condensed master


Will Bonner Will was trying his hardest to get a ship that was going to the USA. Ships built there called Liberty ships, were manned by British crews who were transported over, to bring them back to England. As each day went by, the possibility of getting one seemed to be more remote. A further week went by, and he was beginning to resist the urge to be selective. On the following Monday morning he found himself standing once more in front of a controller at the shipping pool. "There's a ship called the "Wiltshire" crewing up," the controller informed him, "your credentials qualify. Would you like to go down there and have a look?" What the heck Will thought, why not? "She's berthed at Gravesend, I'll give you a travel pass for the train. The arrangements will be made for you to see someone on board tomorrow, at 10.00 a.m. Report back here on Wednesday." Arriving at Gravesend the next morning Will had no difficulty finding the berth, but his first sight of the ship came as a shock. It was so small, in comparison to his previous ship, appearing to be only a quarter of it's size. A single funnelled motor vessel, with the crew's quarters above decks and behind the bridge-house, all positioned two-thirds back from the bow. Just four lifeboats and four Carley floats, indicating a fairly small crew. Taking a second look, and by now getting used to it's size, the ship looked brand spanking new, and the shape was pleasing to the eye. Things might be better than I first thought. I wonder where she's bound? Once on board Will searched around looking for someone to get directions, finally approaching a welder doing some repairs on the upper deck. "Are there any ship's officers about?" "No, but somebody came aboard about twenty minutes ago, they are in a cabin at the end of that passageway," pointing to an open doorway. Will knocked on the door finding that it was a small office-room, and inside sitting behind a desk was a man dressed in civilian clothes. "You'll be Brenner I suppose? Come in and sit down, there's no crew aboard. I'm from the company." The interview was a formality, followed by a quick tour of the ship, during the course of which Will was shown his cabin. In comparison to his previous ship, this cabin was in the luxury class. Just two berths and well equipped with drawers and locker space. 74

The Reluctant agent A Compelling Story of Espionage "You'll be bunking with Ted the pastry cook," the company man informed him. Back in the office Will had been suitably impressed. "Where's she bound for?" "New York, Norfolk Virginia, and then into the Pacific." Will just couldn't believe his ears, the company man continued, "but before you sign I have to tell you that if everything goes as planned, the ship will be chartered for two years by the Americans, requiring you to sign on for that period. How do you feel about that?" What a blow! Just when he had practically made up his mind. Two years was a long time to be away, and he tried to picture the time in his mind. Just like four long voyages he thought. That's not too bad, and he would probably see lots of places in the Pacific. "Is it a new crew signing on?" "No, most of them have been with the ship for two or more voyages." That convinced Will that they must be satisfied. "I've decided to sign on. When does she sail?" "In three days, next Friday actually, and you will have to report on Thursday." Will gasped, things were moving along at a fair pace but he did not feel concerned. Signing the articles, Will went back down to see his cabin for a longer look before leaving. It appeared better than before, and if the pastry cook was amiable, he would be happy bunking there. Travelling back to London, he realized that he would have no time to see the family before sailing. The following day would be taken up with signing off at the Navy office, and getting his gear ready for travelling back down to Gravesend, on Thursday morning. He would spend a couple of hours writing a long letter to his mother, but would not mention that he may be away for the next two years. Time flew by, and Will soon found himself back on the "Wiltshire." He was now eager to get underway, his mind already projecting to their first stop, New York. The novelty of the day had been tiring, and after many interrupted nights at the mission, the cosy surroundings of his new cabin, with clean sheets and blankets on his bunk, felt like heaven. This was going to be his best night's sleep since getting back from leave. Awakened by a noise in the cabin, Will opened his eyes to find it was the vibration of the ship's motor starting up. Realizing that he had slept without 75

Will Bonner<br />

Will was trying his hardest to get a ship that was going to the USA. Ships built<br />

there called Liberty ships, were manned by British crews who were transported<br />

over, to bring them back to England.<br />

As each day went by, the possibility of getting one seemed to be more remote.<br />

A further week went by, and he was beginning to resist the urge to be selective.<br />

On the following Monday morning he found himself standing once more in front of<br />

a controller at the shipping pool.<br />

"There's a ship called the "Wiltshire" crewing up," the controller informed him,<br />

"your credentials qualify. Would you like to go down there and have a look?"<br />

What the heck Will thought, why not? "She's berthed at Gravesend, I'll give you<br />

a travel pass for the train. The arrangements will be made for you to see someone<br />

on board tomorrow, at 10.00 a.m. Report back here on Wednesday."<br />

Arriving at Gravesend the next morning Will had no difficulty finding the berth,<br />

but his first sight of the ship came as a shock. It was so small, in comparison to<br />

his previous ship, appearing to be only a quarter of it's size.<br />

A single funnelled motor vessel, with the crew's quarters above decks and<br />

behind the bridge-house, all positioned two-thirds back from the bow. Just four<br />

lifeboats and four Carley floats, indicating a fairly small crew. Taking a second<br />

look, and by now getting used to it's size, the ship looked brand spanking new,<br />

and the shape was pleasing to the eye. Things might be better than I first thought.<br />

I wonder where she's bound?<br />

Once on board Will searched around looking for someone to get directions,<br />

finally approaching a welder doing some repairs on the upper deck. "Are there<br />

any ship's officers about?"<br />

"No, but somebody came aboard about twenty minutes ago, they are in a<br />

cabin at the end of that passageway," pointing to an open doorway.<br />

Will knocked on the door finding that it was a small office-room, and inside<br />

sitting behind a desk was a man dressed in civilian clothes.<br />

"You'll be Brenner I suppose? Come in and sit down, there's no crew aboard.<br />

I'm from the company."<br />

The interview was a formality, followed by a quick tour of the ship, during the<br />

course of which Will was shown his cabin. In comparison to his previous ship, this<br />

cabin was in the luxury class. Just two berths and well equipped with drawers and<br />

locker space.<br />


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