condensed master


Will Bonner "How can I help you, Sahib?" The command of the English language here in Bombay was prevalent, and the accent a delight. Will would have no difficulty in communicating. "I would like to see some good quality sandals, with solid heels and soles." "Yes Sahib, would you like some tea while you are waiting?" "No thank you, I've just had lunch." The Hindu nodding his head, retired to get the sandals and Will settled back in an easy chair. The shop assistants here were natural experts in the art of looking after the needs of a customer. Never rushing, and always obliging, it would take some considerable time to close the sale, and during that time a relationship would be struck, which would well serve Will's needs to lead into the enquiry about the knives. Lots of sandals were brought and displayed on the floor in front of Will for his selection, and talk centred around the pro's and con's of the various designs. The two soldiers had left with small rolled up carpets tucked under their arms, much to the delight of the salesman beaming his way to the back of the shop, leaving Will the sole customer. By this time his own transaction was well under way, and he was now calling the salesman by his first name. This was probably about the right time to spring the question thought Will, and awaited the right opportunity during the haggling over the price, which was a well known ritual, but none was forthcoming. The price was now agreed and he was reaching for his wallet and thinking to himself "I'm going to blow it" when his chance came right out of the blue. "Is there anything else, Sahib?" "As a matter of fact there is something you may be able to help me with." "Yes, Sahib." "A friend of mine bought a ceremonial dagger in Bombay about a year ago. Would you know where I could get one to use as an ornamental letter opener?" A look of anxiety came over Ali's face, and Will persisted further. "I'm prepared to pay quite a lot of money for it, just a small one." "I'm sorry Sahib I can't help you, but I'll make some enquiries." Will turned in his chair to follow Ali's progress to the back of the shop. 58

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage The two men from the office had moved into the carpet section and Ali was making a bee-line for them. Animated discussion took place, all three men staring intently in Will's direction. Will initially stared back, trying to convey a confident air, but inside the butterflies were beginning to return, and he finally picked up his newly purchased sandals, pretending to examine them, occasionally looking their way for a few seconds at a time. Ali quickly ran across and disappeared through one of the side doors, and when it reopened Will was confronted with something he had not bargained for. The man who entered was big and stocky, wearing a turban, and belted shirt over his ballooned trousers. Sporting a bushy black beard and long curved moustache, he could have just stepped out from a Hollywood movie. But to Will, as he strode across to the others, he represented a fearful shift of the circumstances. Feeling the change of mood Will, pretending to look through the racks against the wall, moved closer to the door, to provide if necessary, a quick exit. Glancing back at the group he was aware that they were staring at him again, but still engaged in conversation. Will's tension was still rising by the second, and all he could hear was the pounding of his heart. He tried to control it by breathing slow and deep. What was to happen next? He didn't have to wait long to find out, as one of the men dressed in European clothes, walked down the room towards him. As he drew closer it became evident to Will that he was not Hindu but Goanese, and would probably originate from Goa, an independent Portugese state, situated about 300 miles south of Bombay. Their facial structure, unlike the Hindu, was as different as chalk from cheese. They could easily be picked out from the crowd, and were employed on the ships as stewards. Will knew their ways well, and his tension began to fade away. "You wanted to see some daggers?" "Yes, I was looking for a small ceremonial dagger to use as a letter opener. Do you know anyone that can sell me one?" "Perhaps. Are you from the convoy?" "Yes, my ship is berthed at Victoria dock, but I only have three days before we sail. My name is Will Brenner." he said, extending his hand. 59

The Reluctant Agent<br />

A Compelling Story of Espionage<br />

The two men from the office had moved into the carpet section and Ali was<br />

making a bee-line for them. Animated discussion took place, all three men staring<br />

intently in Will's direction.<br />

Will initially stared back, trying to convey a confident air, but inside the<br />

butterflies were beginning to return, and he finally picked up his newly purchased<br />

sandals, pretending to examine them, occasionally looking their way for a few<br />

seconds at a time. Ali quickly ran across and disappeared through one of the side<br />

doors, and when it reopened Will was confronted with something he had not<br />

bargained for.<br />

The man who entered was big and stocky, wearing a turban, and belted shirt<br />

over his ballooned trousers. Sporting a bushy black beard and long curved<br />

moustache, he could have just stepped out from a Hollywood movie. But to Will,<br />

as he strode across to the others, he represented a fearful shift of the<br />

circumstances.<br />

Feeling the change of mood Will, pretending to look through the racks against<br />

the wall, moved closer to the door, to provide if necessary, a quick exit. Glancing<br />

back at the group he was aware that they were staring at him again, but still<br />

engaged in conversation. Will's tension was still rising by the second, and all he<br />

could hear was the pounding of his heart. He tried to control it by breathing slow<br />

and deep.<br />

What was to happen next? He didn't have to wait long to find out, as one of<br />

the men dressed in European clothes, walked down the room towards him. As he<br />

drew closer it became evident to Will that he was not Hindu but Goanese, and<br />

would probably originate from Goa, an independent Portugese state, situated<br />

about 300 miles south of Bombay.<br />

Their facial structure, unlike the Hindu, was as different as chalk from cheese.<br />

They could easily be picked out from the crowd, and were employed on the ships<br />

as stewards. Will knew their ways well, and his tension began to fade away.<br />

"You wanted to see some daggers?"<br />

"Yes, I was looking for a small ceremonial dagger to use as a letter opener.<br />

Do you know anyone that can sell me one?"<br />

"Perhaps. Are you from the convoy?"<br />

"Yes, my ship is berthed at Victoria dock, but I only have three days before<br />

we sail. My name is Will Brenner." he said, extending his hand.<br />


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