BIS 311 DeVry Week 7 I Lab

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<strong>BIS</strong> <strong>311</strong> <strong>DeVry</strong> <strong>Week</strong> 7 I <strong>Lab</strong><br />

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Question Description<br />

<strong>BIS</strong> <strong>311</strong> <strong>DeVry</strong> <strong>Week</strong> 7 i<strong>Lab</strong><br />

<strong>BIS</strong><strong>311</strong><br />

<strong>BIS</strong> <strong>311</strong> <strong>DeVry</strong> <strong>Week</strong> 7 i<strong>Lab</strong><br />


Scenario/Summary<br />

In this lab, you will create a two-tier application that retrieves the name and price of a product from a Microsoft Access<br />

database.<br />

Product Lookup Business Requirements<br />

The user enters the product ID for a product. The application searches the Products table of a Microsoft Access<br />

database named Inventory.accdb for the specified product. If a matching product is found, its name and price are<br />

displayed. If the product is not found, the message "Product ID not found" is displayed.<br />

TOE Chart for Product Lookup User Interface<br />

Task Object Event<br />

Get the following inputs from the user:<br />

Product ID<br />

txtProductID<br />

Perform the following processing:<br />

Retrieve product data from database using product ID<br />

Display the following output to the user:<br />

If the product ID was found: Product name and price<br />

If the product ID was not found: "Product ID not found"<br />

btnFindProduct<br />

dataSvc<br />

lblProductName,<br />

lblProductPrice<br />

lblMessage<br />

Click<br />

Pseudocode for Product Lookup User Interface<br />

Start button-click event handler<br />

Instantiate dataSvc object from DataService class<br />

Declare Boolean variable ProductFound<br />

Get ProductID property of dataSvc from user

ProductFound= result of GetProduct() method of dataSvc<br />

if ProductFound is True<br />

Display Product name and Product price<br />

Else Display "Product ID not found"<br />

Stop button-click event handler<br />

Class Diagram for DataService Class<br />

DataService<br />

+numeric ProductID<br />

+string ProductName<br />

+string ProductPrice<br />

GetProduct()<br />

Pseudocode for GetProduct() Method of DataService Class<br />

Boolean GetProduct()<br />

Instantiate DataSet object for the Inventory database<br />

Instantiate TableAdapter object for the Products table in the Inventory database<br />

Declare Boolean variable Found<br />

Use the Products TableAdapter object to retrieve the Products record matching ProductID into the Inventory DataSet<br />

object<br />

If the count of Products records in the Inventory DataSet > 0<br />

Set ProductName=ProductName field of the first retrieved record<br />

Set ProductPrice=ProductPrice field of the first retrieved record<br />

Set Found=True<br />

Else<br />

Set Found = False<br />

Return Found<br />

End GetProduct()<br />

Remember This<br />

In a true client-server application running on a network, the code in the DataService class would be executed on the<br />

server (the data-services tier), and the form would be executed on the client (the user-interface tier). In this lab, both<br />

the DataService class and the form will be executed on the same computer.<br />

Deliverables<br />

Submit a Word document named <strong>Lab</strong>7YourFirstLastName.docx (where YourFirstLastName = your first and last name;<br />

e.g., <strong>Lab</strong>7JohnSmith.docx) containing the following.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Screenshot of form showing the application running, with a valid product ID entered and the corresponding<br />

product name and price displayed<br />

Screenshot of form showing the application running, with an invalid product ID entered and the message<br />

"Product ID not found" displayed<br />

Copy of code for button-click event<br />

Copy of code for DataService class

Category Points % Description<br />

Create and rename form,<br />

add controls, and set 15 30%<br />

properties<br />

Create<br />

database<br />

connection, dataset, and 10 20%<br />

query function<br />

Code data service class 5 10%<br />

Windows form was created and named ProductLookup.vb. Form text<br />

property was set to <strong>Lab</strong> 7 Your Name (where Your Name = your full<br />

