condensed master


Will Bonner "I can arrange for someone to bring one or two for you to look at." Will felt the tension rising again. "I am prepared to pay a lot of money for the right one, but I must see a collection to be able to choose, otherwise I am not interested." The Goanese hesitated before answering. Everything was going as Blyth had outlined, but this is where it could fall apart. He had done as he was asked and could do no more. "Wait here," and returning to the others they once again engaged in animated conversation, and the visual interchange started all over again, giving Will the feeling of a criminal in a police line-up. Will walked across to the centre of the room aligning himself with the front door to get a full view of the street and observing that the activity had not decreased. The continuous flow on the pavement across the entrance of the shop was suddenly interrupted by the appearance inside the door of a man walking briskly into the room. He was Hindu, Will recognized him immediately as the owner of another shop he had frequented on a previous occasion. Spotting Will, he bounded across to him with outstretched hand. "Hello Sahib, why are you here and not buying from my beautiful shop?" Will gave a customary reply, watching him head to the back of the room to talk to the Goanese. After engaging in conversation, laughter emanated from the group as the Hindu pointed towards Will. On his way past Will he stopped briefly. "Don't forget Sahib, if you're not satisfied here come to my beautiful shop." The Goanese appeared at his side. "One of my boys will follow you back to the ship, and we will get back to you tomorrow. Bring enough cash, you may need a thousand rupees," he said, as they both stepped out into the street. After a short interchange with one of the boys who Will had seen before entering the shop, the Goanese disappeared back inside. Everything so far had gone according to plan. The boy, who was designated to follow him back to the ship was typical. Dressed in a shirt, shorts and sandals, he was sticking to him like glue, some twenty or thirty paces behind. During the 30 minutes walk, Will had time to think about what had transpired. Away from the tense atmosphere of the shop he could analyze things more rationally, finally realizing that only two factors had any significance. 60

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage First, the appearance on the scene of the big Hindu, and second, the mere fact that he was in the process of deceiving them, and it was the latter that was creating the turmoil for him. Coming to this conclusion, he knew that he had to keep a strong curb on his nerves, otherwise they could contribute to his downfall. Approaching the gangway he looked back along the quay, but there was no sign of the boy. He was probably still observing him, and Will, walking to the top of the gangway, conversed with the seaman on watch for a couple of minutes, then went below. The following morning Will sat on deck, his mates were either sleeping in, or had already gone ashore. He felt as though he was in a dentist's waiting-room, but the ache was in his head, not his mouth! They may not come. What’s likely to happen when he went back to the shop? Would he be taken somewhere? In an effort to put the questions and doubts into the back of his mind he started to walk the deck. Lunch time came and went without contact, and Will was beginning to think that they had abandoned the arrangement. He had already been to the Pursers office to procure the one thousand rupees, and apart from changing into his shore going clothes he was ready to go. To help pass the time away he decided to go up to see if Wes was around and find out what he had been up to, but just as he was about to leave he was approached by one of the Goanese cabin stewards coming across the deck, still dressed in his work uniform. He was obviously still on duty. Will knew him by sight and hesitated, allowing him to catch up. "Will Brenner?" "Yes." "I've been asked to tell you to go to the shop now." "I understand." Will tried not to show his surprise, but he was completely astounded. He was expecting someone from ashore to contact him, and to be called to the gangway, but this was a complete turn of events, and he struggled to take control of the situation, thinking about the ramifications of having the possibility of a crew member with knowledge of his dealings. He's only passing on a message, don't make a big thing of it. Go ashore and get it over and done with! 61

The Reluctant Agent<br />

A Compelling Story of Espionage<br />

First, the appearance on the scene of the big Hindu, and second, the mere fact<br />

that he was in the process of deceiving them, and it was the latter that was creating<br />

the turmoil for him. Coming to this conclusion, he knew that he had to keep a<br />

strong curb on his nerves, otherwise they could contribute to his downfall.<br />

Approaching the gangway he looked back along the quay, but there was no<br />

sign of the boy. He was probably still observing him, and Will, walking to the top<br />

of the gangway, conversed with the seaman on watch for a couple of minutes,<br />

then went below.<br />

The following morning Will sat on deck, his mates were either sleeping in, or<br />

had already gone ashore. He felt as though he was in a dentist's waiting-room, but<br />

the ache was in his head, not his mouth!<br />

They may not come. What’s likely to happen when he went back to the shop?<br />

Would he be taken somewhere?<br />

In an effort to put the questions and doubts into the back of his mind he started<br />

to walk the deck. Lunch time came and went without contact, and Will was<br />

beginning to think that they had abandoned the arrangement. He had already been<br />

to the Pursers office to procure the one thousand rupees, and apart from changing<br />

into his shore going clothes he was ready to go.<br />

To help pass the time away he decided to go up to see if Wes was around and<br />

find out what he had been up to, but just as he was about to leave he was<br />

approached by one of the Goanese cabin stewards coming across the deck, still<br />

dressed in his work uniform. He was obviously still on duty. Will knew him by<br />

sight and hesitated, allowing him to catch up.<br />

"Will Brenner?"<br />

"Yes."<br />

"I've been asked to tell you to go to the shop now."<br />

"I understand." Will tried not to show his surprise, but he was completely<br />

astounded.<br />

He was expecting someone from ashore to contact him, and to be called to the<br />

gangway, but this was a complete turn of events, and he struggled to take control<br />

of the situation, thinking about the ramifications of having the possibility of a crew<br />

member with knowledge of his dealings. He's only passing on a message, don't<br />

make a big thing of it. Go ashore and get it over and done with!<br />


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