condensed master


Will Bonner response, there surely must be one? Gerald finished off his drink and placing the glass back on the table his hand still quivering, he looked across at Will, and struggling with the words he spoke again, this time quietly. "I know that you're with the organization and I've been asked to contact you." Will felt at a disadvantage. His mind flashed back to ferret man, the correspondent, Omah and Blyth, but this man was completely out of character. "I think we should get away from this bar, let's go on to the beach and sort things out." As they walked out of the hotel and on to the beach Will felt the impulse to keep his distance. If any of the crew spotted him with Gerald, seeing his unmistakable walk which obviously put him in the homosexual class, they would never let him forget it for the rest of the voyage. Keeping to the edge of the beach and under the palm trees, Will resumed the conversation. "I'm not part of the organization, but you are." Gerald hesitated, signs of nervousness showing again. "Yes, I am," he blurted out, "and I do know that you have been involved also." "Yes, but I'm not an agent," and as he was speaking it suddenly dawned on him that perhaps someone had made a mistake in bringing him together with Gerald. The possibility of finding out more information about the organization sprang immediately to mind, but this was not the time for questions of that nature. "Are you going to ask me to do something for you here?" "No, I need you to do something with me." This was certainly a turn of events! "Look Gerald, don't push me into anything. You've taken me by surprise. Give me some breathing space. I'll meet you again right here tomorrow around 11 a.m. and we'll talk things over.” Gerald's face took on a scared look. "You're not going to let me down are you? If you do, we'll both be in a lot of trouble." Will paused before speaking. "I've been threatened with reprisals before, but you can count on me being here." Turning he walked away, the scenic splendour of Waikiki beach taking second place to the recent happenings. His mind was now fully preoccupied, trying to come to terms with the fact that here he was again under ferret man's thumb, even though he was on the opposite side of the world! What about Gerald? It was impossible to imagine him as an agent, his whole demeanour was that of a highly strung individual. What am I getting myself into? 96

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage I'll need to know more about him in order to feel secure before getting involved. These thoughts continued to haunt him until the meeting next day. Gerald was there as arranged. Will could see him nervously pacing up and down between the palm trees. The look of relief on his face when he saw Will approaching was easy to read, but to feel sympathy towards him could be a big mistake. "Let's walk along the beach and talk," Will suggested. "I have a better idea. My car is parked outside and I know of a small inlet where we won't be disturbed. It's only a few minutes drive away." "Is the car hired?" Will asked, thinking that Gerald was probably from one of the other ships in the harbour. "No, I own it." "You live here then?" "Yes, I've been here about a year." Will asked no more questions as they approached the car, a massive two-door white coupe with the top down, exposing it's vast comfortable interior. He's got to be working permanently for the organization, Will guessed. They drove off along the beach road and in the relaxed comfort of the car Will began to feel the tensions slipping away, as the exotic scenery once again began demanding his attention. Looking across at Gerald he seemed to sense that he was also beginning to relax, no doubt he was feeling that the initial contact had been made, and everything was still on-going. The car pulled off the beach road into a small picnic area. It had been less than ten minutes since leaving the Royal Hawaiian Hotel so Will estimated that they were no more than two or three miles farther along the beach. The area was certainly secluded and elevated from the road. There were just a few picnic tables scattered indiscriminately amongst the palm trees, and Gerald made his way over to one and sat down. Joining him, Will looked below into a small cove with a sandy beach, a scene that could have come from a tropical island film. "Would you like a coke Will?" he offered, reaching into the bag he had carried from the car. They both sat sipping their drinks in silence, but Will knew that very soon the conversation would get serious again. Taking the initiative, Will asked a direct and searching question. "You've been blackmailed into doing this type of work as I have, haven't you?" Gerald remained silent but the signs of nervousness were beginning to 97

Will Bonner<br />

response, there surely must be one? Gerald finished off his drink and placing the<br />

glass back on the table his hand still quivering, he looked across at Will, and<br />

struggling with the words he spoke again, this time quietly.<br />

"I know that you're with the organization and I've been asked to contact you."<br />

Will felt at a disadvantage. His mind flashed back to ferret man, the correspondent,<br />

Omah and Blyth, but this man was completely out of character.<br />

"I think we should get away from this bar, let's go on to the beach and sort<br />

things out." As they walked out of the hotel and on to the beach Will felt the<br />

impulse to keep his distance. If any of the crew spotted him with Gerald, seeing<br />

his unmistakable walk which obviously put him in the homosexual class, they<br />

would never let him forget it for the rest of the voyage. Keeping to the edge of the<br />

beach and under the palm trees, Will resumed the conversation. "I'm not part of<br />

the organization, but you are."<br />

Gerald hesitated, signs of nervousness showing again. "Yes, I am," he blurted<br />

out, "and I do know that you have been involved also."<br />

"Yes, but I'm not an agent," and as he was speaking it suddenly dawned on<br />

him that perhaps someone had made a mistake in bringing him together with<br />

Gerald. The possibility of finding out more information about the organization<br />

sprang immediately to mind, but this was not the time for questions of that nature.<br />

"Are you going to ask me to do something for you here?"<br />

"No, I need you to do something with me." This was certainly a turn of events!<br />

"Look Gerald, don't push me into anything. You've taken me by surprise. Give<br />

me some breathing space. I'll meet you again right here tomorrow around 11 a.m.<br />

and we'll talk things over.”<br />

Gerald's face took on a scared look. "You're not going to let me down are<br />

you? If you do, we'll both be in a lot of trouble."<br />

Will paused before speaking. "I've been threatened with reprisals before, but<br />

you can count on me being here."<br />

Turning he walked away, the scenic splendour of Waikiki beach taking<br />

second place to the recent happenings. His mind was now fully preoccupied, trying<br />

to come to terms with the fact that here he was again under ferret man's thumb,<br />

even though he was on the opposite side of the world!<br />

What about Gerald? It was impossible to imagine him as an agent, his whole<br />

demeanour was that of a highly strung individual. What am I getting myself into?<br />


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