condensed master


Will Bonner The voyage across the Indian Ocean to Bombay, even though the monsoon season had started, would be routine and mundane, but after his recent experiences, for once, he was looking forward to that. Feeling very tired he climbed into his bunk for an early night. Nothing, not even the heat would prevent him from having a long sleep, but before he closed his eyes he made a vow. He would never go ashore in Aden again. 46

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage Chapter 4 The Proposal The voyage across the Indian Ocean would take over a week, and after the events in Aden Will was happy during the first few days to settle down to his routine watches. In that part of the world, it was the time of year when the monsoons started, and before very long Will found himself once again, in heavy seas. It was not quite as bad as the Atlantic, but bad enough for his stomach to start rejecting food. Portholes were closed, the deadlights lowered and screwed down tight, to prevent the seas from getting into the cabin, should the porthole be damaged. With the lower decks now battened down, the air circulation was reliant only on the ship's ventilation system, consequently, the temperature skyrocketed. The incessant rain made the atmosphere excessively humid, and breathing most difficult. Will kept a constant vigil, inspecting the clothes hanging in his locker. Mould was growing in patches and needed regular attention to prevent having to throw 47

Will Bonner<br />

The voyage across the Indian Ocean to Bombay, even though the monsoon season<br />

had started, would be routine and mundane, but after his recent experiences, for<br />

once, he was looking forward to that.<br />

Feeling very tired he climbed into his bunk for an early night. Nothing, not even<br />

the heat would prevent him from having a long sleep, but before he closed his eyes<br />

he made a vow.<br />

He would never go ashore in Aden again.<br />


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