-359.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1978): Mountain brooklet stonefly fauna of northern Apennines<br />

(Plecoptera). Atti. Soc. Ital. Sci. nat. Museo. civ. Stor. nat. (Milano), 119:229-242.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1979a): Un nuovo Plecottero delle Alpi Pennine: Nemoura<br />

pesarinii n. sp. (Plecoptera Nemouridae). [A new stonefly from the Pennine Alps: Nemoura pesarinii].<br />

Atti. Soc. Ital. Sci. Natur. Museo. civ. Stor. nat. (Mllano), 120 (1-2):3-10. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1979b): I Plecotteri del corso medio-inferiore del torrente Nure<br />

(Appennino Piacentino) (Plecoptera). [The stonefly fauna of the middle-low course of the Nure stream<br />

(Emilian Apennines)]. Natura (Milano), 70 (3):193-217. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1980a): Su un raro endemismo delle Alpi Pennine; Leuctra festai<br />

Aubert (Plecoptera: Leuctridae). [On a rare endemism from the Pennine Alps: Leuctra festai Aubert].<br />

Natura (Milano), 71 (1-283-91. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1980b): Nemoura oropensis n. sp., endemica dei Monti del<br />

Biellese (Alpi Pennine) (Plecoptera). [Nemoura oropensis n. sp., endemic to the Biellese mountains].<br />

Natura (Milano), 71 (1-2):92-100. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1981): Protonemura algovia Mendl, nuova per l'Italia, nelle Alpi<br />

Retiche (Plecoptera Nemouridae). [Protonemura algovia Mendl, new for Italy, in the Rhaetian Alps]. Atti<br />

Soc. Ital. Sci. natur. Museo civ. Stor. natur. (Milano), 122:151-156. (Italian, English Summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1982): Descrizione della ninfa e geonemia di Leuctra brevipennis<br />

Ravizza (Plecoptera). [Description of the mature nymph and geonemy of Leuctra brevipennis Ravizza].<br />

Atti Soc. ital. Sci. natur. Museo civ. Stor. natur. (Milano), 123 (2-3):349-352. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1983): Sull'ininterrotta presenza di Plecotteri adulti in un ruscello<br />

dell'Appennino Ligure occidentale. Analisi della plecotterocenosi e dei periodi di volo [On the<br />

uninterrupted presence of adult stoneflies in a North-western Apennine brook. Stonefly-community and<br />

flight periods analysis.] Redia (Firenze), 66:615-634. (Italian, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1984): Leuctra vesulensis, New species from the Western Italian<br />

Alps (Plecoptera: Leuctridae). Aquatic Insects (Lisse), 6 (1):41-44.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1985): Une nouvelle espèce de Leuctridae des Alpes Pennines:<br />

Leuctra auberti n. sp. [A new species of Leuctridae of the Pennine Alps: Leuctra auberti sp.n.]<br />

(Plecoptera). Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. (Lausanne), 58:405-408. (French, English abstract).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1986): Les Plécoptères du Grana (Alpes Cottiennes<br />

méridionales) (Plecoptera). [Grana stream stoneflies (Southern Cottian Alps)]. Boll. Mus. reg. Sci. Natur.<br />

(Torino), 4 (2):311-339. (French, Italian abstract, English summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1990): The stonefly fauna of the Oropa valley (Pennine Alps)<br />

(Plecoptera). Boll. Mus. Regionale Sci. Nat. Torino, 8 (1):321-342.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1991): Altitudinal, seasonal and coenotic distribution patterns of<br />

stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the Oropa Valley (Pennine Alps). Mem. Ist. ital. Idrobiol. (Pallanza), 49:29-50.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1992): Leuctra canavensis, a short winged new species of<br />

stonefly (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) from the Graian Alps (Italy). Aquatic Insects (Lisse), 14:93-96.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1993a): Leuctra vinconi new species of Plecoptera from the<br />

Pennine Alps (Italy). Aquatic Insects (Lisse), 15 (1):41-44.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1993b): Zoogeographical aspects of the Plecoptera population of<br />

the Biellese Mountains, (Pennine Alps, Italy). Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital. (Genova), 125 (1):6-22.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1994a): Leuctra vinconi aubertorum, a new subspecies of<br />

Leuctra from the Ticino canton, Switzerland (Plecoptera Leuctridae). Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges.<br />

(Lausanne), 67 (1-2):37-41.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1994b): Note sur les Plécoptères rhéophiles de quelques biotopes<br />

lotiques de haute altitude du versant interne des Alpes centrales et occidentales. Boll. Zool. agr. Bachic.<br />

Ser. II, 26 (2):183-199. (French, English and Italian summaries).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & E. RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS (1995): Nemoura rivorum, a new species of stonefly from the<br />

northern Apennines (Plecoptera, Nemouridae). Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. (Lausanne), 68:153-158.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & G. VINÇON (1989): Leuctra marinettae n. sp., Plécoptère nouveau des Alpes Françaises<br />

(Plecoptera Leuctridae). Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital. (Genova), 121 (1):19-23. (French, English and Italian<br />


RAVIZZA, C. & G. VINÇON (1991a): Leuctra queyrassiana sp. n., a strongly orophilic stonefly (Plecoptera:<br />

Leuctridae) from the French Alps. Aquatc Insects, 13 (4):251-255.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & G. VINÇON (1991b): Une nouvelle espèce de Plécoptère des Préalpes françaises: Leuctra<br />

zwicki n.sp. (Plecoptera, Leuctridae). Nouv. Revue Entomol. (N.S.), 8 (1):61-65. (French, English<br />

summary).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & G. VINÇON (1999): Les Leuctridés (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) des Alpes. Mitt. schweiz.<br />

entomol. Ges., 71 (3-4) (1998):285-342.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & G. VINÇON, (2003): Leuctra queirassiana orsiera, a new subspecies of Leuctra from the<br />

Cottian Alps, Italy (Plecoptera Leuctridae). Bull. Soc. entomol. ital., 135 (1):19-23.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & G. VINÇON (2007): The position of Leuctra gardinii within the genus Leuctra (Plecoptera<br />

Leuctridae). Bollettino della Societá Entomologica Italiana, 139 (1):3-6.<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & P. ZWICK (1981): Un dimenticato opuscolo ottocentesco della letteratura entomologica<br />

italiana. [A forgotten opuscule of the Italian entomological literature of the Nineteenth Century]. Natura<br />

(Milano), 7:119-124. (Italian, English abstract).<br />

RAVIZZA, C. & P. ZWICK (2006): First records of Mermithidae (Nematoda) parasitic in Plecoptera. Bollettino<br />

della Società entomologica italiana, 138 (2):89-95.<br />

RAVIZZA DEMATTEIS, E. (1981): Note sulla fenologia e geonemia di Leuctra caprai Festa, con descrizione<br />

della ninfa (Plecoptera: Leuctridae). Atti. Soc. Ital. Sci. Natur. Museo. Civ. Stor. Natur. (Milano), 121 (4)<br />

(1980):316-320. (Italian, English summary).<br />

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