name). The following controls were added to the form: Identifying<br />

label and text box for entry of product ID; button to perform product<br />

lookup; and labels for display of product name, product price, and<br />

error message. Name and text properties of all controls were set<br />

appropriately, with no typos or spelling errors.<br />

A connection to the Inventory database and an associated dataset<br />

containing the Products table were created. A FillByProductID()<br />

method using an SQL query to retrieve a product record with a<br />

specified product ID has been added to the Products table adapter.<br />

A DataService class was created with code that corresponds to the<br />

given class diagram and pseudocode, with no errors. Class includes<br />

public properties for the product ID, product name, and product price,<br />

and a GetProduct() method that retrieves the product name and price<br />

for a specified product ID and returns a Boolean value indicating<br />

success or failure. Code button-click event 5 10% Button-click event<br />

code was entered that corresponds to the given pseudocode, with no<br />

syntax errors. An object of the DataService class is instantiated and<br />

used to retrieve the product name and price for the product ID entered<br />

by the user. The name and price are displayed if the product record<br />

was found, or the "Product ID not found" message otherwise.<br />

Test-run<br />

successfully<br />

application<br />

15 30%<br />

Application is shown running successfully with screenshots for each<br />

of the 4 cases: cases 1–3 each show a valid product ID entered with<br />

correct name and price displayed; case 4 shows an invalid product ID<br />

entered with "Product ID not found" message displayed.<br />

Total 50 100%<br />

Required Software<br />

Visual Studio 2012<br />

Access the software at.devry.edu/">https://lab.devry.edu.<br />

Steps: all<br />

iLAB STEPS Step 1: Create Project and Form<br />

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(a) Important: Before beginning this lab, download the Microsoft Access database file Inventory.accdb from Doc Sharing<br />

and save it to your Downloads folder or on your computer desktop. Don't open the file from Doc Sharing, just save it<br />

and make a note of where it is located. If it downloads automatically when you click on it in Doc Sharing, it is most likely<br />

saved in your Downloads folder, but check to make sure. You will need to be able to locate this file to create a data<br />

connection to it in Step 2.<br />

(b) Log in to the Citrix i<strong>Lab</strong> site as you did in the previous labs. Click the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 icon to launch<br />

Visual Studio.<br />

(c) Pull down the File menu and select New Project . . .<br />

(d) In the New Project dialog, ensure that under Templates in the left column, Visual Basic is selected, and that in the<br />

center column, Windows Form Application is selected. In the Name field at the bottom of the dialog, enter<br />

ProductLookup. Click OK.

(e) In the Solution Explorer pane on the right side of the screen, right-click on Form1.vb, select Rename, and change<br />

the name to ProductLookup.vb. Press Enter after entering the new form name.<br />

(f) Change the Text property of the form to <strong>Lab</strong> 7 Your Name (where Your Name = your full name), as you have done<br />

in previous labs.<br />

(g) Drag the following controls from the ToolBox onto the form, arrange them in a logical fashion, and set their properties<br />

as indicated in the table below.<br />

Control Name Property Text Property<br />

<strong>Lab</strong>el <strong>Lab</strong>el1 Product ID:<br />

TextBox<br />

txtProductID<br />

Button btnFindProduct Find Product<br />

<strong>Lab</strong>el <strong>Lab</strong>el2 Product name:<br />

<strong>Lab</strong>el lblProductName ????????<br />

<strong>Lab</strong>el <strong>Lab</strong>el3 Product price:<br />

<strong>Lab</strong>el lblProductPrice ????????<br />

<strong>Lab</strong>el lblMessage Ready<br />

(h) Ensure that the controls are positioned and sized so that the form has a neat, professional appearance and none<br />

of the text is cut off. Your completed form should look like the following.<br />

Step 2: Create Database Connection and Dataset<br />

.equella.ecollege.com/file/ffda06da-93d2-4c2b-8bea-5ff3d0e58d3e/76/<strong>BIS</strong><strong>311</strong>_W7_i<strong>Lab</strong>.html#top">Back to Top<br />

(a) Pull down the Project menu and select Add New Data Source.<br />

(b) The Data Source Configuration Wizard should appear. On the first screen, select Database and click Next.<br />

