condensed master


Will Bonner Omah, was no doubt a well respected business man in Aden, and they would never suspect him, so the chances were good that he would not be implicated. He had heard of seamen being thrown into foreign jails for being drunk and disorderly, and because of the Embassy acting too slowly in dealing with the situation, their ships would sail without them. Was this going to happen to him? Lying down on his side with his knees drawn up to his chest he fell into a series of short but troubled naps, awaking each time to stretch his cramped legs, or being disturbed by the guard checking up on him. It seemed forever before the light of dawn came, but in reality it had only been a few hours. Hearing noises in the corridor outside he stood up to see the hatch in the door open, and a glass of water on a plate with a small pancake, appearing on the shelf, adjacent to the hatch door. Will was not hungry as he had eaten the night before, so he fortunately had no desire to eat the stale looking pancake, but he would have to drink knowing the problems the lack of fluid would bring, after sweating for so long. Picking up the glass he took a sip. It was warm, as though it had been standing out in the sun, it tasted shocking, and he could see bits of debris floating in the bottom of the glass. Steeling himself and trying not to disturb the debris, he lifted the glass and tried to take in as much as he could, shuddering as he did so. Standing by the door, and placing his ear next to the barred opening, he strained to listen to the activity going on in the reception area hoping to hear some English language, but no such luck. He remained there nevertheless, it being the best vantage point with nowhere else to go. Quite early that morning he was surprised to be ushered into the reception area, where it was obvious by the way he was dressed, that the man standing there was from the Embassy. By the look on his face, he was definitely not very happy being called out early. His bearing would have fitted in perfectly with the plush decor of the Embassy, looking completely out of place in this filthy setting. "My name is Forsyth, what have you been up to young man?" he asked accusingly. "Nothing, I just got caught out during the curfew." "You should have known better, you've got us into a fine mess." Will felt his anger rising. "Mr. Forsyth, isn't it your job to look after my welfare? Ask whether I am being mistreated and properly housed? Also, when 42

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage can I expect to be released back to my ship?" "Don't be impertinent young man, we'll do our best but we can't promise anything." Typical! Will thought, as he was being taken back to his cell. That didn't go down very well, and as the door once again clanged shut behind him he began to imagine the consequences, if he were to be left behind. The encounter with the Embassy official Forsyth, had built up a resentment that was giving him some spark. What the hell! he thought. These government people don't work in days, it takes them all of that to sign a piece of paper! Resigning himself to the fact that he would have to wait it out, he decided that if nothing had happened by the evening he would start complaining bitterly, making himself a nuisance until they gave him better quarters and food, so he settled down to wait. As the day went by the cell turned into an oven, and Will found himself lying on the floor, both to conserve energy and to try to get away from the heat, which was several degrees hotter closer to the ceiling. It was early afternoon when he was aroused by loud English speaking voices shouting in the reception area. His feeling of fatigue seemed suddenly to disappear as the sounds inspired him. Leaping to his feet he placed his ear once again next to the grating in the door, but before he had the chance to decipher what was going on, he could hear multiple sets of footsteps approaching, along the short corridor to his cell. The door opened and he was confronted by Peter Bowles, one of the officers from the ship, in full uniform. Immediately behind him, an entourage of just about all the policemen on duty, including the Inspector who had interrogated him the previous night. "Bloody hell! he shouted looking at Will's condition, and turning to the Inspector, Bowles continued, "you've tortured him, you've bloody well tortured him!" "No, we haven't," the Inspector replied, looking alarmed, not knowing how to deal with the situation. Peter Bowles rage continued to rise and also the amplitude of his voice. "I'm going to have this man photographed for evidence, and I'll see to it that you all get charged and court martialled. You'll all lose your jobs, and if I have my way you'll get put in prison. Release this man immediately!" 43

Will Bonner<br />

Omah, was no doubt a well respected business man in Aden, and they would<br />

never suspect him, so the chances were good that he would not be implicated. He<br />

had heard of seamen being thrown into foreign jails for being drunk and disorderly,<br />

and because of the Embassy acting too slowly in dealing with the situation, their<br />

ships would sail without them. Was this going to happen to him?<br />

Lying down on his side with his knees drawn up to his chest he fell into a series<br />

of short but troubled naps, awaking each time to stretch his cramped legs, or being<br />

disturbed by the guard checking up on him.<br />

It seemed forever before the light of dawn came, but in reality it had only been<br />

a few hours. Hearing noises in the corridor outside he stood up to see the hatch<br />

in the door open, and a glass of water on a plate with a small pancake, appearing<br />

on the shelf, adjacent to the hatch door.<br />

Will was not hungry as he had eaten the night before, so he fortunately had no<br />

desire to eat the stale looking pancake, but he would have to drink knowing the<br />

problems the lack of fluid would bring, after sweating for so long.<br />

Picking up the glass he took a sip. It was warm, as though it had been standing<br />

out in the sun, it tasted shocking, and he could see bits of debris floating in the<br />

bottom of the glass. Steeling himself and trying not to disturb the debris, he lifted<br />

the glass and tried to take in as much as he could, shuddering as he did so.<br />

Standing by the door, and placing his ear next to the barred opening, he<br />

strained to listen to the activity going on in the reception area hoping to hear some<br />

English language, but no such luck. He remained there nevertheless, it being the<br />

best vantage point with nowhere else to go.<br />

Quite early that morning he was surprised to be ushered into the reception<br />

area, where it was obvious by the way he was dressed, that the man standing there<br />

was from the Embassy. By the look on his face, he was definitely not very happy<br />

being called out early. His bearing would have fitted in perfectly with the plush<br />

decor of the Embassy, looking completely out of place in this filthy setting.<br />

"My name is Forsyth, what have you been up to young man?" he asked<br />

accusingly.<br />

"Nothing, I just got caught out during the curfew."<br />

"You should have known better, you've got us into a fine mess."<br />

Will felt his anger rising. "Mr. Forsyth, isn't it your job to look after my<br />

welfare? Ask whether I am being mistreated and properly housed? Also, when<br />


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