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The Reluctant agent<br />

A Compelling Story of Espionage<br />

"Just walking," Will replied, but was taken completely off guard and had no<br />

time for defence as he felt the blow of a baton glancing off his shoulder and striking<br />

his ear, which began to sting like crazy. Stepping aside, Will felt blood trickle<br />

down his neck and the sensation prompted him to reach up and wipe it away with<br />

his hand.<br />

"Don't be bloody smart with me!" It was the gorilla man again. "You goddam<br />

Pommies need to be taught a lesson. I'll ask you once again, what are you doing<br />

here?" Will hesitated, the anger was beginning to mount inside him and he was<br />

doing his best to quell it, at the same time his instinct was preparing him for more<br />

blows.<br />

"I've told you, just walking," which prompted further blows from the baton<br />

across his body and face, and he realized that both men were now hitting him.<br />

Reeling backwards, Will fell to the ground on his back and looking up he saw the<br />

young driver stand up.<br />

"Steady on Sarge!" he called out, "I think he's telling the truth." This brought<br />

a violent rebuke from the gorilla man, and the young driver promptly sat down with<br />

a sheepish look on his face. Picking himself up, Will felt as though his body had<br />

been trampled on by a herd of cows, but he now concentrated all his attention<br />

towards the gorilla man and his rage was now beginning to surface.<br />

"You're nothing but a pig and a bully!" Will shouted, as he positioned himself<br />

defensively. The gorilla man lunged forward again with his baton, but Will was now<br />

ready to fight back. He saw the surprise on the gorilla man's face as he stepped<br />

forward instead of retreating. Wrenching the baton from his hand he thrust it into<br />

his stomach, then stepping backwards Will threw the baton with all his force at the<br />

gorilla man, momentarily watching it bounce off his upper body. Instantly turning,<br />

Will ran into the forest knowing that he could easily outdistance the older men, and<br />

very soon found himself dodging between the trees at breakneck speed.<br />

I mustn't get lost! he thought, stopping briefly to get his bearings and catch his<br />

breath. Then deciding on a particular direction he moved away again, as fast as his<br />

legs would carry him.<br />

Pictures of the Aden affair kept flashing into his head and his heart was once<br />

again pounding to the limit of it's beat rate. As he ran, the birds were scattering<br />

amongst the trees, and the forest had now changed from a scenic pleasure, into a<br />

nightmare. Stopping once again to catch his breath, Will strained to listen for<br />


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