(c) On the next screen, select Dataset and click Next.<br />

Step 3: Create SQL Query Method<br />

.equella.ecollege.com/file/ffda06da-93d2-4c2b-8bea-5ff3d0e58d3e/76/<strong>BIS</strong><strong>311</strong>_W7_i<strong>Lab</strong>.html#top">Back to Top<br />

(a) In the Solution Explorer pane on the right, double-click the InventoryDataSet.xsd file to open it in the dataset design<br />

window. Right-click on ProductsTableAdapter, select Add, then select Query.<br />

(b) The TableAdapter Query Configuration Wizard appears. On the Choose a Command Type screen, ensure that the<br />

Use SQL Statements option is selected, and click Next.<br />

(c) On the Choose a Query Type screen, ensure that the option "SELECT which returns rows" is selected, and click<br />

Next.<br />

(d) On the Specify an SQL SELECT statement screen, add the clause WHERE ProductID=? at the end of the displayed<br />

SQL statement. This enables your query to retrieve a Product record with a specific ProductID, rather than returning all<br />

the records. Click Next.<br />

(e) On the Choose Methods to Generate screen, ensure that the checkbox next to Fill a DataTable is checked, and<br />

uncheck the checkbox next to Return a DataTable. Change the Method name under Fill a DataTable to FillByProductID.<br />

Click Next.<br />

(f) The Wizard Results screen should confirm that the SELECT statement and Fill method were generated with no<br />

errors. Click Finish.<br />

(g) Pull down the File menu and select Save All. If a Save Project dialog appears, ensure that the project is saved to<br />

the My DocumentsVisual Studio 2012Projects folder under your DSI number. Click Save.

(h) Click the X on the right of the InventoryDataSet.xsd tab to close the dataset design window.<br />

Step 4: Create DataService Class<br />

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(a) Pull down the Project menu, select Add Class, and add a new class file named DataService.vb to your project.<br />

(b) Starting where the cursor is positioned, in between the Public Class Order and the End Class statements, enter the<br />

following code.<br />

Code for DataService Class<br />

'Data access services class<br />

Public Property ProductID As Integer<br />

Public Property ProductName As String<br />

Public Property ProductPrice As Decimal<br />

Public Function GetProduct() As Boolean<br />

'Get product data from database for product matching ProductID<br />

Dim productsTA As New InventoryDataSetTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter<br />

Dim inventoryDS As New InventoryDataSet<br />

Dim blnFound As Boolean<br />

productsTA.FillByProductID(inventoryDS.Products,ProductID)<br />

If inventoryDS.Products.Count > 0 Then<br />

ProductName = inventoryDS.Products(0).ProductName<br />

ProductPrice = inventoryDS.Products(0).ProductPrice<br />

blnFound = True<br />

Else<br />

ProductName = ""<br />

ProductPrice = 0<br />

blnFound = False<br />

End If<br />

Return blnFound<br />

End Function<br />

(c) After entering the above code, your code editor window should look like this.<br />

Step 6: Test, Debug, and Submit<br />

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(a) Run the application by doing one of the following: click the Start button; pull down the Debug menu and select Start<br />

Debugging; or press the F5 key.<br />

(b) Your form should appear. Test your application by entering the following test cases. For each test case, enter the<br />

indicated value for Product ID; click the Find Product button; and check that the result displayed is correct. Capture a<br />

screenshot of each correct test case and paste it into a Word document. Remember, use CTRL+ALT+PrintScreen to<br />

capture a screenshot.<br />

Test case # Product ID Product name Product price Message

1 123 Road bike $499.95 Product ID found<br />

2 456 Mountain bike $359.95 Product ID found<br />

3 789 Town bike $579.95 Product ID found<br />

4 999 Product ID not found<br />

As an example, your screenshot for test case #1 should look like the following.<br />

(c) If your application does not work correctly, debug the application and try again. Post in the Q & A Forum or contact<br />

your professor for assistance, if needed.<br />

(d) When your application works correctly for all test cases, select and copy all the code for the button-click event<br />

handler and the DataService class and paste it into your Word document below the test case screenshots. Save the<br />

Word document as <strong>Lab</strong>7YourFirstLastName.docx (where YourFirstLastName = your first and last name; e.g.,<br />

JohnSmith) and submit it to the appropriate dropbox.

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

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